
EsVolta Secures $258 Million Credit Facilities for ERCOT Storage Portfolio

EsVolta Secures $258 Million Credit Facilities for ERCOT Storage Portfolio

PR Newswire ·  07/30 10:00

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- esVolta, LP announced completion of $258 million senior secured credit facilities for a 980 MWh portfolio of standalone battery energy storage projects.

esVolta, LP宣布完成对980 MWh独立电池储能项目组合的2.58亿美元的高级担保信贷设施的融资。

The credit facilities consist of construction plus tax equity bridge financing, letters of credit, and a long-term loan to finance three of esVolta's energy storage projects currently under construction in Texas including Anole, Desert Willow and Burksol. Each of the projects is designed to provide fast-responding energy and ancillary services into the ERCOT market, helping to reduce congestion and strengthen the regional electric grid.

这些信贷设施包括建造加税收抵免的桥梁融资,信用证以及一笔长期贷款,用于资助esVolta在德克萨斯州正在建设的Anole、Desert Willow和Burksol三个储能项目中的三个。每个项目都旨在提供快速反应的能量和锚定服务到ERCOt市场,有助于减少拥堵并加强区域电网。

MUFG Bank, Ltd. acted as the Coordinating Lead Arranger and Green Loan Coordinator, Nomura Securities International, Inc. and KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. acted as Coordinating Lead Arrangers, Investec Inc. acted as Joint Lead Arranger, and Cadence Bank also participated in the financing. esVolta was represented in the transaction by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, and MUFG was represented by Winston & Strawn LLP.

日本三菱日联金融集团担任协调型主席安排及绿色贷款协调员,野村证券国际公司和KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.担任协调型主席安排,Investec Inc.担任联合主安排,Cadence银行也参与了融资。这笔交易中Morgan,Lewis & Bockius LLP代表esVolta,Winston & Strawn LLP代表MUFG。

"This project financing is a tremendous achievement for esVolta. It will help us to accelerate our company's growth and cost-effectively build out our portfolio of large-scale energy storage assets, as we strive to enable a decarbonized and reliable US electric power grid", said Randolph Mann, CEO and Founder of esVolta. "We appreciate the support of MUFG and the entire bank group in closing this important new financing."

esVolta的创始人兼首席执行官Randolph Mann表示:“这项项目融资对esVolta来说是一个巨大的成就。它将帮助我们加速公司的增长,并具有成本效益地构建我们的大型储能资产组合,助力 US电网去碳化和可靠”。他补充道,“我们感谢MUFG和整个银行集团在完成这项重要的新融资方面的支持。”

"MUFG is pleased to collaborate on this financing with esVolta", said Alberto Mihelcic Bazzana, Director. "MUFG recognizes the reliability benefits of grid-scale energy storage, and we are dedicated to providing innovative and efficient financing solutions to support leading sponsors like esVolta in this fast-growing clean energy sector."

Alberto Mihelcic Bazzana董事表示:“MUFG很高兴与esVolta合作进行融资。 MUFG认识到大规模电网储能的可靠性优势,并致力于为支持像esVolta这样的领先赞助商提供创新和高效的融资解决方案。”

About esVolta
Founded in 2017, esVolta, LP is a top developer, owner, and operator of utility scale energy storage projects across North America. The company's portfolio of operational plus in-construction projects totals about 1.5 gigawatt hours of storage capacity, and the firm is developing a large pipeline of future storage projects. esVolta is a portfolio company of Generate Capital, PBC, a leading sustainable infrastructure company driving the infrastructure transition. Additional information about esVolta is available at .

esVolta,LP成立于2017年,是北美顶尖的实用型储能项目开发商、所有者和运营商。该公司的运营加在建项目组合总储能量为约1.5吉瓦时,并正在开发一系列未来的储能项目。 esVolta是Generate Capital,PBC的投资组合公司,Generate Capital是一家主导基础设施转型的领先可持续基础设施公司。有关esVolta的其他信息可在其网站www.esvolta.com上获得。
三菱日联金融集团(MUFG)是世界领先的金融集团之一,总部位于东京,拥有近360年的历史,全球网络覆盖50多个国家的约2,100个地点。MUFG拥有近16万名员工,提供商业银行、信托银行、证券、信用卡、消费金融、资产管理和租赁等服务。该集团旨在通过其经营公司之间的紧密协作,灵活地响应客户的所有金融需求,服务社会,并培育共享和可持续增长,打造“全球最值得信赖的金融集团”。 MUFG的股票在东京、名古屋和纽约证券交易所上市。 MUFG的美洲业务,包括其在美国、拉丁美洲和加拿大的办事处,主要由MUFG银行和子公司组织,专注于全球公司和投资银行,日本公司银行和全球市场。MUFG是美洲地区最大的外资银行之一。有关地点、银行业务能力和服务、职业机会等更多信息,请访问。

About MUFG and MUFG Americas


Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world's leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with approximately 2,100 locations in more than 50 countries. MUFG has nearly 160,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing. The Group aims to be "the world's most trusted financial group" through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG's shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. MUFG's Americas operations, including its offices in the U.S., Latin America, and Canada, are primarily organized under MUFG Bank, Ltd. and subsidiaries, and are focused on Global Corporate and Investment Banking, Japanese Corporate Banking, and Global Markets. MUFG is one of the largest foreign banking organizations in the Americas. For locations, banking capabilities and services, career opportunities, and more, visit .

若德金融日联集团是世界领先的金融集团之一,总部位于东京,拥有近360年的历史,全球网络覆盖50多个国家的约2,100个地点。MUFG拥有近16万名员工,提供商业银行、信托银行、证券、信用卡、消费金融、资产管理和租赁等服务。该集团旨在通过其经营公司之间的紧密协作,灵活地响应客户的所有金融需求,服务社会,并培育共享和可持续增长,打造“全球最值得信赖的金融集团”。 MUFG的股票在东京、名古屋和纽约证券交易所上市。 MUFG的美洲业务,包括其在美国、拉丁美洲和加拿大的办事处,主要由MUFG银行和子公司组织,专注于全球公司和投资银行,日本公司银行和全球市场。MUFG是美洲地区最大的外资银行之一。有关地点、银行业务能力和服务、职业机会等更多信息,请访问。



For esVolta:
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联系 esVolta:
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Meghan Carbone
[email protected]

联系 MUFG:
[email protected]

SOURCE esVolta, LP

来源 esVolta,LP

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