

China Fin Inv has been renamed to "Congyu Zhinong Group Co., Ltd."

新浪港股 ·  Jul 24, 2024 16:48

China Fin Inv (00875) released an announcement, and the board of directors happily announced that after the special resolution to change the company name was approved by the shareholders at the 2024 shareholder's annual general meeting held on May 31, 2024, the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda has issued the certificate of change of name and the certificate of second name, proving that the company's English name has been changed from "China Finance Investment Holdings Limited" to "Congyu Intelligent Agricultural Holdings Limited", and the Chinese second name has been changed from "中国金控投资集团有限公司" to "从玉智农集团有限公司", which will take effect from June 19, 2024. The name change has also been registered with the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong. On July 15, 2024, the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong issued a certificate of registration of non-Hong Kong company's change of name, confirming that the company has changed its name and is currently registered in Hong Kong under the English name "Congyu Intelligent Agricultural Holdings Limited" and the Chinese name "从玉智农集团有限公司" in accordance with section 16 of the Company Ordinance (Chapter 622 of Hong Kong law).

The company's English stock abbreviation will be changed from 'CHINA FIN INV' to 'CONGYU INTE AGR', and the company's Chinese stock abbreviation will be changed from '中国金控' to '从玉智农', which will take effect from 9:00 am on July 31, 2024 for trading on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The company's stock code on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong will remain unchanged as '875'.

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