
Earnings Call Summary | Bright Scholar Education(BEDU.US) Q3 2024 Earnings Conference

ブライトスカラーエデュケーションホールディングス(BEDU.US)のQ3 2024決算説明会要旨

moomoo AI ·  08/03 11:33  · 電話会議

The following is a summary of the Bright Scholar Education Holdings Limited (BEDU) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

Financial Performance:

  • Bright Scholar reported a 6.2% quarter-over-quarter revenue increase, totaling 554 million RMB.

  • Gross margin improved both year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter, achieving 36.6% due to better cost management and higher resource utilization.

  • Net loss was reported at 90.3 million RMB due to a one-time impairment loss; however, adjusted net income was positive at 48.5 million RMB, highlighting an operational profit excluding one-time costs.

Business Progress:

  • Overseas schools remain the dominant revenue source, contributing 47.8% of total revenue with a 19.4% year-over-year growth.

  • Strategic divestments from noncore businesses were executed to focus on high-return overseas school operations.

  • Enhanced corporate governance and IT system implementations improved management effectiveness and operational efficiency.


  • Focused on driving growth through overseas schools which show robust revenue increments and high margins.

  • Continued divestment of non-core segments to enhance focus on core high-growth areas, aligning with long-term strategic goals.


  • One-time impairment loss impacting financials highlights the inherent risks associated with asset valuations and adjustments.

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