
AuMEGA Metals: Quarterly Activities Report for the Three Months Ended 30 June 2024

AuMEGA Metals: Quarterly Activities Report for the Three Months Ended 30 June 2024

newsfile ·  07/29 08:00





  • Fully funded exploration program progressing to plan.
  • Highly successful Canadian winter reverse circulation ("RC") drilling program defined three large, mineralised zones, including O-2 West at Malachite which delivered a several mineralised holes including 627 ppb gold and 1.99% copper from six metres, with diamond drilling now planned.
  • Also defined a 1.2 km anomalous trend at O-2 East to be followed up with diamond drilling.
  • Conducted technical workshop in Newfoundland defining 37 exploration targets including identification of nine new early-stage targets.
  • Spring/Summer exploration activities commenced with diamond drilling within the resource corridor, mainly at Central Zone.
  • The first phase of diamond drilling was completed on 12 July 2024.
  • 资金充足的勘探计划正在按计划进行中。
  • 非常成功的加拿大冬季反循环(“RC”)钻探计划确定了三个大型矿化带,包括孔雀石西部的O-2 West,该钻孔开采了几个矿化孔,包括627 ppb的金和6米处的1.99%的铜,现在计划进行钻石钻探。
  • 还定义了O-2 East的1.2千米的异常趋势,随后将进行钻石钻探。
  • 在纽芬兰举办了技术研讨会,确定了37个勘探目标,包括确定了9个新的早期目标。
  • 春季/夏季勘探活动始于资源走廊内的钻石钻探,主要是在中区。
  • 第一阶段的钻石钻探已于 2024 年 7 月 12 日完成。



  • Strong cash position with cash balance of approximately $6.2 million (A$6.8 million) as at the end of June 2024.
  • Listing on the Toronto Venture Exchange completed ("TSXV") providing expanded access to another major stock exchange for the mining industry. Trading began on 26 June 2024 under the trading symbol "AUM".
  • Rebranded the business to AuMEGA Metals Ltd to better reflect the Company's growth strategy and focus on delivering long-term value through world-class exploration in Newfoundland.
  • ASX trading symbol changed to "AAM".
  • Change in management with departure of Crispin Pike, VP Exploration at the end of September 2024, with transition currently in progress.
  • Option Agreement completed to acquire the Blue Cove Copper Project in southeastern Newfoundland.
  • 截至2024年6月底,现金状况良好,现金余额约为620万澳元(合680万澳元)。
  • 在多伦多风险交易所(“TSXV”)的上市完成,为采矿业提供了进入另一家主要证券交易所的更多渠道。交易于 2024 年 6 月 26 日开始,交易代码为 “AUM”。
  • 将业务更名为AuMega Metals Ltd,以更好地反映公司的增长战略,并专注于通过在纽芬兰的世界级勘探创造长期价值。
  • 澳大利亚证券交易所的交易代码更改为 “AAM”。
  • 随着勘探副总裁克里斯平·派克于2024年9月底离职,管理层变动,目前过渡正在进行中。
  • 收购纽芬兰东南部蓝湾铜业项目的期权协议已完成。

Edmonton, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - July 29, 2024) - AuMEGA Metals Ltd (formerly Matador Mining Ltd) (ASX: AAM) (TSXV: AUM) (OTCQB: AUMMF) ("AuMEGA" or the "Company") is pleased to provide its Quarterly Activities Report for the quarter ended 30 June 2024. All dollar amounts are Canadian dollars unless stated otherwise.

艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年7月29日)——Aumega Metals Ltd(前身为斗牛士矿业有限公司)(澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:AUM)(OTCQB:AUMF)(“AUMEGA” 或 “公司”)很高兴提供截至2024年6月30日的季度活动报告。除非另有说明,否则所有美元金额均为加元。

AuMEGA is a mineral exploration company focused primarily on the discovery of precious and critical metals in Newfoundland and Labrador ("Newfoundland"), Canada. AuMEGA employs a world-class, systematic approach to exploration which is necessary for a terrain that has significant cover and a complex glacial history such as in south-west Newfoundland.


The Company holds a district scale land package that spans 110 kilometres along the Cape Ray Shear Zone ("CRSZ"), a significant under-explored geological feature recognised as Newfoundland's largest identified gold structure. This structure currently hosts Calibre Mining's Valentine Gold Project, which is the region's largest gold deposit (+5 million ounces), along with AuMEGA's Mineral Resource.

该公司持有沿开普雷切尔区(“CRSZ”)横跨110公里的区域规模地块,这是一个尚未开发的重要地质特征,被认为是纽芬兰最大的已知金矿结构。该结构目前是Calibre Mining的情人节黄金项目以及AuMega的矿产资源所在地,该项目是该地区最大的金矿(+500万盎司)。

AuMEGA's portfolio over the CRSZ hosts a few dozen high potential targets and its existing gold Mineral Resource of 6.1 million tonnes of ore grading an average of 2.25 g/t, totaling 450,000 ounces of Indicated Resources, and 3.4 million tonnes of ore grading an average of 1.44 g/t, totaling 160,000 ounces in Inferred Resources.


The Company is supported by a diverse shareholder registry of prominent global institutional investors, and strategic investment from B2Gold Corp, a leading, multi-million-ounce a year gold producer.

该公司得到全球知名机构投资者的多元化股东登记册以及领先的年产量数百万盎司黄金生产商B2Gold Corp的战略投资的支持。

Additionally, AuMEGA holds a 27-kilometer stretch of the highly prospective Hermitage Flexure and has also secured an Option Agreement for the Blue Cove Copper Project in southeastern Newfoundland, which exhibits strong potential for copper and other base metals.

此外,AuMega持有长达27公里的极具前景的Hermitage Flexure,还获得了纽芬兰东南部蓝湾铜业项目的期权协议,该项目显示出铜和其他基本金属的巨大潜力。

Second Quarter 2024 Overview

2024 年第二季度概述

The Company successfully completed its first winter RC drill program during the quarter, a technique the Company believes to be a best-in-class approach to sampling below moderate overburden, and a first in recent time for Newfoundland exploration.


Three large, mineralised zones were defined by this RC program, which will be further drill tested deeper into the bedrock in the upcoming second phase diamond drill program.


The first phase of the 2024 diamond drill program focused on high-priority targets within the resource corridor, mainly at Central Zone. Following extensive analysis and interpretation the Company identified a number of structural and geochemical targets that were not previously assessed during past mineral resource drill programs.

2024 年钻石钻探计划的第一阶段侧重于资源走廊内的高优先目标,主要集中在中区。经过广泛的分析和解释,公司确定了许多结构和地球化学目标,这些目标以前在过去的矿产资源钻探计划中未曾进行过评估。

Subsequent to the quarter end, the Company completed the first phase of diamond drilling with eight holes drilled for a total of approximately 1,900 metres. The second phase of diamond drilling is expected to involve 3,000 to 4,000 metres depending on results.


Business development activities during the quarter included the Company entering into a low-cost Option Agreement to acquire the Blue Cove Copper Project in southeastern Newfoundland. The project has identified outcropping of high-grade copper-gold-silver targets ready for immediate assessment.


Shareholders approved a company change of name to AuMEGA Metals Ltd during the quarter, with change in listing symbol from MZZ to AAM. The Company also completed a secondary listing on the TSXV under the ticker AUM.

股东们批准在本季度将公司名称改为AuMega Metals Ltd,上市代码从MZZ改为aAm。该公司还完成了在多伦多证券交易所的二次上市,股票代码为AuM。

Exploration Activities


Commencement of Spring and Summer Exploration Program


The Company commenced its spring and summer exploration program during the quarter1. The exploration team mobilised for early stage works and preparations for the start of diamond drilling, which commenced early in June 2024.


The 2024 exploration program is one of the most comprehensive programs planned for the Company. Several meaningful exploration initiatives have been scheduled on the Company's district-scale land package covering multiple projects including Malachite, Cape Ray, Bunker Hill, Intersection, Hermitage and Blue Cove.


Following the successful completion of the 157 holes drilled in the winter in the Company's first ever RC program, diamond drilling is now being undertaken over two quality-focussed phases.

继公司首个 RC 项目在冬季成功钻探的 157 个孔之后,金刚石钻探现在分两个以质量为重点的阶段进行。

The first phase is solely focussed on new, high-priority targets within the mineral resource corridor in areas never before drill tested. The second phase planned for later in the Canadian summer will include drilling at Malachite following up on targets defined by the RC program, and other new targets defined during the Company's targeting workshop which was completed at the end of June 2024.


The workshop was led by the world-renowned structural geologist Brett Davis and included geologists from B2Gold and our full AuMEGA team including Chair Justin Osborne who adds a wealth of gold targeting and exploration experience.


Phase-One Diamond Drilling at Central Zone


On 12 June 2024, the Company announced the commencement of the first phase of the 2024 diamond drilling program with the initial phase focused on drilling high-priority targets at new zones within the resource corridor, mainly at Central Zone. This drilling was recently completed and assays are pending holes from this program as well as three geotechnical holes drilled historically by the Company that were never assayed.


Historical Untested Geochemical and Structural Anomalies7


The first phase of diamond drilling was based on recent interpretation and analysis completed by the Company which identified new targets in the footwall to the known Central Zone deposits. In 2018, the Company identified a 500 metre by 300 metre gold-in soil anomaly, greater than 40 ppb, which is almost 15 times the average crustal abundance of gold. This zone is situated in the footwall to the Z04 deposit and appears to be coincident with interpreted disruption of the Strawberry Hill Granite, which is geologically similar to the Window Glass Hill Granite to the west.

钻石钻探的第一阶段基于该公司最近完成的解释和分析,该解读和分析在已知的中心区矿床底部确定了新的目标。2018年,该公司发现了500米乘300米的土壤含金量异常,大于40 ppb,几乎是黄金地壳平均丰度的15倍。该区域位于Z04矿床的脚下,似乎与草莓山花岗岩的解释破坏相吻合,草莓山花岗岩在地质学上与西边的窗玻璃山花岗岩相似。

The Company also identified a second, highly prospective historical geochemical anomaly in the footwall of the Central Zone Z41 deposit. This anomaly consists of a 560-metre-long linear gold-in-soil trend with values up to 1,440 ppb (or 1.44 g/t) gold. This gold anomaly is coincident with an untested occurrence of potentially sheared Windsor Point Group, the most prospective sedimentary host of the Company's Central Zone Mineral Resources.

该公司还在中区Z41矿床的底部发现了第二个极具前景的历史地球化学异常。该异常包括一个长达560米的线性土中金趋势,金值高达1,440 ppb(或1.44 g/t)。这种金异常与未经测试的温莎角群的出现相吻合,温莎角集团是公司中部区域矿产资源中最具前景的沉积宿主。

The Company's recent analysis on the structural movement of CRSZ mineralisation, coupled with this historical data, supports the favourability and prospectivity of the largely overlooked Central Zone footwall geological zone.



图 1:中央区域足墙中未经测试的地球化学目标概述

Technical Workshop2


The targeting Technical Workshop entailed a review of the significant data that has been collected historically and by the Company from the CRSZ and Hermitage Flexure through geophysical surveys, diamond and RC drilling, prospecting, sampling, mapping and desktop analysis.

有针对性的技术研讨会包括对历史上以及公司通过地球物理调查、钻石和钢筋混凝土钻探、勘探、取样、测绘和桌面分析从CRSZ和Hermitage Flexure收集的重要数据进行审查。

Targets were ranked using a mineral systems approach, defined by the key criteria common to world-class gold deposits. The resultant conceptual rankings are used in conjunction with factual empirical data and are subdivided by stage in the exploration pipeline. This objective ranking methodology allows for targets in various stages of exploration, with different empirical data sets, to be ranked against each other to best select targets for further work. Such a systematic approach to ranking and prioritisation allows for efficient and effective deployment of capital to drive discovery.


In total, the Company has now defined 37 targets within its portfolio. As a result of the workshop, nine new targets were identified based on geophysical and geochemical data previously collected and re-interpreted. These new targets were then combined with existing targets and subsequently assigned a score based on both conceptual and empirical criteria with the overarching defining criteria being the potential of the target to host a multi-million-ounce deposit. Three (O-2 West, O-2 East and Grandy's East) of these nine targets are a result of the Company's successful winter RC drill program at Malachite.

该公司现在总共在其投资组合中定义了37个目标。研讨会的成果是,根据先前收集和重新解释的地球物理和地球化学数据,确定了九个新目标。然后,将这些新目标与现有目标相结合,随后根据概念和实证标准给出分数,最重要的决定标准是目标拥有数百万盎司矿床的潜力。这九个目标中有三个(O-2 West、O-2 East 和 Grandy's East)是该公司在孔雀石成功开展冬季钢筋混凝土钻探计划的结果。

Of the total targets that the Company has identified, 30 are in the early stages of exploration while five targets are in the intermediate stage and two in the advanced stage, both of which we are currently drilling within the resource corridor. Another three intermediate targets are part of the phase two diamond drill program including O-2 West, which delivered the best results from the winter RC drill program.

在该公司确定的总目标中,有30个处于勘探初期,而5个目标处于中间阶段,两个处于后期阶段,我们目前正在资源走廊内钻探这两个目标。另外三个中间目标是第二阶段金刚石钻探计划的一部分,其中包括O-2 West,该项目在冬季RC钻探计划中取得了最佳结果。


图 2:AUMEGA 的顶级勘探目标

The Company is currently ranking each of the targets and will create more specific work plans for each that don't currently have them in place. The work plans will be on the top-ranking targets and will include the scope of work and expected outcomes, including the necessary outcomes required to continue to advance targets through the exploration pipeline. This work is expected to be completed in the coming weeks in conjunction with ongoing field exploration work.


Malachite Winter RC Drill Program


During the quarter, the Company announced the completion of the initial winter RC drill program at Malachite3. Approximately 80% of the designed program was completed, including the entire drill program for the high priority O-2 target, prior to curtailing the program due to continued adverse weather conditions. In total, 157 holes were drilled in the program.


The reconnaissance-style RC drill program was designed to cover a large, prospective area at the Malachite Project with an aim to delineate gold and pathfinder anomalies in the bedrock and glacial till that vector to undercover gold mineralisation. This exploration program is akin to Australian style rotary air blast and air core programs and Scandinavian style base-of-till programs that have led to major global discoveries. The RC drill rig proved to be highly productive and far exceeded the output the Company had expected.

侦察式的 RC 钻探计划旨在覆盖孔雀石项目的大片前景区域,目的是描绘基岩和冰川中的黄金和探路者异常,直至该向量来掩盖金矿化。该勘探计划类似于澳大利亚风格的旋转式空气喷射和空心计划以及斯堪的纳维亚风格的耕作基地项目,后者导致了全球重大发现。事实证明,这台 RC 钻机生产率很高,远远超过了公司的预期产量。

The results of the program4 identified three large, mineralised zones. The assay results from the initial batch of the RC drill program have identified two large, mineralised zones located west of the Company's high-priority O-2 target. This area, which appears to be located on a faulted geological contact previously interpreted from magnetics and mapping, is located to the northwest of the O-2 target. This is an area where the Company previously defined two anomalous gold and pathfinder occurrences in bedrock.


RC drilling intersected significant anomalous gold and copper from drillhole CRC0037 with assays of 627 ppb (0.63 g/t) gold and 1.99% copper only seven metres below surface and 224 ppb (0.2 g/t) gold a further metre below. These results are considered significant as gold mineralisation along the CRSZ is typically associated with chalcopyrite within gold-bearing zones including the Central Zone mineral resource5. This target area is now dubbed O-2 West.

反渗透钻探发现了 CRC0037 钻孔中的大量异常金和铜,分析了地表以下仅七米处的 627 ppb(0.63 g/t)金和 1.99% 的铜,再往下方测定了 224 ppb(0.2 g/t)的金。这些结果被认为是重要的,因为CRSZ沿线的金矿化通常与包括中央区矿产资源在内的含金区内的黄铜矿有关5。这个目标区域现在被称为 O-2 West。

The second new, large, mineralised zone now dubbed Grandy's East is located 3.5 kilometres west of the main O-2 target and is situated within the Grandy's Project area. The target comprises a trend located on a flat lying plain with virtually no outcrop and complete post-mineralisation cover. In 2022, prospecting by the Company discovered high-grade float and boulders in the area with gold assays up to 15.30 g/t gold6. Drill hole CRC004 intersected 155 ppb (0.16 g/t) gold in bedrock, approximately 370 metres east of the highest-grade boulder sample and represents the first occurrence of anomalous gold in bedrock in the area. This trend continues eastward 800 metres where drilling on the next RC drill line returned anomalous gold associated with a lead-silver-antimony anomalism. Ankerite and sericite alteration are also present within the trend.

第二个新的大型矿化带现在被称为Grandy's East,位于主要O-2目标以西3.5公里处,位于格兰迪的项目区域内。目标包括位于平坦平原上的趋势,几乎没有露头,矿化后覆盖面完整。2022年,该公司的勘探工作在该地区发现了高品位浮石和巨石,金分析结果高达15.30克/吨的黄金6。CRC004 钻孔在基岩中与 155 ppb(0.16 g/t)的金相交,位于最高品位的巨石样本以东约 370 米处,这是该地区基岩中首次出现异常金。这种趋势向东延续 800 米,在下一条 RC 钻探线上的钻探返回了与铅银锑异常相关的异常金。方岩和绢云母的变化也存在于趋势中。

The third zone included a zone with alteration that extended over 1.2 kilometres in strike (FIGURE). The results also included a large area of basal till gold anomalism indicating a compelling drill target. The combination of gold and pathfinder anomalism in bedrock, combined with multigram prospecting samples suggests significant mineralised fluid flow and potential for large under-cover gold deposits. This area is dubbed O-2 East.

第三个区域包括一个经过改动的区域,该区域在罢工期间延伸了1.2公里(图)。结果还包括大面积的基底金异常,这表明钻探目标令人信服。基岩中的黄金和探路者异常,再加上多重勘探样本,表明矿化流体流动量大,潜力巨大,地下有大量金矿床的潜力。这个区域被称为 O-2 East。

The Company is continuing to analyse the full spectrum of data received from the RC program; however, the geological team is confident on the definition of several highly prospective diamond drill targets with the aim of testing them in the second phase of diamond drilling this summer.



图 3:孔雀石的 RC 井底程序

As an exploration targeting tool, the RC program proved to be a relatively low-cost and extremely efficient method of screening a sizeable area resulting in rapid progression to advanced target generation. Given the success of the program, the Company will be looking to expand its use in future exploration campaigns.



图 4:新发现的黄金和白银走势

Historic Core Analysis


During the June quarter, the Company processed five of the nine geotechnical drillholes that were drilled in 2022 at Central Zone to support the Company's previous study works7. These holes were drilled to provide geotechnical information for pit wall optimisation, which formed part of the Company's previous strategy of developing a "starter" mine on the Cape Ray Gold Project. These holes had never been sampled, however recent relogging of drillhole CGT006 revealed a significant zone of visual mineralisation in a footwall location that was selected for sampling.

在6月的季度中,该公司处理了2022年在中央区钻探的九个岩土工程钻孔中的五个,以支持公司先前的研究工作7。钻出这些洞是为了为矿墙优化提供岩土工程信息,这构成了该公司先前在Cape Ray金矿项目上开发 “起步” 矿山的战略的一部分。这些洞从未被采样过,但是最近对钻孔 CGT006 的重新记录显示,在选中进行采样的脚下位置有一个重要的可视矿化区域。

Recent assay results from previously drilled geotechnical diamond drillhole (CGT006) returned 11 metres at 2.39 g/t gold (not true thickness) including 0.55 metres at 8.2 g/t gold from 126.75 metres and 1 metre at 10.3 g/t gold from 135 metres from the Central Zone footwall.


Geotechnical drillhole (CGT005) returned 3 metres at 8.24 g/t gold from 127 metres, including 1 metre at 13.9 g/t gold from 129 metres within the Z41 deposit.

岩土工程钻孔(CGT005)从 127 米处以 8.24 克/吨的速度返回 3 米的黄金,包括从 Z41 矿床内的 129 米处返回 1 米、13.9 克/吨的黄金。


图 5:来自中心区域 DEPOSITS7 的岩土工程钻孔概述

Early-Stage Activities


The Company's Spring/ Summer exploration program also includes low-cost prospecting. High-value early-stage exploration works planned include high-resolution airborne magnetics at Bunker Hill where AuMEGA and historic samples delivered several high-grade gold, silver and copper samples over the 24 kilometres of strike.


The Company is also flying high resolution magnetics at Hermitage to aid the development of comprehensive geological maps for this highly prospective project. The aim is to advance specific high-priority areas within the Hermitage Project for future discovery drill programs.




Corporate Name Change - AuMEGA Metals Ltd

公司名称变更-Aumega Metals Ltd

During the quarter, shareholders overwhelmingly approved the name change from Matador Mining Ltd to AuMEGA Metals Ltd, with the name becoming effective in early June 2024. The Company's ASX ticker also changed from MZZ to AAM at that time.

在本季度,股东以压倒性多数批准了将斗牛士矿业有限公司更名为AuMega Metals Ltd,该名称将于2024年6月初生效。当时,该公司的澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码也从MZZ更改为aAM。

Secondary Listing on TSX-V


On 26 June 2024, the Company's shares commenced trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange's Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the ticker AUM. There was no equity offering associated with the Listing. AuMEGA shares are fully fungible across both the ASX and TSXV allowing flexibility for shareholders to hold and trade shares in either market. Volumes will remain low on this listing until shares transferred from the ASX and then traded.


The Company believes that having its shares traded on two of the predominant resources exchanges provides opportunities for exposure to a wider investor base.


Management Changes


The Company's Vice President, Exploration, Crispin Pike will depart the Company effective 28 September 2024. The Company is expected to replace Mr. Pike in due course.




As at 30 June 2024, the Company had a cash balance of approximately $6.2 million (A$6.8 million). This compares to a cash balance of $7.7 million (A$8.6 million) in the previous quarter.


Cashflow Discussion


Operating cash outflow for the quarter was $0.3 million compared with $0.5 million in the previous quarter. The quarter-on-quarter reduction relates to the receipt of a $0.12m rebate for the Junior Exploration Assistance grant from the Newfoundland and Labrador government.


Exploration expenditure for the June quarter was $1.2 million compared with $0.8 million in the March quarter. Exploration activities increased with the completion of the initial reverse circulation (RC) drill program at Malachite and the commencement of the Spring and Summer program.


Share Capital


As at 30 June 2024, the Company had 525,834,322 fully paid Ordinary shares on issue. As at 30 June 2024, there were 57,186,719 unlisted Options outstanding and 9,968,086 unlisted Performance Rights outstanding, none of which have vested.


Payments to Related Parties


During the quarter, the Company made payments to related parties of $187,000, which were made to directors' fees and the salary of the Managing Director.


Business Development


Blue Cove Copper Project Option Agreement8


During the quarter, the Company announced that it had entered into an Option Agreement to acquire the Blue Cove Copper Project in southeastern Newfoundland, Canada. Blue Cove is an early-stage, copper ± lead, zinc and silver exploration project with samples that graded up to 10.6% copper and up to 106 g/t silver in historic sampling.

在本季度,该公司宣布已签订期权协议,以收购加拿大纽芬兰东南部的蓝湾铜矿项目。Blue Cove是一个早期的铜 ± 铅、锌和银勘探项目,其样品在历史采样中铜品位高达 10.6%,银品位高达 106 g/t。


图 6:裸露在蓝湾悬崖面上的铜

Based on the exploration undertaken by previous operator, West Mining Corp. ("West Mining")9 and assessed by the Company, the primary targets areas at the Blue Cove Copper Project, include:


  • Blue Cove - Significant outcrop with high-grade copper samples grading up to 5.1% copper and 33.2 g/t silver. Copper sulphide mineralization occurs as chalcocite, bornite and chalcopyrite. Notable silver and zinc assays are also present.
  • Ryles Barisway - Known copper mineralisation in outcrop with surface samples grading up to 10.6% copper and up to 91.6 g/t silver.
  • Terrenceville - Copper mineralisation sampling up to 1.8 % copper.
  • Hilltop Grid - Multi-element soil geochemical anomaly with a coincident magnetic low.
  • Harbour Mille - Several high-grade historic copper samples from multiple locations grading up to 4.2% copper and up to 106 g/t silver.
  • Blue Cove-大量露头,高品位铜样品的铜品位高达 5.1%,银品位高达 33.2 g/t。硫化铜矿化以硫酸盐、硼砂和黄铜矿的形式出现。还存在显著的银和锌检测。
  • Ryles Barisway——露头中已知的铜矿化区,表面样品的铜品位高达10.6%,银含量高达91.6克/吨。
  • 特伦斯维尔——铜矿化采样高达 1.8% 的铜。
  • 山顶网格-具有重合磁低点的多元素土壤地球化学异常。
  • Harbour Mille-来自多个地点的几个高品位历史铜样品,铜品位高达 4.2%,银含量高达 106 克/吨。


图 7:欧米茄项目的总体概述

The Blue Cove Option Agreement10 provided for an initial upfront payment of $10,000 upon execution, followed by payments of $20,000 on the 12-month anniversary of the Agreement and $30,000 on the 24-month anniversary of the Agreement. It also includes a modest 1% Net Smelter Return ("NSR") upon commencement of commercial production that can be partially repurchased (0.5%) by the Company at a price of $500,000 at a later date. The Company retains the first right of refusal on the full sale of the NSR.

《蓝湾期权协议》10 规定,在执行时首次预付10 000美元,然后在《协议》12个月周年纪念日支付20 000美元,在《协议》24个月周年纪念日支付30 000美元。它还包括在开始商业生产时适度的 1% 的冶炼厂净回报率(“NSR”),公司日后可以以500,000美元的价格部分回购(0.5%)。公司保留全面出售NSR的第一拒绝权。

At the end of the 24-month period and payment of the consideration, the Company will hold 100% of the Blue Cove Copper Project.


Tenement Interests



表 1:截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的物业权益

Holder License # Project Project # of Claims Area
Cape Ray Mining 025560M Cape Ray Cape Ray 20 5.00
Cape Ray Mining 025855M Cape Ray Long Range 32 8.00 Royalty (d)
Cape Ray Mining 025856M Cape Ray Long Range 11 2.75 Royalty (d)
Cape Ray Mining 025857M Cape Ray Long Range 5 1.25 Royalty (d)
Cape Ray Mining 025858M Cape Ray Long Range 30 7.50 Royalty (d)
Cape Ray Mining 026125M Cape Ray Bunker Hill 190 47.50
Cape Ray Mining 030881M Cape Ray Intersection 255 63.75
Cape Ray Mining 030884M Cape Ray Intersection 255 63.75
Cape Ray Mining 030996M Cape Ray Malachite 205 51.25
Cape Ray Mining 030997M Cape Ray Long Range 60 15.00 Royalty (d)
Cape Ray Mining 031557M Cape Ray Long Range 154 38.5
Cape Ray Mining 031558M Cape Ray Cape Ray 96 24
Cape Ray Mining 031559M Cape Ray Grandy's 32 8
Cape Ray Mining 031562M Cape Ray Grandy's 37 9.25
Cape Ray Mining 032060M Cape Ray Cape Ray 81 20.25 Royalties (a) (b) (c)
Cape Ray Mining 032061M Cape Ray Cape Ray 76 19 Royalties (a) (b) (c)
Cape Ray Mining 032062M Cape Ray Isle aux Morts 72 18 Royalties (a) (b) (c)
Cape Ray Mining 032764M Hermitage Hermitage 256 64
Cape Ray Mining 032770M Hermitage Hermitage 252 63
Cape Ray Mining 032818M Hermitage Hermitage 95 23.75
Cape Ray Mining 032940M Cape Ray Long Range 255 63.75
Cape Ray Mining 032941M Cape Ray Malachite 256 64
Cape Ray Mining 033080M Cape Ray Bunker Hill 190 47.5
Cape Ray Mining 033085M Cape Ray Malachite 256 64
Cape Ray Mining 033110M Hermitage Hermitage 183 45.75
Cape Ray Mining 035822M Cape Ray Bunker Hill 38 9.5
Cape Ray Mining 032256M Hermitage Hermitage 12 4 Royalties (e)
Cape Ray Mining 036567M Hermitage Hermitage 44 11
Cape Ray Mining 036749M Hermitage Hermitage 10 2.5
Cape Ray Mining 032774M Hermitage Hermitage 8 2 Royalties (e)
Cape Ray Mining 037478M Cape Ray Moraine 104 26.0
Cape Ray Mining 037525M Hermitage Hermitage 10 2.5
Cape Ray Mining 037529M Hermitage Hermitage 4 1.0
Spencer Vatcher 037526M Hermitage Hermitage 4 1.0
Cape Ray Mining 037159M Blue Cove Blue Cove 8 2 Royalties (f)
Spencer Vatcher 037774M Blue Cove Blue Cove 30 7.5
Cape Ray Mining 037158M Blue Cove Blue Cove 22 5.5 Royalties (f)
Cape Ray Mining 037160M Blue Cove Blue Cove 18 4.5 Royalties (f)
Cape Ray Mining 036866M Blue Cove Blue Cove 20 5 Royalties (f)
Spencer Vatcher 037775M Blue Cove Blue Cove 13 3.25
Cape Ray Mining 036879M Blue Cove Blue Cove 10 2.5 Royalties (f)
Spencer Vatcher 037776M Blue Cove Blue Cove 11 2.75
Spencer Vatcher 037778M Blue Cove Blue Cove 13 3.25
Spencer Vatcher 037777M Blue Cove Blue Cove 7 1.75
Spencer Vatcher 037790M Blue Cove Blue Cove 39 9.75

3779 944.75
持有者 许可证 # 项目 项目 索赔数量 区域
开普雷矿业 0.25560 亿 Cape Ray Cape Ray 20 5.00
开普雷矿业 0.25855M Cape Ray 长距离 32 8.00 特许权使用费 (d)
开普雷矿业 0.25856M Cape Ray 长距离 11 2.75 特许权使用费 (d)
开普雷矿业 0.25857 亿 Cape Ray 长距离 5 1.25 特许权使用费 (d)
开普雷矿业 0.25858 亿 Cape Ray 长距离 30 7.50 特许权使用费 (d)
开普雷矿业 0.26125M Cape Ray 邦克山 190 47.50
开普雷矿业 030881M Cape Ray 十字路口 255 63.75
开普雷矿业 030884M Cape Ray 十字路口 255 63.75
开普雷矿业 030996M Cape Ray 孔雀石 205 51.25
开普雷矿业 030997M Cape Ray 长距离 60 15.00 特许权使用费 (d)
开普雷矿业 031557 亿 Cape Ray 长距离 154 38.5
开普雷矿业 031558 亿 Cape Ray Cape Ray 96 24
开普雷矿业 031559 亿 Cape Ray Grandy's 32 8
开普雷矿业 0.31562 亿 Cape Ray Grandy's 37 9.25
开普雷矿业 032060 毫米 Cape Ray Cape Ray 81 20.25 特许权使用费 (a) (b) (c)
开普雷矿业 032061 亿 Cape Ray Cape Ray 76 19 特许权使用费 (a) (b) (c)
开普雷矿业 032062 亿 Cape Ray 死亡之岛 72 18 特许权使用费 (a) (b) (c)
开普雷矿业 0.32764 亿 冬宫 冬宫 256 64
开普雷矿业 0.32770 亿 冬宫 冬宫 252 63
开普雷矿业 032818M 冬宫 冬宫 95 23.75
开普雷矿业 032940 亿 Cape Ray 长距离 255 63.75
开普雷矿业 032941 亿 Cape Ray 孔雀石 256 64
开普雷矿业 033080 毫米 Cape Ray 邦克山 190 47.5
开普雷矿业 033085 亿 Cape Ray 孔雀石 256 64
开普雷矿业 0.33110M 冬宫 冬宫 183 45.75
开普雷矿业 035822M Cape Ray 邦克山 38 9.5
开普雷矿业 0.32256 亿 冬宫 冬宫 12 4 特许权使用费 (e)
开普雷矿业 0.36567 亿 冬宫 冬宫 44 11
开普雷矿业 036749 米 冬宫 冬宫 10 2.5
开普雷矿业 032774 亿 冬宫 冬宫 8 2 特许权使用费 (e)
开普雷矿业 0.37478 亿 Cape Ray 104 26.0
开普雷矿业 0.37525 亿 冬宫 冬宫 10 2.5
开普雷矿业 0.37529 亿 冬宫 冬宫 4 1.0
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37526M 冬宫 冬宫 4 1.0
开普雷矿业 0.37159 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 8 2 特许权使用费 (f)
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37774 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 30 7.5
开普雷矿业 0.37158 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 22 5.5 特许权使用费 (f)
开普雷矿业 0.37160 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 18 4.5 特许权使用费 (f)
开普雷矿业 036866M 蓝湾 蓝湾 20 5 特许权使用费 (f)
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37775M 蓝湾 蓝湾 13 3.25
开普雷矿业 036879 米 蓝湾 蓝湾 10 2.5 特许权使用费 (f)
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37776 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 11 2.75
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37778 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 13 3.25
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37777 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 7 1.75
斯宾塞·瓦彻 0.37790 亿 蓝湾 蓝湾 39 9.75

3779 944.75

The Crown holds all surface rights in the Project area. Our properties or adjacent areas are not encumbered in any way. The area is not in an environmentally or archeologically sensitive zone and there are no Aboriginal land claims or entitlements in this region of the province.
There has been no commercial production at the property as of the time of this report.
Royalty Schedule legend:


  • 1.75% Net Smelter Return ("NSR") royalty held by Alexander J. Turpin pursuant to the terms of an agreement dated 25 June 2002, as amended 27 February 2003 and 11 April 2008. The agreement between Alexander J. Turpin, Cornerstone Resources Inc., and Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc., of which 1.0% NSR can be repurchased or $1,000,000 reducing such royalty to a 0.75% NSR. The agreement which royalty applies to Licences 14479M, 17072M, 9338M, 9339M and 9340M covering 229 claims, all as described in the foregoing agreements.
  • 0.25% NSR royalty held by Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. and Cornerstone Resources Inc. (collectively the "Royalty Holder") pursuant to the terms of an agreement dated 19 December 2012, as amended 26 June 2013, between the Royalty Holders and Benton, which royalty applies to Licence 017072M, as described in the foregoing agreement.
  • Sliding scale NSR royalty held by Tenacity Gold Mining Company Ltd. pursuant to the terms of an agreement dated 7 October 2013 with Benton Resources Inc.:
    • 3% NSR when the quarterly average gold price is less than US$2,000 per once (no buy-down right).
    • 4% NSR when the quarterly average gold price is equal to or greater than US$3,000 per ounce with the right to buy-down the royalty from 5% to 4% for CAD $500,000; On Licences 7833M, 8273M, 9839M and 9939M as described in Schedule C of the foregoing agreement.
  • 1.0% NSR royalty held by Benton Resources Inc pursuant to the terms of the sale agreement between Benton and Matador of which 0.5% NSR can be repurchased for $1,000,000 reducing such royalty to a 0.5% NSR. The agreement which the royalty applies to covers licences 025854M, 025855M, 025858M, 025856M and 025857M covering 131 claims.
  • 1.0% NSR royalty pursuant to an option agreement with Roland and Eddie Quinlan (50% each) with an option to repurchase 0.5% of the royalty at a later date for a sum of C$500,000. The Company retained a First Right of Refusal on the sale of the royalty.
  • 1.0% NSR royalty pursuant to an option agreement with Wayde and Myrtle Guinchard with an option to repurchase 0.5% of the royalty at a later date for a sum of C$500,000. The Company retained a First Right of Refusal on the sale of the royalty.
  • 根据经2003年2月27日和2008年4月11日修订的2002年6月25日协议条款,亚历山大·图尔平持有1.75%的冶炼厂净回报率(“NSR”)特许权使用费。亚历山大·图尔平、Cornerstone Resources Inc.和Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.之间的协议,其中1.0%的NSR可以回购,或者100万美元将此类特许权使用费减少到0.75%的NSR。特许权使用费的协议适用于涵盖229项索赔的许可证1447900万、1707200万、933800万、933900万和934000万的许可证,全部如上述协议所述。
  • 根据特许权使用费持有人与本顿于2012年12月19日签订的协议条款,Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.和Cornerstone Resources Inc.(统称 “特许权使用费持有人”)持有的0.25%的NSR特许权使用费,如上述协议所述,该协议的特许权使用费适用于1707200万号许可证。
  • 根据2013年10月7日与本顿资源公司签订的协议条款,Tenacity Gold Mining Company Ltd.持有的浮动比例NSR特许权使用费:
    • 当季度平均黄金价格低于2,000美元时,NSR为3%(无买入权)。
    • 当季度平均黄金价格等于或大于每盎司3,000美元时,NSR为4%,并有权以50万加元从5%至4%的价格购买特许权使用费;根据上述协议附表C的描述,许可证为783300万、827300万、983900万和993900万。
  • 根据本顿与斗牛士之间的销售协议条款,本顿资源公司持有的1.0%的NSR特许权使用费,其中0.5%的NSR可以以100万美元的价格回购,将此类特许权使用费降至0.5%。特许权使用费适用的协议涵盖了涵盖131项索赔的2585400万、2585500万、2585800万、2585600万和2585700万的许可证。
  • 根据与罗兰和埃迪·昆兰签订的期权协议,NSR特许权使用费为1.0%(各占50%),并可选择在日后以50万加元的价格回购0.5%的特许权使用费。公司保留了出售特许权使用费的第一拒绝权。
  • 根据与Wayde和Myrtle Guinchard签订的期权协议,NSR特许权使用费为1.0%,并可选择在稍后以50万加元回购0.5%的特许权使用费。公司保留了出售特许权使用费的第一拒绝权。

- ENDS -


This announcement has been authorised for release by the Company's Board of Directors.


To learn more about the Company, please visit , or contact:


Sam Pazuki, Managing Director & CEO
Canada Phone:
+1 780 665 4925
Australia Phone: +61 8 6117 0478

加拿大电话:+1 780 665 4925
澳大利亚电话:+61 8 6117 0478

About the Company


AuMEGA Metals Ltd (ASX: AAM) (TSXV: AUM) (OTCQB: AUMMF) is utilising best-in-class exploration to explore on its district scale land package that spans 110 kilometers along the Cape Ray Shear Zone, a significant under-explored geological feature recognised as Newfoundland, Canada's largest identified gold structure. This zone currently hosts Calibre Mining's Valentine Gold Project, which is the region's largest gold deposit (+5 million ounces), along with AuMEGA's expanding Mineral Resource.

AuMega Metals Ltd (ASX: AAM) (TSXV: AUM) (OTCQB: AUMF) 正在利用一流的勘探手段在开普雷切尔带沿线横跨110公里的区域规模地块进行勘探,这是一个尚未开发的重要地质特征,被公认为加拿大最大的已知黄金结构纽芬兰。该区域目前是Calibre Mining的情人节黄金项目,该项目是该地区最大的金矿(+500万盎司),以及AuMega不断扩大的矿产资源。

The Company is supported by a diverse shareholder registry of prominent global institutional investors, and strategic investment from B2Gold Corp, a leading, multi-million-ounce a year gold producer.

该公司得到全球知名机构投资者的多元化股东登记册以及领先的年产量数百万盎司黄金生产商B2Gold Corp的战略投资的支持。

Additionally, AuMEGA holds a 27-kilometer stretch of the highly prospective Hermitage Flexure and has also secured an Option Agreement for the Blue Cove Copper Project in southeastern Newfoundland, which exhibits strong potential for copper and other base metals.

此外,AuMega持有长达27公里的极具前景的Hermitage Flexure,还获得了纽芬兰东南部蓝湾铜业项目的期权协议,该项目显示出铜和其他基本金属的巨大潜力。

AuMEGA's Cape Ray Shear Zone hosts several dozen high potential targets along with its existing defined gold Mineral Resource of 6.1 million tonnes of ore grading an average of 2.25 g/t, totaling 450,000 ounces of Indicated Resources, and 3.4 million tonnes of ore grading an average of 1.44 g/t, totaling 160,000 ounces in Inferred Resources.

AuMega的Cape Ray Shear Zone拥有数十个高潜力目标,其现有确定的黄金矿产资源为61.0万吨矿石,平均品位为2.25克/吨,指示资源总量为45万盎司,平均品位为1.44克/吨,推断资源总量为16万盎司。

AuMEGA acknowledges the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program, Department of Industry, Energy and Technology, Provincial Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.


Reference to Previous ASX Announcements


In relation to this news release, all data used to assess targets have been previously disclosed by the Company and referenced in previous JORC Table 1 releases.


Competent Person's Statements


The information contained in this announcement that relates to exploration results is based upon information reviewed by Mr. Spencer Vatcher, P. Geo. who is an independent consultant employed with Silvertip Exploration Consultants Inc. Mr. Vatcher is a Member of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code 2012. Mr. Vatcher consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based upon the information in the form and context in which it appears.

本公告中包含的与勘探结果有关的信息基于受聘于 Silvertip Exploration Consultants Inc. 的独立顾问 Spencer Vatcher, P. Geo. 审查的信息。瓦彻先生是纽芬兰和拉布拉多专业工程师和地球科学家 (PEGNL) 的成员,在矿化风格和所考虑的矿床类型以及他为获得资格而开展的活动方面拥有足够的经验作为《JORC守则》中定义的合格人士2012。Vatcher先生同意根据信息的形式和背景在公告中纳入有关事项。

1 ASX Announcement dated 23 May 2024
2 ASX Announcement dated 4 July 2024
3 ASX Announcement dated 16 April 2024
4 ASX Announcement dated 28 May 2024
5 ASX Announcement dated 23 April 2024
6 ASX Announcement dated 12 December 2022
7 ASX Announcement dated 5 June 2024
8 ASX Announcement dated 1 May 2024
9 West Mining News Release dated 27 October 2022
10 See ASX Announcement dated 1 May 2024

1 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年5月23日的公告
2 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年7月4日的公告
3 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年4月16日的公告
4 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年5月28日的公告
5 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年4月23日的公告
6 澳大利亚证券交易所2022年12月12日的公告
7 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年6月5日的公告
8 澳大利亚证券交易所2024年5月1日的公告
9 West Mining 于 2022 年 10 月 27 日发布的新闻稿
10 参见澳大利亚证券交易所2024年5月1日的公告

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息