
Argyle Announces Research Partnership With the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) to Conduct Phase 1 Exploration Work on Silica Project in Quebec

Argyle Announces Research Partnership With the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) to Conduct Phase 1 Exploration Work on Silica Project in Quebec

newsfile ·  07/22 06:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - July 22, 2024) - Argyle Resources Corp. (CSE: ARGL) (FSE: ME0) is pleased to announce the commencement of its silica exploration program on Matapedia-Awantjish property (the "Property") undertaken in partnership with the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS).

加拿大卡爾加里-(新聞稿2024年7月22日)。Argyle Resources Corp. (CSE:ARGL) (FSE:ME0)很高興地宣佈,與Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)合作,在Matapedia-Awantjish產權(“產權”)上啓動其硅礦勘探計劃。

The Matapedia silica property includes 16 cells located in the lower St-Lawrence area, some 36km from the coastal village of Grand-Metis. This general region also houses port infrastructure as well as railway connecting the area to the Great Lakes or to the eastern USA. The Property has also been the subject of historical exploration work by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources.


The Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) is a premier research and training institute. Professor Richer-LaFlèche's team possesses outstanding expertise in geology, geochemistry, and geophysics, particularly in the areas of industrial silica. Pr Richer-LaFleche and his team carried out, for Orbite Aluminae, the first geological and geophysical studies on the Grande-Vallee aluminous clay project (Orignal Formation) (Orbite Aluminae).

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique(INRS)是一所傑出的研究和培訓機構。Richer-LaFlèche教授的團隊在岩石學、地球化學和地球物理學方面擁有傑出的專業知識,特別是在工業硅方面。Richer-LaFleche教授及其團隊曾爲Orbite Aluminae在Grande-Vallee鋁礬土項目(Orignal Formation)(Orbite Aluminae)上開展了第一次地質和地球物理研究。

Jeff stevens, CEO of Argyle Resources commented, "the INRS will bring valuable insights and technical capabilities to the silica exploration program. Their involvement will help to facilitate a rigorous management of the phase 1 exploration process at our silica properties."

Argyle Resources公司的首席執行官Jeff Stevens評論說:“INRS將爲硅礦勘查計劃帶來寶貴的見解和技術能力。他們的參與將有助於在我們的硅礦產權上實施嚴格的第一階段勘查流程管理。”

The 2024 summer and fall exploration program aims to:


  • Conduct geological reconnaissance of the main silica outcrops

  • Produce high-resolution drone imagery

  • Conduct thermal infrared and LIDAR drone imagery to identify outcropping and sub-outcropping areas in a forest environment

  • Perform a high-resolution drone magnetometric survey to delineate zones for further exploration

  • Conduct geological and structural mapping, along with identifying potential sampling sites

  • Carry out sampling work, mechanized overburden stripping, transporting samples to a laboratory, and geological mapping of the outcrops with grooves (channel sampling)

  • Complete real-time Kinematic mapping and total station survey of sampled sites

  • Collect bulk samples of quartzite

  • Complete laboratory assessments include: granulometric analysis, geometallurgical study and X-ray fluorescence analysis

  • 對主要硅石露頭進行地質勘察

  • 生成高分辨率無人機圖像

  • 通過熱紅外和LIDAR無人機圖像,在森林環境中確定露頭和亞露頭地區

  • 通過高分辨率無人機磁測,勾畫進一步勘探的區域

  • 進行地質和結構製圖,並確定潛在的取樣點

  • 進行採樣工作、機械去除表土、樣品運輸到實驗室和出深槽的露頭地質製圖

  • 對取樣點進行實時動態分析圖和全站儀調查

  • 收集石英岩的批量樣品

  • 進行實驗室評估,包括顆粒分析、礦物工藝學研究和X射線熒光分析

Silica is an oxide of silicon (silicon dioxide) which is primarily found in quartzite. High Purity Quartzite (HPQ) is ideal for industrial processing. Typically, quartz deposits are widely dispersed in nature, but the presence of ore bodies capable of yielding high-purity quartz is exceedingly rare. Silicon, derived from high-quality quartz, is the most common material for semiconductors due to its high stability as an atom, and that it doesn't break easily under high temperatures.


The European Union has declared Silicon a critical raw material as a wide range of modern technologies depend on it to make various industrial and consumer products. Silicon was added to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) List of Critical Materials for Energy in 2023. And on June 10, 2024, the Government of Canada updated its Critical Minerals List, emphasizing the growing importance of silicon metal in key technologies for a low-carbon economy, such as semiconductors, batteries, and solar panels. This aims to support Canadian mining and manufacturing by ensuring they can meet increasing global demand for sustainably sourced minerals.


"Argyle Resources is grateful to be working in a research partnership with the INRS, with their expertise and guidance being invaluable. We are excited to initiate a work program this season and will share details for both in short order," Jeff Stevens further commented, "With silicon being recently added to the Canadian Critical Minerals List in 2024, we are excited to be pursing exploration efforts on our three 100% owned silica exploration properties in Quebec, beginning with Matapedia silica property in 2024."

“Argyle Resources很榮幸能與INRS開展研究合作,他們的專業知識和指導是非常寶貴的。我們很高興本季度能夠啓動工作計劃,並將很快分享詳情,”Jeff Stevens進一步評論道,“2024年硅被加入到加拿大關鍵礦產清單中後,我們非常興奮地開始在我們在魁北克擁有的三個100%的硅礦產權上開展勘探工作,首先是在Matapedia硅礦產權上。”

The Company also wishes to clarify the disclosure in its July 3, 2024 news release announcing the addition of Mr. Aman Gill to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Gill's biographical summary is as follows:

該公司還希望澄清其2024年7月3日新聞稿中披露的有關Aman Gill先生加入該公司董事會的披露。Gill先生的個人簡介如下:

"With over a decade of experience in the finance industry, Mr. Gill has established a strong foundation in financial markets. Mr. Gill has spent the majority of his career at Scotiabank, which is a Canadian multinational bank that offers a wide range of financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutions. Scotiabank is one of the largest banks in Canada, with net assets of approximately $600 billion CAD and operations in over 50 countries worldwide.

“Gill先生在金融行業擁有十多年的經驗,建立了堅實的金融市場基礎。 Gill先生大部分時間都在加拿大多元化銀行Scotiabank工作,Scotiabank爲個人、企業和機構提供各種金融服務。Scotiabank是加拿大最大的銀行之一,在全球50多個國家開展業務,淨資產約爲6000億加元。”

"Subsequent to Scotiabank, Aman worked with BMO Nesbitt Burns, a wealth management division of the Bank of Montreal (BMO) that provides investment advisory and financial services to high-net-worth individuals, families, and institutions. BMO Nesbitt Burns has approximately $200 billion CAD in assets under management. Mr. Gill specialized in wealth management on a team that managed a portfolio in excess of $100mm, further enhancing his skills in investment strategies and capital markets. Mr. Gill assisted with a robust portfolio for high net worth Individuals as well as for indigenous groups, multinational companies and family offices.

“在加入BMO Nesbitt Burns之後,Aman與蒙特利爾銀行(BMO)的财富管理部門合作,爲高淨值人士、家族機構、多國公司和家族辦公室提供投資諮詢和金融服務。 BMO Nesbitt Burns的管理資產約爲2000億加元。Gill先生專注於财富管理,管理一支100多億加元的投資組合團隊,進一步提高了他在投資策略和資本市場方面的技能。 Gill先生爲高淨值個人以及土著族群、跨國公司和家族辦公室等提供強有力的投資組合支持。”

"Aman holds a Bachelors Degree in Business, which has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of financial principles and market dynamics. Aman is a seasoned professional in the finance industry with a deep understanding of the capital markets."




'Jeffrey Stevens'
President & CEO

'Jeffrey Stevens'

George M. Yordanov, OGQ., P.GEO., an advisor to the Company, is the Qualified Person ("QP"), as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical information reported in this news release.

George m. Yordanov,OGQ。,P.GEO。,公司的顧問,是合格人(“QP”),如國家43-101號儀器所定義的披露礦產項目的披露標準,已經審查和批准了本新聞稿中報道的技術信息。

About Argyle Resources Corp.

關於Argyle Resources Corp.

Argyle Resources Corp. is a junior mineral exploration company engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring, staking and evaluating natural resource properties in North America. The Company currently holds an option to acquire up to 100% of the Frenchvale Graphite Property located in Nova Scotia, Canada and owns 100% interest in the Pilgrim Islands, Matapedia and Lac Comporte quartzite silica projects in Quebec, Canada. Argyle is engaged in a research partnership with the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), a high-level research and training institute funded by the Quebec government to conduct exploration programs on the Company's silica projects. The Company was incorporated in 2023 and its head office is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Argyle Resources Corp.是一家初級礦產勘探公司,從事在北美收購、勘探、劃定和評估自然資源的業務。該公司目前持有加拿大新斯科舍省法蘭西谷石墨物業的最多100%的購買權,並擁有魁北克省皮爾格林群島、馬塔佩迪亞和拉克康波特石英矽石項目的100%權益。Argyle正在與國家科學研究所(INRS)進行研究合作,這是一家由魁北克政府資助的高水平研究和培訓機構,旨在在公司的硅質項目上開展勘探計劃。該公司成立於2023年,總部位於加拿大阿爾伯塔省的卡爾加里市。

For all other inquiries:


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-Looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "anticipate", "expects" and similar expressions. All statements other than statements of historical fact, included in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, the statements with respect to the Company's planned exploration program; the execution of such exploration program in collaboration with INRS; and the initiation of work programs generally. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could di fer materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to vary from forward-looking statements or may affect the operations, performance, development and results of the Company's business include, among other things that mineral exploration is inherently uncertain and may be unsuccessful in achieving the desired results; that mineral exploration plans may change and be re-defined based on a number of factors, many of which are outside of the Company's control. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-Looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will only update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements as expressly required by applicable law.


The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.


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