
TikTok USDS Employs AI-powered Zero Trust to Revolutionize Physical Security

TikTok USDS Employs AI-powered Zero Trust to Revolutionize Physical Security

PR Newswire ·  07/23 09:00

Leveraging's computer vision technology, TikTok USDS sets a new standard for securing critical assets and data

利用 的计算机视觉技术,TikTok USDS 为保护关键资产和数据设定了新标准

SAN JOSE, Calif., July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The rapidly evolving ecosystem of physical security threats makes one truth clear: traditional security measures are no longer enough. As today's threats become more sophisticated, legacy systems leave critical infrastructure alarmingly vulnerable to breaches.

加利福尼亚州圣何塞,2024年7月23日 /PRNewswire/ — 快速演变的物理安全威胁生态系统清楚地表明了一个事实:传统的安全措施已经不够了。随着当今威胁变得越来越复杂,传统系统使关键基础设施极易受到漏洞的攻击。

At the same time, a paradigm shift is underway, and TikTok U.S. Data Security (USDS) stands at the forefront. AI-powered computer vision enables the organization to revolutionize security protocols and embrace a Zero Trust model.


By utilizing these advanced computer vision-based technologies, such as, TikTok USDS further excels in upholding their high security standards.

通过利用这些基于计算机视觉的先进技术,例如,TikTok USDS在维护其高安全标准方面也表现出色。

"Through our partnership and the use of AI, we have been able to go above and beyond traditional physical security," said Phil Jang, Converged Security Leader at TikTok USDS.

TikTok USDS融合安全负责人Phil Jang表示:“通过我们的合作和人工智能的使用,我们已经能够超越传统的物理安全。”

The transition to Zero Trust physical security

向 Zero Trust 物理安全的过渡

TikTok USDS has pioneered and led the adoption of a Zero Trust physical security posture, amplified by's patented computer vision technology. Zero Trust eliminates the principle of inherent trust and requires strict verification for access to resources.

TikTok USDS 率先并领导了零信任物理安全态势的采用, 的专利进一步增强了这一态势 计算机视觉技术。 Zero Trust 消除了固有信任原则,需要严格验证才能访问资源。

This model, coupled with AI-powered computer vision, allows TikTok USDS to achieve real-time detections of security incidents and a true one-to-one match in controlling access to critical infrastructure. Through their airtight approach, the security team ensures continuous monitoring and auditing of access events.

该模型加上人工智能驱动的计算机视觉,使TikTok USDS能够实现对安全事件的实时检测,并在控制关键基础设施的访问方面实现真正的一对一匹配。通过严密的方法,安全团队确保对访问事件的持续监控和审计。

"With, we are able to push the boundaries beyond industry standards to protect US user data with a proactive AI solution," said Rehan Reddy, Principal, Converged Security Technology and Low Voltage Infrastructure at TikTok USDS.

TikTok USDS融合安全技术和低压基础设施负责人雷汉·雷迪表示:“有了,我们能够突破行业标准的界限,通过主动的人工智能解决方案保护美国用户数据。”

Continuous, granular risk monitoring


With integrated into their security infrastructure, the TikTok USDS team decreases traditional and complex security risks across the organization. A critical component fueling this risk reduction is uninterrupted and granular monitoring, essential in a Zero Trust framework.

通过将 集成到其安全基础架构中,TikTok USDS 团队降低了整个组织的传统和复杂安全风险。推动降低风险的一个关键组成部分是不间断的精细监控,这在零信任框架中至关重要。

Computer vision technology continuously analyzes visual data from security camera video streams, identifying and alerting the TikTok USDS security team to unusual activity.'s ability to precisely understand the context and risk level of a given scene enables the team to narrow down and define the specific activities they need to monitor.

计算机视觉技术持续分析来自安全摄像机视频流的视觉数据,识别并提醒 TikTok USDS 安全团队注意异常活动。 能够精确了解给定场景的背景和风险等级,这使团队能够缩小范围并定义他们需要监控的具体活动。

This targeted, intelligent approach to monitoring further aligns with TikTok USDS's unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest security standards. By honing in on specific risks, the team remains agile in protecting their organization and upholding their robust security protocols.

这种有针对性的智能监控方法进一步符合TikTok USDS对维持最高安全标准的坚定承诺。通过深入研究特定风险,该团队可以灵活地保护其组织并维护其强大的安全协议。

Enhanced detection capabilities


In the high-security world of data centers and cages, TikTok USDS employs AI-powered computer vision to protect its most sensitive assets. This technology enables the security team to detect human presence and actively monitor interactions with critical servers and cabinets — all while maintaining a remarkably low false positive rate.

在数据中心和笼子等高度安全的世界中,TikTok USDS 采用人工智能驱动的计算机视觉来保护其最敏感的资产。这项技术使安全团队能够检测人员存在并积极监控与关键服务器和机柜的交互,同时保持极低的误报率。

Building upon their established, rigorous security standards, TikTok USDS leverages this advanced threat detection to further elevate rack-level security in their data centers. During penetration testing within these spaces, testers used to immediately detect and thwart a range of simulated intrusion attempts, from reaching under doors to crawling beneath raised floors.

基于其既定严格的安全标准,TikTok USDS 利用了这一点 高级威胁检测 进一步提升其数据中心的机架级安全性。在这些空间进行渗透测试期间,万亿.sters 使用 立即检测并阻止了一系列模拟入侵企图,从触及门底到在高架地板下爬行。

Preventive measures and advanced alerts


TikTok USDS's AI-driven Zero Trust model goes beyond incident detection to actively prevent incidents from occurring.'s real-time detections and alerts of suspicious behaviors fuel this powerful, proactive approach.

TikTok USDS 的人工智能驱动的零信任模型不仅限于事件检测,还积极防止事件发生。 对可疑行为的实时检测和警报为这种强大而主动的方法提供了动力。

From detecting unauthorized access attempts to identifying tailgating incidents, TikTok USDS's fortified security measures set a new standard for real-time proactive threat mitigation. These advancements both strengthen security and optimize cost efficiency for the organization.

从检测 未经授权的访问尝试 为了识别尾随事件,TikTok USDS的强化安全措施为实时主动缓解威胁设定了新的标准。这些进步既增强了安全性,又优化了组织的成本效率。

A new security standard — powered by AI

由 AI 提供支持的新安全标准

Integrating AI-powered computer vision within a Zero Trust framework represents a significant leap in physical security. TikTok USDS's use of advanced technologies to detect, prevent, and respond to security threats redefines the possibilities and expectations for a secure environment.

在 Zero Trust 框架中集成人工智能驱动的计算机视觉代表着物理安全的重大飞跃。TikTok USDS 使用先进技术来检测、预防和应对安全威胁,重新定义了安全环境的可能性和期望。

Continuously evolving its security program, the organization establishes a new benchmark for efficacy, efficiency, and adaptability in safeguarding critical assets and data.

该组织不断发展其安全计划,为保护关键资产和数据的效率、效率和适应性建立了新的基准。 is proud to deliver innovative AI solutions to TikTok USDS. Discover how's AI-powered physical security helps leading companies see impactful results from their security operations. 很自豪能够为 TikTok USDS 提供创新的人工智能解决方案。探索 是怎么回事 人工智能驱动的物理安全 帮助领先公司从其安全运营中看到有影响力的结果。

Founded in 2017 by CEO Shikhar Shrestha and CTO Vikesh Khanna, is a unified, AI-powered physical security platform that helps enterprise organizations reduce risk, improve security operational efficiency, and gain critical insights. Trailblazing enterprises and multiple Fortune 500 organizations across a variety of industries leverage to unify their security infrastructure and significantly enhance their security posture. For more information, please visit

关于 由首席执行官希哈尔·什雷斯塔和首席技术官维克什·卡纳于 2017 年创立,是一个由人工智能驱动的统一物理安全平台,可帮助企业组织降低风险、提高安全运营效率并获得关键见解。各行各业的开拓性企业和多个《财富》500 强组织利用 来统一其安全基础架构,显著增强安全态势。欲了解更多信息,请访问

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