
SOL Mental Health Welcomes Lindsay Arnold Sugden as Chief Executive Officer

SOL Mental Health Welcomes Lindsay Arnold Sugden as Chief Executive Officer

SOL心理健康歡迎Lindsay Arnold Sugden擔任首席執行官
PR Newswire ·  08/05 08:00

Mrs. Arnold Sugden brings decades of leadership developing high-performing teams, creating differential culture, and driving operational excellence in companies at the forefront of healthcare innovation

Arnold Sugden女士擁有數十年領導高績效團隊、打造差異化文化、推動運營卓越的經驗,在領先的保健創新公司具有卓越的業績。

DENVER, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SOL Mental Health, an innovative provider of integrated, outpatient behavioral health services, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Lindsay Arnold Sugden as its new Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Company's Board of Directors.

2024年8月5日,丹佛 /美通社/ - SOL心理健康是一家集成的門診行爲健康服務創新供應商,很高興宣佈任命Lindsay Arnold Sugden擔任首席執行官及董事會成員。

Lindsay Arnold Sugden, SOL Chief Executive Officer
Lindsay Arnold Sugden,SOL首席執行官。
SOL Mental Health - About us

"Lindsay's appointment marks a significant milestone in SOL's journey, as she brings a rare combination of excellence in clinical operations and human capital leadership. Her experience driving sustained organic growth and developing Oak Street Health's unique "Oaky" culture aligns perfectly with SOL's mission-driven culture and ambition for national scale," said Bill Sullivan, SOL's Chairman. "We are confident that Lindsay's leadership will further our mission to bring integrated mental health services to communities across the country."

“Lindsay的任命標誌着SOL旅程的重要里程碑,因爲她擁有卓越的臨床運營和人力資本領導能力的罕見結合。她在推動持續有機增長和開發Oak Street Health獨特的“Oaky”文化方面的經驗與SOL的使命驅動文化和全國規模目標完美契合。”SOL主席比爾·沙利文說,“我們相信Lindsay的領導將進一步推動我們的使命,爲全國社區提供綜合精神衛生服務。”

Lindsay joins SOL from Oak Street Health, where she served as Division President and Chief Clinical & People Operations Officer, initially leading the company's largest divisional P&L before adding responsibility for clinical operations, learning & development, talent acquisition, and retention for 6,500+ employees. Before Oak Street, Lindsay spent almost a decade at DaVita, starting in strategy and clinic operations before transitioning to lead value-based transformation initiatives across internal operations and external partnerships.

Lindsay加入SOL前,曾在DaVita工作了將近十年,在策略和診所運營方面開始工作,然後轉向領導內部運營和外部合作伙伴的基於價值的轉型倡議。她最近在Oak Street Health擔任部門總裁和首席臨床與人員運營官,在負責6500多名員工的臨床運營、學習與發展、人才招聘和保留之前,最初領導公司最大的部門利潤和損失報表。

Today, SOL's 150+ clinicians deliver integrated, in-network outpatient therapy and psychiatry services to individuals across 5 states and Washington D.C. The Company's deep partnerships with primary care providers enable the coordination of mental and physical healthcare, which have helped more than ten thousand patients find healing and balance since 2022.


"My professional journey has consistently focused on elevating people, processes, and technology to improve care delivery for vulnerable populations," said Mrs. Arnold Sugden. "I am drawn to SOL's success in transforming people's relationship with mental health, commitment to improving access through in-network services, and dedication to building the employer of choice for skilled, high-performing mental health clinicians. I am eager to build on the existing foundation and lead SOL's next phase of growth."

“我的職業生涯始終關注於提高人、流程和技術以改進弱勢群體的護理交付。”Arnold Sugden女士說,“我被SOL成功地改變人們與心理健康的關係、通過網絡服務改善醫療保健的承諾和追求建立有技能、高績效精神衛生臨床醫生的首選僱主所吸引。我很期待在現有基礎上開展工作,領導SOL的下一階段發展。”

About SOL Mental Health

關於SOL Mental Health

SOL is an in-network, outpatient behavioral health provider serving adolescents and adults through both in-person clinics as well as virtual care options. SOL integrates therapy and psychiatry services under one roof and is focused on driving clinical progress and quality of life improvements through a rigorous, outcomes-based approach. The Company was founded in Denver, Colorado and offers care across 5 states and Washington D.C.




For questions about SOL's services: Jen Nelson, VP Marketing ([email protected])

有關SOL服務的問題:Jen Nelson,VP Marketing([email protected])

For partnership opportunities: Evan Lengerich, President ([email protected])

有關合作機會:Evan Lengerich,總裁([email protected])

SOURCE SOL Mental Health

資源: SOL心理健康

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