
Crestview Commencing Extensive Property Wide Surface Exploration at Its Falcon Prospect, Tuscarora Mountains, Nevada

Crestview Commencing Extensive Property Wide Surface Exploration at Its Falcon Prospect, Tuscarora Mountains, Nevada

Crestview将在内华达州的Tuscarora Mountains,其Falcon Prospect地段展开广泛的表面勘探工作。
newsfile ·  07/17 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 17, 2024) - Crestview Exploration Inc. (CSE: CRS) (FSE: CE7) ("Crestview" or "the Company") is pleased to announce we plan to commence property wide mapping and sampling at our Falcon Mine property in the Tuscarora Mountains, in Elko County, Nevada. The summer 2024 program will expand on the 2023 surface sampling at Falcon (see news release dated January 23, 2024), and extend the high resolution mapping and extensive sampling conducted at the nearby Rock Creek prospect in previous seasons (see news releases dated December 13, 2022 and December 15, 2022).

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月17日)--Crestview Exploration Inc. (CSE: CRS) (FSE: CE7) (以下简称“Crestview”或“公司”)很高兴宣布,我们计划在内华达州埃尔科县塔斯卡罗拉山脉的猎鹰矿区(Falcon Mine property)进行地产范围的制图和取样。 2024年夏季计划将扩展2023年在Falcon的地表取样(请参见2024年1月23日的新闻发布)并延伸在以前季节在附近的Rock Creek展望进行的高分辨率制图和广泛采样(请参见2022年12月13日和2022年12月15日的新闻发布)。

Figure 1: Location and regional context


Figure 1: Location and regional context


The Falcon property spans 124 claims, including 6 patented claims and 118 unpatented claims, for approximately 883 ha (2,183 acres). The Falcon property sits less than 1.5 km south of Crestview's flagship Rock Creek property, and encompasses the historic Falcon and Scorpion silver mines which were in production from the late 1800's to early 1900's. The Falcon, Rock Creek, and Dry Creek properties are situated in the Tuscarora Volcanic Field (TVF), and are in close proximity to major producing mines to the west (Midas mine around 35 km with 2.2 Moz Au produced to date), east (Jerritt Canyon mine around 30 km with 9.7 Moz Au produced to date), and south (Goldstrike operation, comprising the Betze-Post and Meikle mines, around 40 km with 44 Moz Au produced to date).

猎鹰物业包括124个权利,其中包括6个专利权和118个非专利权,面积约为883公顷(2183英亩)。 猎鹰物业位于Crestview的主力Rock Creek物业的南侧不到1.5公里处,包括从19世纪末到20世纪初生产的历史悠久的猎鹰和蝎子银矿。 猎鹰,Rock Creek和Dry Creek物业位于Tuscarora Volcanic Field(TVF),并且毗邻西部(距离Midas矿约35公里,迄今为止产生了2.2百万盎司黄金)、东部(距离Jerritt Canyon矿约30公里,迄今为止产生了9.7百万盎司黄金)和南部(包括Betze-Post和Meikle矿的Goldstrike operation,距离约40公里,迄今为止产生了44百万盎司黄金)的主要生产矿山。

In addition to historical highlights from the Falcon property (see below), Crestview conducted a short surface sampling program around and extending from the historic mine area in Fall, 2023 with promising results. The 2023 program included 39 outcrop and float samples of quartz vein material with detectable gold and or silver in 38 of the samples, including 4 samples with greater than 25 ppm silver (including a 720 ppm Ag sample and a 238 ppm Ag sample) and 5 samples with greater than 0.5 ppm gold (including a 1.131 ppm Au sample). The fall 2023 sampling confirmed approximately 1 kilometer of continuous mineralization which when combined with the approximately 5 kilometers of continuous mineralization at Rock Creek, indicates an extensive vein system spanning a significant area.

除了猎鹰物业的历史亮点(请参见下文),Crestview在2023年秋季在历史矿区周围和周边进行了短期地表采样,取得了有希望的结果。 2023年计划包括39个石露和浮选样品的石英脉材料,其中38个样品检测到含有黄金和/或银,其中包括4个含有大于25 ppm银的样品(包括720 ppm Ag样品和238 ppm Ag样品)和5个含有大于0.5 ppm金的样品(包括1.131 ppm Au样品)。 2023年秋季采样确认了约1公里的连续矿化,与Rock Creek的约5公里连续矿化结合在一起,表明了一种包括历史悠久的猎鹰和蝎子矿在内的广泛矿脉系统。

Figure 2: Falcon 2023 sampling results

图2:Falcon 2023年采样结果

The 2024 mapping and sampling at Falcon aims to identify additional targets of interest for future exploration, drilling and development, as well as extending on the high resolution mapping and extensive sampling conducted at the nearby Rock Creek prospect, providing additional regional context.

2024年在猎鹰的制图和取样旨在确定未来勘探、钻探和开发的其他感兴趣目标,以及延伸在附近的Rock Creek展望进行的高分辨率制图和广泛采样,提供更多区域背景信息。

Figure 3: Rock Creek geological map and sampling results

图3:Rock Creek地质图和采样结果

There are two deposit types envisioned at Crestview's Tuscarora properties: shallow gold and silver mineralization disseminated in epithermal quartz veins and deeper Carlin-type gold-silver mineralization in the underlying Paleozoic sequence. The shallow system has been mapped and sampled at Rock Creek, historically mined at Falcon, and currently mined at Midas, and provides evidence for a widespread gold and silver bearing hydrothermal system which appears to span across the Rock Creek property and through the historic Falcon and Scorpion mines.

Crestview的Tuscarora物业设想有两种存款类型:散布在次生热液石英脉中的浅层黄金和银矿化和深层的Carlin型金银矿化,在下面的古生代序列中被发现。浅层系统已在Rock Creek进行了制图和取样,曾经在Falcon历史上被开采,目前在Midas开采,并且提供了证据表明广泛的含金和含银的热液系统似乎跨越了Rock Creek物业,同时还穿过了历史悠久的猎鹰和蝎子矿山。

The underlying Carlin-type potential has yet to be tested, but is evidenced by the nearby Carlin-type gold mines at Jerritt Canyon (east of Crestview's properties) and the prolific Carlin Trend (south and southwest of Crestview's properties). Paleozoic outcrop mapped at Rock Creek and described by previous exploration at Falcon suggests the depth to a potential Carlin-type host rock may not be prohibitive at Crestview's prospects. Additionally, the HSAMT surveys conducted at Rock Creek and Falcon show a contrast in signal response which may represent the depth to the underlying Paleozoic sequence (see news release dated January 17, 2023). Crestview's Tuscarora properties appear to coincide with a north-south structural corridor extending from the Carlin Trend.

尚未测试底部的Carlin-type潜力,但是在Jerritt Canyon(位于Crestview物业以东)和多产的Carlin Trend(位于Crestview物业以南和西南)的附近的Carlin-type金矿表明其存在。在Rock Creek进行的古生代露头测量并由以前在Falcon进行的勘探描述表明,潜在的Carlin型母岩深度可能不会限制Crestview的前景。此外,在Rock Creek和Falcon进行的HSAMt测量显示了信号响应的差异,这可能代表了对下伏古生代序列的深度(请参见2023年1月17日的新闻发布)。 Crestview的Tuscarora物业似乎与从Carlin趋势延伸的南北构造走廊重合。

The 2024 exploration program at Falcon is the logical next step in development of this large area prospect, expanding on the structural understanding, the extent of Paleozoic outcrop at the surface and better understanding of our location in the stratigraphy, and the extent of the hydrothermal alteration footprint.


Crestview's CEO Chris Wensley commented: "Based on our strong sampling results in October, 2023, we are excited to get going on this vital phase of surface exploration and see what other positive attributes and hidden gems Falcon holds for us. Meanwhile, the company continues to strive to finalize funding and scheduling of the Rock Creek drill program planned for late summer/fall 2024" (see news release dated May 2, 2023).

Crestview的首席执行官Chris Wensley评论道:“基于我们在2023年10月的强劲取样结果,我们很高兴进行这个重要的地表探测阶段,并看到猎鹰还有哪些积极因素和隐藏的宝藏等待我们发掘。同时,公司继续努力完成Rock Creek钻探计划的融资和调度,该计划计划于2024年夏末/秋季进行"(请参考2023年5月2日的新闻发布)。

Historic Falcon Data
It is important to note and remind the reader that review of historic data received as a result of the Falcon property acquisition (News Release dated September 9, 2022) revealed assays reported from presumed ore shipments from the 1930's, sampling of historic workings in the 1960's and 1970's and bulk assays from presumed prospect pits. *Note to reader: most of this historic material lacks sufficient context to be interpreted with any level of confidence, and none of the data generated historically was 43-101 compliant as the data predates the practice.
Highlights of the data included results from 33 samples collected within and surrounding the Falcon mine historic workings and showed assays over 1 opt Ag from 24 of the samples including 15 samples greater than 5 opt. Various certificates including only brief descriptions, assayed 6,395.1 opt Ag , 757.4 opt Ag, 101.72 opt Ag and 0.11 opt Au, 35.9 opt Ag and 0.07 opt Au, 69.88 opt Ag and 0.06 opt Au, as well as several ranging from 2.5 opt Ag to 36 opt Ag. Another certificate from 1961 describes a "Falcon" sample which assayed 241.2 opt Ag and a "Scorpion" sample which assayed 2.4 opt Ag.
The samples described above represent highlights from the data; however, the reader is encouraged to view the full suite of inherited assay certificates on the company website.

数据亮点包括在和周围的猎鹰矿山历史工程内采集的33个样品的结果,其中24个样品的含银量超过1盎司/吨,包括15个样品大于5 opt的含银量。各种证书包括仅简要描述,测得6395.1 opt Ag,757.4 opt Ag,101.72 opt Ag和0.11 opt Au,35.9 opt Ag和0.07 opt Au,69.88 opt Ag和0.06 opt Au,以及几个范围从2.5 opt Ag到36 opt Ag。另一份来自1961年的证书描述了一个名为“猎鹰”的样品,其中有241.2 opt Ag,以及名为“蝎子”的样品,其中有2.4 opt Ag。

This News Release was prepared by J.A. Lowe, M.Sc. Geology, and has been approved by Alan Morris, M.Sc., CPG #10550. Alan J. Morris is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed the scientific and technical disclosure included in this news release.

此新闻稿由J.A. Lowe ,Sc. Geology编写,并得到Alan Morris ,Sc.,CPG#10550的批准。 Alan J. Morris是按照NI 43-101定义的合格人员,并已审查了包含在本新闻稿中的科学和技术披露。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

董事会代表 Novo Resources Corp.

Chris Wensley, CEO


About Crestview Exploration Inc:

关于Crestview Exploration Inc:

Crestview Exploration is an experienced exploration company focused on the exploration and development of its portfolio of gold and silver properties located in prolific mining districts of Nevada.

Crestview Exploration是一家经验丰富的勘探公司,专注于勘探和开发其位于内华达州富矿区的黄金和银矿物产权组合。

Rock Creek gold project is Crestview's flagship asset, with 72 unpatented lode mining claims wholly owned and controlled by CRS. The Rock Creek property was acquired in 2017, and the company went public in 2019. Emboldened by the results coming out of Rock Creek, Crestview strategically expanded on the land position with the acquisition of the nearby Falcon silver-gold prospect in September 2022. Between the two properties and additional claim staking at the nearby Dry Creek prospect, all targeting similar mineralization and likely the same hydrothermal system, Crestview now holds 239 total claims in close proximity of one another. These prospects are situated in a region with proven "world class" gold deposits (including Midas, Jerritt Canyon, Betze-Post, Meikle, and Gold Quarry), where the potential of finding large, high-grade gold-silver deposits is favourable.

Rock Creek金矿项目是Crestview的旗舰资产,由CRS完全拥有和控制72个非专利矿区采掘权。 Rock Creek物业于2017年收购,公司于2019年上市。在Rock Creek物业公布的结果的鼓舞下,Crestview通过在2019年9月收购附近的猎鹰银金展望,战略性地扩展了土地持有地位。在这两个物业上以及在附近的Dry Creek展望的其他土地申请中,所有目标针对类似矿化物质的钻探均应用这种可能性和同一热液系统,Crestview现在拥有239个总权利接近彼此。这些前景位于已经证明“世界级”金矿床的地区(包括Midas,Jerritt Canyon,Betze-Post,Meikle和Gold Quarry),在这些地区寻找大型、高品位的金银矿床的潜力是有利的。

The Cimarron project is located in the San Antonio Mountains of Nye County, Nevada, and is comprised of 31 unpatented lode mining claims, including control of 6 historically producing claims associated with the historic San Antonio mine. The property is located in the prolific Walker-Lane trend, approximately 44 kms south of the "world class" Round Mountain deposit.

Cimarron项目位于内华达州奈县的圣安东尼奥山区,由31个非专利的矿区采掘权组成,包括控制历史上产生的与历史San Antonio矿相关的6个采矿权。该物业位于Walker-Lane趋势的繁华地带,距离“世界级”Miller山床约44千米。

For further information please contact:


Chris Wensley, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1-778-887-3900

Chris Wensley(首席执行官)

Forward-Looking Information

前瞻性信息本新闻稿包含包含“前瞻性信息”,涵盖适用证券法律的范围。在某些情况下,“前瞻性信息”可以通过使用前瞻性术语诸如“计划”、“预期”、“预算”、“安排”、“估计”、“前景”、“目标”、“预测”、“投影”、“潜力”、“前景”、“策略”、“意图”、“预计”、“寻求”、“认为”、“机会”、“指引”、“目标”或类似的词语和短语或陈述一定的未来条件、行动、事件或结果“可能”、“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“可能”、“将”、“能够”或这些词语和短语的负面版本,“被采取”,“发生”,“继续”或“实现”,以及其他类似的表达方式。包含前瞻性信息的声明并不是历史事实,而是代表管理层对于未来事件或情况的预期、估计和投射。该前瞻性信息与公司未来的财务前景以及预期的事件或结果有关,包括但不限于“财务前景”下的声明和有关公司财务状况、财务结果、业务策略、绩效、成就、前景、目标、机会、业务计划和增长策略、公司预算、运营和税务、影响财务报表的判断和估计以及D2L Wave的初步分拆。

This news release includes certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address acquisition of the Property and future work thereon, mineral resource and reserve potential, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects is forward-looking information. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the statements. There are certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking information. These include the results of the Company's due diligence investigations, market prices, exploration successes, continued availability of capital financing, and general economic, market or business conditions, and those additionally described in the Company's filings with the Canadian securities authorities.


Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For more information on the Company, investors are encouraged to review the Company's public filings at . The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.




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