The following is a summary of the City Office REIT, Inc. (CIO) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
City Office REIT reported a net operating income of $24.9 million in Q2, down from Q1 by $1.8 million primarily due to lower occupancy and the absence of a one-time termination fee.
Core FFO for Q2 was $11.5 million or $0.28 per share.
AFFO stood at $5.3 million, or $0.13 per share, reflecting a $1 million tenant improvement deduction and $500,000 spent on spec suites and vacancy conditioning.
Business Progress:
Reported the highest quarter of new leasing activity in company history with 162,000 square feet of new leases and a total of 269,000 square feet.
Engaged in strategic property upgrades across several key properties to enhance leasing profiles.
Advanced discussions for redeveloping the City Center property's parking garage into a mixed-use development.
New office constructions have declined and the premium space has increasingly been leased, reducing the competition for high-quality lease space.
Nationwide tenant requirements have increased and renewal rates are improving, creating a favorable leasing environment.
The lack of liquidity in real estate transactions persists, but slight improvements in the CMBS market could facilitate better capital flexibility.
More details: City Office REIT IR
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