
Olympia, Wash. Becomes Fifth U.S. City to Collect Data on All Single Adults Experiencing Homelessness

Olympia, Wash. Becomes Fifth U.S. City to Collect Data on All Single Adults Experiencing Homelessness

PR Newswire ·  08/05 08:49

NEW YORK, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Community Solutions announced that Thurston County, Wash., including the state capital Olympia, became the fifth community nationwide to obtain real-time by-name data on all single adults experiencing homelessness.


"We can't solve homelessness if we don't know who's experiencing it," said Beth Sandor, chief program officer at Community Solutions. "Achieving quality by-name data is a critical milestone in the journey to solve homelessness -- one that will equip Thurston County leaders to connect people experiencing homelessness with the right supports and housing for their specific circumstances."


Most cities rely on the annual Point-in-Time Count, which only tallies the number of unsheltered people once a year. Quality by-name data is a comprehensive source of information on every person experiencing homelessness, including their name, history with homelessness, and health and housing needs. Outreach teams collect the data with consent and update it monthly.


Unlike the annual count, real-time data allows cities to evaluate whether their strategies reduce homelessness over time. It also enables communities to prioritize resources and monitor whether homelessness reductions are racially equitable.


Thurston County reached this milestone through participating in Built for Zero, an initiative of more than 100 U.S. cities and counties using data to measurably and equitably end homelessness. Next, the Thurston County team will focus on reducing chronic homelessness in the area.

通過參與 Built for Zero,瑟斯頓縣達成了這一里程碑,該計劃是由美國100多個城市和縣組成的倡議,使用數據來度量和平等地結束無家可歸。接下來,瑟斯頓縣團隊將專注於減少該地區的慢性無家可歸問題。

Four other Built for Zero communities -- Fairfax County, Va., Washoe County, Nev., Missoula, Mont., and St. Louis, Mo. -- have secured by-name data for all single adults. More than 65 Built for Zero communities have achieved quality by-name data for at least one homeless population.

另外四個 Zero 社區——佛吉尼亞州費爾法克斯縣、內華達州沃肖縣、蒙大拿州密蘇拉和密蘇里州聖路易斯——已確保所有單身成年人的按姓名數據。超過65個 Zero 社區已爲至少一個無家可歸人群獲得了高質量的按姓名數據。

"This milestone brings us one step closer to solving homelessness in our community," said Keylee Marineau, homeless response program manager at Thurston County's Office of Housing & Homelessness Prevention. "Our team will continue to strive towards addressing racial disparities and centering the invaluable contributions of people who have experienced homelessness in our response efforts."

「這一里程碑使我們更接近解決社區無家可歸問題,」瑟斯頓縣住房和無家可歸預防辦公室無家可歸應對計劃經理 Keylee Marineau 說,「我們的團隊將繼續努力解決種族差異,並以經歷無家可歸者的寶貴貢獻爲中心,參與應對工作。」

About Community Solutions
Community Solutions is a nonprofit committed to making homelessness rare and brief. It leads Built for Zero, a network of more than 100 U.S. communities using a data-driven methodology to improve local housing and homelessness response systems and the impact they can achieve. To date, 14 communities have reached functional zero veteran and or chronic homelessness, a milestone for homelessness being rare and brief for a population. Learn more at or follow us at @CmtySolutions.

社區解決方案是一家致力於使無家可歸者稀缺和短暫的非營利組織。它領導了 Zero 程序,這是一個由 100 多個美國社區組成的網絡,利用數據驅動的方法來改善當地的住房和無家可歸應對系統及其所能實現的影響。到目前爲止,已有14個社區實現了功能上的零退伍軍人或慢性無家可歸,這是稀缺和短暫地居住的一項里程碑。了解更多信息和關注我們的@CmtySolutions。

Alden Iaconis
(202) 516-6593
[email protected]

Alden Iaconis
(202) 516-6593
[email protected]

SOURCE Community Solutions


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