
Sand Technologies and Telkomsel AI Concept Wins 2024 Best Moonshot Catalyst - Attendees' Choice Award

Sand Technologies and Telkomsel AI Concept Wins 2024 Best Moonshot Catalyst - Attendees' Choice Award

Sand Technologies和Telkomsel的人工智能概念板塊獲得2024最佳Moonshot催化劑-與會者選擇獎
PR Newswire ·  07/24 09:15

The partners' innovative idea, part of a comprehensive project with six other global telecommunications leaders, was recognized at TM Forum's DTW Ignite event.

這個創新的想法是合作項目的一部分,由六個其他全球電信領袖組成,獲得了Tm Forum DTW Ignite活動的認可。

NEW YORK, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sand Technologies, a global AI solutions company, and Telkomsel, one of the world's largest mobile operators and the leading provider of digital telecommunications services in Indonesia, announced that their use of GenAI and large language models (LLMs) to improve telecom network planning and operations won TM Forum's Best Moonshot Catalyst - Attendees' Choice Award. The award-winning project anchored a wide-ranging AI collaboration with six other telecommunications leaders.

2024年7月24日紐約/美通社/--全球人工智能解決方案公司Sand Technologies和印度尼西亞領先的數字電信服務提供商,也是世界上最大的移動運營商之一的Telkomsel宣佈,他們利用GenAI和大型語言模型(LLM)提高電信網絡規劃和運營贏得了Tm Forum的最佳月球革新-參會者選擇獎。這個獲獎項目是與其他六家電信領袖廣泛合作的人工智能合作的錨定。

The companies' collaborative moonshot concept, honored at DTW Ignite, leverages GenAI and LLMs to communicate and predict future network demand so operators can identify and optimize site deployments. By using this AI tool, Communications Service Providers (CSPs) can gain confidence in their strategic CapEx decisions by more-accurately predicting the return on investment.

這些公司在DTW Ignite上獲得榮譽的合作月球革新概念,利用GenAI和LLM來溝通和預測未來的網絡需求,以便運營商能夠識別和優化站點部署。通過使用這個AI工具,通信服務供應商(CSP)可以通過更準確地預測投資回報來增強其戰略資本支出決策的信心。現在,這個解決方案從概念驗證(POC)轉向商業部署,根據網絡使用、公共和私人基準統計數據、社交媒體指標、人口普查數據甚至衛星圖像建議站點增強。它是唯一一個在“人工智能”、“5G商業化”和“網絡基礎設施”方面都有所涉及的Moonshot Catalyst Awards的提名項目。

Now moving from proof of concept (POC) to commercial deployment, the solution recommends site enhancements based on network usage, public and private benchmarking statistics, social media metrics, census data and even satellite imagery. It was the only Moonshot Catalyst Award submission to address the "AI," "5G monetization" and "network infrastructure" topics.

這個解決方案推薦基於網絡使用、公共和私人基準統計數據、社交媒體指標、人口普查數據以及衛星圖像的站點增強。它是唯一一個在“人工智能”、“5G商業化”和“網絡基礎設施”方面都有所涉及的Moonshot Catalyst Awards的提名項目。

"For our work to be recognized by a knowledgeable association such as TM Forum is a phenomenal testament to the quality of our AI solutions," said Fred Swaniker, CEO of Sand Technologies. "We're also thankful for brilliant partners like Telkomsel who have chosen to work with us in harnessing generative AI to automate network maintenance in Indonesia. We're incredibly proud of this accomplishment and excited for the journey ahead."

Sand Technologies首席執行官Fred Swaniker說:“我們的工作獲得Tm Forum這樣一個有見識的協會的認可,這是對我們人工智能解決方案質量的極好證明。我們也感謝像Telkomsel這樣的出色合作伙伴,他們選擇與我們合作利用生成式AI實現印度尼西亞的網絡自動化維護。我們爲這項成就感到無比自豪,對未來的道路感到興奮。”

TM Forum's Catalyst Awards recognize achievements in industry innovation, collaboration and growth through POCs. The Attendees' Choice Award is determined by on-site voting by DTW Ignite attendees. TM Forum's 800+ member companies work together to help CSPs and their suppliers transform and thrive in the digital era.

Tm Forum的Catalyst Awards表彰了在產業創新、合作和通過POC實現增長方面取得的成就。參會者選擇獎由DTW Ignite參會者進行現場投票決定。Tm Forum的800多家成員公司共同努力,幫助CSP及其供應商在數字時代實現轉型和繁榮。

This year's Moonshot Catalyst Awards category acknowledged initiatives that aim to provide groundbreaking and commercially viable technology solutions in an interactive manner.

今年的Moonshot Catalyst Awards類別是爲了表彰旨在以互動方式提供突破性和商業上可行的技術解決方案的倡議。

More information about Sand Technologies' award-winning concept and the eight collaborators is available at this page. The project was also a finalist for the Judges' Award.

更多關於Sand Technologies的獲獎概念和八個合作伙伴的信息,請訪問此頁面。該項目還入圍了評委獎。

About Sand Technologies:
Sand Technologies is a global AI solutions company with expertise in enterprise and industrial AI, and data science. For the past 10 years, we have empowered clients to solve their most pressing challenges using advanced Al and data solutions. Global enterprises in the telecom, utilities, healthcare and insurance industries – along with forward-looking governments – trust Sand Technologies to provide the resources they need to close the gap between their current reality and digital future. We believe in the power of AI beyond chatbots, empowering clients to deliver real impact and value. Learn more at

關於Sand Technologies:
Sand Technologies是一家全球性的人工智能解決方案公司,專業從事企業和工業人工智能和數據科學。在過去的10年中,我們通過高級人工智能和數據解決方案幫助客戶解決最緊迫的挑戰。電信、公用事業、醫療保健和保險行業的全球企業以及前瞻性政府都信任Sand Technologies爲他們提供資源,以縮小當前現實和數字未來之間的差距。我們相信人工智能的力量不僅僅在於聊天機器人,更重要的是使客戶能夠產生真正的影響和價值。了解更多

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SOURCE Sand Technologies


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