
Zeekr Follows Nio in Piloting Use of Humanoid Robots in Factory

Zeekr Follows Nio in Piloting Use of Humanoid Robots in Factory

CnEVPost ·  08/05 09:54

A humanoid robot supplied by UBTech has been working at a Zeekr factory for 21 consecutive days, performing tasks including lifting and carrying.


Zeekr (NYSE: ZK), the premium electric vehicle (EV) subsidiary of the Geely Holding Group, is experimenting with humanoid robot at its factory, becoming the latest automaker to do so after Nio (NYSE: NIO).


A Zeekr factory welcomed its first humanoid robot in early July, a Walker S Lite from humanoid robot maker UBTech Robotics (HKG: 9880), according to a press release by UBTech today.

據UBTech今天發佈的新聞稿,Zeekr的一家工廠在7月初迎來了第一臺人形機器人——來自人形機器人制造商UBTech Robotics(HKG:9880)的Walker S Lite。

As of today, Walker S Lite -- UBTech's new lightweight product for the smart manufacturing and smart logistics sectors -- has been working at the Zeekr factory for 21 consecutive days, according to the release.

根據新聞稿,截至今天,UBTech的新輕量化智能製造和智能物流產品Walker S Lite已經在Zeekr工廠連續工作了21天。

The humanoid robot helped employees with lifting tasks, and its job completion and execution difficulty were among the top in the industry, UBTech said.


The humanoid robot's operation at the Zeekr plant is the result of a partnership between UBTech, Geely Holding, and Miracle Automation Engineering, according to the release.


Miracle Automation, a provider of automated logistics systems, announced on August 2 that it had won a bid for an assembly mainline conveyor project at Nio's F3-1 project, a deepening of the partnership between the two following a project at Nio's F4 plant.


Geely will provide application scenarios for UBTech's Walker S series products and solutions, and Miracle Automation will provide production line data collection, process development and scenario improvement design for humanoid robot training, according to the release.

據新聞稿稱,吉利控股將爲UBTech的Walker S系列產品和解決方案提供應用場景,而天奇股份將爲人形機器人培訓提供生產線數據收集、工藝開發和場景改進設計。

The three parties will then work together to drive the scaling of humanoid robots for automotive and component smart manufacturing scenarios, UBTech said.


During the three-week-long on-site training, Walker S Lite combines semantic Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM) navigation, end-to-end imitation learning, visual recognition, and whole-body fine motion control to autonomously navigate and walk under load on different assembly lines and work in concert with automated guided vehicles (AGVs), according to the company.

公司表示,在爲期三週的現場培訓期間,Walker S Lite結合語義VSLAM導航、端對端模仿學習、視覺識別和全身微小運動控制等技術,可以在不同的裝配線上自主導航、帶負載行走,以及與自動引導車(AGV)協同工作。

The Walker S Lite, equipped with high-performance servo drives and six-dimensional force sensors, can walk stably while lifting 15-kilogram boxes, according to UBTech.

根據UBTech的說法,配備高性能伺服驅動器和六維力傳感器的Walker S Lite能夠在提起15公斤的盒子時穩定行走。

Zeekr is the latest EV maker to experiment with humanoid robots in factories, which is poised to further automate already high production lines.


On February 22, UBTech shared a video on Weibo showing its Walker S robot working on an assembly line at a Nio factory.

UBTech於2月22日在微博上共享了一段視頻,視頻中,其Walker S機器人正在一個蔚來工廠的裝配線上工作。

This was the first time Walker S had on-site training at a new energy vehicle (NEV) factory, UBTech said at the time.

UBTech當時表示,這是Walker S首次在新能源汽車(NEV)工廠進行現場培訓。

At Nio's plant, the Walker S utilized its real-time image capture and transmission capabilities to participate in quality inspections of door locks, seat belts, headlight covers, and was able to affix vehicle logos, according to the video.

根據視頻內容,Walker S在蔚來的工廠中利用其實時圖像捕獲和傳輸能力參與了門鎖、安全帶、大燈蓋的質檢,並能夠貼上汽車標識。

In early 2024, UBTech's humanoid robot Walker S entered Nio's F2 plant for field training, followed by partnerships with Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile, FAW-Volkswagen Qingdao, and Geely Auto, the humanoid robotics maker said in today's press release.

據該機器人制造商在今天的新聞稿中稱,早在2024年初,Walker S人形機器人便已進入了蔚來F2工廠進行現場培訓,接下來又與東風柳州汽車、一汽-大衆青島和吉利汽車展開了合作。

UBTech is working with these partners to build humanoid robot demonstration lines and factories to use humanoid robots in typical manufacturing scenarios, it said.


Nio exec explains how its factories use humanoid robots


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