
Nationally Recognized Surge Angels Program Awards $100,000 to Three Ventures Founded by Education Leaders of Color

Nationally Recognized Surge Angels Program Awards $100,000 to Three Ventures Founded by Education Leaders of Color

全國知名的Surge Angels計劃向由有色人種教育領袖創立的三家風險企業授予10萬美元。
PR Newswire ·  07/18 08:32

Pitch Night event marks the culmination of a six-month intensive entrepreneurial development cohort of 10 Black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander education leaders

Pitch Night活動標誌着一項爲期六個月的強化創業發展計劃的結束,該計劃由10位黑人、拉丁裔、亞裔和太平洋島民教育領袖組成。

CHICAGO, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Surge Institute, a trailblazing organization that empowers leaders of color in education, recently awarded $100,000 in funding through its Surge Angels program to three early-stage ventures run by Black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander education leaders. The awards were determined and announced on Friday, June 28, in Chicago during a special Pitch Night event, culminating in the intensive six-month Surge Angels entrepreneurial development program.

2014年由Carmita Semaan成立的Surge Institute是一個國家501(c)(3)非營利組織,旨在爲兒童、家庭和社區創造變革性變化而開發和提升顏色的領導者。最近通過其Surge Angels計劃向由黑人、拉丁裔、亞裔和太平洋島民教育領袖運營的三個早期階段風險投資提供了10萬美元的資助。這些獎項於6月28日星期五在芝加哥舉行的特別Pitch Night活動中宣佈,這項強化創業發展計劃歷時六個月結束。

This year's event celebrated the hard work, dedication and visions of 10 Surge Institute Alumni, culminating in a grand showcase where three founders were honored with substantial prize money. The event started with an introduction from Tiara Wheatley, Surge Institute's Vice President of Alumni Impact. Chief External Affairs Officer Will Collins welcomed guests, founders and investors who were there in person and watching via livestream.

今年的活動慶祝了10位Surge Institute校友的辛勤工作、奉獻精神和願景,最終在一次大型展示中表彰了三位獲得大額獎金的創始人。該活動以Surge Institute校友影響副總裁Tiara Wheatley的介紹開始。首席外部事務官Will Collins歡迎現場和通過直播觀看的客人、創始人和投資者。

The Surge Angels program is designed to support the entrepreneurial aspirations of Surge Alumni, providing them with the resources, mentorship and capital necessary to bring their innovative ideas to life. Participants received intensive training in business fundamentals, strategic planning, financial management and marketing, preparing them to secure funding and incubate their innovative entrepreneurial ventures grounded in service to their communities. Additionally, each participant was paired with an executive coach experienced in entrepreneurship, ensuring tailored guidance and support.

Surge Angels計劃旨在支持Surge校友的創業願望,爲他們提供帶有服務於社區的創新創業企業的資源、指導和資本。參與者接受了關於企業基礎知識、戰略規劃、財務管理和營銷等方面的強化培訓,爲他們獲得資金和孵化他們的創新創業企業打下了基礎。此外,每位參與者都與具有創業經驗的執行教練配對,確保量身定製的指導和支持。

The program culminates in Pitch Night, where each participant can present their venture plans to Angel investors in hopes of securing funding. On June 28, after considering pitches from the 10 founders in this year's Surge Angels cohort, the panel of Angel investors funded the growth and development of the top three ventures.

該計劃以Pitch Night爲高潮,每個參與者都可以向天使投資者展示其風險投資計劃,以獲得資金支持。在考慮了今年Surge Angels項目的10位創始人的演講後,天使投資者小組資助了排名前三的創新創業企業的成長和發展。

Overall Placement:


  • 1st Place, with an award of $50,000: Marcus Wilson (DC22), Founder & CEO of The Village Network
  • 2nd Place, with an award of $30,000: Cescily Phillips (KC20), Founder & Executive Director of Inspired Aesthetics
  • 3rd Place, with an award of $20,000: Naomi Fierro Peña (OAK22), Founder & CEO of That Art Party
  • 第一名,獎金50,000美元:The Village Network的創始人兼首席執行官Marcus Wilson(DC22)
  • 第二名,獎金30,000美元:Inspired Aesthetics的創始人兼執行董事Cescily Phillips(KC20)
  • 第三名,獎金20,000美元:That Art Party的創始人兼首席執行官Naomi Fierro Peña(OAK22)

The Village Network, based in Washington, D.C., is a collection of programming initiatives supporting youth and educational leaders' diverse needs and interests. The organization believes in the inherent power of community and seeks to empower its communities through relationship, resource and capacity building. Wilson said he was overcome with emotion when he heard his name called and added that he must pour into Black and Brown youth the way people poured into him.

The Village Network位於華盛頓特區,是支持青年和教育領袖多樣化需求和興趣的編程倡議集合體。該組織相信社區的內在力量,並通過關係、資源和能力建設來賦予其社區更強大的權力。威爾遜稱自己聽到自己的名字被叫出,感到深受感動,並補充說他必須像人們對他的幫助一樣向黑人和棕色青年注入精神。

"I've been so fortunate throughout my life to be surrounded by genuine love, whether it's family, friends, teachers, mentors or co-workers," said Wilson, who went full-time with his venture in May. "The Surge Angels fellowship has allowed me to think about a business plan, a budget, marketing—all of these different things that will help not only the programming aspect but the administrative side of running an organization."

“我一直很幸運,因爲我一生中被真正的愛所包圍,無論是家人、朋友、老師、導師還是同事,”威爾遜說,他在5月份全職從事自己的事業。“Surge Angels獎學金使我能夠思考商業計劃、預算、市場營銷、所有這些不同的事情,這些都將幫助組織除了編程方面,還在行政方面運行良好。”

Inspired Aesthetics envisions a community where young Black and Brown people who want to learn more about art, cooking or engineering have places within reach to do so—and can learn from people who look like them.

Inspired Aesthetics設想一個社區,在那裏想要了解更多關於藝術、烹飪或工程的黑人和棕色人們可以找到距離接近的地方,並可以向與他們相似的人學習。

That Art Party combines Fierro Peña's love of art and play with her professional skills to curate artistic experiences for BIPOC adults to nourish their inner child and play as a tool for liberation.

That Art Party將Fierro Peña對藝術和玩耍的熱愛與她的專業技能相結合,爲BIPOC成年人策劃藝術體驗,以滿足他們內心的孩子和玩作爲解放的工具。

Other ventures in this cohort included youth wellness solutions, a residential fellowship for Black high school students experiencing homelessness, a youth STEM education program and a program that increases the visibility of Black girls excelling in math.


"This year's cohort of founders represents the brilliance that is our growing and dynamic Surge Alumni Community," said Wheatley, also a 2020 Surge Chicago alumna herself. "These leaders are transforming lives, communities and schools for students nationwide. We are extremely proud of all of our founders and the work they've done to chase and accomplish their Freedom Dreams."

“今年的創始人群代表了我們日益增長和充滿活力的Surge校友社區的傑出之處,”Wheatley說,她自己也是2020年Surge Chicago的校友。“這些領導者正在爲全國學生改變生活、社區和學校。我們非常自豪我們所有創始人所做的工作,他們努力追求並實現了他們的自由之夢。”

The Surge Angels funding prizes will give the winning founders the capital needed to move their ventures toward more impactful implementation or growth. Surge Institute believes that by investing in these leaders, is not only supporting individual entrepreneurial journeys but also contributing to a broader movement of educational equity and excellence.

Surge Angels的資金獎勵將爲獲勝的創始人提供資本,以將他們的企業向更有影響力的實現或增長的方向推進。Surge Institute相信,通過投資這些領導者,不僅支持個人創業之旅,也爲教育公平和卓越的更廣泛運動做出了貢獻。

"Surge was always designed to support and elevate brilliant and bold leaders with big dreams to transform education," said Surge Institute Founder and CEO Carmita Semaan. "The Surge Angels program is our opportunity and honor to continue that work with our alumni and invest directly into their visions. I am so inspired by what all 10 of these founders presented, and I am confident they will all take their work to the next level."

“Surge一直旨在支持和提升那些擁有改變教育願景的大膽而傑出的領袖,”Surge Institute的創始人兼首席執行官Carmita Semaan說。“Surge Angels計劃是我們與校友繼續這項工作的機會和榮譽,並直接投資他們的願景。我對今年的10位創始人呈現的所有內容感到非常鼓舞,我相信他們都將把自己的工作推上一個新臺階。”

About Surge Institute
Surge Institute is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was established with a simple but important mission: To develop and elevate leaders of color who create transformative change for children, families and communities. Founded by Carmita Semaan in 2014, the organization was designed to empower emerging diverse leaders to change the landscape of education by providing them with a unique, authentic leadership development experience.

關於Surge Institute
Surge Institute是一個國家501(c)(3)非營利組織,旨在爲兒童、家庭和社區創造變革性變化而開發和提升顏色的領導者。該組織由Carmita Semaan於2014年創立,旨在通過爲他們提供獨特、真正的領導力發展經驗來賦權新興的多樣化領導者,以改變教育的格局。

Kara Prior, myWHY Agency, Inc.
[email protected]
Ph: 210-846-4486

myWHY Agency,Inc.的Kara Prior
[email protected]

SOURCE Surge Institute

來源:Surge Institute

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