
Clearway Energy, Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Clearway Energy, Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Clearway Energy, Inc.公布2024年第二季度财务报告
Clearway Energy ·  08/01 00:00
PDF Version
  • Signed agreement with Clearway Group to commit to invest in 314 MW of solar plus storage projects
  • Received offer from Clearway Group to invest in a 500 MW solar plus storage project
  • Entered into new Resource Adequacy contract for Marsh Landing
  • Reaffirming 2024 financial guidance
  • Increasing the quarterly dividend by 1.7% to $0.4171 per share in the third quarter of 2024, or $1.6684 per share annualized
  • Continue to target annual dividend per share growth in the upper range of 5% to 8% through 2026
  • 已与Clearway Group签署协议,承诺投资314兆瓦的太阳能储能项目。
  • 收到Clearway Group的投资500兆瓦太阳能和储能项目的邀请。
  • 已签订新的Marsh Landing资源充足合同。
  • 重申2024年的财务指导。
  • 将2024年第三季度每股股息提高1.7%,至$0.4171,年化每股$1.6684。
  • 继续以5%至8%的股息分红年度增长目标为目标,保持位于上限范围内到2026年。

PRINCETON, N.J., Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clearway Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CWEN, CWEN.A) today reported second quarter 2024 financial results, including Net Income of $4 million, Adjusted EBITDA of $353 million, Cash from Operating Activities of $196 million, and Cash Available for Distribution (CAFD) of $187 million.

美国清洁能源公司Clearway Energy Inc.(NYSE:CWEN, CWEN .A)今天公布了2024年第二季度的财务业绩,包括净利润400万美元,调整后的EBITDA为35300万美元,营业活动现金流为19600万美元,可分配现金为18700万美元。

"Following another solid quarter that benefited from our operating fleet's diversification, Clearway remains well positioned to achieve its 2024 financial objectives," said Craig Cornelius, Clearway Energy, Inc.'s President and Chief Executive Officer. "With the upsized growth investment commitment to the Luna Valley and Daggett 1 projects, we have now committed to deploying all of the excess proceeds received from the sale of our district thermal business and established our path to achieve the financial objectives we had set through 2026. We are also pleased to be continuing our path towards realizing CAFD per share growth contributions from our natural gas assets with the announcement of our latest resource adequacy contract for Marsh Landing. As we look further ahead, we have in view a number of levers for increased long-term CAFD per share growth. Among these are potential future growth investments in the Pine Forest and Honeycomb project complexes and targeted 3rd party M&A opportunities – each of which can be funded accretively with current liquidity and organic cash flow received from our portfolio over time."

"由于我们的运营风机多样化的受益,Clearway在另一个强劲季度之后仍然可以实现其2024年的财务目标,"Clearway Energy公司总裁兼首席执行官Craig Cornelius表示:"随着对Luna Valley和Daggett 1项目扩大的投资承诺,我们已经决定使用从出售我们的区域热力业务获得的所有超额收益,并确立了我们到2026年实现财务目标的路径。我们也很高兴以我们最新的Marsh Landing资源充足契约的宣布,继续朝着实现每股自然气资产的CAFD增长的目标迈进。当我们展望未来时,我们有许多增加长期CAFAD的策略。其中包括将来在Pine Forest和Honeycomb项目综合体以及有针对性的第三方并购机会的潜在增长投资-每个都可以通过当前流动性和随时间收到的投资组合的有机现金流获得融资。"

Adjusted EBITDA and Cash Available for Distribution used in this press release are non-GAAP measures and are explained in greater detail under "Non-GAAP Financial Information" below.


Overview of Financial and Operating Results


Segment Results


Table 1: Net Income/(Loss)


($ millions) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
Segment 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
Conventional 9 37 25 61
Renewables 38 98 (6) 50
Corporate (43) (51) (61) (67)
Net Income/(Loss) $ 4 $ 84 $ (42) $ 44
(以百万美元为单位) 三个月之内结束 销售额最高的六个月
部分 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
传统 9 37 25 61
可再生能源 38 98 (6) 50
公司 (43) (51) (61) (67)
净利润 $ 4 $ 84 $ -42 $ 44

Table 2: Adjusted EBITDA


($ millions) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
Segment 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
Conventional 57 76 108 152
Renewables 306 248 475 399
Corporate (10) (8) (19) (17)
Adjusted EBITDA $ 353 $ 316 $ 564 $ 534
(以百万美元为单位) 三个月之内结束 销售额最高的六个月
部分 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
传统 57 76 108 152
可再生能源 306 248 475 399
公司 (10) (8) (19) (17)
调整后的EBITDA $ 353 $ 316 $ 564 $ 534

Table 3: Cash from Operating Activities and Cash Available for Distribution (CAFD)

表3: 营业活动现金流和可分配现金(CAFD)

Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
($ millions) 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
Cash from Operating Activities $ 196 $ 134 $ 277 $ 209
Cash Available for Distribution (CAFD) $ 187 $ 137 $ 239 $ 133
三个月之内结束 销售额最高的六个月
(以百万美元为单位) 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
从营业活动产生的现金流量 $ 196 $ 134 $ 277 $ 209
可分配现金(CAFD) $ 187 $ 137 $ 239 $ 133

For the second quarter of 2024, the Company reported Net Income of $4 million, Adjusted EBITDA of $353 million, Cash from Operating Activities of $196 million, and CAFD of $187 million. Net Income decreased versus 2023 primarily due to non-cash impacts from the mark to market impact of economic hedges. Adjusted EBITDA results in the second quarter were higher than 2023 primarily due to higher renewable production at certain facilities and the contribution of growth investments. CAFD results in the second quarter of 2024 were higher than 2023 primarily due to higher EBITDA and lower debt service in the Conventional fleet coinciding with the expiration of the tolling agreements.

公司2024年第二季度报告净利润为$4百万,调整后的息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)为$3,5300万,营业活动现金流为$1,9600万,CAFD为$1,8700万。净利润下降主要是因为经济套期保值带来的非现金影响。2024年第二季度调整后的EBITDA比2023年同期高,主要是由于一些设施可再生能源生产量增加以及成长性投资的贡献。2024年第二季度的CAFD比2023年同期高,主要是由于可调配现金流增加和传统舰队的债务服务减少,与过路费协议的到期 coinciding。

Operational Performance


Table 4: Selected Operating Results1

表4: 选择的经营结果1

(MWh in thousands) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
Conventional Equivalent Availability Factor 97.1% 90.1% 91.7% 82.3%
Solar MWh generated/sold 2,613 1,544 4,056 2,410
Wind MWh generated/sold 2,947 2,433 5,466 5,177
Renewables generated/sold2 5,560 3,977 9,522 7,587
(以千兆瓦时为单位) 三个月之内结束 销售额最高的六个月
6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
传统等效可用系数 97.1% 90.1% 91.7% 82.3%
太阳能发电量/销量(MWh) 2,613 1,544 4,056 2,410
风能发电量/销量(MWh) 2,947 2,433 5,466 5,177
可再生能源发电量/销量2 5,560 3,977 9,522 7,587

In the second quarter of 2024, availability at the Conventional segment was higher than the second quarter of 2023 primarily due to longer planned maintenance in 2023 and strong operational performance in 2024. Generation in the Renewables segment during the second quarter of 2024 was 40% higher than the second quarter of 2023 primarily due to the contribution of growth investments as well as higher wind resource at certain facilities.


Liquidity and Capital Resources


Table 5: Liquidity


($ millions) 6/30/2024 12/31/2023
Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Clearway Energy, Inc. and Clearway Energy LLC, excluding subsidiaries $ 35 $ 410
Subsidiaries 191 125
Restricted Cash:
Operating accounts 169 176
Reserves, including debt service, distributions, performance obligations and other reserves 175 340
Total Cash $ 570 $ 1,051
Revolving credit facility availability 495 454
Total Liquidity $ 1,065 $ 1,505
(以百万美元为单位) 6/30/2024 12/31/2023
Clearway Energy, Inc.和Clearway Energy LLC,不包括子公司 $ 35 $ 410
子公司 191 125
营运账户 169 176
储备金,包括债务服务、分配、履约及其他储备金 175 340
总现金 $ 570 $ 1,051
循环贷款额度 495 454
总流动性 $ 1,065 $ 1,505

Total liquidity as of June 30, 2024, was $1,065 million, which was $440 million lower than as of December 31, 2023, primarily due to the execution of growth investments including payments for Cedar Creek, Victory Pass, Arica and the Rosie BESS assets.

2023年12月31日以来,总流动性在2024年6月30日为1.065亿美元,比主要由于部署Cedar Creek、Victory Pass、Arica和Rosie BESS资产而付款的2023年12月31日的级别低4400万美元。

As of June 30, 2024, the Company's liquidity included $344 million of restricted cash. Restricted cash consists primarily of funds to satisfy the requirements of certain debt arrangements and funds held within the Company's projects that are restricted in their use. As of June 30, 2024, these restricted funds were comprised of $169 million designated to fund operating expenses, approximately $42 million designated for current debt service payments, and $89 million of reserves for debt service, performance obligations and other items including capital expenditures. The remaining $44 million is held in distribution reserve accounts.


Potential future sources of liquidity include excess operating cash flow, availability under the revolving credit facility, asset dispositions, and, subject to market conditions, new corporate debt and equity financings.


Growth Investments and Strategic Announcements


Resource Adequacy Agreement at Marsh Landing

Marsh Landing资源充裕协议

On July 31, 2024, the Company contracted with a load serving entity to sell approximately 195 MW of Marsh Landing's RA commencing in October 2026 and ending in December 2028. Marsh Landing is now contracted for approximately 99% of its capacity through 2027 at terms providing for higher project level CAFD in 2027 relative to current run-rate expectations.

2024年7月31日,公司与负责负载服务的实体签约,销售约195MW的Marsh Landing的RA,将于2026年10月开始,至2028年12月结束。Marsh Landing目前已经按照合同约定签约了99%的产能,合同条款为2027年的项目贡献的现金可分配流量高于当前的预期水平。

Pine Forest Offer


On July 19, 2024, Clearway Group offered the Company the opportunity to enter into partnership arrangements to own cash equity interests in a 500 MW solar plus storage project that is expected to reach commercial operations in 2025. The potential corporate capital commitment for the investment is expected to be approximately $155 million. The investment is subject to negotiation both with Clearway Group, and the review and approval by the Company's Independent Directors.


Luna Valley and Daggett 1 Storage

Luna Valley和Daggett 1存储

On June 27, 2024, the Company, through an indirect subsidiary, entered into an agreement to acquire cash equity interests in Luna Valley, a 200 MW solar facility currently under construction in Fresno County, California, and Daggett 1, a 114 MW BESS facility currently under construction in San Bernardino, California, for $143 million in cash consideration, subject to closing adjustments. Upon achieving commercial operations, the projects are underpinned by power purchase agreements with creditworthy counterparties with a weighted average contract duration of over 16 years. The consummation of the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and certain third-party approvals and is expected in the second half of 2025. The Company expects the projects to contribute asset CAFD on a five-year average annual basis of approximately $14 million beginning January 1, 2026.

2024年6月27日,公司通过其间接子公司,达成了一项协议,以现金收购位于加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺县建设中的200 MW太阳能发电厂Luna Valley和位于加利福尼亚州圣伯纳迪诺正在建设中的114 MW BESS项目Daggett 1的现金股权,交易价格为1.43亿美元,视情况进行结算调整。该项目在商业运营后,可依靠与信誉良好的交易方签署的购电协议,且合同平均期限超过16年。交易的完成受到一般性的交割条件和某些第三方批准的限制,并预计于2025年下半年完成交易。公司预计,这些项目将从2026年1月1日开始,以平均年基础的形式贡献大约1400万美元的财产CAFD。

Financing Update


NIMH Solar Refinancing

NIMH Solar再融资

On June 11, 2024, NIMH Solar LLC refinanced the amended and restated credit agreement, which included the issuance of a $137 million term loan facility, as well as $17 million in letters of credit in support of debt service and facility obligations. The obligations under the financing arrangement are supported by the Company's interests in the Alpine, Blythe and Roadrunner solar facilities. The Company utilized the proceeds from the term loan and existing sources of liquidity to pay off the existing debt in the amount of $146 million. The refinancing resulted in no material change to the Company's run-rate CAFD expectations for the underlying projects.

2024年6月11日,NIMH Solar LLC对已修改和重组信贷协议进行了再融资,包括发行了1.37亿美元的长期贷款,以及170万美元的信用证(用于支持债务服务和设备义务)。融资安排的债务受Alpine、Blythe和Roadrunner太阳能设施的公司利益支持。公司利用了贷款的收益和现有的流动性来源,偿还了1.46亿美元的旧债务。此次再融资对公司基础项目的现金可分配流量预期没有产生实质性的变化。

Natural Gas CA Holdco LLC LC Facility

2024年7月25日,公司通过旗下的间接子公司Natural Gas CA Holdco LLC,签署了一项融资协议,提供了2亿美元的信用证设施,用于支持公司的商品常规设施的抵押需求,并会释放公司的企业循环信贷设施的能力。

On July 25, 2024, the Company, through its indirect subsidiary, Natural Gas CA Holdco LLC, entered into a financing agreement that provides for a $200 million letter of credit facility, which will be utilized to support the collateral needs of the Company's merchant conventional facilities and will free up capacity on the Company's corporate revolving credit facility.

2024年7月25日,公司通过其间接子公司天然气CA Holdco LLC签署了一项融资协议,提供2亿美元的信用证额度,用于支持公司的商业常规设施抵押需求,并将为公司的公司循环信贷设施提供更多容量。

Quarterly Dividend


On August 1, 2024, Clearway Energy, Inc.'s Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend on Class A and Class C common stock of $0.4171 per share payable on September 16, 2024, to stockholders of record as of September 3, 2024.

2024年8月1日,Clearway Energy公司董事会宣布向A类和C类普通股股东派发每股0.4171美元的季度股息,股息将于2024年9月16日支付给登记在册的股东。



Clearway Energy, Inc.'s quarterly operating results are impacted by seasonal factors, as well as weather variability which can impact renewable energy resource throughout the year. Most of the Company's revenues are generated from the months of May through September, as contracted pricing and renewable resources are at their highest levels in the Company's portfolio. Factors driving the fluctuation in Net Income, Adjusted EBITDA, Cash from Operating Activities, and CAFD include the following:

Clearway Energy公司的季度业绩受季节性因素和天气变化的影响,其对全年的可再生能源资源利用率也会有所影响。该公司大部分收入来自5月至9月,因为该公司组合中的计划定价和可再生资源在这几个月处于最高水平。影响净利润、调整后的息税前利润、现金流量和现金可分配流量波动的因素包括:

  • Higher summer capacity and energy prices from conventional assets;
  • Higher solar insolation during the summer months;
  • Higher wind resources during the spring and summer months;
  • Renewable energy resource throughout the year
  • Debt service payments which are made either quarterly or semi-annually;
  • Timing of maintenance capital expenditures and the impact of both unforced and forced outages; and
  • Timing of distributions from unconsolidated affiliates
  • 常规资产的夏季容量和能源价格较高;
  • 夏季的太阳辐射较高;
  • 春季和夏季的风能资源较高;
  • 全年可再生能源资源
  • 每季度或每半年支付的债务服务利息;
  • 维护资本支出的时间,以及非强制性和强制性停机的影响;和
  • 分配非合并附属公司的时间。

The Company takes into consideration the timing of these factors to ensure sufficient funds are available for distributions and operating activities on a quarterly basis.


Financial Guidance


The Company is reaffirming its 2024 full year CAFD guidance of $395 million. The Company's 2024 financial guidance factors in the contribution of committed growth investments based on current expected closing timelines and estimates for merchant energy gross margin at the conventional fleet. 2024 CAFD guidance does not factor in the timing of when CAFD is realized from new growth investments pursuant to 5-year averages beyond 2024. Financial guidance is based on median renewable energy production estimates for the full year.


Earnings Conference Call


On August 1, 2024, Clearway Energy, Inc. will host a conference call at 8:00 a.m. Eastern to discuss these results. Investors, the news media and others may access the live webcast of the conference call and accompanying presentation materials by logging on to Clearway Energy, Inc.'s website at and clicking on "Presentations & Webcasts" under "Investor Relations."

2024年8月1日,Clearway Energy公司将在美国东部时间上午8:00举行电话会议,讨论这些结果。投资者、新闻媒体和其他人可以通过登录Clearway Energy公司的网站,单击“投资者关系”下的“演示文稿和网络直播”来查看电话会议和附带的演示材料的实时网络直播。

About Clearway Energy, Inc.

关于Clearway Energy, Inc.

Clearway Energy, Inc. is one of the largest owners of clean energy generation assets in the US. The Company's fleet comprises approximately 9,000 MW of net owned generating capacity in 26 states, including over 6,500 MW of wind, solar, and energy storage assets, and approximately 2,500 MW of environmentally-sound, highly efficient natural gas generation facilities. Through this environmentally-sound diversified and primarily contracted portfolio, Clearway Energy endeavors to provide its investors with stable and growing dividend income. Clearway Energy, Inc.'s Class C and Class A common stock are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols CWEN and CWEN.A, respectively. Clearway Energy, Inc. is sponsored by its controlling investor, Clearway Energy Group LLC. For more information, visit

Clearway Energy公司是美国最大的清洁能源发电资产拥有者之一。该公司的资产组合在26个州拥有约9000 MW的净发电能力,其中包括约6500 MW的风能、太阳能和储能资产,以及约2500 MW的环保高效天然气发电设施。通过这种环保多元化和主要以合同为基础的投资组合,Clearway Energy致力于为投资者提供稳定和增长的股息收入。Clearway Energy公司的C类和A类普通股在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)上进行交易,交易代码分别为CWEN和CWEN.A。Clearway Energy公司的控股投资者为Clearway Energy Group LLC。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Safe Harbor Disclosure


This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and typically can be identified by the use of words such as "expect," "estimate," "target," "anticipate," "forecast," "plan," "outlook," "believe" and similar terms. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding, the Company's dividend expectations and its operations, its facilities and its financial results, statements regarding the anticipated consummation of the transactions described above, the anticipated benefits, opportunities, and results with respect to the transactions, including the Company's future relationship and arrangements with Global Infrastructure Partners, TotalEnergies, and Clearway Energy Group, as well as the Company's Net Income, Adjusted EBITDA, Cash from Operating Activities, Cash Available for Distribution, the Company's future revenues, income, indebtedness, capital structure, strategy, plans, expectations, objectives, projected financial performance and/or business results and other future events, and views of economic and market conditions.

本新闻稿包含根据1933年证券法第27A条和1934年证券交易法第21E条制定的前瞻性声明。这些前瞻性陈述受到某些风险、不确定性和假设的影响,通常可以通过使用“期望”、“估计”、“目标”、“预测”、“计划”、“展望”、“相信”和类似术语来识别。这些前瞻性陈述包括但不限于以下声明:关于公司股息预期、公司经营、设备和财务业绩的声明,关于上述交易预计完成的声明、预计的益处、机会和结果与上述交易有关,包括公司与全球基础设施合作伙伴、法国道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies)和Clearway Energy Group的未来关系和安排,以及公司的净利润、调整后息税前利润、营运现金流、可用于分配的现金和其他日后的财务数据或经营业绩,以及针对经济和市场条件的观点。

Although Clearway Energy, Inc. believes that the expectations are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to be correct, and actual results may vary materially. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated above include, among others, the Company's ability to maintain and grow its quarterly dividend, impacts related to COVID-19 (including any variant of the virus) or any other pandemic, risks relating to the Company's relationships with its sponsors, the failure to identify, execute or successfully implement acquisitions or dispositions (including receipt of third party consents and regulatory approvals), the Company's ability to acquire assets from its sponsors, the Company's ability to borrow additional funds and access capital markets due to its indebtedness, corporate structure, market conditions or otherwise, hazards customary in the power industry, weather conditions, including wind and solar performance, the Company's ability to operate its businesses efficiently, manage maintenance capital expenditures and costs effectively, and generate earnings and cash flows from its asset-based businesses in relation to its debt and other obligations, the willingness and ability of counterparties to the Company's offtake agreements to fulfill their obligations under such agreements, the Company's ability to enter into new contracts as existing contracts expire, changes in government regulations, operating and financial restrictions placed on the Company that are contained in the project-level debt facilities and other agreements of the Company and its subsidiaries, and cyber terrorism and inadequate cybersecurity. Furthermore, any dividends are subject to available capital, market conditions, and compliance with associated laws and regulations.

尽管Clearway Energy公司认为这些期望是合理的,但无法保证这些期望会被证明是正确的,实际结果可能会有所不同。可能导致实际结果与上述期望有所不同的因素包括但不限于:公司能否维持和增长季度股息;与COVID-19(包括任何变异体)或任何其他流行病相关的影响,与公司赞助者的关系风险;未能确定、执行或成功实施收购或处置(包括获得第三方同意和监管批准),公司从赞助者处获得资产的能力,由于其负债、公司结构、市场状况或其他原因而无法借入更多资金并接触资本市场,电力行业中常见的危险因素,天气条件,包括风能和太阳能的表现,公司运营其业务的能力、有效管理维护资本支出和成本,以及相对于其债务和其他义务,从其基于资产的业务中产生收入和现金流量,反对方是否愿意和能够履行其供货协议的义务,公司在现有合同到期时能否签订新合同,政府监管变化,公司在项目级债务设施和其子公司的其他协议中承担的运营和财务限制,以及网络恐怖主义和不足的网络安全等。此外,任何股息都取决于现有资本、市场状况和与其相关的法律和法规的合规性。

Clearway Energy, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The Cash Available for Distribution are estimates as of today's date, August 1, 2024, and are based on assumptions believed to be reasonable as of this date. Clearway Energy, Inc. expressly disclaims any current intention to update such guidance. The foregoing review of factors that could cause Clearway Energy, Inc.'s actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in the forward-looking statements included in this news release should be considered in connection with information regarding risks and uncertainties that may affect Clearway Energy, Inc.'s future results included in Clearway Energy, Inc.'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission at In addition, Clearway Energy, Inc. makes available free of charge at , copies of materials it files with, or furnishes to, the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Clearway Energy公司不承担任何更新或修订前瞻性声明的义务,无论是因为新信息,未来事件或其他原因。分配可用的现金是截至2024年8月1日的估计值,基于此日期认为是合理的假设。Clearway Energy公司明确声明目前无意更新此类指引。对于可能会影响Clearway Energy公司未来业绩的风险和不确定因素的信息应与位于www.sec.gov的Clearway Energy公司提交给证券交易委员会的备案资料一起考虑。此外,Clearway Energy公司可免费提供其提交给或提供给证券交易委员会的材料的副本。



Investors: Media:
Akil Marsh Zadie Oleksiw
609-608-1500 202-836-5754
投资者: 媒体:
Akil Marsh Zadie Oleksiw
609-608-1500 202-836-5754



Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
(In millions, except per share amounts) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Operating Revenues
Total operating revenues $ 366 $ 406 $ 629 $ 694
Operating Costs and Expenses
Cost of operations, exclusive of depreciation, amortization and accretion shown separately below 117 118 243 226
Depreciation, amortization and accretion 153 128 307 256
General and administrative 9 9 20 19
Transaction and integration costs 3 2 4 2
Total operating costs and expenses 282 257 574 503
Operating Income 84 149 55 191
Other Income (Expense)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates 8 3 20
Other income, net 12 9 28 17
Loss on debt extinguishment (2) (3)
Interest expense (88) (55) (145) (154)
Total other expense, net (70) (43) (100) (137)
Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes 14 106 (45) 54
Income tax expense (benefit) 10 22 (3) 10
Net Income (Loss) 4 84 (42) 44
Less: Net (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests (47) 46 (91) 6
Net Income Attributable to Clearway Energy, Inc. $ 51 $ 38 $ 49 $ 38
Earnings Per Share Attributable to Clearway Energy, Inc. Class A and Class C Common Stockholders
Weighted average number of Class A common shares outstanding - basic and diluted 35 35 35 35
Weighted average number of Class C common shares outstanding - basic and diluted 82 82 82 82
Earnings Per Weighted Average Class A and Class C Common Share - Basic and Diluted $ 0.43 $ 0.33 $ 0.41 $ 0.32
Dividends Per Class A Common Share $ 0.4102 $ 0.3818 $ 0.8135 $ 0.7563
Dividends Per Class C Common Share $ 0.4102 $ 0.3818 $ 0.8135 $ 0.7563
截止到6月30日的三个月 六个月截至6月30日,
(以百万为单位,每股数据除外) 2024 2023 2024 2023
总营收 $ 366 $ 406 $ 629 $ 694
 所得税前收入(亏损) 117 118 243 226
折旧、摊销和增值部分费用 153 128 307 256
普通和管理 9 9 20 19
交易和合并费用 3 2 4 2
总运营成本和费用 282 257 574 503
营业收入 84 149 55 191
合营企业及联营企业的权益持有份额收益 8 3 20
其他收入,净额 12 9 28 17
债务清偿损失 (2) (3)
利息费用 (88) (55) (145) (154)
其他支出合计,净值 (70) (43) (100) (137)
税前收益(亏损) 14 106 (45) 54
所得税费用(收益) 10 22 (3) 10
净利润(损失) 4 84 -42 44
归属Clearway Energy, Inc.的净收益。 (47) 46 (91) 6
Clearway Energy公司归属净利润 $ 51 $ 38 $ 49 $ 38
属于Clearway Energy,Inc. Class A和Class C普通股股东的每股收益
基本和摊薄的Class A普通股的加权平均股数 35 35 35 35
基本和稀释的Class C普通股的加权平均股数 82 82 82 82
每个加权平均Class A和Class C普通股的基本和稀释的收益 $ 0.43 $ 0.33 $ 0.41 $ 0.32
每股A类普通股派发的红利 $ 0.4102 $ 0.3818 $ 0.8135 $ Clearway Energy公司归属净利润
每股C类普通股派发的红利 $ 0.4102 $ 0.3818 $ 0.8135 $ Clearway Energy公司归属净利润



Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
(In millions) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Net Income (Loss) $ 4 $ 84 $ (42) $ 44
Other Comprehensive Income
Unrealized gain on derivatives and changes in accumulated OCI, net of income tax benefit, of $—, $1, $—, and $— 1 3
Other comprehensive income 1 3
Comprehensive Income (Loss) 5 87 (42) 44
Less: Comprehensive (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests (46) 48 (89) 6
Comprehensive Income Attributable to Clearway Energy, Inc. $ 51 $ 39 $ 47 $ 38
截止到6月30日的三个月 六个月截至6月30日,
(以百万计) 2024 2023 2024 2023
净利润(损失) $ 4 $ 84 $ -42 $ 44
未实现的衍生工具收益和累计其他全面收益的变动,扣除所得税减免,为$ -,$ 1,$ -和$ - 1 3
其他综合收益 1 3
综合收益(损失) 5 87 -42 44
减:归属于非控股权益和可赎回非控股权益的综合收益(亏损) (46) 48 (89) 6
归属于Clearway Energy,Inc.的综合收益 $ 51 $ 39 $ 47 $ 38



(In millions, except shares) June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
ASSETS (Unaudited)
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 226 $ 535
Restricted cash 344 516
Accounts receivable — trade 255 171
Accounts receivable — affiliates 1
Inventory 60 55
Derivative instruments 51 41
Note receivable — affiliate 174
Prepayments and other current assets 84 68
Total current assets 1,021 1,560
Property, plant and equipment, net 9,952 9,526
Other Assets
Equity investments in affiliates 321 360
Intangible assets for power purchase agreements, net 2,214 2,303
Other intangible assets, net 71 71
Derivative instruments 117 82
Right-of-use assets, net 597 597
Other non-current assets 224 202
Total other assets 3,544 3,615
Total Assets $ 14,517 $ 14,701
Current Liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt $ 412 $ 558
Accounts payable — trade 86 130
Accounts payable — affiliates 12 31
Derivative instruments 59 51
Accrued interest expense 55 57
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 77 79
Total current liabilities 701 906
Other Liabilities
Long-term debt 6,797 7,479
Deferred income taxes 35 127
Derivative instruments 336 281
Long-term lease liabilities 626 627
Other non-current liabilities 305 286
Total other liabilities 8,099 8,800
Total Liabilities 8,800 9,706
Redeemable noncontrolling interest in subsidiaries 6 1
Commitments and Contingencies
Stockholders' Equity
Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized; none issued
Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D common stock, $0.01 par value; 3,000,000,000 shares authorized (Class A 500,000,000, Class B 500,000,000, Class C 1,000,000,000, Class D 1,000,000,000); 202,143,697 shares issued and outstanding (Class A 34,613,853, Class B 42,738,750, Class C 82,829,344, Class D 41,961,750) at June 30, 2024 and 202,080,794 shares issued and outstanding (Class A 34,613,853, Class B 42,738,750, Class C 82,391,441, Class D 42,336,750) at December 31, 2023 1 1
Additional paid-in capital 1,830 1,732
Retained earnings 314 361
Accumulated other comprehensive income 5 7
Noncontrolling interest 3,561 2,893
Total Stockholders' Equity 5,711 4,994
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 14,517 $ 14,701
(单位:百万元,除每股股本数据外) 2024年6月30日 2023年12月31日
资产 (未经审计)
现金及现金等价物 $ 226 $ 535
受限现金 344 516
应收账款 - 贸易 255 171
应收账款 - 关联公司 1
库存 60 55
ETF可能面临的主要风险包括:与跟踪指数相关的风险、管理风险、市场风险、指数调整的风险、衍生工具风险、股票市场投资风险和新兴市场投资风险。 51 41
应收票据 - 关联公司 174
预付款及其他流动资产 84 68
总流动资产 1,021 1,560
物业、厂房和设备,净值 9,952 9,526
关联公司的股权投资 321 360
电力购买协议无形资产,净值 2,214 2,303
其他无形资产,净额 71 71
ETF可能面临的主要风险包括:与跟踪指数相关的风险、管理风险、市场风险、指数调整的风险、衍生工具风险、股票市场投资风险和新兴市场投资风险。 117 82
使用权资产,净额 597 597
其他非流动资产 224 202
其他资产总计 3,544 3,615
总资产 $ 14,517 $ 14,701
开多次数 $ 412 $ 558
应付账款——交易 86 130
应付账款 - 关联公司 12 31
ETF可能面临的主要风险包括:与跟踪指数相关的风险、管理风险、市场风险、指数调整的风险、衍生工具风险、股票市场投资风险和新兴市场投资风险。 59 51
累计利息支出 55 57
应计费用及其他流动负债 77 79
流动负债合计 701 906
长期债务 6,797 7,479
延迟所得税 35 127
ETF可能面临的主要风险包括:与跟踪指数相关的风险、管理风险、市场风险、指数调整的风险、衍生工具风险、股票市场投资风险和新兴市场投资风险。 336 281
开多期权负债 626 627
其他非流动负债 305 286
其他负债总额 8,099 8,800股
总负债 8,800股 9,706
可赎回的附属公司非控制权益 6 1
公共股票A类、B类、C类和D类,面值0.01美元;授权发行30亿股(A类5亿股,B类5亿股,C类10亿股,D类10亿股);截至2024年6月30日,发行并流通股票2.021437亿股(A类3461.3853万股,B类4273.8750万股,C类8282.9344万股,D类4196.1750万股),截至2023年12月31日,发行并流通股票2.020808亿股(A类3461.3853万股,B类4273.8750万股,C类8239.1441万股,D类4233.6750万股)。 1 1
额外实收资本 1,830 1,732
保留盈余 314 361
累计其他综合收益 5 7
非控股权益 3,561 2,893
股东权益总计 5,711 4,994
负债和股东权益总计 $ 14,517 $ 14,701



Six months ended June 30,
(In millions) 2024 2023
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net (Loss) Income $ (42) $ 44
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates (20)
Distributions from unconsolidated affiliates 15 11
Depreciation, amortization and accretion 307 256
Amortization of financing costs and debt discounts 7 6
Amortization of intangibles 91 94
Loss on debt extinguishment 3
Reduction in carrying amount of right-of-use assets 8 8
Changes in deferred income taxes (1) 9
Changes in derivative instruments and amortization of accumulated OCI 49 (51)
Cash used in changes in other working capital:
Changes in prepaid and accrued liabilities for tolling agreements (16) (56)
Changes in other working capital (124) (112)
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 277 209
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Acquisition of Drop Down Assets, net of cash acquired (671) (7)
Capital expenditures (202) (109)
Return of investment from unconsolidated affiliates 35 10
Decrease in note receivable — affiliate 184
Investments in unconsolidated affiliates (10)
Other 7
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (647) (116)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Contributions from noncontrolling interests, net of distributions 1,399 275
Payments of dividends and distributions (164) (153)
Tax-related distributions (19)
Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt 236 42
Payments of debt issuance costs (4) (8)
Payments for long-term debt (1,577) (306)
Other (1) (2)
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities (111) (171)
Net Decrease in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash (481) (78)
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash at Beginning of Period 1,051 996
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash at End of Period $ 570 $ 918
(以百万计) 2024 2023
净利润(亏损) $ -42 $ 44
非整合附属公司盈利权益 (20)
联营企业的分配 15 11
折旧、摊销和增值部分费用 307 256
融资成本和债务折扣的摊销 7 6
无形资产摊销 91 94
债务清偿损失 3
减少租用资产的带量减少 8 8
递延所得税净变动额 (1) 9
衍生工具的变动和累计其他综合收益的摊销 49 (51)
改变预付和应计的托运协议负债 (16) (56)
其他营运资本的变动 (124) (112)
经营活动产生的净现金流量 277 209
收购下滑资产,扣除收到的现金净额 (671) (7)
资本支出 (202) (109)
非一并普通股权益分红投资回报 35 10
降低应收票据 - 联营公司 184
非控股联营企业投资 (10)
其他 7
投资活动中使用的净现金流量 (647) (116)
来自非控制股权的捐款(扣除分配) 1,399 275
分红及分配的支付 (164) (153)
与税收相关的分配 (19)
发行长期债务的收益 236 42
债务发行成本支付 (4) (8)
支付长期债务的款项 (8,175) (306)
其他 (1) (2)
筹资活动中使用的净现金流量 (111) (171)
现金、现金等价物和受限制的现金减少 (481) (78)
期初现金、现金等价物和受限制的现金 1,051 996
期末现金、现金等价物和受限制的现金 $ 570 $ 918

For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024


(In millions) Preferred Stock Common Stock Additional
Comprehensive Income
Balances at December 31, 2023 $ $ 1 $ 1,732 $ 361 $ 7 $ 2,893 $ 4,994
Net loss (2) (45) (47)
Unrealized (loss) gain on derivatives and changes in accumulated OCI, net of tax (2) 1 (1)
Distributions to CEG, net of contributions, cash (1) (1)
Contributions from noncontrolling interests, net of distributions, cash 215 215
Transfers of assets under common control 2 (42) (40)
Non-cash adjustments for change in tax basis 6 6
Stock-based compensation 1 1
Common stock dividends and distributions to CEG unit holders (47) (34) (81)
Other (1) (1)
Balances at March 31, 2024 1 1,741 311 5 2,987 5,045
Net income (loss) 51 (51)
Unrealized gain on derivatives and changes in accumulated OCI, net of tax 1 1
Contributions from CEG, net of distributions, cash 222 222
Contributions from noncontrolling interests, net of distributions, cash 988 988
Distributions to noncontrolling interests, net of contributions, non-cash (1) (1)
Transfers of assets under common control 5 (549) (544)
Non-cash adjustments for change in tax basis 85 85
Stock-based compensation (1) (1)
Common stock dividends and distributions to CEG unit holders (48) (35) (83)
Other (1) (1)
Balances at June 30, 2024 $ $ 1 $ 1,830 $ 314 $ 5 $ 3,561 $ 5,711
(以百万计) 优先股 普通股票 额外的
2023年12月31日的余额。 $ $ 1 $ 1,732 $ 361 $ 7 $ 2,893 $ 4,994
净亏损 (2) (45) (47)
未实现的衍生品损益及其他综合收益变动,净额,税后 (2) 1 (1)
分配给CEG,扣除贡献,现金净额 (1) (1)
非控股权益贡献,扣除分配,现金净额 215 215
在共同控制下的资产转移 2 -42 (40)
非现金调整变更税基 6 6
以股票为基础的报酬计划 1 1
普通股股息和分配给CEG单位持有人 (47) (34) (81)
其他 (1) (1)
2024年3月31日的结余 1 1,741 311 5 2,987 5,045
净利润(损失) 51 (51)
衍生工具未实现收益和其他综合收益变动净额 1 1
CEG贡献,扣除分配,现金净额 222 222
非控股权益贡献,扣除分配,现金净额 988 988
受控于共同控制下的资产转移,扣除对非控制权益的捐赠的净额 (1) (1)
在共同控制下的资产转移 5 (549) (544)
非现金调整变更税基 85 85
以股票为基础的报酬计划 (1) (1)
普通股股息和分配给CEG单位持有人 (48) (35) (83)
其他 (1) (1)
2024年6月30日的余额 $ $ 1 $ 1,830 $ 314 $ 5 $ 3,561 $ 5,711

For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2023


(In millions) Preferred Stock Common Stock Additional
Comprehensive Income
Balances at December 31, 2022 $ $ 1 $ 1,761 $ 463 $ 9 $ 1,792 $ 4,026
Net loss (43) (43)
Unrealized loss on derivatives and changes in accumulated OCI, net of tax (1) (2) (3)
Contributions from CEG, net of distributions, cash 30 30
Contributions from noncontrolling interests, net of distributions, cash 215 215
Transfers of assets under common control (52) 46 (6)
Non-cash adjustments for change in tax basis 9 9
Stock based compensation 1 1
Common stock dividends and distributions to CEG unit holders (44) (32) (76)
Balances at March 31, 2023 1 1,719 419 8 2,006 4,153
Net income 38 40 78
Unrealized gain on derivatives and changes in accumulated OCI, net of tax 1 2 3
Distributions to CEG, net of contributions, cash (4) (4)
Distributions to noncontrolling interests, net of contributions, cash (5) (5)
Tax-related distribution (19) (19)
Stock based compensation (1) (1)
Common stock dividends and distributions to CEG unit holders (45) (32) (77)
Other (1) (1)
Balances at June 30, 2023 $ $ 1 $ 1,718 $ 412 $ 9 $ 1,987 $ 4,127
(以百万计) 优先股 普通股票 额外的
2022年12月31日的余额 $ $ 1 $ $1,761 $ 463 $ 9 $ 1,792 $ 4,026
净亏损 (43) (43)
衍生工具未实现损失和其他综合收益变动净额 (1) (2) (3)
CEG贡献,扣除分配,现金净额 30 30
非控股权益贡献,扣除分配,现金净额 215 215
在共同控制下的资产转移 (52) 46 (6)
非现金调整变更税基 9 9
以股票为基础的补偿 1 1
普通股股息和分配给CEG单位持有人 (44) (32) (76)
2023年3月31日的余额 1 1,719 419 8 2,006 4,153
净收入 38 40 78
衍生工具未实现收益和其他综合收益变动净额 1 2 3
分配给CEG,扣除贡献,现金净额 (4) (4)
分配给非控股权益,扣除贡献,现金净额 (5) (5)
与税务相关的分配 (19) (19)
以股票为基础的补偿 (1) (1)
普通股股息和分配给CEG单位持有人 (45) (32) (77)
其他 (1) (1)
2023年6月30日的余额 $ $ 1 $ 1,718 $ 412 $ 9 $ 1,987 $ 4,127

Appendix Table A-1: Three Months Ended June 30, 2024, Segment Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
The following table summarizes the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA and provides a reconciliation to Net Income/(Loss):


($ in millions) Conventional Renewables Corporate Total
Net Income (Loss) $ 9 $ 38 $ (43) $ 4
Income Tax Expense 10 10
Interest Expense, net 7 49 21 77
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO 27 126 153
Contract Amortization 4 42 46
Loss on Debt Extinguishment 2 2
Mark to Market (MtM) Losses on economic hedges 6 37 43
Transaction and integration costs 3 3
Other non-recurring 1 1
Adjustments to reflect CWEN's pro-rata share of Adjusted EBITDA from Unconsolidated Affiliates 3 12 15
Non-Cash Equity Compensation (1) (1)
Adjusted EBITDA $ 57 $ 306 $ (10) $ 353
(单位:百万美元) 传统 可再生能源 公司 总费用
净利润(损失) $ 9 $ 38 $ (43) $ 4
所得税费用 10 10
利息费用,净额 7 49 21 77
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务 27 126 153
合同摊销 4 42 46
债务清偿损失 2 2
经济对冲的市场价值损失 6 37 43
交易和合并费用 3 3
其他非经常性 1 1
调整以反映CWEN对未合并分支机构调整后EBITDA的按比例份额 3 12 15
非现金股权报酬 (1) (1)
调整后的EBITDA $ 57 $ 306 $ (10) $ 353

Appendix Table A-2: Three Months Ended June 30, 2023, Segment Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
The following table summarizes the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA and provides a reconciliation to Net Income/(Loss):


($ in millions) Conventional Renewables Corporate Total
Net Income (Loss) $ 37 $ 98 $ (51) $ 84
Income Tax Expense 22 22
Interest Expense, net 7 21 18 46
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO 32 96 128
Contract Amortization 5 42 47
Mark to Market (MtM) Gains on economic hedges (26) (26)
Transaction and integration costs 2 2
Other non-recurring (8) 1 (7)
Adjustments to reflect CWEN's pro-rata share of Adjusted EBITDA from Unconsolidated Affiliates 3 16 19
Non-Cash Equity Compensation 1 1
Adjusted EBITDA $ 76 $ 248 $ (8) $ 316
(单位:百万美元) 传统 可再生能源 公司 总费用
净利润(损失) $ 37 $ 98 $ (51) $ 84
所得税费用 22 22
利息费用,净额 7 21 18 46
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务 32 96 128
合同摊销 5 42 47
经济对冲的市场价值收益 (26) (26)
交易和合并费用 2 2
其他非经常性 (8) 1 (7)
调整以反映CWEN对未合并分支机构调整后EBITDA的按比例份额 3 16 19
非现金股权报酬 1 1
调整后的EBITDA $ 76 $ 248 $ (8) $ 316

Appendix Table A-3: Six Months Ended June 30, 2024, Segment Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
The following table summarizes the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA and provides a reconciliation to Net Income/(Loss):


($ in millions) Conventional Renewables Corporate Total
Net Income (Loss) $ 25 $ (6) $ (61) $ (42)
Income Tax Benefit (3) (3)
Interest Expense, net 13 63 41 117
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO 59 248 307
Contract Amortization 9 83 92
Loss on Debt Extinguishment 3 3
Mark to Market (MtM) (Gain)/Loss on economic hedges (5) 72 67
Transaction and Integration costs 4 4
Other Non-recurring 1 (1)
Adjustments to reflect CWEN's pro-rata share of Adjusted EBITDA from Unconsolidated Affiliates 6 13 19
Non-Cash Equity Compensation
Adjusted EBITDA $ 108 $ 475 $ (19) $ 564
(单位:百万美元) 传统 可再生能源 公司 总费用
净利润(损失) $ 25 $ (6) $ (61) $ -42
所得税减免 (3) (3)
利息费用,净额 13 63 41 117
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务 59 248 307
合同摊销 9 83 92
债务清偿损失 3 3
经济对冲的市值调整收益/(亏损) (5) 72 67
交易和整合成本 4 4
其他非经常性项目 1 (1)
调整以反映CWEN对未合并分支机构调整后EBITDA的按比例份额 6 13 19
调整后的EBITDA $ 108 $ 475 $ (19) $ 564

Appendix Table A-4: Six Months Ended June 30, 2023, Segment Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
The following table summarizes the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA and provides a reconciliation to Net Income/(Loss):


($ in millions) Conventional Renewables Corporate Total
Net Income (Loss) $ 61 $ 50 $ (67) $ 44
Income Tax Expense 10 10
Interest Expense, net 17 83 36 136
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO 65 191 256
Contract Amortization 11 83 94
Mark to Market (MtM) (Gain)/Loss on economic hedges (45) (45)
Transaction and Integration costs 2 2
Other Non-recurring (8) 5 (3)
Adjustments to reflect CWEN's pro-rata share of Adjusted EBITDA from Unconsolidated Affiliates 6 32 38
Non-Cash Equity Compensation 2 2
Adjusted EBITDA $ 152 $ 399 $ (17) $ 534
(单位:百万美元) 传统 可再生能源 公司 总费用
净利润(损失) $ 61 $ 50 $ (67) $ 44
所得税费用 10 10
利息费用,净额 17 83 36 136
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务 65 191 256
合同摊销 11 83 94
经济对冲的市值调整收益/(亏损) (45) (45)
交易和整合成本 2 2
其他非经常性项目 (8) 5 (3)
调整以反映CWEN对未合并分支机构调整后EBITDA的按比例份额 6 32 38
非现金股权报酬 2 2
调整后的EBITDA $ 152 $ 399 $ (17) $ 534

Appendix Table A-5: Cash Available for Distribution Reconciliation
The following table summarizes the calculation of Cash Available for Distribution and provides a reconciliation to Cash from Operating Activities:


Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
($ in millions) 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
Adjusted EBITDA $ 353 $ 316 $ 564 $ 534
Cash interest paid (66) (55) (156) (148)
Changes in prepaid and accrued liabilities for tolling agreements (6) (17) (16) (56)
Adjustments to reflect sale-type leases and payments for lease expenses 2 2 5 3
Pro-rata Adjusted EBITDA from unconsolidated affiliates (22) (21) (39) (36)
Distributions from unconsolidated affiliates 6 5 15 11
Changes in working capital and other (71) (96) (96) (99)
Cash from Operating Activities 196 134 277 209
Changes in working capital and other 71 96 96 99
Return of investment from unconsolidated affiliates3 3 1 7 10
Net contributions (to)/from non-controlling interest4 (24) (10) (29) (20)
Maintenance capital expenditures (2) (6) (4) (13)
Principal amortization of indebtedness5 (67) (78) (118) (152)
Cash Available for Distribution before Adjustments $ 177 $ 137 $ 229 $ 133
2024 Net Impact of drop downs from timing of construction debt service 10 10
Cash Available for Distribution6 $ 187 $ 137 $ 239 $ 133
三个月之内结束 销售额最高的六个月
(单位:百万美元) 6/30/24 6/30/23 6/30/24 6/30/23
调整后的EBITDA $ 353 $ 316 $ 564 $ 534
现金支付利息 (66) (55) (156) (148)
改变预付和应计的托运协议负债 (6) (17) (16) (56)
调整以反映出售型租赁和租赁费用的支付 2 2 5 3
非控制公司联营企业的按比例调整后的EBITDA (22) (21) (39) (36)
联营企业的分配 6 5 15 11
资本运作和其他变化 (71) (96) (96) (99)
从营业活动产生的现金流量 196 134 277 209
资本运作和其他变化 71 96 96 99
未纳入的联营公司的回报投资3 3 1 7 10
非控股权益的净贡献4 (24) (10) (29) (20)
维护资本支出 (2) (6) (4) (13)
债务的本金分摊5 (67) (78) (118) (152)
可供分配的现金(调整前) $ 177 $ 137 $ 229 $ 133
2024年从建设债务服务时间表中下跌的净影响 10 10
可分配现金6 $ 187 $ 137 $ 239 $ 133

Appendix Table A-6: Six Months Ended June 30, 2024, Sources and Uses of Liquidity
The following table summarizes the sources and uses of liquidity in 2024:


Six Months Ended
($ in millions) 6/30/24
Contributions from noncontrolling interests, net of distributions 1,399
Net cash provided by operating activities 277
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 236
Decrease in note receivable — affiliate 184
Return of investments from unconsolidated affiliates 35
Other net cash inflows 2
Payments for long-term debt (1,577)
Acquisition of Drop Down Assets, net of cash acquired (671)
Capital expenditures (202)
Payments of dividends and distributions (164)
Change in total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash $ (481)
(单位:百万美元) 6/30/24
来自非控制股权的捐款(扣除分配) 1,399
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 277
长期债务发行的收益 236
降低应收票据 - 联营公司 184
从非合并关联方收到的投资回报 35
其他净现金流入 2
支付长期债务的款项 (8,175)
收购下滑资产,扣除收到的现金净额 (671)
资本支出 (202)
分红及分配的支付 (164)
现金,现金等价物和受限现金总额变动 $ (481)

Appendix Table A-7: Adjusted EBITDA and Cash Available for Distribution Guidance


($ in millions) 2024 Full Year Guidance
Net Income 90
Income Tax Expense 20
Interest Expense, net 330
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO Expense 680
Adjustment to reflect CWEN share of Adjusted EBITDA in unconsolidated affiliates 50
Non-Cash Equity Compensation 5
Adjusted EBITDA 1,175
Cash interest paid (310)
Changes in prepaid and accrued liabilities for tolling agreements (5)
Adjustments to reflect sale-type leases and payments for lease expenses 10
Pro-rata Adjusted EBITDA from unconsolidated affiliates (85)
Cash distributions from unconsolidated affiliates7 45
Cash from Operating Activities 830
Net distributions to non-controlling interest8 (100)
Maintenance capital expenditures (40)
Principal amortization of indebtedness9 (295)
Cash Available for Distribution 395
(单位:百万美元) 2024年全年指引
净利润 90
所得税费用 20
利息费用,净额 330
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务费用 680
调整以反映CWEN在未合并分支机构中按比例份额的调整后EBITDA 50
非现金股权报酬 5
调整后的EBITDA 1,175
现金支付利息 (310) 826-5648
改变预付和应计的托运协议负债 (5)
调整以反映租售回和租赁支出款项 10
非控制公司联营企业的按比例调整后的EBITDA (85)
来自非合并联营公司的现金分配7 45
从营业活动产生的现金流量 830
归非控制权益人的净分配8 (100)
维护资本支出 (40)
债务本金摊销9 (295)
可分配现金 395

Appendix Table A-8: Adjusted EBITDA and Cash Available for Distribution Growth Projects


($ in millions) Luna Valley and Daggett 1
5 Year Ave. 2026-2030
Net Income 3
Interest Expense, net 18
Depreciation, Amortization, and ARO Expense 24
Adjusted EBITDA 45
Cash interest paid (18)
Cash from Operating Activities 27
Net distributions (to)/from non-controlling interest (6)
Network Upgrade Reimbursements 5
Maintenance capital expenditures (1)
Principal amortization of indebtedness (11)
Estimated Cash Available for Distribution 14
(单位:百万美元) Luna Valley和Daggett 1
净利润 3
利息费用,净额 18
折旧、摊销和资产退役义务费用 24
调整后的EBITDA 45
现金支付的利息 (18)
从营业活动产生的现金流量 27
非控制权益人的净分配 (6)
网络升级报销 5
维护资本支出 (1)
债务本金摊销 (11)
预计可用于分配的现金 14

Non-GAAP Financial Information


EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA


EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, and Cash Available for Distribution (CAFD) are non-GAAP financial measures. These measurements are not recognized in accordance with GAAP and should not be viewed as an alternative to GAAP measures of performance. The presentation of non-GAAP financial measures should not be construed as an inference that Clearway Energy's future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items.


EBITDA represents net income before interest (including loss on debt extinguishment), taxes, depreciation and amortization. EBITDA is presented because Clearway Energy considers it an important supplemental measure of its performance and believes debt and equity holders frequently use EBITDA to analyze operating performance and debt service capacity. EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation, or as a substitute for analysis of our operating results as reported under GAAP. Some of these limitations are:

EBITDA代表利息(包括债务摊销损失)、税金、折旧和摊销前的净利润。Clearway Energy认为EBITDA是一项重要的补充绩效衡量标准,并且股债权持有人经常使用EBITDA来分析经营绩效和债务偿还能力。EBITDA作为分析工具有其限制,您不应孤立考虑它或将其视为替代我们按照GAAP报告的经营业绩分析。其中一些限制包括:

  • EBITDA does not reflect cash expenditures, or future requirements for capital expenditures, or contractual commitments;
  • EBITDA does not reflect changes in, or cash requirements for, working capital needs;
  • EBITDA does not reflect the significant interest expense, or the cash requirements necessary to service interest or principal payments, on debt or cash income tax payments;
  • Although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced in the future, and EBITDA does not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements; and
  • Other companies in this industry may calculate EBITDA differently than Clearway Energy does, limiting its usefulness as a comparative measure.
  • EBITDA不反映现金支出或未来的资本支出要求或合同承诺;
  • EBITDA不反映营运资本需求的变化或现金需求;
  • EBITDA不反映重要的利息费用或偿付债务或现金支付所需的利息或本金付款的现金收入税款付款;
  • 尽管折旧和摊销是非现金费用,但摊销和折旧的资产通常将来需要更换,而EBITDA不反映任何此类更换的现金需求;以及
  • 该行业中的其他公司可能与清华能源不同方式计算EBITDA,从而限制了它作为比较措施的效用。

Because of these limitations, EBITDA should not be considered as a measure of discretionary cash available to use to invest in the growth of Clearway Energy's business. Clearway Energy compensates for these limitations by relying primarily on our GAAP results and using EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA only supplementally. See the statements of cash flow included in the financial statements that are a part of this news release.


Adjusted EBITDA is presented as a further supplemental measure of operating performance. Adjusted EBITDA represents EBITDA adjusted for mark-to-market gains or losses, non-cash equity compensation expense, asset write offs and impairments; and factors which we do not consider indicative of future operating performance such as transition and integration related costs. The reader is encouraged to evaluate each adjustment and the reasons Clearway Energy considers it appropriate for supplemental analysis. As an analytical tool, Adjusted EBITDA is subject to all of the limitations applicable to EBITDA. In addition, in evaluating Adjusted EBITDA, the reader should be aware that in the future Clearway Energy may incur expenses similar to the adjustments in this news release.

调整后的EBITDA作为进一步的补充运营绩效衡量标准呈现。调整后的EBITDA表示调整为市场价格的收益或损失、非现金股权补偿费用、资产清理以及我们不认为是未来经营绩效指示因素的因素,例如过渡和整合相关成本。我们鼓励读者评估每个调整和Clearway Energy认为它适合于补充分析的原因。作为分析工具,调整后的EBITDA适用于EBITDA适用的所有限制。此外,在评估调整后的EBITDA时,读者应该意识到,在未来,Clearway Energy可能会发生类似于此新闻稿中的调整的费用。

Management believes Adjusted EBITDA is useful to investors and other users of our financial statements in evaluating our operating performance because it provides them with an additional tool to compare business performance across companies and across periods. This measure is widely used by investors to measure a company's operating performance without regard to items such as interest expense, taxes, depreciation and amortization, which can vary substantially from company to company depending upon accounting methods and book value of assets, capital structure and the method by which assets were acquired.


Additionally, Management believes that investors commonly adjust EBITDA information to eliminate the effect of restructuring and other expenses, which vary widely from company to company and impair comparability. As we define it, Adjusted EBITDA represents EBITDA adjusted for the effects of impairment losses, gains or losses on sales, non-cash equity compensation expense, dispositions or retirements of assets, any mark-to-market gains or losses from accounting for derivatives, adjustments to exclude gains or losses on the repurchase, modification or extinguishment of debt, and any extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring items plus adjustments to reflect the Adjusted EBITDA from our unconsolidated investments. We adjust for these items in our Adjusted EBITDA as our management believes that these items would distort their ability to efficiently view and assess our core operating trends.


In summary, our management uses Adjusted EBITDA as a measure of operating performance to assist in comparing performance from period to period on a consistent basis and to readily view operating trends, as a measure for planning and forecasting overall expectations and for evaluating actual results against such expectations, and in communications with our Board of Directors, shareholders, creditors, analysts and investors concerning our financial performance.


Cash Available for Distribution


A non-GAAP measure, Cash Available for Distribution is defined as of June 30, 2024 as Adjusted EBITDA plus cash distributions/return of investment from unconsolidated affiliates, cash receipts from notes receivable, cash distributions from noncontrolling interests, adjustments to reflect sales-type lease cash payments and payments for lease expenses, less cash distributions to noncontrolling interests, maintenance capital expenditures, pro-rata Adjusted EBITDA from unconsolidated affiliates, cash interest paid, income taxes paid, principal amortization of indebtedness, changes in prepaid and accrued capacity payments, and adjusted for development expenses. Management believes CAFD is a relevant supplemental measure of the Company's ability to earn and distribute cash returns to investors.


We believe CAFD is useful to investors in evaluating our operating performance because securities analysts and other interested parties use such calculations as a measure of our ability to make quarterly distributions. In addition, CAFD is used by our management team for determining future acquisitions and managing our growth. The GAAP measure most directly comparable to CAFD is cash provided by operating activities.


However, CAFD has limitations as an analytical tool because it does not include changes in operating assets and liabilities and excludes the effect of certain other cash flow items, all of which could have a material effect on our financial condition and results from operations. CAFD is a non-GAAP measure and should not be considered an alternative to cash provided by operating activities or any other performance or liquidity measure determined in accordance with GAAP, nor is it indicative of funds available to fund our cash needs. In addition, our calculations of CAFD are not necessarily comparable to CAFD as calculated by other companies. Investors should not rely on these measures as a substitute for any GAAP measure, including cash provided by operating activities.


1 Excludes equity method investments


2 Generation sold excludes MWh that are reimbursable for economic curtailment


3 2024 excludes $28 million related to Rosamond Central BESS return of capital at substantial completion funding

2024年不包括由于Rosamond Central BESS在大体完成资助时的资本回报的2800万美元。3,对Rosamond Central BESS的回报资金不予考虑

4 2024 excludes $1,230 million of contributions related to the funding of Texas Solar Nova 2, Rosamond Central Battery Storage, Victory Pass, Arica & Cedar Creek; 2023 excludes $229 million of contributions related to the funding of Rosamond Central Battery Storage, Waiawa, and Daggett

2024年不包括123000万美元的捐款,这些捐款与Texas Solar Nova 2,Rosamond Central Battery Storage,Victory Pass,Arica&Cedar Creek的资助有关,2023年不包括与Rosamond Central Battery Storage,Waiawa和Daggett有关的资助22900万美元

5 2024 excludes $2,545 million for the repayment of bridge loans in connection with Texas Solar Nova 2, Victory Pass, Arica & Cedar Creek and $137 million due to repayment of NIMH balloon; 2023 excludes $130 million for the repayment of construction loans in connection with Waiawa and Daggett, and $24 million for the repayment of balloon at Walnut Creek Holdings;

2024年不包括用于与Texas Solar Nova 2,Victory Pass,Arica&Cedar Creek相关的桥贷款的偿还的254500万美元和由于偿还NIMH气球而到期的13700万美元; 2023年不包括与Waiawa和Daggett有关的施工贷款的偿还13000万美元,以及用于偿还Walnut Creek Holdings上的气球的2400万美元;

6 Excludes income tax payments related to Thermal sale


7 Distribution from unconsolidated affiliates can be classified as Return of Investment on Unconsolidated Affiliates when actuals are reported. This is below cash from operating activities


8 Includes tax equity proceeds and distributions to tax equity partners


9 2024 excludes maturities assumed to be refinanced



Source: Clearway Energy, Inc

来源:Clearway Energy, Inc

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