Stock name 22-day closing price ⇒ vs. previous day
KOKUSAI ELECTRIC <6525> 4720 -490
Semiconductor manufacturing equipment-related stocks are generally down on the 22nd.
Sakura Internet <3778> 3565 -210
Is short-term fund selling dominant in the semiconductor stock downturn?
Sociomirror <6526> 3241 -194
Sell-off affects the semiconductor-related sector.
Fuji Electric <6504> 8435 -494
Citigroup Securities lowered the target stock price.
Yamashin Filter <6240> 525 -24
The Trump rally has subsided on the 22nd.
DISCO <6146> 49910 -2790
The U.S. SOX index continues to weaken, with a decline of over 3% in semiconductor-related stocks.
Taiyo Yuden <6976> 4802 -210
Electronic component stocks are also lackluster due to the decline of high-tech stocks.
Ibiden <4062> 6500 -247
Being dragged down by the decline in high-tech stocks.
Yamato Heavy Industries <5610> 1350 +300
Although there were no materials, there was buying on follow-through sentiment from the end of last week.
Metaplanet <3350> 173 +28
Announced the addition of bitcoin worth 0.2 billion yen.
31 <2268> 4710 +545
Highly evaluated for significant increase in profit in the first half of the year.
SIG Group <4386> 771 +6
Continued attention is paid to business alliances with AI startup companies.
Nakayo <6715> 1229 +92
Revised upwards net profit forecasts due to fixed asset sales.
Kitakoh Chemicals <4992> 1563 +77
Ichioshi Securities initiates a new rating of 'A'.
PAI <4766> 366 +25
The expansion of dividends and shareholder benefits is seen as favorable news.
Liberta <4935> 1208 -130
There is a sense of caution due to overheating from the continuous rise in stock prices.
DNA Research <2397> 875 -101
Shares of Chordia Corp <190A> fell 49 points to 446 after chasing upward momentum on the momentum of the previous week's stop gain.
Chordia <190A> 448 -47 NANO MRNA <4571> 196 +8 Linkbar <6046> 177 -33 Last One Mile <9252> 3690 -125 Shikigaku <7049> 659 -49 J Frontier <2934> 1702 -491 NexTone <7094> 1558 -93 On the 22nd, it started rising, but after one round of buying, it stalled. Libero <9245> 1829 +76 Energy Change <4169> 356 -40 Amazia <4424> 499 -53 The previous weekend was stopped due to expectations of the expansion of manga app usage due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection and the forecast of severe heat. High. It started to rise on the 22nd,but after one round of buying, it was pushed to sell.
Shares of Linkbal Inc <6046> fell slightly after the previous week's stop gain.
22nd started rising, but after one round of buying, it stalled.
Shares of Shibuki Inc <7049> have fallen due to profit-taking sales after a rapid rise until the previous week.
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Shares of NEXTONE Inc <7094> fell 74 points to 1,577 due to the company's direct collection of copyright fees for YouTube video views worldwide.
Last One Mile <9252> 3690 -125.
Shares of Woven Co Ltd <1400> were not included in the input texts.
Shikigaku <7049> 659 -49.
Shares of Stoke Co Ltd <6085> were not included in the input texts.
J Frontier <2934> 1702 -491.
Sell-off continues due to last week's stoppage.
NexTone <7094> 1558 -93.
Shares of Addvalue Technologies Ltd
It started rising on the 22nd, but after one round of buying, it stalled.
Libero <9245> 1829 +76.
Financial estimates for the year ending December 2024 have been revised upwards.
Energy Change <4169> 356 -40.
Resistance at the 75-day moving average caused downward pressure and broke through the 25-day moving average, losing momentum.
Amazia <4424> 499 -53.
The previous weekend was stopped due to expectations of the expansion of manga app usage due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection and the forecast of severe heat.
It started to rise on the 22nd, but after one round of buying, it was pushed to sell.