
Healthy Spaces Podcast: Season 4, Episode 4 - Rethinking Heat

Healthy Spaces Podcast: Season 4, Episode 4 - Rethinking Heat

Accesswire ·  08/06 07:45

Listen to this episode of Healthy Spaces with Trane Technologies to hear experts discuss how we can rethink policy to better address heat vulnerability.

收听本集《Trane Technologies的健康空间》,听听专家讨论我们如何重新考虑政策以更好地解决高温漏洞。

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / According to NASA, July 22, 2024 was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth. This follows records set in July 2023. Extreme heat is now a part of our everyday lives. How can we rethink heat policy to make our communities more resilient?

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月6日/根据美国宇航局的数据,2024年7月22日是地球上有记录以来最热的一天。这是在 2023 年 7 月创下的纪录之后发生的。极端高温现在已成为我们日常生活的一部分。我们如何重新考虑供热政策,使我们的社区更具弹性?

In this episode of the Healthy Spaces podcast, our VP of Sustainability Scott Tew talks with Ashley Ward, director of the Duke University Heat Policy Innovation Hub, and Helen Walter-Terrinoni, Trane Technologies Director of Global Climate Policy, about elevating science and community insights to protect people from extreme heat.

在本期 “健康空间” 播客中,我们的可持续发展副总裁 Scott Tew 与杜克大学热政策创新中心主任 Ashley Ward 和特灵科技全球气候政策总监海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼就提升科学和社区洞察力以保护人们免受极端高温侵害进行了交谈。

On the sidelines of Duke University's first-of-its-kind Heatwise Summit, Ashley, Helen and Scott workshop an example of rethinking heat policy - the fact that 36,000 public schools in the United States lack adequate cooling. They talk about how to bring the public and private sector together to solve this challenge creatively and how schools could serve as a cooling hub for rural communities.


Listen to the full episode to learn more about how to address heat vulnerability in an equitable way and build resilience in our communities for the long term.


Episode Guests


Host: Dominique Silva, Marketing Leader EMEA, Trane Technologies
Host: Scott Tew, VP Sustainability, Trane Technologies
Guest: Ashley Ward, Director, Duke University Heat Policy Innovation Hub
Guest: Helen Walter-Terrinoni, Director of Global Climate Policy, Trane Technologies

主持人:特灵科技可持续发展副总裁 Scott Tew



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[00:00:00] Dominique: According to the U.S. national weather service, extreme heat is now more of a threat to human life than tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods combined. So, what needs to change in order for society to beat the heat? And how can we rethink policy to make our communities more heat resilience?

[00:00:00] 多米尼克:根据美国国家气象局的数据,极端高温现在对人类生命的威胁要大于龙卷风、飓风和洪水的总和。那么,为了让社会战胜酷热,需要做出哪些改变呢?以及我们如何重新考虑政策,使我们的社区更具抗热能力?

[00:00:21] Ashley Ward: We have not invested the same amount of energy and time and resources and helping build resilience in our rural communities for heat, and the solutions that we do have are not solutions that are easily transferable to rural areas. And so, one of the things we need to be thinking about critically is what are the lessons we've learned as we've been doing this work? How can we take those lessons learned and apply them to the rural communities who are really experiencing severe impacts from extreme heat?

[00:00:21] 阿什利·沃德:我们没有投入同样数量的精力、时间和资源,也没有帮助农村社区增强抗热能力,而且我们现有的解决方案也不是可以轻易转移到农村地区的解决方案。因此,我们需要批判性思考的一件事是,我们在做这项工作时吸取了哪些教训?我们怎样才能吸取这些经验教训并将其应用到真正遭受极端高温严重影响的农村社区?

[00:00:54] Dominique: And what changes can the construction industry make today to tackle the health challenges posed by rising temperatures?

[00:00:54] 多米尼克:今天的建筑业可以做出哪些改变来应对气温上升带来的健康挑战?

[00:00:59] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: There are a lot of practical things that we know today that we could do around passive cooling. If you think about cool roofs, cool pavement, the way that a building is oriented on a site, and whether it faces or doesn't face the sun, trees adjacent to buildings, lots of different things can be done that we know today, and I think it's important for us to take action quickly on the things that we know to do.

[00:00:59] 海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼:我们今天知道围绕被动冷却可以做很多实际的事情。如果你想想凉爽的屋顶、凉爽的人行道、建筑物在场地上的方向,以及无论它是否面对太阳,树木与建筑物相邻,可以做很多我们今天所知道的不同的事情,我认为对我们来说,重要的是要对我们知道要做的事情迅速采取行动。

[00:01:23] Dominique: You just heard from Ashley Ward, Director of the Duke University Heat Policy Innovation Hub, and Helen Walter-Terrinoni, Leader of the Global Climate Policy Team at Trane Technologies. I'm Dominique Silva, and you're listening to Healthy Spaces, the podcast exploring how technology and innovation are transforming the spaces where we live, learn, work, and play.

[00:01:23] 多米尼克:你刚刚听到了杜克大学热政策创新中心主任阿什利·沃德和特灵科技全球气候政策小组组长海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼的来信。我是多米尼克·席尔瓦,你正在收听 Healthy Spaces 播客,该播客探讨了技术和创新如何改变我们生活、学习、工作和娱乐的空间。

[00:01:47] Dominique: In today's episode, we will delve into the importance of heat policy in the context of rising global temperatures and increasing heat waves.

[00:01:47] 多米尼克:在今天的一集中,我们将深入探讨热政策在全球气温上升和热浪增加的背景下的重要性。

[00:01:55] Dominique: We'll discuss practical measures like passive cooling strategies and sustainable building designs, all which can be implemented today to create cooler and more livable environments. And we'll also explore how effective heat policies can protect vulnerable populations, enhance urban resilience, and mitigate extreme heat impacts

[00:01:55] Dominique:我们将讨论诸如被动冷却策略和可持续建筑设计之类的实用措施,所有这些措施今天都可以实施,以创造更凉爽、更宜居的环境。我们还将探讨有效的供热政策如何保护弱势群体、增强城市抵御能力和减轻极端高温影响

[00:02:23] Dominique: Our conversation today begins with the topic of equity and what it means in the context of heat policy.

[00:02:23] 多米尼克:我们今天的对话从公平及其在热政策背景下的含义的话题开始。

[00:02:29] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: I'm the luckiest person in the world to have this role at Trane Technologies to work on climate issues around policy and advocacy. So, Trane Technologies is an amazing place to work. Great work culture, and we are deeply interested in sustainability as well as these equity questions around extreme heat and access to cooling, as needed, as you can imagine.

[00:02:29] 海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼:我是世界上最幸运的人,能在特灵科技担任这个职务,围绕政策和宣传研究气候问题。因此,特灵科技是一个了不起的工作场所。良好的工作文化,我们对可持续发展以及围绕极端高温和所需降温的公平问题深感兴趣,正如你可以想象的那样。

[00:02:54] Scott: Thanks Helen. You mentioned equity, maybe a strange word to use in a heat discussion, but Ashley, you held a conference earlier this summer, Helen and I were honored to take part in it, along with a several hundred other people who were focused on things related to heat, but equity was one of the themes for your conference.

[00:02:54] 斯科特:谢谢海伦。你提到了公平,在激烈的讨论中可能是一个奇怪的词,但是阿什利,你在今年夏天早些时候举行了一次会议,我和海伦很荣幸能与会,还有其他几百人专注于与热有关的问题,但公平是你会议的主题之一。

[00:03:13] Scott: Can you talk about why equity is a relevant topic?

[00:03:13] 斯科特:你能谈谈为什么股票是一个相关的话题吗?

[00:03:16] Ashley Ward: You know, I love how you open this up saying, you know, it doesn't matter which political spectrum, where you fall on the political spectrum, like people are talking about heat. And I actually think that is an incredible opportunity for this moment because heat as a topic has not been heavily politicized yet.

[00:03:16] 阿什利·沃德:你知道,我喜欢你开口说这句话,你知道,不管你属于哪个政治派别,你属于哪个政治派别,就像人们在谈论热度一样。实际上,我认为这是当下难得的机会,因为热度作为一个话题还没有被严重政治化。

[00:03:33] Ashley Ward: And so, that means that some of the underlying issues that create some of the vulnerabilities that we see around heat, like housing and worker protections and cooling, access to cooling, these things that we typically think about when we think about equity, right? Equitable access to cooling, equitable access to safe work environments, and so on and so forth, perhaps this is a great opportunity to really make some strides forward on those topics that we've been working hard to do over the last many years and so I see this as a real opportunity moment.

[00:03:33] Ashley Ward:所以,这意味着一些潜在的问题造成了我们在供暖方面看到的一些漏洞,例如住房和工人保护以及降温、冷却渠道,这些是我们在考虑股权时通常会考虑的问题,对吧?公平获得冷却设施、公平获得安全工作环境等等,也许这是一个很好的机会,可以在我们过去多年来一直在努力解决的话题上真正取得一些进展,因此我认为这是一个真正的机会时刻。

[00:04:07] Scott: And the opportunities are all around us, Ashley, you recently spoke to the New York times, and I read that article, and you mentioned some solutions borrowed from the urban environment that we could apply in the rural environment, which I think also gets to your sort of equity concerns.

[00:04:07] 斯科特:机会无处不在,阿什利,你最近接受了《纽约时报》的采访,我读了那篇文章,你提到了一些从城市环境中借鉴的解决方案,这些解决方案可以应用于农村环境,我认为这些解决方案也适用于你的股权问题。

[00:04:25] Scott: Can you tell us about your thoughts on how we're how we need to adapt some solutions?

[00:04:25] Scott:你能告诉我们你对我们需要如何调整一些解决方案的看法吗?

[00:04:29] Ashley Ward: When we look at heat related illness rates, it isn't unusual that they are higher in rural areas than in urban areas, and in urban communities, it is a very important issue. I don't mean to discount the impact of the urban heat island in urban communities.

[00:04:29] 阿什利·沃德:当我们研究与高温相关的疾病发病率时,农村地区的发病率高于城市地区的情况并不少见,而在城市社区,这是一个非常重要的问题。我的意思不是低估城市热岛对城市社区的影响。

[00:04:43] Ashley Ward: It is very important. However, we have not invested the same amount of energy and time and resources and helping build resilience in our rural communities for heat, and the solutions that we do have those like cool pavements, and tree planting campaigns, or cooling centers are not solutions that are easily transferable to rural areas. And so, one of the things we need to be thinking about critically is what are the lessons we've learned as we've been doing this work particularly around community networks and how to build social capital in communities that have been played out in urban communities? How can we take those lessons learned and apply them to the rural communities who are really experiencing severe impacts from extreme heat?

[00:04:43] 阿什利·沃德:这非常重要。但是,我们没有投入同样数量的精力、时间和资源,也没有帮助农村社区增强抗热能力,而我们现有的解决方案,例如凉爽的人行道、植树活动或降温中心,也不是可以轻易转移到农村地区的解决方案。因此,我们需要批判性地思考的一件事是,我们在开展这项工作时吸取了哪些经验教训,尤其是围绕社区网络,以及如何在城市社区中建立社会资本?我们怎样才能吸取这些经验教训并将其应用到真正遭受极端高温严重影响的农村社区?

[00:05:33] Scott: And there's a solution side to this, Ashley. There's also the policy side of all of this because this is an all-in game, right? This is not just one company like Trane Technologies offering more air conditioning. This is also policy related to how communities have access to things and how funding is applied across states and in communities throughout the world. Helen, you're a scientist and you're also a climate policy expert. You spend a lot of time speaking to scientists and the policy makers. Can you give your thoughts about how do you effectively do this work today to make it actionable for them?

[00:05:33] 斯科特:阿什利,这其中有解决之道。所有这一切还有政策方面,因为这是一场全能游戏,对吧?这不只是像Trane Technologies这样提供更多空调的公司。这也是与社区如何获得物品以及如何在各州和世界各地的社区中使用资金有关的政策。海伦,你是一名科学家,也是气候政策专家。你花了很多时间与科学家和决策者交谈。你能否谈谈你今天如何有效地完成这项工作,使之对他们来说切实可行?

[00:06:14] Scott: Policy makers sometimes are looking for what exactly can we do? And you're one of those people that tries to translate, so what are your thoughts about what do we do about this with policy makers?

[00:06:14] 斯科特:决策者有时在寻找我们到底能做什么?而你是那些尝试翻译的人之一,那么你对我们如何与决策者一起做这个问题有何看法?

[00:06:28] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: Extreme heat touches almost everybody, if not everyone, whether it's a little kid with toes on pavement, bare feet on pavement, or, if you think about adults and elderly people, in their home, and maybe they don't have access to cooling.

[00:06:28] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:极端高温几乎触及所有人,如果不是所有人,无论是脚趾在人行道上、赤脚走在人行道上的小孩,还是,如果你想想成人和老人,则在家里,也许他们无法降温。

[00:06:43] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: It's something that touches all of us, and I think it's important for us to keep that in front of policymakers that we all have a concern around this important issue, and I think that as we think about the solutions, there are a lot of practical things that we know today that we could do around passive cooling.

[00:06:43] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:这触动了我们所有人,我认为重要的是要让决策者知道我们都对这个重要问题感到担忧,而且我认为,在我们考虑解决方案时,我们今天知道围绕被动冷却可以做很多实际的事情。

[00:07:01] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: If you think about cool roofs, cool pavement, the way that a building is oriented on a site and whether it faces or doesn't face the sun, trees adjacent to buildings, lots of different things can be done that we know today, and I think it's important for us to take action quickly on the things that we know to do.

[00:07:01] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:如果你考虑凉爽的屋顶、凉爽的人行道、建筑物在场地上的方向以及它是否面对太阳、与建筑物相邻的树木,可以做很多我们今天所知道的不同的事情,我认为对我们来说,重要的是要对我们知道要做的事情迅速采取行动。

[00:07:19] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: There are probably some things that we're still learning and that will bring us to practical solutions in the future. Whether that be, you know, power outages and how do we handle that, especially in rural communities. How do we bring people to cooling centers or how do we set up something for cooling in homes?

[00:07:19] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:我们可能仍在学习一些东西,这将为我们将来找到切实可行的解决方案。无论是停电还是停电,我们该如何应对,尤其是在农村社区。我们如何将人们带到冷却中心,或者如何设置一些用于家庭降温的设备?

[00:07:37] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: So, I, you know, I think that there are things we know to do today. So, my old boss used to say, meanwhile back at the ranch, you know, like they used to on the cowboy movies, meanwhile, back at the ranch, we can do these things while we kind of figure out some of these other actions that we might be able to take that might require more investment or maybe things that we don't understand right now.

[00:07:37] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:所以,我,你知道,我认为我们今天有一些事情要做。所以,我的前老板曾经说过,同时回到牧场,你知道,就像他们以前在牛仔电影中所做的那样,同时,回到牧场,我们可以做这些事情,同时我们想出一些可能需要更多投资或者可能需要我们现在不明白的事情。

[00:07:57] Ashley Ward: This point that Helen just made about the near term versus the long-term solution spectrum is such a critical and important point because a lot of times you hear people say what about this big issue that we haven't worked out yet?

[00:07:57] 阿什利·沃德:海伦刚才提出的关于短期解决方案与长期解决方案范围的观点非常关键和重要,因为很多时候你会听到人们对这个我们还没有解决的重大问题说什么?

[00:08:13] Ashley Ward: Yes, whatever that issue is, is very important, but between now and when that issue has a resolution, there's a heat season every year in between. And so, I love the idea of thinking at different time scales for how we respond to this and deploying what we know because we do know a lot.

[00:08:13] Ashley Ward:是的,不管是什么问题,都非常重要,但是从现在到这个问题得到解决的时候,每年都会有一个炎热的季节。因此,我喜欢这样的想法,即在不同的时间尺度上思考如何应对这个问题,并运用我们所知道的东西,因为我们知道得很多。

[00:08:31] Ashley Ward: So, what is it that we know that we can deploy now in the short term as we work on the longer-term solutions? And I think that's a critical point.

[00:08:31] Ashley Ward:那么,我们知道在制定长期解决方案的同时,我们现在可以在短期内进行部署吗?我认为这是一个关键点。

[00:08:42] Dominique: It's clear there are many practical solutions that can be implemented today to help mitigate the impact of extreme heat.

[00:08:42] 多米尼克:很明显,今天可以实施许多切实可行的解决方案,以帮助减轻极端高温的影响。

[00:08:50] Dominique: But on many occasions, we've been treating extreme heat as a sporadic event and relying on short term solutions like cooling centers. Of course, these solutions are important, but ultimately, they aren't designed for long term sustainability. So, how do we leverage our current knowledge to design effective long-term solutions?

[00:08:50] 多米尼克:但是在很多情况下,我们一直将极端高温视为零星事件,并依赖冷却中心等短期解决方案。当然,这些解决方案很重要,但归根结底,它们并不是为长期可持续发展而设计的。那么,我们如何利用我们目前的知识来设计有效的长期解决方案呢?

[00:09:12] Dominique: And how can we ensure that our immediate actions align with and support our sustainable development goals?

[00:09:12] 多米尼克:我们如何才能确保我们立即采取的行动符合并支持我们的可持续发展目标?

[00:09:22] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: So, I live in the northeast and there are a lot of places in the northeast where schools do not have cooling, and where we saw schools shut down for high temperatures this spring, this summer, before the end of the school year. And so, you know, if you think about that that's going to be the answer, you can't send folks to those places where there's no cooling. And we all know that learning, that learning and working, we're more effective with more moderated temperatures. Whether it is, you know, maybe funneling some of the funding that we're seeing come through IRA and some of the inflation reduction act and some of these other sources, or maybe prioritizing schools and hospitals and so forth.

[00:09:22] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:所以,我住在东北部,东北有很多地方的学校没有降温,今年春天,今年夏天,在学年结束之前,我们看到学校因高温而关闭。因此,你知道,如果你考虑一下这将是答案,你不能派人去那些没有降温的地方。而且我们都知道,学习、学习和工作,只要温度更适中,我们的效率就会更高。你知道,不管是通过爱尔兰共和军和一些通货膨胀减免法案和其他一些来源筹集一些资金,还是可能优先考虑学校和医院等等。

[00:10:00] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: That may be one mechanism that we could use in the near term. But again, longer-term, I think we're going to have to have a both and approach to some of these things. Some of these passive cooling strategies as well as physical cooling using energy. And I think that comes down to building codes local and national building codes around how we think about this.

[00:10:00] 海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼:这可能是我们在短期内可以使用的一种机制。但是,再说一遍,从长远来看,我认为我们必须采取两者兼而有之的方法来解决其中一些问题。其中一些被动冷却策略以及使用能量的物理冷却。我认为这归结为地方和国家建筑法规,我们是如何看待这个问题的。

[00:10:22] Scott: Ashley, Helen's always going to go to building codes and standards, but what about you? What do you think? How do we solve this issue?

[00:10:22] Scott:Ashley,海伦总是会考虑建筑法规和标准,但是你呢?你怎么看?我们如何解决这个问题?

[00:10:28] Ashley Ward: This is such a great question, and it's one of my favorite examples of the complexity of this problem. As you already pointed out, no one sector owns this problem. And this is a perfect example of this because you might think as a policymaker 40 percent of public schools like HVAC, well, we need to, we need to institute a universal cooling standard for public schools.

[00:10:28] Ashley Ward:这是一个很好的问题,也是我最喜欢这个问题复杂性的例子之一。正如你已经指出的那样,没有一个行业能解决这个问题。这是一个很好的例子,因为作为决策者,你可能会认为 40% 的公立学校喜欢暖通空调,嗯,我们需要,我们需要为公立学校制定通用的冷却标准。

[00:10:47] Ashley Ward: And while that feels good from a policymaker standpoint to be able to say that, how that's implemented is really problematic because how does that get paid for? Most of the burden of cost for those kinds of infrastructure upgrades are born at the local school district level and you have these school districts.

[00:10:47] Ashley Ward:虽然从决策者的角度来看能这么说感觉不错,但如何实施确实存在问题,因为这是如何得到报酬的?此类基础设施升级的大部分成本负担都由当地学区层面承担,而这些学区也是如此。

[00:11:05] Ashley Ward: I mean, it's not as if they wouldn't have upgraded HVAC, and they just choose not to. Most of them can't afford to do it, and we haven't solved that problem, right? And so how do we open up the proper finance and funding mechanisms to enable these school districts many of whom are located in communities in which they don't have the financial base in order to draw from, and they don't have the credit score to access what would be traditional financing mechanism.

[00:11:05] Ashley Ward:我的意思是,他们好像不会升级暖通空调,他们只是选择不升级。他们中的大多数人负担不起,而且我们还没有解决这个问题,对吧?那么,我们如何开放适当的融资和融资机制,使这些学区中的许多学区位于没有财政基础可供提款的社区,也没有足够的信用评分来使用传统的融资机制。

[00:11:34] Ashley Ward: So, this is where I see like HVAC manufacturers teaming with the finance sector to figure out sort of a package, right? And then, how do we incentivize that by using some of these public dollars or philanthropic dollars to lower the risk of those borrowers, those school systems that would be borrowing.

[00:11:34] Ashley Ward:那么,这就是暖通空调制造商与金融部门合作想出一揽子计划的地方,对吧?然后,我们如何通过使用其中一些公共资金或慈善资金来激励这些借款人,即那些将要借款的学校系统的风险。

[00:11:53] Ashley Ward: And perhaps the insurance sector. There's room for everybody in this example. The insurance sector could jump in and incentivize with lower insurance rates, for example, for school districts that do this right? So, I think there's something for everybody in this example, and it's an urgent example. And we would then, I always like to think of in terms of opportunities, but if you take a school that did not have adequate cooling, and let's be clear, some of these kids are going to school, and then they go home where they don't have AC.

[00:11:53] 阿什利·沃德:也许还有保险业。在这个例子中,每个人都有空间。例如,对于做对的学区,保险业可以介入并通过降低保险费率进行激励?所以,我认为这个例子适合每个人,这是一个紧迫的例子。然后,我总是喜欢从机会的角度来考虑,但是如果你选择一所没有足够冷却的学校,让我们明确一点,其中一些孩子要去上学,然后他们回到没有空调的地方。

[00:12:22] Ashley Ward: So, like that cooling period during the day is actually really important for their health, but it's also important for their learning outcomes. We know that learning outcomes decrease as the indoor environment gets hotter. So, you're going to create, you know, a safer, better learning environment for children.

[00:12:22] Ashley Ward:所以,比如白天的冷却时间实际上对他们的健康非常重要,但对他们的学习成绩也很重要。我们知道,随着室内环境变热,学习成绩会降低。因此,你知道,你要为孩子们创造一个更安全、更好的学习环境。

[00:12:36] Ashley Ward: But you've also created a community resource, especially in rural areas, where people already go to get services, and so they're used to going. Life is around school systems a lot, and so this is a place where they host events after school, where people can come they can cool off. They have access to air conditioning. The schools then become a resource and part of the resilience, the puzzle of resilience, and these rural communities.

[00:12:36] Ashley Ward:但是你也创建了社区资源,尤其是在农村地区,那里的人们已经去那里获得服务,因此他们已经习惯了。生活与学校系统息息相关,因此这里是他们在放学后举办活动的地方,人们可以来这里放松一下。他们可以使用空调。然后,学校成为一种资源,成为复原力、复原力之谜和这些农村社区的一部分。

[00:13:02] Scott: Ashley, you just gave a lot of pieces of the puzzle in your response. I'm sitting here wondering is this a chicken or an egg moment? Do we need policy? Do we need innovations? Do we need some new approach? If you were trying to solve this yourself and waving a magic wand, I mean, who do you need in the room to make this?

[00:13:02] Scott:Ashley,你刚刚在回复中给出了很多拼图。我坐在这里想知道这是吃鸡还是鸡蛋的时刻?我们需要政策吗?我们需要创新吗?我们需要一些新方法吗?如果你想自己解决这个问题然后挥舞着魔杖,我的意思是,你需要谁在房间里做这个?

[00:13:22] Scott: And you can't say everyone. What do we need to make a difference in the next three years? Is it policy?

[00:13:22] 斯科特:而且你不能说所有人。在未来三年中,我们需要做些什么才能有所作为?这是政策吗?

[00:13:29] Ashley Ward: I think policy has to work in conjunction with these other pieces for this problem, right? I mean, the question then is, you know, let's be honest, in the U. S., we are not in favor of strong regulatory approaches in our policy, right? This is not something that people tend to tolerate very well.

[00:13:29] Ashley Ward:我认为政策必须与其他部分配合才能解决这个问题,对吧?我的意思是,那么问题是,你知道,说实话,在美国,我们不赞成在政策中采用强有力的监管方针,对吧?这不是人们往往能很好地容忍的。

[00:13:46] Ashley Ward: So, how is it then that we can use policy to incentivize some of the actions that I was just talking about or support them. And so, I think policy has to be in the room for sure and we're thinking about how we can create or change existing policies. So, this is one thing, is I think thinking of new policies.

[00:13:46] Ashley Ward:那么,我们怎么能利用政策来激励或支持我刚才所说的一些行动。因此,我认为必须确定政策,我们正在考虑如何制定或修改现有政策。所以,我认为这是一回事,那就是在考虑新政策。

[00:14:05] Ashley Ward: We don't always need to think of totally new policies. We can refine the policies that we have in place, so they can better meet this moment. At the same time, I think you have to have the private sector in the room because I think people often talk about public private partnerships, and I do think that the potential to address some of these underlying issues that create heat vulnerability. The potential for public private partnerships to really make enormous headway is there.

[00:14:05] 阿什利·沃德:我们并不总是需要考虑全新的政策。我们可以完善我们已经制定的政策,使它们能够更好地适应这一时机。同时,我认为必须让私营部门参与进来,因为我认为人们经常谈论公私伙伴关系,而且我确实认为有可能解决其中一些造成热脆弱性的潜在问题。公私伙伴关系有可能真正取得巨大进展。

[00:14:36] Ashley Ward: And so, getting the people in the room to talk with one another about how to facilitate that is what we need. We need something to catalyze it and support that movement forward.

[00:14:36] Ashley Ward:因此,我们需要的是让会议室里的人互相讨论如何为此提供便利。我们需要一些东西来催化它并支持这一向前发展。

[00:14:47] Scott: So, Helen, Ashley says that we need a catalyst to make this happen. From your perspective, what is it that we should be advocating for these and what's the right way to do that right now?

[00:14:47] 斯科特:所以,海伦,阿什利说我们需要催化剂来实现这一目标。从你的角度来看,我们应该倡导什么?现在做到这一点的正确方法是什么?

[00:15:03] Dominique: As we understand better the challenges of extreme heat, it's evident that both immediate and long term solutions are crucial for a sustainable future.

[00:15:03] 多米尼克:随着我们对极端高温的挑战有了更好的了解,很明显,近期和长期的解决方案对于可持续的未来至关重要。

[00:15:13] Dominique: And addressing this issue requires more than individual actions and isolated initiatives. Innovation, technology, but most importantly, the way communities can access these resources plays a critical role. Helen and Ashley exchanged a few ideas.

[00:15:13] 多米尼克:解决这个问题需要的不仅仅是个人行动和孤立的举措。创新、技术,但最重要的是,社区获取这些资源的方式起着至关重要的作用。海伦和阿什利交换了一些想法。

[00:15:33] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: So, a couple of things, Scott, I think that we, again you know, I always come back to this near-term, medium-term, long-term actions, right? And I think there are things we know to do today, right? And maybe it's a matter of doing some demonstrations of what we know today to kind of prove the concept.

[00:15:33] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:所以,有几件事,斯科特,我想我们,再说一遍,你知道,我总是会回到这种短期、中期、长期的行动上,对吧?而且我认为我们今天知道要做一些事情,对吧?也许需要对我们今天的知识进行一些演示来证明这个概念。

[00:15:54] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: While we work through funding mechanisms and other things for longer term solutions, I do think that putting a bit of a primer out there for schools, as well as, you know, from a retrofit perspective to upgrade today. Are there low-cost options, you know, from a passive cooling perspective that schools should think about?

[00:15:54] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:虽然我们通过融资机制和其他方法寻求长期解决方案,但我确实认为这为学校提供了一些入门知识,你知道,从改造的角度来看,今天的升级也是如此。你知道,从被动冷却的角度来看,学校应该考虑低成本的选择吗?

[00:16:14] Helen Walter-Terrinoni: And so, kind of looking at that gradient of cost as well, but I think that we're going to have to kind of build a bit of a nine square board where we put near-term, long-term, low-cost, higher-cost options on the table and try to get some of these things moving quickly that we can do now.

[00:16:14] Helen Walter-Terrinoni:所以,也要考虑一下成本梯度,但我认为,我们必须建造一块九方形的木板,在那里我们提出短期、长期、低成本、高成本的期权,并努力使其中一些事情以我们现在所能做到的速度快速推进。

[00:16:31] Ashley Ward: I think demonstration projects are a great idea. I mean, I think a lot of times we need that for people to say, oh, you know, this is possible. And I think putting together a coalition of the sectors that we've been talking about to see how this would actually work and play out in practice.

[00:16:31] 阿什利·沃德:我认为示范项目是个好主意。我的意思是,我想很多时候我们需要它让人们说,哦,你知道,这是可能的。而且我认为组建一个由我们一直在谈论的行业组成的联盟,看看这在实践中将如何运作和发挥作用。

[00:16:48] Ashley Ward: And that might be a good role for universities to do, maybe, is to facilitate that kind of like what is it that needs to happen to make this feasible, and then how can we identify a community partner and implement this as a pilot study case. So, then we have a demonstration project that other people can follow, and we start to create that roadmap that Helen's talking about.

[00:16:48] Ashley Ward:对于大学来说,这可能是一个很好的作用,也许就是为这种情况提供便利,比如使之成为可行需要做的事情,然后我们如何才能确定社区合作伙伴并将其作为试点研究案例来实施。因此,我们有一个可供其他人关注的演示项目,然后我们开始创建海伦所说的路线图。

[00:17:10] Scott: Thank you, Ashley. Thanks for your work at the Heat Policy Innovation Hub at Duke University and for including Helen and me in your recent conference that you held. I think it's the beginning of a new future because we're all focused on solving this for the long-term. And to Helen's point, we're also focused on doing this in a way that's cost effective as well as immediate things we can do, as well as sort of long-term solutions.

[00:17:10] 斯科特:谢谢你,阿什利。感谢你在杜克大学热政策创新中心所做的工作,也感谢你邀请海伦和我参加你最近举行的会议。我认为这是新未来的开始,因为我们都专注于长期解决这个问题。对于 Helen 来说,我们还专注于以具有成本效益的方式来做到这一点,同时也是我们可以立即做的事情,以及某种长期的解决方案。

[00:17:35] Scott: So, thank you both for joining Healthy Spaces and for your participation, but also for the work that you're doing. It's really important and we are very appreciative.

[00:17:35] Scott:所以,感谢你们加入 Healthy Spaces 和参与,也感谢你们所做的工作。这真的很重要,我们非常感激。

[00:17:45] Ashley Ward: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure to meet both of you.

[00:17:45] Ashley Ward:谢谢你邀请我。很高兴见到你们两个。

[00:17:48] Helen Walter-Terrinoni,: Thank you, Scott. Thank you, Ashley.

[00:17:48] 海伦·沃尔特-泰里诺尼,:谢谢你,斯科特。谢谢你,阿什利。

[00:17:54] Dominique: A big thank you to Ashley and Helen for joining us on today's episode, where we discuss the importance of heat policy as global temperatures rise. At Trane Technologies, we believe that every job is a sustainability job and every role provides us an opportunity for impact. That's why each week on the podcast we'll feature how someone is building healthy spaces in their organization or community.

[00:17:54] 多米尼克:非常感谢阿什利和海伦加入我们今天的节目,我们在节目中讨论了随着全球气温上升的热政策的重要性。在Trane Technologies,我们相信每份工作都是可持续发展的工作,每个职位都为我们提供了产生影响的机会。这就是为什么我们每周都会在播客中介绍某人如何在其组织或社区中建立健康空间的原因。

[00:18:19] Dominique: This week, we're sharing a submission from Liliana Valdez, Pricing Manager of Trane Commercial HVAC Americas in Miami.

[00:18:19] 多米尼克:本周,我们将分享迈阿密特灵商用暖通空调美洲定价经理莉莉安娜·瓦尔迪兹提交的材料。

[00:18:27] Dominique: Driven by her curiosity and passion, Liliana completed a certification in Business Sustainability Strategy from Penn State.

[00:18:27] 多米尼克:在好奇心和激情的推动下,莉莲娜完成了宾夕法尼亚州立大学的商业可持续发展战略认证。

[00:18:36] Dominique: These days, she is actively participating in Trane Technologies Sustainability Ambassador Network and encourages fellow colleagues to use its resources, all which inspire the adoption of sustainable practices for a healthier planet. Liliana, thank you for all your hard work and our strive towards a more sustainable future.

[00:18:36] Dominique:如今,她正在积极参与特灵科技可持续发展大使网络,并鼓励其他同事使用其资源,所有这些都激发了采用可持续实践来建设更健康的地球。莉莲娜,感谢您的辛勤工作以及我们为更可持续的未来所做的努力。

[00:18:56] Dominique: Would you like to share how you're building healthy spaces too? To share your story, visit us at Thank you for listening in to the Healthy Spaces Podcast, where we explore how climate technology and innovation are transforming the spaces where we live, work, learn, and play.

[00:18:56] 多米尼克:你也想分享一下你是如何建造健康空间的吗?要分享你的故事,请访问我们的。感谢您收听 Healthy Spaces 播客,我们在此探讨气候技术和创新如何改变我们生活、工作、学习和娱乐的空间。

[00:19:18] Dominique: If you want to find out more about our conversation today, make sure you check out the show notes and remember to rate and review us in your favorite podcast app. That's it for today's episode. We'll see you next time.

[00:19:18] Dominique:如果你想进一步了解我们今天的对话,一定要查看节目笔记,记得在你最喜欢的播客应用程序中给我们评分和评论。今天的剧集到此为止。我们下次见。

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