
Solis Minerals Announces Quarterly Activities Report For the Period Ended 31 May 2024

Solis Minerals Announces Quarterly Activities Report For the Period Ended 31 May 2024

Solis Minerals宣布2024年5月31日截止的季度活动报告
newsfile ·  07/30 18:50

West Leederville, Western Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - Solis Minerals Limited (ASX: SLM) (TSXV: SLMN) (OTCQB: WMRSF) (FSE: 08W) ("Solis" or the "Company") is pleased to present its Quarterly Report for the three months ending 31 May 2024 ("the Quarter").

西澳大利亚州西利德维尔--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年7月30日)——索利斯矿业有限公司(澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:SLM)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SLMN)(OTCQB:WMRSF)(FSE:08W)(“索利斯” 或 “公司”)很高兴发布截至2024年5月31日的三个月(“本季度”)的季度报告。



  • Copper drill targets submitted for permitting in Chanco al Palo and Ilo Este, Southern Peru

  • Magnetometry surveys at Guaneros, a newly acquired project, scheduled to start in first week in August

  • Surface copper mineralisation identified at Cinto with a magnetometry survey programme commencing upon completion of Guaneros

  • Pipeline of drill testing multiple targets taking shape with the first permit expected in Q4 this year

  • 秘鲁南部的Chanco al Palo和Ilo Este的铜钻探目标已提交许可

  • Guaneros的磁强测量是一个新收购的项目,计划于8月的第一周开始

  • 在Cinto发现了地表铜矿化,在Guaneros完工后开始了一项磁强测量计划

  • 测试多个目标的钻探管道已初具规模,预计将于今年第四季度获得第一份许可证



During the Quarter, Solis has continued to expand and advance its copper exploration portfolio in the coastal belt of southern Peru by adding the 6,400 hectare Guaneros project, located directly between Chancho Al Palo (Ilo Norte) and Ilo Este (Figure 1) and by submitting permit applications for drilling at Chancho Al Palo and Ilo Este to the regulatory authorities.

在本季度,Solis继续扩大和推进其在秘鲁南部沿海地带的铜勘探组合,增加了直接位于Chancho Al Palo(Ilo Norte)和Ilo Este之间的6,400公顷的Guaneros项目(图1),并向监管机构提交了在Chancho Al Palo和Ilo Este进行钻探的许可证申请。

The Company expects to commence drilling at Chancho Al Palo in late 2024, subject to permitting, and continue into 2025 with the testing of multiple projects at its four key project areas. Applications for drilling will be submitted for both Cinto and Guaneros following completion of the approved geophysical studies which are commencing in the first week in August. The timing of the submission of these applications is designed to provide the Company with a solid pipeline of drilling on all of its primary Peruvian copper targets from Q4 2024 through to Q3 2025.

该公司预计,如果获得许可,将于2024年底在Chancho Al Palo开始钻探,并将持续到2025年,将在其四个关键项目区域测试多个项目。在8月第一周开始的经批准的地球物理研究完成后,将提交Cinto和Guaneros的钻探申请。提交这些申请的时间旨在为该公司从2024年第四季度到2025年第三季度为其所有秘鲁主要铜矿目标提供坚实的钻探管道。

Figure 1: Solis tenements in the prospective coastal belt with existing deposits and regional geology shown.

图 1:位于潜在沿海地带的 Solis 矿权单位,显示了现有矿床和区域地质情况。

Chancho Al Palo (Ilo Norte)

Chancho Al Palo(北伊洛)

Chancho Al Palo (Figures 1 & 2) forms one of the most advanced of the four key projects in the Company's copper portfolio along with Ilo Este.

Chancho Al Palo(图1和2)是公司铜业投资组合中四个关键项目中最先进的项目之一,与Ilo Este一样。

Following completion of an extensive geological mapping campaign and drone magnetometry survey at Chancho Al Palo (Ilo Norte) in 2023, Solis conducted a follow-up Induced Polarisation (IP) study in December 20231 with the aim to identify primary drill targets.

继2023年在Chancho Al Palo(伊洛北部)完成大规模的地质测绘活动和无人机磁强测量之后,索利斯于2023年12月进行了后续的诱导极化(IP)研究,目的是确定主要的钻探目标。

The IP study covered 8-lines for 16.7km in total length with dipole intervals of 100m and line spacing of 250m. The lines were oriented WNW to ESE and were limited to the east by the presence of sediments including caliche (calcrete).


The focus of the study was an eastern zone of Jurassic volcano-sedimentary rock intruded by the Cretaceous coastal batholith, and similar rocks to the west displaying development of extensive hornfels alteration. The eastern area was considered prospective for IOCG (iron oxide copper gold) style mineralisation. The areas were separated by a north-south fault with interpreted downthrow to the west with the IOCG zone being considered as a higher emplaced, more distal expression of potential porphyry mineralisation to the east (Figure 2).

该研究的重点是受白垩纪沿海基岩侵入的侏罗纪火山沉积岩东部区域,以及西部的类似岩石,显示出大量角质蚀变的发展。东部地区被认为具有IOCG(氧化铁铜金)式矿化的前景。这些区域被南北断层隔开,解释为向西向下倾斜,IOCG区域被视为向东潜在斑岩矿化的位置更高、更远的表达(图 2)。

The study identified significant drill targets with some limited surface exposure confirming copper mineralisation.


Drill permitting was submitted in May and is expected to be approved in 4Q 2024.


1 See ASX release: 29 April 2024.

1 参见澳大利亚证券交易所发布日期:2024 年 4 月 29 日。

Figure 2: IP chargeability anomalies identified at Ilo Norte, Chancho Al Palo Project. Target T01 and Target T02 are coincident with magnetic anomalies previously identified.

图 2:在 Ilo Norte、Chancho Al Palo 项目中发现的知识产权收费异常。目标 T01 和目标 T02 与先前确定的磁异常一致。

Ilo Este Project

Ilo Este 项目

Significant progress has been made at Ilo Este with the analysis of results from a drone magnetometry survey completed in December 2023. This survey focused on the eastern extension of the Ilo Este licences (Figures 1 & 3), with data acquisition at an average altitude of 35m and a rate of 25 readings per second at a ground velocity of 10m/second. Safety and quality control measures included maintaining a 200m distance from high-tension powerlines in the southeast2.

随着对2023年12月完成的无人机磁强测量结果的分析,Ilo Este取得了重大进展。该调查的重点是伊洛埃斯特许可证的东部延伸部分(图1和3),在平均海拔3500万处采集数据,在10米/秒的地面速度下以每秒25个读数的速度采集。安全和质量控制措施包括与东南部的高压电力线保持20000万的距离2。

The survey area is flanked by the regional Chololo fault to the northwest and characterised by the accumulation of quaternary sediments in a SW-NE trending structural corridor. The drone survey was a direct follow-up of the survey in the permit Solis Ilo Este I, with the projected continuation of the magnetic anomaly leading to the recent application of permit Solis Ilo Este II.

该调查区域的两侧是西北部的乔洛洛地区断层,其特征是第四纪沉积物积聚在西南-东北趋势结构走廊中。无人机调查是Solis Ilo Este I许可证调查的直接后续行动,预计磁异常将继续,导致最近申请了Solis Ilo Este II许可证。

Fathom Geophysics of the USA have subsequently analysed and combined 2014 ground magnetometry data with the 2023 drone magnetometry results, revealing potential alteration associated with magnetite. These findings suggest potential extensions of the magnetite alteration associated with porphyry-style mineralisation encountered at Ilo Este, extending east across the Chololo regional fault.

美国的Fathom Geophysics随后分析了2014年的地面磁强测量数据并将其与2023年无人机磁力测量结果相结合,揭示了与磁铁矿相关的潜在变化。这些发现表明,在伊洛埃斯特遇到的与斑岩式矿化相关的磁铁矿蚀变有可能延伸,向东延伸到乔洛洛地区断层。

2 See ASX release: Quarterly Activities Report, 30 January 2024.

2 参见澳大利亚证券交易所发布的:季度活动报告,2024年1月30日。

Figure 3: Drone magnetometry survey completed at Ilo Este, north-east extension. The area has been applied for and normal final issuance procedures for grant of the licences (Solis Ilo Este II) are underway.

图 3:在东北延伸部分的 Ilo Este 完成的无人机磁强测量调查。该区域已经申请,发放许可证的正常最终发放程序正在进行中(Solis Ilo Este II)。

In the primary advanced target area at Ilo Este environmental monitoring programs are currently underway in support of the drill permit applications, which are in progress. Drilling is anticipated in Q1 2025, subject to receipt of necessary permits.

在Ilo Este的主要高级目标区域,目前正在进行环境监测计划,以支持正在进行的钻探许可证申请。预计将在2025年第一季度进行钻探,但须获得必要的许可证。

Cinto Project

Cinto 项目

Subsequent to the end of the Quarter, the Company completed a first pass geochemical programme at its Cinto Project. The programme identified high grade samples up to 7.14% copper with mineralisation mapped over a 200m x 100m area in historical workings associated with significant alteration and structural deformation3,4.

在本季度末之后,该公司完成了其Cinto项目的首期地球化学计划。该计划在历史工作中发现了铜含量高达 7.14% 的高品位样品,其矿化分布在与重大变化和结构变形相关的历史工作区域3,4。

Initial mapping programmes identified a zone within and bordering the Incapuquio Fault system that showed the presence of abundant copper oxides through artisanal workings (Figures 4 & 5). The zone, approximately 200 x 100m in extent, consisted of shales and tuffs with argillic and propylitic alteration showing considerable multi-directional faulting and brecciation with copper oxides occurring in distinct patches3,4.

最初的测绘计划确定了Incapuquio断层系统内部和周边的一个区域,该区域显示通过手工操作存在丰富的氧化铜(图4和5)。该区域的范围约为 200 x 10000万,由页岩和凝灰岩组成,有泥质和丙质蚀变,显示出大量的多向断层和角砾岩,氧化铜出现在不同的片段中3,4。

3 See ASX release 9 July 2024.

3 参见澳大利亚证券交易所2024年7月9日发布的消息。

4 Grab samples give point indications of mineral content only and as such should not be considered representative of continuity of mineralisation or potential tonnage (mass) of mineralised bodies. See ASX announcement 9 July 2024.

4 采集样本仅显示矿物含量,因此不应将其视为矿化的连续性或矿化体的潜在吨位(质量)的代表。参见澳大利亚证券交易所2024年7月9日的公告。

Figure 5: Grab sample 17181 (1.0% Cu) with copper oxides from outcropping historical workings at Cinto Project4.

图 5:从 Cinto Project4 露出的历史工作中提取含氧化铜的 17181(铜含量为 1.0%)的样品。

Several assays returned copper values greater than 1% and one high grade sample returned 7.14% Cu in a highly mineralised oxide zone4. Some mineralised structures were at high angles to a bounding splay of the Incapuquio fault to the north. The nature of the occurrence (mineralisation breccias, abundant copper oxide mineralisation in places) suggest a proximal source. Geochemical assay results (associated Ag, Au, Mo and zinc) have reflected a chemistry similar to the neighbouring Toquepala deposit. The copper occurrences are considered by management as a marker for a potential porphyry style mineralisation in the area.

一些化验返回的铜值大于 1%,一个高品位样本在高度矿化的氧化物区中返回了 7.14% 的铜值4。一些矿化结构与因卡普基奥断层向北的边界延伸呈较高的角度。矿物的性质(矿化角砾岩、部分地区丰富的氧化铜矿化)表明存在近端来源。地球化学分析结果(相关的银、金、钼和锌)反映了与邻近的托克帕拉矿床相似的化学成分。管理层将铜矿点视为该地区潜在斑岩式矿化的标志。

The Company has already received and approved a proposal for first drone magnetometry survey which is programmed to commence in the last week of August directly following the completion of the Guaneros drone magnetometry survey commencing in week one of August, this initial survey may be followed up with a ground IP programme to assist in target development and initial drill hole design. EIA drill permitting submission will follow immediately upon the completion of the initial geophysical programmes with approximately 4-5 months required for permitting approval.


Guaneros Project


The 6,400 hectare Guaneros project is located between the Company's Chancho al Palo (Ilo Norte) and Ilo Este Projects (Figure 1) and has been subject to minimal systematic exploration by previous owners. During the Quarter, Solis' geologists identified alteration and outcropping copper mineralisation in the new applications, approximately 8km north-west along strike from, and in a similar geological setting to, known porphyry-style mineralisation at Ilo Este. As announced on 10 May 2024, the Company is undertaking assays on two hand specimens from Guaneros and results are expected in due course. Collation of samples for analysis has led to a longer than expected assay turnaround time.

占地6,400公顷的瓜内罗斯项目位于该公司的Chancho al Palo(Ilo Norte)和Ilo Este项目(图1)之间,前所有者对该项目进行了最少的系统勘探。在本季度中,索利斯的地质学家在新的申请中发现了铜矿化的蚀变和露出,这些矿化位于从伊洛埃斯特走向西北约8公里处,地质环境与已知斑岩式矿化区相似。正如2024年5月10日宣布的那样,该公司正在对来自Guaneros的两只手样本进行化验,预计将在适当时候得出结果。整理样本进行分析导致检测周转时间长于预期。

Subsequent to the end of the Quarter5, a drone magnetometer survey (Figure 6) has been contracted and will commence in early August. This survey will be the first targeting exercise and assist in the identification of areas for follow up geochemical and geophysical surveys and the submission of the first EIA for drill permitting. Mapping crews have been mobilised to site to systematically cover the tenement package in order to contribute an evaluation of drill targets.


Acquisition of the additional land at Guaneros has supported the Company's strategy in building a compelling portfolio of exploration properties in an underexplored porphyry belt.


5 See ASX release: 23 July 2024.

5 参见澳大利亚证券交易所发布日期:2024 年 7 月 23 日。

Figure 6: Drone magnetometry lines designed over the Guaneros block of tenements.

图 6:在 Guaneros 公寓区上方设计的无人机测磁线。





A total of 843 geochemical soil samples were taken across three tenements on a 200m x 100m grid spacing in the northeastern portion of the Borborema project during April (Figure 7). The objective of the programme, in conjunction with field mapping and reconnaissance, was to identify potential lithium bearing pegmatite systems within previously unexplored terrain.

4月份,在Borborema项目东北部的三个矿权单位中共采集了843个地球化学土壤样本(图7),网格间距为20000万 x 10000万。该方案的目标与实地测绘和侦察相结合,是在以前未开发的地形中确定潜在的含锂伟晶岩系统。

585 assay results were reported, with no material results recorded for lithium suite minerals, base or precious metals. The decision to halt further expenditure on geochemical sampling at Borborema was subsequently made until all tenements are mapped and priority target areas identified.


Figure 7: Geochemical sampling undertaken to date on Borborema tenement package.

图 7:迄今为止在 Borborema 公寓包上进行的地球化学采样。

Approximately 270 assays are pending from the initial geochemical programme at Borborema with anomalous areas of mineralisation expected to be followed up with additional sampling once assays received. No further exploration activities have been carried out in the Borborema district during the last Quarter.




Solis is continually reviewing potential acquisitions in various jurisdictions and commodity spaces with the emphasis on copper, gold and lithium projects which are drill ready or with known mineralised systems previously identified.




The Company has a current cash balance of approximately AUD $4.4 million to advance its portfolio of exploration assets.


Matt Boyes Executive Director
Solis Minerals Limited
+61 8 6117 4798
Stephanie Richardson & Cameron Gilenko Investor Relations
Sodali & Co
+61 8 6160 4900
+61 8 6117 4798
Sodali & Co
+61 8 6160 4900

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as the term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this news release.


About Solis Minerals Ltd.


Solis Minerals is an emerging lithium and copper explorer, focused on unlocking the vast potential of its South American critical minerals portfolio. The Company is building a significant copper portfolio around its core tenements of Ilo Este and Ilo Norte and currently holds 47 exploration concessions for a total of 37,100Ha (36 concessions granted with 11 applications in process).

Solis Minerals是一家新兴的锂和铜勘探公司,专注于释放其南美关键矿产投资组合的巨大潜力。该公司正在围绕其Ilo Este和Ilo Norte的核心矿权建立重要的铜矿投资组合,目前拥有47个勘探特许权,总面积为37,100公顷(36个特许权获得批准,11份申请正在处理中)。

The Company is led by a highly-credentialled and proven team with excellent experience across the mining lifecycle in South America. Importantly, Solis has a strong balance sheet to fund future exploration, permitting and drilling programs, and is actively considering a range of new opportunities across varied commodities and jurisdictions.


South America is a key player in the global export market for critical minerals and Solis, under its leadership team, is strategically positioned to capitalise on growth the opportunities within this mineral-rich region.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that relate to future events or performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward- looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward- looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected, including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, actual results of the Company's exploration and other activities, environmental risks, future metal prices, operating risks, accidents, labour issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at . These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by applicable law.


Qualified Person Statement


The technical information in this news release was reviewed by Matthew Boyes, a Fellow of the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101).

本新闻稿中的技术信息由澳大利亚矿业和冶金研究所(AusIMM)研究员马修·博耶斯审阅,他是国家仪器43-101(NI 43-101)定义的合格人士。

Competent Person Statement


The information in this ASX release concerning Geological Information and Exploration Results is based on and fairly represents information compiled by Mr Matthew Boyes, a Competent Person who is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Boyes is an employee of Solis Minerals Ltd. and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposit under consideration and to the exploration activities undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Boyes consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on information in the form and context in which it appears. Mr Boyes has provided his prior written consent regarding the form and context in which the Geological Information and Exploration Results and supporting information are presented in this Announcement.

澳大利亚证券交易所发布的有关地质信息和勘探结果的信息基于并公平地代表了澳大利亚矿业和冶金研究所研究员马修·博耶斯先生汇编的信息。博耶斯先生是Solis Minerals Ltd.的员工,拥有丰富的经验,这与矿化风格和所考虑的矿床类型以及为获得2012年版《澳大利亚矿产资源和矿石储量报告守则》中定义的合格人员资格而开展的勘探活动有关。博耶斯先生同意在本报告中纳入以报告形式和背景提供的信息为依据的事项。博耶斯先生已就本公告中提供地质信息和勘探结果及支持信息的形式和背景提供了事先书面同意。

All information about exploration results previously released to the market is appropriately referenced in this document.




In relying on the above mentioned ASX announcement and pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 5.23.2, the Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the above-mentioned announcement.



附录 1

Mining tenements held at the end of the Quarter* and their location and interest.
nd July 2024 for Peru Tenements


Tenement Licences Project Name Registered Holder Location Interest held
Ilo Norte Project
Latin Ilo Norte 3 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Norte 4 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Norte 6 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Norte 7 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Norte 8 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Brigette 1 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Essendon 26 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Maddison 1 Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Ilo Este Project
Latin Ilo Este I Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Este II Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Este III Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Latin Ilo Este IX Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Solis Ilo Este I Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Solis Ilo Este II1 Ilo Este Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
Caruca Project
Caruca2 Caruca Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Cinto Project
SOLIS02 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS02A Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS03 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS04 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS05 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS06 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS071 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS07A1 Cinto Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
Regional Ilo Norte Project
SOLIS NORTE 1 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 2 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
物业许可证 项目名称 注册持有人 地点 持有的利息
Ilo Norte 项目
拉丁语 Ilo Norte 3 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语 Ilo Norte 4 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语 Ilo Norte 6 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语 Ilo Norte 7 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语 Ilo Norte 8 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Brigette 1 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
埃森登 26 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
麦迪逊 1 北伊洛 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Ilo Este 项目
拉丁语 Ilo Este I 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语伊洛·埃斯特二世 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语伊洛埃斯特三世 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
拉丁语 Ilo Este 9 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Solis Ilo Este I 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Solis Ilo Este II1 伊洛埃斯特 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
卡鲁卡2 卡鲁卡 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Cinto 项目
SOLIS02 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS02A 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS03 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS04 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS05 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS06 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS071 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS07A1 辛托 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 1 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 2 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
Tenement Licences Project Name Registered Holder Location Interest held
SOLIS NORTE 3 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 4 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 5 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 6 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 7 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 8 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 9 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 10 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 11 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 12 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 13 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 14 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 15 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS NORTE 16 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS SUR 2 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS SUR 3 Regional Ilo Norte Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Kelly Project
SOLIS KELLY 01 Kelly Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
SOLIS KELLY 02 Kelly Westminster Peru SAC Peru 100%
Guaneros Project
SOLIS NORTE 171 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 181 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 191 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 201 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 211 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 221 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
SOLIS NORTE 231 Guaneros Westminster Peru SAC Peru 0%
846.232/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
846.233/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
846.234/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.411/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.412/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.413/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.414/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.415/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.416/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.417/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.418/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.419/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.420/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.423/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.424/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
物业许可证 项目名称 注册持有人 地点 持有的利息
SOLIS NORTE 3 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 4 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 5 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 6 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 7 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 8 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 9 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 10 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 11 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 12 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 13 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 14 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 15 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 16 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS SUR 2 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS SUR 3 伊洛北部地区 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
索利斯·凯利 01 凯莉 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
索利斯·凯利 02 凯莉 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 100%
SOLIS NORTE 171 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 181 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 191 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 201 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 211 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 221 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
SOLIS NORTE 231 瓜内罗斯 秘鲁威斯敏斯特 SA 秘鲁 0%
846.232/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
846.233/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
846.234/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.411/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.412/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.413/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.414/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.415/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.416/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.417/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.418/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.419/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.420/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.423/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.424/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
Tenement Licences Project Name Registered Holder Location Interest held
848.425/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.426/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.427/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.428/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.429/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.430/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.431/20221 Borborema Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
848.233/20153 Estrela Onça Mineração Ltda. Brazil 0%
840.041/19853 Mina Vermelha Onça Mineração Ltda Brazil 0%
物业许可证 项目名称 注册持有人 地点 持有的利息
848.425/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.426/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.427/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.428/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.429/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.430/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.431/20221 Borborema Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
848.233/20153 埃斯特雷拉 Onca Mineraco Ltda。 巴西 0%
840.041/19853 Mina Vermelha Onca Mineraco Ltda 巴西 0%

1 Mining Exploration Concession Applications.

1 采矿勘探特许权申请。

2 Mining Concessions- allow exploration subject to access and other conditions.

2 采矿特许权-允许勘探,但须遵守准入和其他条件。

3 Tenement Concession under Option Agreement.

3 期权协议下的物业特许权。

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息