
Awalé Hits 20 G/t Gold Over 29m at the Charger Prospect, Odienné Project

Awalé Hits 20 G/t Gold Over 29m at the Charger Prospect, Odienné Project

Awalé在Odienné项目的充电器前景区发现2900万克拉金,达到了20 G/t的含金量。
newsfile ·  07/31 07:00



  • 20 g/t gold over 29m, 580 gram meters gold from 149m downhole in OEDD-88
    • Including 39.5 g/t gold over 8m from 149m downhole
  • 在OEDD-88的2900万处有20克/吨的金含量,在14900万处下洞有580克的金含量。
    • 其中包括从14900万下钻处的800万处35.9克/吨的黄金。
  • OEDD-88's mineralization is well distributed across the reported intersection without any significant nugget effect
  • Mineralization is 50m SSW of previously reported 46 g/t gold over 32m in OEDD-83
  • Drilling confirms these breccia zones are linked to OEDD-83 mineralization, indicating potential for increased high-grade gold volume with further drilling
  • Three holes of the first five holes reported from Charger have intercepted the target breccia zone, which also included:
    • 70m @ 1.2 g/t gold from 143m in OEDD-84 and
    • 21m @ 1.7 g/t Au from 177m and 10m @7.8 g/t Au from 202m in OEDD-85
  • OEDD-88矿化沿报告的交叉区间分布良好,没有显著的金块效应。
  • 矿化物位置位于先前报告的OEDD-83中的3200万处的南西方5000万处,含有46克/吨的黄金。
  • 钻探证实这些角状岩区域与OEDD-83矿化有关联,表明进一步钻探有可能增加高品位金成交量。
  • 来自Charger的前五个钻孔中的三个都穿透了目标角状断层带,在此期间还包括:
    • OEDD-84中,从14300万处开始找到7000万的含量为1.2克/吨的黄金;在OEDD-85中,从17700万处找到2100万的含量为1.7克/吨的黄金,从20200万处找到1000万的含量为7.8克/吨的黄金。
    • 不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月31日) - Awale Resources Limited(TSXV: ARIC)(“公司”或“Awale”)非常高兴地报告,从跟踪先前报道的Odienne项目中OEDD-83孔的45.7克/吨的黄金,在随后的钻探中获得了20克/吨的黄金,长度为29米,进一步优异的化验结果。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 31, 2024) - Awalé Resources Limited (TSXV: ARIC) (the "Company" or "Awalé") is delighted to report further outstanding assay results of 20 g/t gold over 29 meters from follow up drilling to the previously reported 45.7 g/t gold over 32m in hole OEDD-83 at the Odienné Project.

Awale Resources的首席执行官Andrew Chubb今天评论道:“在Charger进行跟踪钻探证实了Charger的突出高品位角状断层矿化的连续性。测试角状断层向西扩展的前五个钻孔中有三个成功展示了向西南方向的扩张和下伏到矿化区域。我们期待继续对这个高品位目标进行钻探测试。我们也期待在未来几个月中,从成功的689700万钻探计划中获得更多令人兴奋的结果,这些钻探计划完成了对BBm和Charger目标的钻探。Awale继续打造Odienne项目,使其成为科特迪瓦的世界级矿区。正如我之前提到的,我们对Odienne施加的压力越大,它就会越好,而我们只是在浅尝辄止。”

Andrew Chubb, CEO of Awale Resources, commented today,


"Follow up drilling at Charger has confirmed continuity of outstanding high grade breccia mineralization at Charger. Three of the five holes drilled testing the breccia's western extensions have successfully demonstrated a west by southwest extension and plunge to the mineralization. We look forward to continuing to drill test this high grade target. We also anticipate more exciting results from the successful 6,897m drill program completed over the BBM and Charger targets in the coming months ahead. Awalé continues to build the potential of the Odienné project to be a world-class mine camp in Cote d'Ivoire. As I have mentioned before, the harder we press at Odienné, the more it gives back, and we're only just scratching the surface."


Like OEDD-83, mineralization in OEDD-88 consistently has a high grade throughout the reported interval. Table 1 shows each 1-metre assay from the reported interval in OEDD-88, confirming consistent and robust mineralization. True widths of the reported mineralization are interpred to be approximately 70% of the downhole interval. We look forward to recommencing drilling after the wet season abates with a further 12-15,000 metres planned for 2024.


LINK TO Charger's Drill Core Photos on OEDD-88


Table 1: Hole OEDD-88 meter sampling for the entire 29m at 20 g/t Au mineralization. No significant nugget effect carries the interval.


From To Au g/t From To Au g/t
149 150 66.1 164 165 21.0
150 151 20.1 165 166 23.8
151 152 22.9 166 167 1.9
152 153 92.67 167 168 0.0
153 154 43.2 168 169 24.5
154 155 42.7 169 170 8.9
155 156 11.2 170 171 0.0
156 157 16.8 171 172 21.4
157 158 9.3 172 173 10.6
158 159 0.1 173 174 21.5
159 160 27.3 174 175 11.0
160 161 7.7 175 176 4.2
161 162 29.4 176 177 11.8
162 163 6.4 177 178 7.9
163 164 16.4
起点 Au克/吨 起点 Au克/吨
149 150 66.1 164 165 21.0
150 151 20.1 165 166 23.8
151 152 22.9 166 167 1.9
152 153 92.67 167 168 0.0
153 154 43.2 168 169 24.5
154 155 42.7 169 170 8.9
155 156 11.2 170 171 0.0
156 157 16.8 171 172 21.4
157 158 9.3 172 173 10.6
158 159 0.1 173 174 21.5
159 160 27.3 174 175 11.0
160 161 7.7美元 175 176 4.2
161 162 29.4 176 177 11.8
162 163 6.4 177 178 7.9
163 164 16.4

Background on Recent Drilling at the Charger Zone


Nine holes for 2,953m (Figure 1) were drilled at Charger in two phases for this campaign, with five holes for 1,295 m reported in this release and a further four holes for 1,659 m completed at the end of the drilling program. The initial five holes were targeted around the previously reported OEDD-83 intercept. Holes drilled to the west (OEDD-84, OEDD-85 and OEDD-88) all intercepted target breccia, while the step east (OEDD-86) and the step back (OEDD-87) intercepted peripheral alteration similar to other holes drilled close to the breccia zone, suggesting the breccia mineralization plunges toward the west and south from OEDD-83. A full table of significant intercepts is shown in Table 2 below, as well as a cross section for holes OEDD-88 and OEDD-85 (Figure 2).


This drilling has also confirmed that the breccia zones intercepted in previous drilling can be connected to the OEDD-83 mineralization demonstrating the potential to increase in volume of the high grade gold mineralization with further drilling. In addition to this, Awalé has begun to analyze the clast size and matrix fill style of the breccia mineralization. The matrix fill in in OEDD-88 is silica (quartz) dominant - which was previously interpreted as a weaker style of mineralization. This also opens the scope for further high grade mineralization within the same body. Zones with smaller clast sizes may indicate high fluid flow/pressure and correlate with higher grade mineralization within the breccia.

这次钻探还证实,以前钻孔穿过的角状岩区域能与OEDD-83矿化物有关联,证明了进一步钻探有可能增加高品位金矿物的数量。此外,Awale开始分析角状断层矿化物的岩屑大小和基质灌注风格。OEDD-88中的基质灌溉以硅(石英)为主 - 这曾被解释为一种较弱的矿化物风格。这也为同一体内的更高品位矿化物开放了范围。大小较小的角状岩区域可能表示较高的流体流/压力,并与角状岩中更高品位的矿化物相关联。

The Charger Zone is a discovery that has delivered multiple high grade intercepts in previous drilling which includes the following high grade intercepts in the breccia to the south of that intercepted in OEDD-83 and OEDD-88 (see Company new releases dated March 29 2022, August 21 2023, January 11 2024 and March 25 2024).


  • OEDD-83: 57m @ 26 g/t from 164m downhole
    • Including 45.7 g/t gold over 32m @ from 165m downhole

  • OERC-132: 32m @ 3.0 g/t Au from 74m downhole.
    • Including 4m @ 12.4 g/t Au from 78m downhole.

  • OEDD-45 (step back from OERC 132) contains 3 high grade intervals within a 65 m wide zone of mineralization which included
    • 12 m @ 4.9 g/t gold from 89m downhole,
    • 13m at 1.3 g/t gold from 114m downhole and,
    • And 21m @ 1.3 g/t gold from 133m downhole.
  • Hole OEDD-53 (50m step back from OEDD-45): 32m @ 1.5g/t Au from 215m downhole
    • Including 3m @ 5.2g/t Au from 77m.
  • OEDD-83:从下钻16400万处开始找到5700万含量等于每吨26克的黄金。
    • 其中包括16500万下方3200万处的45.7克/吨黄金。

  • 其中包括7800万下方的400万 @ 12.4克/吨Au。
    • 包括下钻7800万,黄金品位为每吨12.4克,共计400万。

  • OEDD-45(自OERC 132退后)在一个6500万宽的矿化带内包含3个高品位区间,其中包括
    • 8900万下孔,1200万@4.9g/t黄金,
    • 11400万下孔,1300万@1.3g/t黄金和
    • 13300万下孔,2100万@1.3g/t黄金。
  • 孔OEDD-53(距离OEDD-45 5000万步):21500万下孔3200万@1.5克/吨金,包括7700万下孔300万@5.2克/吨金。
    • 钻探的第二阶段包括4个孔,其中3个孔测试去磁模型,地面磁场完成在前景区域过程中处理,以突出低磁响应。这种低磁响应解释为反映碎屑带周围的蚀变(蚀变是磁铁矿破坏性的)之后的结果,其中一个孔成功地在深度为340到44000万下孔处拦截到了碎屑。OEDD-100号孔被钻作为OEDD-83号孔的剪切,并且截获了碎屑。BBm区域的这些孔的结果和完整的化验结果将在实验室接收后发布。

The second phase of the drilling consisted of 4 holes, with three of these holes testing a demagnetization model where the ground magnetics completed over the prospect were processed to highlight a low magnetic response. this low-magnetic response interpreted to reflect the alteration around the breccia zone (alteration is magnetite destructive) and one of these holes was successful in intercepting breccia at depth from 340 to 440m downhole. Hole OEDD-100 was drilled as a scissor to the OEDD-83 intercept and also intercepted breccia. Results from these holes and a complete set of assay results from BBM Zone will be released upon their receipt from the lab.


Table 2: Significant interceps for drillholes OEDD-84 to OEDD-88 reported in this release.


Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (ppm) Mo (ppm) Depth (m) Easting Northing RL Azi. Dip
OEDD0084 64 65 1.00 0.7 1.9 424.8 1.5 179.15 647690 1032316 472 155 -55
OEDD0084 69 139 70.00 1.2 2.3 611.1 1.6
including 118 119 1.00 5.4 2 567.7 0.7
143 144 1.00 1.0 0.5 42.3 0.5
OEDD0085 55 56 1.00 0.8 0.8 116.5 1.3 260 647759 1032374 471 186 -55
64 69 5.00 0.4 0.5 273.9 7.8
117 118 1.00 1.9 0.2 82.0 1.5
137 138 1.00 1.3 0.3 120.6 13.9
149 152 3.00 0.4 0.1 89.9 14.7
163 164 1.00 0.7 0.4 102.1 8.3
177 198 21.00 1.7 2.2 121.9 2.1
Including 178 179 1.00 5.6 2.8 144.0 2.0
202 212 10.00 7.8 4.8 144.0 2.5
Including 207 211 4.00 16.8 8.7 218.8 3.3
222 223 1.00 1.5 1.3 299.1 1.8
242 243 1.00 0.5 0.2 94.7 1.2
248 249 1.00 0.4 0.2 126.4 0.8
OEDD0086 81 82 1.00 0.4 0.1 58.2 2.2 293 647818 1032414 474 190 -55
OEDD0086 111 112 1.00 1.5 0.2 143.1 2.5
OEDD0087 125 126 1.00 0.7 0.1 27.9 2.6 344.26 647796 1032437 476 193 -55
OEDD0087 145 146 1.00 0.5 0.3 127.8 0.9
OEDD0087 222 223 1.00 0.6 0.1 44.9 0.9
OEDD0088 149 178 29.00 20.0 6.7 634.5 1.6 218.23 647709.7 1032176 472.973 13.2 -55
Including 149 157 8 39.5 20.5 2,210.0 3.2
孔名 从(m) 到(m) 长度(米) Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) Cu(ppm) Mo(ppm) 深度(米) 东经(m) 北纬(m) RL 方位角。 倾角
OEDD0084 64 65 1.00 0.7 1.9 424.8 1.5 179.15 647690 1032316 472 155 -55
OEDD0084 69 139 70.00 1.2 2.3 611.1 1.6
其中包括 118 119 1.00 5.4 2 567.7 0.7
143 144 1.00 1.0 0.5 42.3 0.5
OEDD0085 55 56 1.00 0.8 0.8 116.5 1.3 260 647759 1032374 471 186 -55
64 69 5.00 0.4 0.5 273.9 7.8
117 118 1.00 1.9 0.2 82.0 1.5
137 138 1.00 1.3 0.3 120.6 13.9
149 152 3.00 0.4 0.1 用于购买该知识产权研发资产没有另外的未来用途的专利研发支出89.9万美元被下放至该实体,按照ASC 810的规定,VIE的初始合并不应导致商誉的确认,收购方应按照收到的代价公允价值+少数股东权益的公允价值+之前持有的权益的报告金额与已确认的且通过ASC 805公允价值计量的VIE可识别资产负债差额的差额确认收益或亏损。 14.7
163 164 1.00 0.7 0.4 102.1 8.3
177 198 21.00 1.7 2.2 121.9 2.1
包含 178 179 1.00 5.6 2.8 144.0 2.0
202 212 10.00 7.8 4.8 144.0 2.5
包含 207 211 4.00 16.8 8.7 218.8 3.3
222 223 1.00 1.5 1.3 299.1百万美元,截至2023年12月31日,包括已计提的分配款项,在财务报表中,B级累积可转换优先单位列为中间股权,因为某些赎回条件超出合伙企业的控制范围。 1.8
242 243 1.00 0.5 0.2 94.7 1.2
248 249 1.00 0.4 0.2 126.4 0.8
OEDD0086 81 82 1.00 0.4 0.1 58.2 2.2 293 647818 1032414 474 190 -55
OEDD0086 111 112 1.00 1.5 0.2 143.1 2.5
OEDD0087 125 126 1.00 0.7 0.1 27.9 2.6 344.26 647796 1032437 476 193 -55
OEDD0087 145 146 1.00 0.5 0.3 127.8 0.9
OEDD0087 222 223 1.00 0.6 0.1 44.9 0.9
OEDD0088 149 178 29.00 20.0 6.7 634.5 1.6 218.23 647709.7 1032176 472.973 13.2 -55
包含 149 157 8 39.5 20.5 2,210.0 公司将按照计划所规定的条件出售和发行普通股。这些普通股已获得授权并将在全额支付所规定的代价的情况下发行,且按照计划中的规定奖励。作为开曼群岛法律规定,只有在其已被纳入成员(股东)登记册时,股份才被认为已发行。

Figure 1: Plan View over simplified Geology, Charger Zone.


Figure 2: Cross section of breccia mineralization in holes OEDD-85 and OEDD-88. This section was drilled approximately 25 meters west of OEDD-83


About Awalé Resources

关于Awalé Resources:

Awalé is a diligent and systematic mineral exploration Company focused on discovering large high-grade gold and copper-gold deposits. The Company currently undertakes exploration activities in the underexplored parts of Côte d'Ivoire. Awalé's exploration success to date has culminated in a fully funded earn-in Joint Venture with Newmont covering one permit and one application (the "Odienné Project JV") within the greater Odienné Copper-Gold Project in the Northwest of Côte d'Ivoire, where three significant gold and gold-copper-silver-molybdenum discoveries have been made. The Sceptre East and Charger discoveries have significant scope for growth with future discovery and resource development drilling. The project has multiple pipeline prospects with similar geochemical fingerprints to Iron Oxide Copper Gold ("IOCG") and intrusive related mineral systems. The 400km2 of granted tenure and 400km2 under application remain underexplored and offer significant upside potential. The Odienné Project JV forms a solid foundation for the Company to continue exploring in a pro-mining jurisdiction that provides significant potential for district-scale discoveries.

Awalé是一家勤勉、系统的矿产勘探公司,致力于发现大型高品位黄金和铜金矿床。该公司目前在科特迪瓦未开发的部分进行勘探活动。Awalé迄今的勘探成果已经积累到了与Newmont合作的“Odienné项目JV”中。此合作涉及一个许可证和一个申请,位于Côte d'Ivoire西北部的更大的Odienné铜金项目区域内。在该区域内发现了三个重要的黄金、黄金-铜-银-钼矿床。Sceptre East和Charger矿床具有未来的增长潜力,可以通过进一步的勘探和资源开发钻探来实现。该项目还有许多类似于铁氧化铜金(IOCG)矿床和侵入式相关矿床系统的管道前景。项目已经获得了400平方公里以内的土地使用权,并且还有400平方公里的申请正等待批准,这些区域目前都是未开发的,有着巨大的上行潜力。Odienné项目JV为公司在一个提供重大潜在发现可能的亲矿工业的司法管辖地区继续进行勘探奠定了坚实的基础。

The Awalé-Newmont JV - 'Odienné Project JV'

Awalé-Newmont JV-“Odienné项目JV”

The Odienné Project JV covers one permit and one application within the greater Odienné Gold-Copper Project, the greater project consists of a further 4 applications and on option agreement which in the Northwest of Côte d'Ivoire, and is subject to an earn-in agreement with Newmont Ventures Limited ("Newmont"); see Company news release dated May 31 2022 through which Newmont retains the option to earn-in to a minimum of 65% interest, from Awalé, in the Odienné Project JV in return for USD 15 million of exploration expenditures. Newmont is funding the exploration program and Awalé is managing the Odienné Project JV in the initial three-year phase.

Odienné项目JV涉及一个许可和一个申请,位于Côte d'Ivoire西北部更大的Odienné金铜项目区域内。该项目还包括另外4个申请和一个选择性协议,与Newmont Ventures Limited ("Newmont")签订了收益协议;参见公司于2022年5月31日发表的新闻稿,Newmont保留了收益权,以代价1500万美元的勘探支出,从Awalé处获取Odienné项目JV至少65%的利益收益权。Newmont正在资助勘探计划,而Awalé则在初始的三年阶段内管理Odienné项目JV。

Quality Control and Assurance


Analytical work for drill samples is being carried out at the independent Intertek Laboratories in Ghana and Australia, an ISO 17025 (2017) Certified Laboratory. Samples are stored at the Company's field camps and put into sealed bags until collected by Intertek from the Company's secure Odienné office and transported by Intertek to their preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire, for preparation. Samples are logged in the tracking system, weighed, dried, and pulverized to greater than 85%, passing a 75-micron screen. Two pulps are prepared from each sample with one stream to Intertek Ghana for fire assay and a second to Australia where the sample is analysed by 52 element ICP/MS with an Aqua Regia digest. Blanks, duplicates, and certified reference material (standards) are being used to monitor laboratory performance during the analysis. All fire assay samples returning greater than 5 g/t gold are routinely Screen Fire Assayed, in this special case lower than 5g samples up and down hole from the high grade interval in OEDD-88 were also subject to Screen Fire Assays. As a further QC precaution due to visible gold presence, Intertek was requested to insert a quartz wash between each sample in the mineralised interval, ensuring no sample contamination in the preparation process.

钻孔样品的分析工作在加纳和澳大利亚的独立检验实验室Intertek Laboratories进行,该实验室是一个ISO 17025 (2017)认证的实验室。样品存放在公司的野外营地中,并在盖好密封袋后放置,等待Intertek从公司的Odienné办事处提取,然后将其运输到科特迪瓦的Yamoussoukro的预处理实验室进行处理。样品被记录在跟踪系统中,进行称重、干燥和粉碎,使其通过75微米筛子的筛选率达到85%以上。用每个样品的两个糊浆,一个发送到Ghana的Intertek进行火烧针分析,另一份则发到澳大利亚,使用主成分分析 / 质谱分析法进行分析并用Aqua Regia消化。实验室在分析过程中使用空白样品、重复样品和认证参考物质(标准物质)进行监测。所有金含量大于5克/吨的火烧针样品都要接受例行的屏幕火烧针分析。在这种特殊情况下,位于OEDD-88高品位区间上下钻孔的低于5克样品也要接受屏幕火烧针分析。由于存在显微颗粒,为进一步的质量控制预防措施,在矿化区间中的每个样品之间插入了一个石英清洗程序,以确保样品制备过程中没有污染。

Mineralized Interval Calculations


Significant intervals reported in this news release are calculated downhole length weighted intercepts. For the Charger target initial mineralized are calculated at a 0.3 g/t trigger and include internal waste of 3m for delineation mineralized zones.

此新闻稿中报告的显著区间是按钻孔段长度加权拦截计算的。对于Charger矿床,最初的矿化区间计算为0.3 g/t触发,并包括内部300万的废料用于界定矿化区域。

Abbreviations Used in This Release


Ag Silver
Au Gold
Au Eq. Gold Equivalent
Cu Copper
Cu Eq. Copper Equivalent
g/t grams per tonne
km Kilometers
m Meters
黄金 黄金
等价金 黄金当量
克/吨 每吨克数
公里 公里

Qualified Person


The technical and scientific information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved for release by Andrew Chubb, the Company's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr Chubb is the Company's Chief Executive Officer and holds an Economic Geology degree, is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and is a Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr Chubb has over 20 years of experience in international mineral exploration and mining project evaluation.






"Andrew Chubb"


Andrew Chubb, CEO


For additional information, you are invited to visit the Awalé Resources Limited website at , or contact Andrew Chubb CEO (+356) 99139117,

如需了解更多信息,请访问Awalé Resources有限公司的网站或联系首席执行官Andrew Chubb (+356) 99139117,。

Forward-Looking Information


This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws (collectively "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding, the Company's presence in Cote d'Ivoire and ability to achieve results, creation of value for Company shareholders, achievements under the Newmont JV, works on other properties, planned drilling, commencement of operations. Although the Company believes any forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at . Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定义的那样)对此发布的充分性或准确性不承担任何责任。

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息