
Hiap Tong Corporation Announces Board Changes

Singapore Business Review ·  Jul 26, 2024 10:21

This is in effect as of 25 July.

Hiap Tong Corporation Ltd has made changes to its board of directors and board committees effective from 25 July.

Yee Chia Hsing has been appointed as a Non-Executive Independent Director. He will also be the chairman of the audit Committee (AC) and a member of both the Nominating Committee (NC) and the Remuneration Committee (RC).

Tay Seo Long has retired as a non-executive independent director and has stepped down as chairman of the AC, as well as from his positions on the NC and RC.

The updated board of directors now includes Ong Teck Meng as executive chairman and CEO, Ong Boon Tat, Alvin as executive vice chairman, Ong Lim San as executive director, Tito Shane Isaac as lead independent director, Choy Bing Choong as independent director, and Yee as independent director.

The AC is now chaired by Yee, with Choy and Tito as members. The RC is chaired by Choy, with Tito and Yee as members. The NC is chaired by Tito, with Ong Boon, Choy, and Yee as members.

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