
ARIA Cybersecurity Announces It Has Become a WWT Supplier

ARIA Cybersecurity Announces It Has Become a WWT Supplier

Accesswire ·  07/31 08:00

WWT to Resell ARIA Cybersecurity Zero Trust PROTECT Solution


BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a CSPi business (NASDAQ:CSPi), has been selected by Worldwide Technology (WWT) to supply its award-winning, AZT PROTECT solution to its customers. WWT is a large global reseller of IT and cybersecurity solutions. WWT gives ARIA access to its large base of customers. ARIA will work with account teams at WWT to sell AZT PROTECT into operational technology (OT) environments.

马萨诸塞州波士顿 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年7月31日 / CSPi业务(纳斯达克股票代码:CSPi)下的ARIA网络安全解决方案已被全球技术(WWT)选中,供应其屡获殊荣的AZt PROTECt解决方案给其客户。WWT是IT和网络安全解决方案的大型全球分销商,为ARIA提供了庞大的客户基础。ARIA将与WWT的账户团队合作,将AZt PROTECt(操作技术(OT)环境的保护解决方案)销售给客户。

WWT is a supplier to critical infrastructure providers and recognizes AZT PROTECT's ability to stop attacks targeting critical production applications. "WWT is a trusted supplier to this market, which gives ARIA an ability to leverage its relationships," said ARIA's chief executive Gary Southwell. "These customers are open to leveraging the latest attack techniques to reduce their risk. Especially considering the issues today's market leaders are having providing stable effective solutions that risk taking their production environments down with untested updates. Unlike these solutions, ARIA's AZT PROTECT does not require weekly updates to stop the latest attacks, it does so generically - never needing content updates to maintain efficacy."

WWT是关键基础设施供应商的供应商,并且认识到AZt PROTECT阻止针对关键生产应用程序的攻击的能力。 ARIA的首席执行官Gary Southwell表示:“WWT是向此市场提供可信赖的供应商,这使ARIA能够利用其关系。这些客户正在借助最新的攻击技术降低风险,特别是考虑到今天的市场领袖在提供稳定有效的解决方案方面存在的问题,可能会因未经测试的更新而破坏其生产环境。与这些解决方案不同,ARIA的AZt PROTECt通用地停止最新的攻击,不需要内容更新即可保持有效性。”

Starting with the Colonial Pipeline attack in 2021, sophisticated cyberattacks targeting operational technology (OT) environments and critical infrastructure have skyrocketed. Since then, ARIA has detected more than 700 similar attacks that have permeated today's defenses. The high-profile ransomware attack on Merck, for example, resulted in a $1.4 billion impact and led to a lengthy legal battle with its insurers to recover the losses.

从2021年Colonial Pipeline攻击开始,针对操作技术(OT)环境和关键基础设施的精密网络攻击迅速增加。自那时起,ARIA已监测到超过700次类似攻击已经侵入了当今的防御措施。例如,对默沙东发动的备受瞩目的勒索软件攻击导致了14亿美元的影响,并引发了与其保险公司长时间的法律纠纷以恢复损失。

"Hostile nation-states and organized cybercriminals are responsible for a dangerous new wave of sophisticated attacks on the nation's critical infrastructure, which risks destabilizing our society and economy," commented Southwell. "Despite the increasing prevalence of attacks, many critical infrastructures are ill-equipped to defend against them-as has been detailed by the alarms sounded by CISA and the FBI back in February. Reducing these cyber risks is now a top priority for critical infrastructure providers around the world and we look forward to working with WWT to help their customers solve these challenges.

“敌对国家和有组织的网络罪犯负责对我们国家的关键基础设施发动危险的新一轮精密攻击,这可能会破坏我们的社会和经济稳定,”Southwell评论道:“尽管攻击越来越普遍,但许多关键基础设施缺乏防御能力 -正如CISA和FBI在二月份警报中所详细说明的那样。减少这些网络风险现在是全球关键基础设施供应商的首要任务,我们期待与WWT合作,帮助他们的客户解决这些挑战。”

AZT PROTECT was launched in July 2023. It is a fully automated solution that comprehensively secures OT applications against all threats-both known and unknown-stopping attacks without ever relying on potentially disastrous AV cloud updates or constant patching. Purpose-built to stop sophisticated nation-state and supply-chain attacks that existing defenses miss, helping both industries and government protect the revenue and services generated by their critical infrastructure.

AZt PROTECt于2023年7月推出。 它是一种全自动解决方案,可全面地保护OT应用程序免受所有已知和未知的威胁攻击,并在没有依赖可能灾难性的AV云更新或持续打补丁的情况下停止攻击。特别设计用于防止现有防御所错过的复杂国家级和供应链攻击,从而帮助行业和政府保护其关键基础设施产生的营业收入和服务。

For more information on the event please visit: Aria Cybersecurity

有关本活动的更多信息,请访问:Aria Cybersecurity

About ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions

关于制造业-半导体安全专家ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions

ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a business of CSP Inc., recognizes that better, stronger, more effective cybersecurity starts with a smarter approach. Our solutions provide new ways for organizations to protect their most critical assets-they can shield their critical applications from attack with our AZT solution while monitoring internal traffic, device-level logs, and alert output with our ARIA ADR solution to substantially improve threat detection and surgically disrupt cyberattacks and data exfiltration. Customers in a range of industries rely on our solutions to accelerate incident response, automate breach detection, and protect their most critical assets and applications-no matter where they are stored, used, or accessed. Learn more at

ARIA网络安全解决方案 , CSP Inc.业务认识到更好、更强大、更有效的网络安全始于更智能的方法。我们的解决方案为组织提供了保护其最重要资产的新方法。我们的AZt解决方案可保护其关键应用程序免受攻击,同时使用我们的ARIA ADR解决方案监视内部流量、设备级日志和警报输出,以显着提高威胁检测并精准地阻断网络攻击和数据外泄。多个行业的客户依赖我们的解决方案加速事件响应、自动化入侵检测以及保护其存储、使用或访问的最重要资产和应用程序。请访问ARIACybersecurity.com了解更多信息。

Media Contact


Gary Southwell
Chief Executive & General Manager
ARIA Cybersecurity

Gary Southwell



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