
Higher Education's Value Shift: Cengage Group's 2024 Employability Report Reveals Growing Focus on Workplace Skills & GenAI's Impact on Career Readiness

Higher Education's Value Shift: Cengage Group's 2024 Employability Report Reveals Growing Focus on Workplace Skills & GenAI's Impact on Career Readiness

PR Newswire ·  07/23 08:30
  • Graduates increasingly view their education as providing good value for their investment (73%), up from just 52% in 2023
  • 3 in 4 (70%) graduates believe basic GenAI training should be integrated into courses
  • More than half (55%) of graduates said their programs did not prepare them to use GenAI tools
  • GenAI and other emerging technologies have 51% of recent graduates second-guessing their career choices, with more than a third (39%) fearing that GenAI could replace them in the workforce entirely
  • 越來越多的畢業生認爲他們的教育爲他們的投資提供了良好的價值(73%),較2023年的52%有所增長。
  • 四分之三(70%)的畢業生認爲基本的人工智能培訓應該融入課程中。
  • 超過一半(55%)的畢業生表示,他們的課程沒有準備他們使用人工智能工具。
  • 人工智能和其他新興技術使51%的畢業生重新考慮他們的職業選擇,超過三分之一(39%)擔心人工智能可能完全取代他們的工作。

BOSTON, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite a positive labor market and high demand for skilled talent, employers continue to struggle with finding and retaining workers to meet their evolving business needs. A new report released today from Cengage Group, a global edtech company, reveals significant shifts in graduate perceptions, the growing impact of AI on the workforce and how post-secondary education is adapting to meet these challenges.

美國波士頓時間2024年7月23日,PRNewswire電:儘管勞動力市場表現良好、對技能人才的高需求,僱主們仍在努力尋找並留住工人以滿足其不斷髮展的業務需求。全球教育科技公司Cengage Group今日發佈的一份新報告顯示,畢業生的看法出現了重大轉變,人工智能對勞動力的日益增長的影響以及高等教育如何適應這些挑戰。報告基於對1,000家美國僱主和974名最近的畢業生(在過去一年內獲得2年或4年學位和/或技能認證的人)的調查,爲我們提供了有關教育機構如何發展以彌補人才缺口併爲一個以人工智能爲驅動的未來的學生做好準備的重要見解,並在傳統的學術證書和實用的、即用的技能之間尋求平衡。

Higher Education's Value Shift: Cengage Group's 2024 Employability Report Reveals Growing Focus on Workplace Skills & GenAI's Impact on Career Readiness

The 2024 Cengage Group Employability Report, based on surveys of 1,000 U.S. employers and 974 recent graduates (individuals who received a 2- or 4-year degree and/or a skills certification within the last year), offers key insights into how educational institutions are evolving to close talent gaps and prepare students for an AI-driven future, with a growing emphasis on practical, job-ready skills alongside traditional academic credentials.

2024年 Cengage Group 就業報告,基於對1,000家美國僱主和974名最近的畢業生(在過去一年內獲得2年或4年學位和/或技能認證的人)的調查,爲我們提供了有關教育機構如何發展以彌補人才缺口併爲一個以人工智能爲驅動的未來的職業做好準備的重要見解,重點是傳統的學術證書和實用的、即用的技能之間的平衡。

This curricula shift toward employability has improved graduates' perceptions of education value with a substantial three in four (73%) graduates believing their education was worth the cost, a significant increase from 52% in 2023, 68% in 2022 and 56% in 2021. Additionally, two-thirds (68%) feel their education has positioned them for success in the current job market. The recognition of the need for higher education has also increased, with 51% of graduates stating that a college degree or certification was essential to their job performance, up from 42% in 2023. Perhaps most importantly, there has been a marked improvement in the focus on employable skills, with nearly 3 in 5 graduates (57%) believing their program equipped them with the skills needed for their first professional job, a considerable rise from 41% in 2023.


"Our 2024 Employability Report reveals post-secondary education is experiencing a pivotal moment," said Michael Hansen, CEO of Cengage Group. "The increased satisfaction among graduates and their improved perception of education's value are encouraging signs that educators are listening and responding to the needs of both students and employers. As we continue to bridge the gap between education and employment, we're not just preparing students for jobs – we are empowering them to build successful, adaptable careers in an ever-changing market."

“我們的2024年就業報告顯示出高等教育正經歷着一個關鍵時刻,”Cengage Group的首席執行官Michael Hansen表示。 “畢業生對教育價值的滿意度的提高和他們對教育價值的認知的改善是鼓舞人心的跡象,表明教育工作者正在傾聽和回應學生和僱主的需求。當我們繼續縮小教育和就業之間的差距時,我們不僅爲學生準備工作,而且爲他們賦予在不斷變化的市場上建立成功、適應性強的職業的能力。”

While the perceived value of education has improved over the last year, the report also exposes opportunities to continue driving new value by enhancing GenAI literacy. In fact, graduates expect it, with 3 in 4 (70%) believing basic GenAI training should be integrated into courses. As GenAI becomes more common in the workplace, there are critical disconnects between the widespread adoption of GenAI in the workplace and the preparedness – or lack thereof – of graduates to use these tools effectively. Key findings include:


  • Graduates feel unprepared to work alongside GenAI: Currently, more than half (55%) of graduates said their programs did not prepare them to use GenAI tools. Gen Zers are the most likely to feel this way (61%) compared to Millennials (48%), Gen Xers (60%) and Baby Boomers (50%). Nearly 3 in 4 (69%) graduates say they need more training on working with new technologies in their current roles.
  • AI is creating career doubt: Over half (51%) of graduates are second-guessing their career choices due to rapid technological advancements, up from 33% in 2023. More than a third of graduates (39%) fear AI could replace their jobs entirely.
  • Employers expect GenAI competency: Nearly 2 in 3 (62%) employers believe candidates and employees should have foundational knowledge of GenAI tools, with 58% being more likely to interview and hire those with AI experience. Three in 4 employers say employees use AI tools in daily workflows to assist in research (49%), writing (47%), data analysis (43%), brainstorming (36%) and product development (27%).
  • 畢業生感到無法與人工智能一起工作:目前,超過一半(55%)的畢業生表示他們的計劃沒有準備他們使用人工智能工具。世代Z的人感覺最強烈(61%),比千禧一代(48%),X一代(60%)和嬰兒潮一代(50%)都要高。近三分之四(69%)的畢業生表示他們需要在當前工作中接受更多有關使用新技術的培訓。
  • 人工智能正在創造職業懷疑:超過一半(51%)的畢業生由於技術的快速發展而開始重新考慮他們的職業選擇,高於2023年的33%。超過三分之一的畢業生(39%)擔心人工智能可能完全取代他們的工作。
  • 僱主們期望畢業生具備人工智能的能力:近三分之二(62%)的僱主認爲候選人和員工應該具備基礎的人工智能工具知識,而58%的僱主則更有可能招聘和僱傭有人工智能經驗的人。四分之三的僱主表示員工每天使用人工智能工具來協助研究(49%),撰寫(47%),數據分析(43%),頭腦風暴(36%)和產品開發(27%)。

"The data reinforces what most of us are experiencing in the workplace today – GenAI is at the forefront of nearly every conversation," said Hansen. "This omnipresence can create a great deal of uncertainty and fear, but it is important not to read too much into the sensationalism, and rather, find grounding in the opportunity."

Hansen說:“數據在我們今天的工作場所中得到了較好的體現 - 人工智能已經成爲幾乎所有對話的前沿。這種無處不在的存在可能會引發很多不確定性和恐懼,但是重要的是不要過分炒作,而是尋找機會中的支撐。”

Hansen continued to say, "The data supports the growing need for GenAI training and professional skills development. Given the rapid speed at which GenAI is evolving, the development of these skills must come from use, practice, and experimentation – both in the classroom and in the workplace. We cannot live in fear of this technology, we must instead create environments where individuals can gain exposure to these tools and deepen their skillset in working alongside GenAI. By bridging the GenAI skills gap, we can ensure our graduates are not just prepared for their first job but are equipped with the adaptability and technological fluency to thrive throughout their careers."


For more information about the 2024 Cengage Group Employability Report, click here.

更多有關2024年Cengage Group就業報告的信息,請單擊此處。

About Cengage Group
Cengage Group, a global education technology company serving millions of learners, provides affordable, quality digital products and services that equip students with the skills and competencies needed to be job ready. For more than 100 years, we have enabled the power and joy of learning with trusted, engaging content, and now, integrated digital platforms. We serve the higher education, workforce skills, secondary education, English language teaching and research markets worldwide. Through our scalable technology, including MindTap and Cengage Unlimited, we support all learners who seek to improve their lives and achieve their dreams through education. Visit us at or find us on LinkedIn or X.

關於Cengage Group:Cengage Group是一家全球教育技術公司,服務於數百萬學習者,提供價格實惠、優質的數字產品和服務,爲學生提供具備就業能力所需的技能和競爭力。超過100年來,我們一直通過可信賴的、吸引人的內容和集成數字平台,賦予學生學習的力量和喜悅。我們在全球範圍內服務於高等教育、職場技能、中等教育、英語語言教學和研究市場。通過我們可擴展的MindTap和Cengage無限量,我們支持所有尋求通過教育改善生活和實現夢想的個人。訪問我們的網站www.cengage.com或在 LinkedIn 或 X 上找到我們。
Cengage Group企業傳訊高級總監Emily Featherston

Emily Featherston, Sr. Director, Corporate Communications
[email protected]

引用自Cengage Group
[email protected]

SOURCE Cengage Group


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