In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top changes in volume rate [As of 9:32 on July 26]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<4013> Kinjiro 379100 107185.08 301.39% 0.0692%
<3647> G3 HD 772400 9252.58 297.42% 0.1296%
<7953> Kikusui Chemical Industry 57000 5329.12 184.21% -0.0049%
<7901> Matsumoto 24800 4134.64 162.64% 0.055%
<9087> Takase 400 7016.2 150.47% 0%
<9408> BSN Broadcasting 100 718.9 150% 0%
<8119> Sanei Corporation 200 32.94 149.61% 0%
<9820> MT Genek 1200 217.54 141.65% 0.0098%
<7970> Shin-Etsu Polymer 368600 681.48 140.07% 0.0739%
<8181> Totohong 11800 146267.6 106.58% -0.0033%
<3930> Hatena 8700 3348.44 97.44% 0.0332%
<3375> ZOA 2400 4465.02 97.23% -0.0113%
<4690> Nippon Palette 51000 1500.74 96.15% -0.1663%
<2519> NF Emerging Bonds 15210 36718.82 93.59% 0.0055%
<2329> Tohoku Shinsha 580100 5551.068 80.95% -0.0571%
<2970> Good Life 15800 147624.44 64.7% 0.0067%
<7255> Sakura Seisakusho 5900 22051.66 58.72% 0.0038%
<8898> Century 21 2500 1348 52.03% -0.0044%
<4341> Seiri Electric 1200 1349.88 51.13% 0.0181%
<7205> Hino Auto 3621600 465.92 50.69% 0.141%
<7297> Carmate 2500 858260.518 50.45% 0%
<6484> KVK 3800 1204.64 50.21% 0.0085%
<7505> Fusodenso 3400 4093.6 46.46% 0.0056%
<2242> MXS Dow He 17230 3740.08 45.26% 0.0021%
<6176> Brangista 55200 9745.729 43.06% -0.0058%
<4125> Sawa Oil 15700 29069.78 39.97% -0.0307%
<3461> Palma 15000 27968.78 39.25% -0.0505%
<3184> ICDA 600 3535.08 37.67% 0.0231%
<2929> Pharma Foods 928900 1039.5 37.04% 0.0231%
<6286> Jingjia 6600 711060.72 34.9% -0.0147%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.