
BlackBerry Announces Finance Leadership Changes

BlackBerry Announces Finance Leadership Changes

黑莓 ·  07/29 00:00

WATERLOO, ONTARIO – July 29, 2024 – BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) today announced a series of leadership changes designed to streamline its finance organization as it executes on its strategy to establish two distinct divisions (Cybersecurity and IoT).

ONTARIO,WATERLOO——2024年7月29日——BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB)今天宣佈了一系列領導層變革,旨在簡化其財務組織,以執行其建立兩個不同業務部門(網絡安全和物聯網)戰略。

Tim Foote has been appointed as the Company's Chief Financial Officer, effective today. Foote will report to BlackBerry CEO, John J. Giamatteo.

蒂姆·富特今天被任命爲公司的首席財務官。富特將向BlackBerry公司CEO John J. Giamatteo報告。

Foote joined the Company following BlackBerry's acquisition of Good Technology in 2015 and brings more than 20 years of experience across a number of senior finance leadership positions. While at BlackBerry, Foote's roles have included managing the Company's international finance operations, Vice President of Investor Relations and, most recently, CFO for the Cybersecurity division. Foote holds an MBA from Imperial College Business School, London and is a Chartered Accountant.

富特於2015年加入公司,當時是Good Technology的後起之秀,並擁有超過20年的高級財務領導職務經驗。在BlackBerry期間,富特的職責包括管理公司的國際財務業務、投資者關係副總裁,以及最近擔任網絡安全部門的首席財務官。富特擁有倫敦帝國商學院的MBA學位,是一名特許會計師。

Foote will succeed Steve Rai, who has decided to pursue other opportunities outside of the Company. Giamatteo, and the rest of the BlackBerry Board, thank Steve for his contributions to the Company since 2014 and wish him well in his future endeavors. Rai will remain with BlackBerry until September in a consulting role in order to help facilitate a smooth transition.


"We are pleased to appoint Tim as our new CFO," said Giamatteo. "Tim is a strong, respected and trusted leader within our finance organization, and he brings a wide range of experience from over two decades of senior finance roles in both public and private multinational companies. Tim's deep knowledge of BlackBerry's business, strong relationship with the investment community, and demonstrated leadership made him an ideal choice for the task ahead."


"I am proud to be given the opportunity to lead the BlackBerry finance team at this pivotal time," said Foote. "BlackBerry has made tremendous progress in establishing two standalone divisions and driving towards profitability, and I'm excited about partnering with the executive team to deliver greater shareholder value."


Additional Leadership Changes


In addition, BlackBerry has appointed Jay Chai as the Company's Chief Accounting Officer. Chai has been Vice President and Corporate Controller at BlackBerry since May 2019 and will leverage his deep expertise in financial reporting and operations for this new, expanded role and responsibilities.

此外,BlackBerry已任命Jay Chai爲公司首席會計官。自2019年5月以來,Chai一直擔任BlackBerry公司的副總裁和公司控制器,並將利用他在財務報告和運營方面的深厚專業知識,擔任這一新的、擴展的角色和職責。

Fraser Deziel has been promoted to the role of Corporate Controller. Deziel has been with BlackBerry since November 2009 and was most recently Senior Director of Financial Reporting and Treasury.

Fraser Deziel已經晉升爲公司控制器。Deziel自2009年11月以來一直與BlackBerry公司合作,最近擔任高級財務報告和財務寶藏的資深總監。

About BlackBerry


BlackBerry (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) provides intelligent security software and services to enterprises and governments worldwide. The company's software powers over 235M vehicles on the road today. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, the company leverages AI and machine learning to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of cybersecurity, safety, and data privacy and is a leader in the areas of endpoint management, endpoint security, encryption, and embedded systems. BlackBerry's vision is clear - to secure a connected future you can trust.

BlackBerry(NYSE: BB; TSX: BB)爲世界各地的企業和政府提供智能安全軟件和服務。該公司的軟件爲今天在路上的超過23500萬輛車輛提供動力。總部位於安大略省的Waterloo,該公司利用人工智能和機器學習,在網絡安全、安全、數據隱私等領域提供創新解決方案,並在端點管理、端點安全、加密和嵌入式系統領域處於領先地位。BlackBerry的願景是明確的——確保您可以信任的網絡連接未來。

BlackBerry. Intelligent Security. Everywhere.


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