
Microbix Presents HCV FLOQSwab Format Test Control at ADLM

Microbix Presents HCV FLOQSwab Format Test Control at ADLM

Microbix在ADLM上展示了HCV FLOQSwab格式化测试控制。
GlobeNewswire ·  07/25 07:00

Driven by Fingerstick Blood and Room-Temperature Stable for POCTs


MISSISSAUGA, Canada, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Microbix Biosystems Inc. (TSX: MBX, OTCQX: MBXBF, Microbix), a life sciences innovator, manufacturer, and exporter, announces that it is presenting results of a novel Quality Assessment Product ("QAP") for supporting Point-of-Care-Tests ("POCTs") for infection with the Hepatitis C Virus ("HCV") at the American Diagnostic and Laboratory Medicine ("ADLM") conference taking place in Chicago, Illinois July 29 to August 1, 2024.

加拿大密西沙加(Mississauga),2024年7月25日(美通社)——Microbix Biosystems Inc.(TSX: MBX, OTCQX: MBXBF, Microbix)是一家生命科学创新型企业、制造商和出口商,宣布将在7月29日至8月1日于伊利诺伊州芝加哥举办的美国诊断和实验室医学(ADLM)会议上展示支持检测HCV感染的POCTs(Point-of-Care-Tests)的新型质量评估产品("QAP")的结果。

At ADLM, Microbix will exhibit alongside leading firms that provide tests to diagnose and direct treatment of HCV and many other infectious diseases. Microbix will thereby showcase its ever-growing portfolio of QAPs that help ensure the accuracy of antigen and molecular (i.e., "PCR") tests and their workflows.


Also at ADLM, Microbix will present its poster titled "Novel Hepatitis C Virus External Quality Control that is Stable at Ambient Temperature and Suitable for Use in Low-Resource Settings." The poster reviews the performance of a novel PROCEEDFLOQ (RUO) QAP to support the training for and prospective quality management of POCT PCR tests that use fingerstick whole-blood samples to detect HCV. Following presentation of the poster on the afternoon of July 30, it will be made available at

"新型丙型肝炎病毒外部质量控制稳定在环境温度下,并适用于低资源环境使用的海报。该海报评述了新型PROCEEDFLOQ(RUO)QAP的表现,以支持使用指尖全血样本检测HCV的POCT PCR测试的培训和未来的质量管理。在7月30日下午海报发布后,将在尽管努力消除病毒性肝炎,但据估计仍有5800万人感染HCV。大部分这样的人生活在传统基于实验室的诊断因高成本、缺乏设备或训练有素的人员或缺乏"冷链"冷藏而无法获取,因此HCV POCTs对于改善测试可访问性、监测和治疗至关重要,这些POCTs需要适当设计和强大的外部质量控制(例如QAP),以监测检测的准确性。

In spite of efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis, it is estimated that 58 million individuals are infected with HCV. The majority of such persons live where conventional lab-based diagnostics are inaccessible due to high costs, want of equipment or trained personnel, or lack of "cold-chain" refrigeration. HCV POCTs are therefore critical for improving test accessibility, surveillance, and treatment, with such POCTs requiring suitably designed and robust External Quality Controls (e.g., QAPs) to monitor the accuracy of testing.

Microbix新型HCV QAP格式化的COPAN FLOQSwab,可以帮助实现一致和准确的信号,提供室温稳定性,且优于必须冷冻使用的传统HCV质量控制。QAP也是全基因组的,包含所有相关的PCR测试靶点,适用于相关的样品洗脱试剂,并在环境温度(即2至30摄氏度)下具有长期稳定性。该QAP旨在促进和加速HCV的POCT的推广和采用,特别是对于地理上或文化上孤立的人群以及低收入或中等收入国家。

The novel Microbix HCV QAP is formatted onto a COPAN FLOQSwab to help achieve a consistent and accurate signal, provide room-temperature stability, and be superior to conventional HCV quality controls that must be kept frozen until use. The QAP is also whole-genome to contain all relevant PCR-test targets, works with the relevant sample-elution reagents, and has long-term stability at ambient temperatures (i.e., 2 to 30 oC). This QAP is intended to facilitate and accelerate the rollout and adoption of POCTs for HCV, particularly for geographically or culturally-isolated persons and in low or middle-income countries.

Microbix的研发董事Amer Alagic是该海报的合著者,他评论道:“我们认为这个PROCEEDxFLOQ QAP是HCV POCT的第一个基于拭子的室温稳定控制。我们Microbix团队很高兴继续加速高影响传染病测试(如HCV)的负责任推广,以减轻其个人和全球健康负担。”

Amer Alagic, Microbix's Director of R&D and a co-author of the poster commented, "We believe this PROCEEDxFLOQ QAP is the first swab-based and room-temperature stable control for HCV POCTs. Our Microbix team is pleased to again be speeding-up the responsible rollout of tests for high-impact infectious diseases such as HCV and thereby reducing its individual and global health burden."

Microbix在此感谢三名外部合作者,分别是澳大利亚弗林德斯大学、荷兰BioQControl和美国Cepheid Inc。所有Microbix QAP的购买询问可发送电子邮件至。

Microbix gratefully acknowledges three external collaborators on this work, namely Flinders University (Australia), BioQControl (The Netherlands), and Cepheid Inc. (United States).


Purchase enquiries for all Microbix QAPs can be e-mailed to

所有Microbix QAP的购买咨询可发送至。

About Microbix Biosystems Inc.
Microbix Biosystems Inc. creates proprietary biological products for human health, with over 100 skilled employees and annualized sales now targeting C$ 2.0 million per month. It makes and exports a wide range of critical ingredients and devices for the global diagnostics industry, notably antigens for immunoassays and its laboratory quality assessment products (QAPs) that support clinical lab proficiency testing, enable assay development and validation, or help ensure the quality of clinical diagnostic workflows. Its antigens drive the antibody tests of approximately 100 diagnostics makers, while QAPs are sold to clinical lab accreditation organizations, diagnostics companies, and clinical labs. Microbix QAPs are now available in over 30 countries, supported by a network of international distributors. Microbix is ISO 9001 & 13485 accredited, U.S. FDA registered, Australian TGA registered, Health Canada establishment licensed, and provides CE marked products.

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Microbix also applies its biological expertise and infrastructure to develop other proprietary products and technologies, most notably Kinlytic urokinase, a biologic thrombolytic drug used to treat blood clots, and reagents or media to support molecular diagnostic testing (e.g., its DxTM for patient-sample collection). Microbix is traded on the TSX and OTCQX, and headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.


Forward-Looking Information
This news release includes "forward-looking information," as such term is defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, without limitation, discussion of ADLM, the Poster, the HCV QAPs, or their relevance, Microbix's or others' products or services, business and business results, goals or outlook, risks associated with financial results and stability, development projects such as those referenced in its presentations, regulatory compliance and approvals, sales to foreign jurisdictions, engineering and construction, production (including control over costs, quality, quantity or timeliness of delivery), currency exchange rates, maintaining adequate working capital or raising new capital on acceptable terms or at all, and other similar statements about anticipated future events, conditions or results that are not historical facts. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions, and expectations; they are not guarantees of future performance. Microbix cautions that all forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond its control. Accordingly, actual future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions, and expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking information. All statements are made as of the date of this news release and represent Microbix's judgement as of the date of this new release, and it is under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking information.

本新闻发布包括“前瞻性信息”,如适用证券法所定义。前瞻性信息包括但不限于ADLm,海报,HCV QAP或其相关性,Microbix或其他产品或服务,业务和业务结果,目标或展望,与财务结果和稳定性,开发项目(如其演示文稿中所述),监管合规和批准,销售到国外司法管辖区,工程和施工,生产(包括成本,质量,数量或交货的及时性的控制),货币兑换率,维持足够的营运资金或在可接受的条件下或完全筹集新资金以及关于预期未来事件,情况或结果的其他类似声明,这些声明不是历史事实。这些声明反映了管理层的当前估计,信念,意图和期望;它们不能保证未来绩效。Microbix警告说,所有前瞻性信息都具有固有的不确定性,实际绩效可能受许多其无法控制的实质性因素的影响。因此,实际未来事件,情况和结果可能与前瞻性信息中表达或暗示的估计,信念,意图和期望不同。所有声明均作为本新闻发布日期的声明,并代表Microbix的判断作为本新闻发布日期,Microbix没有义务更新或更改任何前瞻性信息。

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For further information, please contact Microbix at:


Cameron Groome, CEO
(905) 361-8910
Jim Currie,
(905) 361-8910
Deborah Honig,
Investor Relations
Adelaide Capital Markets
(647) 203-8793
关于Microbix Biosystems Inc.
(905) 361-8910
Jim Currie,
(905) 361-8910
Deborah Honig,
(647) 203-8793

Copyright 2024 Microbix Biosystems Inc.
Microbix, DxTM, Kinlytic, PROCEEDx, and QAPs are trademarks of Microbix Biosystems Inc.
PROCEEDxFLOQ is a trademark of Microbix Biosystems Inc. in collaboration with Copan Italia S.p.A.
Copan, FLOQ, and FLOQSwab are trademarks of Copan Italia S.p.A.
Other companies' names and products are protected by their respective trademarks.

版权所有2024年Microbix Biosystems Inc。
Microbix、DxTm、Kinlytic、PROCEEDx和QAPs均为Microbix Biosystems Inc.的商标。
PROCEEDxFLOQ是Microbix Biosystems Inc.与Copan Italia S.p.A.的商标。
Copan、FLOQ和FLOQSwab均为Copan Italia S.p.A.的商标。

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