
374Water Releases White Paper Detailing Potential for Innovative AirSCWO Technology to Address Lithium-ion Battery Waste

374Water Releases White Paper Detailing Potential for Innovative AirSCWO Technology to Address Lithium-ion Battery Waste

Accesswire ·  07/31 08:00

Results demonstrate that treatment with 374Water's AirSCWO technology achieved >99.999% destruction of HQ-115, a PFAS additive used commercially in Lithium-ion batteries.


Battery manufacturing and recycling industries represent over $91 billion in global opportunity.


DURHAM, NC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / 374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO), a global leader in organic waste destruction technology for the municipal, federal, and industrial markets released a comprehensive white paper highlighting the Company's AirSCWO technology's ability to destroy >99.999% of a recalcitrant chemical additive used in Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). The common battery additive, HQ-115, belongs to a group of PFAS, frequently referred to as forever chemicals, and poses risk to LiB operations which release these chemicals into the environment. 374Water believes the success of its AirSCWO system in effectively treating LiB waste demonstrates the efficacy of the technology for use in the LiB production and recycling industries to improve their sustainability and mitigate risks.

2024年7月31日,位於北卡羅來納州達勒姆市的374Water Inc.(納斯達克代碼:SCWO)發佈了一份全面的白皮書,強調了該公司的AirSCWO技術能夠摧毀鋰離子電池(LiBs)中使用的PFAS類難降解化學添加劑的超過99.999%。常見電池添加劑HQ-115屬於PFAS組,常被稱爲永久化學物質,並對釋放這些化學物質到環境中的LiB操作構成風險。374Water認爲,其AirSCWO系統有效處理LiB廢物的成功證明了該技術優化LiB生產和回收行業可行性和減輕風險的有效性。



  • While Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are used globally as a key component of clean and sustainable energy infrastructure, electrified transportation, medical devices, and consumer goods, their production and recycling processes produce toxic waste.

  • Existing LiB manufacturing and recycling waste management approaches have been shown to release persistent organic toxic pollutants, such as HQ-115, a bis-FASI PFAS, into the environment.

  • 374Water demonstrated a new approach to treat HQ-115 wastewater using their AirSCWO system, which resulted in >99.999% waste destruction.

  • Once commercialized, the adoption of 374Water's AirSCWO system to destroy LiB waste could prevent the release of toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" from over 20,000 kilotons of electric vehicle waste produced per year.

  • 雖然鋰離子電池(LiBs)在全球範圍內被用作清潔和可持續能源基礎設施、電氣化運輸、醫療設備和消費品的關鍵組件,但其生產和回收過程會產生有害廢物。

  • 現有的LiB製造和回收廢物管理方法已被證明會釋放出有毒的有機污染物,如HQ-115等雙-四氟香素PFAS,進入環境中。

  • 374Water使用其AirSCWO系統演示了治理HQ-115廢水的新方法,這種方法導致了超過99.999%的廢物破壞。

  • 一旦商業化,採用374Water的AirSCWO系統處理LiB廢物可以防止每年產生超過20,000千噸的電動車廢物釋放有毒PFAS“永久化學物質”。

Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are essential across various industries, including transportation, electronics, and solar power. For instance, the transportation sector's growing demand for high-performance LiBs is evident, with the US EPA predicting that electric vehicles could represent up to 67% of all light-duty vehicle sales within the next decade.


LiB manufacturers incorporate fluorinated electrolytes, such as HQ-115, a bis-FASI PFAS, into the production process to enhance overall LiB product performance. It has been found that without targeted treatment of LiB manufacturing and recycling waste streams, additives such as HQ-115 are released into the environment, posing significant environmental and health risks. In fact, the global production and recycling of LiBs result in approximately 460,000 metric tons of waste, including over 19 million gallons of electrolyte solvents, including HQ-115, in the US alone.


The traditional methods used to treat LiB manufacturing and recycling waste streams - such as distillation, chemical treatment, incineration, adsorption, biological treatment, and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - are not designed to remove fluorinated electrolytes.This leads to the release of fluorinated electrolytes (PFAS), which are now being detected at high environmental concentrations proximal to manufacturers and recyclers. This poses risk as the ecotoxicity of these compounds are comparable to other PFAS that are now prohibited and highly regulated worldwide.


374Water believes its AirSCWO technology offers a more sustainable and efficient alternative to existing processing technology, as it provides complete mineralization (i.e. destruction) of electrolyte solvent waste streams with minimal environmental impact. In addition, 374Water's AirSCWO technology handles (i.e. destroys) complex waste streams effectively without generating secondary pollutants and prevents PFAS from re-entering the ecosystem through secondary liquid byproducts or emissions.


374Water's AirSCWO technology utilizes supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) to treat waste streams, heating and pressurizing them to conditions that rapidly destroy organic compounds, including PFAS. In this study, 374Water prepared synthetic waste streams containing industrially relevant concentrations of HQ-115, the bis-FASI PFAS commonly used in LiB manufacturing and recycling. 374Water then processed this waste stream through the AirSCWO system to destroy the organic waste in under 30 seconds.


374Water partnered with two nationally recognized and certified PFAS testing laboratories to evaluate the efficacy of the AirSCWO waste destruction process. Using mass spectroscopy, these national laboratories confirmed that 374Water's AirSCWO technology reduced HQ-115 concentrations by over 99.999% from 1 billion ppt to as low as 34 ppt.

374Water與兩個經過國家認可和認證的PFAS檢測實驗室合作,評估了AirSCWO廢物處理過程的有效性。使用質譜技術,這些國家實驗室證實,374Water的AirSCWO技術將HQ-115濃度從10億 ppt降低到至少34 ppt以上,降低了超過99.999%。

Market Opportunity
374Water believes its AirSCWO system presents a timely and scalable solution for addressing PFAS challenges for the rapidly growing LiB manufacturing and recycling markets. On a global level, the LiB manufacturing and recycling markets are valued at over $10 billion with projected CAGR of 14.46% through 2029. The US LiB manufacturing and recycling markets account for about 17% and 1.5% of the global market value, with a CAGR of 25.49% through 2028 and 38.1% through 2030, respectively.

374Water認爲,其AirSCWO系統爲快速增長的LiB製造和回收市場解決PFAS挑戰提供了及時和可伸縮的解決方案。全球LiB製造和回收市場價值超過100億美元,預計年複合增長率爲14.46%。美國LiB製造和回收市場價值佔全球市場價值的約17%和1.5%,預計年複合增長率分別爲25.49%和38.1%。就對比而言,根據麥肯錫公司的一項研究,單是2020年的全球EV電池回收供應就有250千噸,預計到2040年這一數字將增加近兩個數量級,達到每年約20,000千噸。爲防止有害的PFAS化合物釋放到環境中,LiB製造和回收運營必須納入能夠銷燬PFAS和其他有機污染物的污水處理技術。 2029美國的鋰電池製造和回收市場約佔全球市值的17%和1.5%,年複合增長率分別爲25.49%和38.1%。 2028 和38.1%增長。 2030,分別爲。

For perspective, according to a McKinsey & Company study , in 2020 the global supply for EV battery recycling alone was 250 kilotons, by 2040 that number is expected to increase by almost two orders of magnitude to about 20,000 kilotons per year. To prevent the release of harmful PFAS compounds into the environment, LiB manufacturing and recycling operations must incorporate wastewater treatment technologies capable of destroying PFAS and other organic contaminants.

爲了讓大家更好地理解,根據一份 據麥肯錫&Company的一項研究 在未來10年內,電動汽車可能佔所有輕型汽車銷售的67%。

Despite the critical need, little attention has been given to the fate of fluorinated electrolytes (PFAS), particularly the bis-FASI class, used in LiB manufacturing and recycling operations. Currently, no technology has been adopted at scale in the battery manufacturing or recycling industries to specifically target the elimination of these compounds in wastewater. 374Water's AirSCWO technology has been demonstrated to effectively destroy contaminants from LiB manufacturing and recycling wastes. 374Water is actively collaborating with leading LiB manufacturers and recyclers to take early action in tackling this critical and growing environmental challenge.

儘管存在關鍵需求,但對含氟電解液(PFAS),特別是在鋰離子電池製造和回收操作中使用的雙氟烷磺酰亞胺(bis-FASI)類電解液的命運幾乎沒有得到關注。目前,電池製造或回收行業還沒有采用成規模的技術,特別針對這些化合物在廢水中的消除。 374Water的AirSCWO技術已被證明可以有效地銷燬來自Lib製造和回收廢料中的污染物,且已與領先的Lib製造商和回收商積極合作,採取早期行動來解決這一重要而不斷增長的環境挑戰。

"This latest study once again highlights the effectiveness of our AirSCWO technology in tackling the pressing issue of PFAS contamination, this time in the rapidly growing Lithium-ion battery market which fuels many emerging sustainable technologies," said Chris Gannon, CEO of 374Water. "We believe the opportunity for appropriately managing harmful waste within these industries is significant and represents an important addition to complete the cycle of sustainability. AirSCWO achieved a remarkable reduction in harmful electrolyte waste, reinforcing our commitment to providing innovative, sustainable solutions across diverse sectors. We look forward to partnering with battery manufacturers and recyclers to establish new waste management standards and processes driven by environmental safety and efficiency in this important industrial subsector."


Download the full whitepaper here.

下載完整的白皮書,請單擊這裏 白皮書在這裏.

About 374Water
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) is a global cleantech company providing innovative solutions addressing wastewater treatment and waste management issues within the municipal, federal and industrial markets. 374Water's AirSCWO technology efficiently destroys a range of non-hazardous and hazardous organic wastes producing safe dischargeable water streams, safe mineral effluent, safe vent gas, and recoverable heat energy. 374Water's AirSCWO technology has the potential to assist its customers to meet discharge requirements, reduce or eliminate disposal costs, remove bottlenecks, and reduce litigation and other risks. 374Water continues to be a leader in innovative waste treatment solutions, dedicated to creating a greener future and eradicating harmful pollutants. Learn more by visiting and follow us on LinkedIn.

374Water Inc.(納斯達克:SCWO)是一家全球清潔技術公司,提供創新解決方案,解決市政、聯邦和工業市場中的廢水處理和廢物管理問題。 374Water的AirSCWO技術高效地銷燬一系列非危險和危險有機廢物,生成安全放水流、安全礦物質流、安全通風氣體和可回收熱能。 374Water的AirSCWO技術有可能幫助其客戶滿足排放要求,降低或消除處置成本,消除瓶頸,並減少訴訟和其他風險。 374Water繼續是創新廢物處理解決方案的領導者,致力於創造更綠色的未來,消除有害污染物。 了解更多信息,請訪問 和我們一起LinkedIn.

Cautionary Language on Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this communication are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements relate to future events or our future financial performance, including statements relating to our ability to execute on our strategic plan and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or our achievements or those of our industry to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words like "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "estimate," "project," "consider," "predict," "potential," "feel," or other comparable terminology. The Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates, beliefs, and projections. While the Company believes these expectations, assumptions, estimates, and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company's control. These and other important factors, including those discussed under "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as the Company's subsequent filings with the SEC, may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements herein are made only as of the date they were first issued, and unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

本通信中的某些聲明屬於“前瞻性聲明”,包括我們未來的事件或財務表現,包括涉及我們能否執行我們的戰略計劃的聲明,並涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,該等風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致我們的實際結果、活動水平、表現或我們行業的成果或與我們相關的事情與任何前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的結果在實質上不同。在某些情況下,可能通過使用“可能”、“將”、“可能”、“將”、“應該”、“期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“打算”、“相信”、“估計”、“項目”、“考慮”、“預測”、“潛在”、“感覺”或其他類似的術語來識別有前途的聲明。 公司已基於其目前的期望、假設、估計、信念和投射作出這些有前途的聲明。 儘管公司認爲這些期望、假設、估計和投射是合理的,但這些前瞻性聲明僅是預測,涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性,其中許多涉及的因素或情況超出了公司的控制範圍。 這些和其他重要因素,包括我們的年度報告在“風險因素”下討論的重點,截至2023年12月31日的10-k表格,以及公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的隨後的文件,可能導致我們的實際結果、表現或成果與任何前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的結果在實質上不同。這裏的前瞻性聲明只是在首次發行時進行的,並且除非適用的證券法另有規定,否則公司不做出任何更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明的意圖或義務,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件或其他原因而導致的。

Investor Contact:
Heather Crowell

Heather Crowell

Media Contacts:
Candace McPhillips

Candace McPhillips

SOURCE: 374Water Inc.

來源:374Water Inc。

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