<4992> Kitakara 1563 +77
It rebounded significantly. Ichiyoshi Securities has newly rated it as "A" and set the fair value at 2400 yen. In the field of semiconductor materials, cutting-edge fields such as EUV and AI for generation are growing, and it is highly evaluated as a transformation to advanced semiconductor material manufacturers. The fine chemical business has grown at an annual rate of 24% over the past 10 years, and it is assumed that high growth of 15-20% per year will continue in the future. They are also expecting improvement in ROE due to measures to sell policy-held shares.
<9861> Yoshinoya HD 2700.5 -141.5
It continued to fall sharply. Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities has downgraded its investment rating from "equal weight" to "underweight" and also downgraded its target stock price from 2800 yen to 1900 yen. They point out that the impact of rising raw material prices for at least the 25th and 26th fiscal years cannot be avoided in the trend of decreasing the number of cattle raised in the United States. Even if they incorporated a four-year consecutive price increase, it seems that the current earnings environment is more severe than that of other companies in the same industry.
<9279> Gift HD 2608 +99
It rebounded significantly. Nomura Securities has started its coverage with an investment rating of "buy" and a target stock price of 3800 yen. Although the stock price dropped after the first half financial results announcement, they expect the risk of company-wide failure to achieve the plan for the number of stores to reduce as the pace of new store openings has increased since July. Considering that the majority of stores are located in the Kanto region, they also analyze that there is still room for new store openings. They expect the operating profit for the fiscal year ending October 2024 to be 3.29 billion yen, exceeding the company plan of 3 billion yen, and 4.42 billion yen for the fiscal year ending October 2025.
<8708> Izawa Securities G 2547 -159
It continued to fall sharply. Last weekend, they announced their quick report for the first quarter. It seems that the operating profit decreased by 38.3% compared to the same period last year to 0.35 billion yen. There is a prevailing negative view of the significant operating losses. Although they increased the incoming fees of investment trusts, trust fees, and investment advisory fees for wrap products, the situation was that trading gains and losses increased rapidly due to the increase in domestic over-the-counter transactions of foreign stocks in the same period last year.
<6715> Nakayo 1229 +92
It rose significantly. They announced the transfer of fixed assets and a revision of their performance forecast at the end of last week. They seem to be recording a special gain of 0.32 billion yen for the transfer income in Q3, which ends on October 31 for the land used as a baseball field and parking lot. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of asset utilization and strengthen the financial structure through effective use of management resources. Accordingly, the net profit for the fiscal year ending March 2025 has been revised upward from the previous estimate of 0.21 billion yen to 0.53 billion yen.
<4766> PA 366 +25
It rebounded significantly. They view the implementation of resuming dividends and changing the shareholder benefit system as important factors. They have announced the implementation of a dividend of 4.2 yen for the fiscal year ending December 2024, resuming dividends for the first time since the fiscal year ending December 2018. In addition, they will implement a dividend with a payout ratio of 50% for the fiscal year ending December 2025. They also plan to raise the value of the QUO card to be given to shareholders who hold 300 or more shares at the end of December to 5000 yen. Holders who have held shares for one year or more will receive an Amazon gift card worth 0.01 million yen from the QUO card worth 5000 yen.
<2268> Baskin Robbins 4710 +545
It rose sharply. They announced their first half financial results at the end of last weekend and the operating profit increased by 89.0% compared to the same period last year to 1.52 billion yen. The improvement rate has expanded from the 31.9% increase in the previous quarter, and it seems to be making good progress toward the unchanged full-year forecast of 1.93 billion yen, up 5.5% from the previous year. The favorable sales of existing stores, such as a 34-month continuous increase in same-store-sales, were the main factors for the significant increase in profit. The measures such as store operation capability and refurbishment that improved brand value, digital strengthening, and product lineup enhancement were effective.
<6240> Yamashin F 525 -24
The popularity has dropped significantly. Last week, it became popular during the overall Trump rally, but today, profit-taking selling from short-term overheating is dominant. US President Biden has announced his withdrawal from the November presidential election. It is expected that there will be no change to Trump's dominance, but it is thought that it will lead to a resurgence of the Democratic Party, so the Trump rally seems to be calming down for now. Caterpillar and others had continued to decline in the US market last weekend before Biden's withdrawal report.
<5933> Alinco 1060 -88
The significant decline. The first-quarter earnings were announced last weekend, with operating profit of 0.55 billion yen, a 27.7% decrease from the same period last year, and a start that was unexpectedly sluggish compared to the annual plan of 3.2 billion yen, an increase of 79.6% from the previous period. Regarding temporary equipment, it seems that there is a continuous flow from purchasing to renting for major product groups. In addition, it seems that the depreciation method of rental assets was changed, which was a plus factor, but further depreciation of the yen and high raw material prices have put pressure on earnings.
<9142> JR Kyushu 3922 +241
Significant rise. It was announced that an application for approval of a change in the upper limit of passenger fares and fees for railway business has been made. For ordinary passenger fares, a revision of an average of 14.6% was applied, and for regular passenger fares, a revision of an average of 30.3% for commuting and an average of 16.0% for school commuting was applied. The implementation date is April 1, 2025. As a result, it is expected that fare and fee income will increase from the current 148.265 billion yen to 165.143 billion yen on average from fiscal 2025 to 2027.