
Genstar Capital & TA Partner With AffiniPay Management to Drive Next Chapter of Growth

Genstar Capital & TA Partner With AffiniPay Management to Drive Next Chapter of Growth

Genstar Capital和長益合作與AffiniPay管理團隊共同推動創業板的下個篇章
PR Newswire ·  07/17 07:30

Additional Investment and Resources to Accelerate AffiniPay's Expansion and Growth in Practice Management Software and Embedded Financial Services


SAN FRANCISCO and BOSTON, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Genstar Capital ("Genstar") and TA Associates ("TA") announced today that the parties have entered into an agreement for Genstar to make a significant investment in AffiniPay, a leading provider of practice management software, integrated payments and embedded fintech for professionals across the legal, accounting, and professional services end markets. TA has been an investor in AffiniPay since 2020 and will continue to retain a meaningful stake in the company. Upon completion of the transaction, funds advised by Apax, which currently hold a minority position in AffiniPay, will fully exit their investment.

舊金山和波士頓,2024年7月17日 /美通社/ -- Genstar Capital(“Genstar”)和TA Associates(“TA”)今天宣佈,雙方已經達成協議,Genstar將對AffiniPay 進行重大投資,AffiniPay是專爲法律,會計和專業服務終端市場的專業人員提供實踐管理軟件,集成支付和嵌入式金融科技的領先提供商。TA自2020年以來一直是AffiniPay的投資者,並將繼續持有公司的持續份額。交易完成後,目前持有AffiniPay少數股權的Apax基金將完全退出他們的投資。總部位於德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的AffiniPay擁有500多名員工,通過行業專用解決方案爲超過245,000個客戶提供服務,包括:面向法律行業的領先實踐管理軟件應用程序MyCase、CASEpeer和Docketwise;LawPay,一款法律行業的知名支付平台;以及CPACharge,一個領先的會計行業支付平台。通過這筆增量投資,AffiniPay計劃通過投資新產品和垂直領域來繼續承諾創新和卓越,擴展其已經全面的實踐管理軟件和嵌入式金融科技解決方案。

Headquartered in Austin, TX, AffiniPay has more than 500 employees and serves over 245,000 customers through industry-specific solutions, including: MyCase, CASEpeer, and Docketwise, leading practice management software applications for the legal industry; LawPay, a marquee payments platform for the legal industry; and CPACharge, a leading payments platform for the accounting industry. With this incremental investment, AffiniPay plans to continue its commitment to innovation and excellence by extending its already comprehensive suite of practice management software and embedded fintech solutions.

“我們爲能與TA和Genstar一起迎來這一頁新的篇章感到非常興奮,”AffiniPay的CEO Dru Armstrong說道。“自2021年加入AffiniPay以來,我們取得了驚人的發展勢頭。影響核心記錄軟件與金融技術相結合的方式可以使我們的客戶受益,並推動法律和會計行業的運營向前發展。Genstar和TA的支持將使我們能夠繼續投資於爲專業人員提供的實踐管理軟件和嵌入式金融服務平台。

"We are thrilled for this next chapter with TA and Genstar," said Dru Armstrong, CEO of AffiniPay. "Since I joined AffiniPay in 2021, we've had incredible momentum and it's been so rewarding to influence how core system of record software combined with financial technology can benefit our customers and push the operations of the legal and accounting industries forward. The support of Genstar and TA will allow us to continue investing in our practice management software and embedded financial services platform for professionals."

Genstar的管理合夥人Eli Weiss評論說:“Genstar長期以來一直在投資於行業領先的垂直軟件和支付公司。鑑於AffiniPay的領先市場地位,致力於創新,以及我們相信的強勁管理團隊,我們對AffiniPay的增長軌跡感到興奮。與TA一起,Genstar期待在幫助公司擴展其在軟件和金融科技領域的領導地位的同時,通過投資新的產品和垂直領域來開拓新的增長途徑。"

Eli Weiss, Managing Partner of Genstar, commented, "Genstar has a long history of investing in industry-leading vertical software and payments companies. We are excited about AffiniPay's growth trajectory given its leading market position, commitment to innovation, and, we believe, strong management team. Alongside TA, Genstar looks forward to helping the Company extend its leadership in software and fintech while enabling new avenues of growth, through investments in new products and verticals."

TA的董事總經理Roy Burns和董事Clara Jackson表示:“自2020年我們投資以來,AffiniPay已經實現了有意義的有機增長並戰略性地增強了其產品,在視覺效果上全新,賦能了專業人員提高生產力,鞏固其行業領導地位。Genstar的新投資顯示了AffiniPay戰略的實力,未來的機遇依然存在。我們期待加深與AffiniPay管理團隊的合作,並與Genstar密切合作,進一步加速公司的成長之旅。"

"Since our investment in 2020, AffiniPay has realized meaningful organic growth and strategically enhanced its offerings, empowering professionals with solutions that increase productivity and reinforcing its position as an industry leader. Genstar's new investment demonstrates the strength of AffiniPay's strategy and the continued opportunity that lies ahead. We look forward to deepening our partnership with the AffiniPay management team and collaborating closely with Genstar to further accelerate the Company's growth journey," said Roy Burns, Managing Director of TA and Clara Jackson, Director of TA.

Lazard和Raymond James擔任AffiniPay和TA的財務顧問。 Goodwin Procter LLP爲TA提供法律顧問服務。 Ropes & Gray LLP爲Genstar提供法律顧問服務。

Lazard and Raymond James served as financial advisors to AffiniPay and TA. Goodwin Procter LLP, provided legal counsel to TA. Ropes & Gray LLP, provided legal counsel to Genstar.

關於AffiniPay:AffiniPay是實踐管理軟件和在線支付方面爲法律、會計、建築、工程和建造行業的專業人士提供服務的市場領導者之一。AffiniPay連續12年被評爲Inc. 5000增長最快的公司之一。每個品牌都以其爲行業提供的定製解決方案領導市場,包括根據行業特性構建的LawPay、MyCase、CASEpeer、Docketwise、CPACharge和AffiniPay for Associations。AffiniPay的解決方案得到了逾245,000名法律和會計專業人士的信任,擁有超過150個戰略合作伙伴和認可,包括美國律師協會和美國註冊會計師協會。訪問""。

About AffiniPay
AffiniPay is a market leader in practice management software and online payments for professionals serving legal, accounting, architectural, engineering, and construction firms. AffiniPay has been recognized as one of Inc. 5000's fastest-growing companies for 12 years in a row. Each of its brands leads the market it serves with solutions purpose-built by industry including LawPay, MyCase, CASEpeer, Docketwise, CPACharge, and AffiniPay for Associations. AffiniPay's solutions are trusted by more than 245,000 legal & accounting professionals with more than 150 strategic partnerships and endorsements, including the American Bar Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Visit to learn more.

AffiniPay是市場領導者,提供給服務於法律、會計、建築、工程和建造公司的實踐管理軟件和在線支付服務。 AffiniPay已連續12年被認定爲Inc5000增長最快的公司之一,其每個品牌均按行業構建解決方案,其中包括LawPay,MyCase,CASEpeer,Docketwise,CPACharge和AffiniPay for Associations。 AffiniPay的解決方案得到逾245,000名法律會計專業人士和逾150個戰略合作伙伴及背書的信任,包括美國律師協會和美國註冊會計師協會。請訪問affinipay.comGenstar Capital(TA)是一家領先的私募股權公司,積極投資於高質量公司超過30年。 總部位於舊金山,Genstar與其管理團隊及其戰略顧問網絡合作,將其投資組合公司轉化爲業界領先的企業。 Genstar目前管理着約490億美元的資產,定位於在金融服務、工業、軟件和醫療保健行業的特定領域進行投資。了解更多。

About Genstar Capital
Genstar Capital () is a leading private equity firm that has been actively investing in high quality companies for over 30 years. Based in San Francisco, Genstar works in partnership with its management teams and its network of strategic advisors to transform its portfolio companies into industry-leading businesses. Genstar currently has approximately $49 billion of assets under management and targets investments focused on targeted segments of the financial services, industrials, software, and healthcare industries.

關於Genstar Capital

About TA
TA is a leading global private equity firm focused on scaling growth in profitable companies. Since 1968, TA has invested in more than 560 companies across its five target industries – technology, healthcare, financial services, consumer and business services. Leveraging its deep industry expertise and strategic resources, TA collaborates with management teams worldwide to help high-quality companies deliver lasting value. The firm has raised $65 billion in capital to date and has over 150 investment professionals across offices in Boston, Menlo Park, Austin, London, Mumbai and Hong Kong.

TA是一家領先的全球私募股權公司,專注於擴大盈利公司的增長。 TA自1968年以來已經投資了超過560家公司,涵蓋了其五個目標行業-技術、保健、金融服務、消費和商業服務。 利用其深厚的行業專業知識和戰略資源,TA與全球管理團隊合作,幫助高質量公司提供持久的價值。 該公司迄今已籌集了65億美元的資本,並在波士頓,門洛帕克,奧斯汀,倫敦,孟買和香港設有逾150名投資專業人員。

Media Contacts:
For AffiniPay: Keely Leonard
AffiniPay PR Director
[email protected]

對於AffiniPay:Keely Leonard
[email protected]

For Genstar: Chris Tofalli
Chris Tofalli Public Relations
[email protected]

Genstar的聯繫人爲Chris Tofalli
Chris Tofalli公關
[email protected]

For TA: Maggie Benoit
Head of Communications, TA
[email protected]

長益的聯繫人爲Maggie Benoit
[email protected]

SOURCE Genstar Capital, LLC

消息來源:Genstar Capital, LLC

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