
Grom Social Congratulates Its Original Ambassador, Caroline Marks, as She Takes the Gold Medal for Team USA in Women's Surfing at 2024 Olympics

Grom Social Congratulates Its Original Ambassador, Caroline Marks, as She Takes the Gold Medal for Team USA in Women's Surfing at 2024 Olympics

Grom Social祝贺其最初的大使卡罗琳·马克斯代表美国队在2024年奥运会的女子冲浪比赛中获得黄金奖牌
Grom Social Enterprises ·  08/06 00:00

BOCA RATON, FL – August 6, 2024 – Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: GROM), the company that helped usher in safe social media exclusively for kids, last night cheered its original brand ambassador – Caroline Marks – on her path to the medal stand as she secured the gold medal in women's surfing for Team USA at the 2024 Paris Olympics surfing venue in French Polynesia's Teahupo'o, Tahiti. Caroline, whose brother, Zach, first conceived the idea for Grom Social when he was just 12, was the target of cyberbullying in middle school, and her experience helped spotlight the need for safe social media for kids. Today, the company will unveil a newly overhauled app with enhanced safety features in the Apple Store on IOS, with an Android version to follow at a later date.

2024年8月6日, Grom Social Enterprises公司 (NASDAQ: GROM) 在帮助引入仅供儿童使用的安全社交媒体方面发挥了重要作用,昨晚为其品牌大使卡罗琳·马克斯加油打气,她在法属波利尼西亚的蒂阿胡浦 Teahupo'o 赢得了2024年巴黎奥运会冲浪比赛的女子组金牌。卡罗琳的哥哥扎克在他只有12岁时首次构思了Grom Social的想法,而卡罗琳在中学时遭受了网络欺凌,她的经历帮助凸显了儿童安全社交媒体的必要性。今天,公司将在Apple Store上推出一个经过全面改进的带有增强安全功能的应用程序,供IOS使用,Android版本将在以后公布。

Since its inception in 2012, first as a website, Grom has remained steadfastly committed to giving kids under 13 a social media experience just for them and free of inappropriate content, cyberbullying and target marketing. Today, Caroline serves as a company brand ambassador for Grom as her brother, Zach, is the app's founder and Chief Content Officer. Their father, Darren Marks, is CEO of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc., which has expanded its offerings through a portfolio of services as a leading provider of family-friendly entertainment, media, and technology solutions.

自2012年成立以来,Grom一直致力于为13岁以下儿童提供仅属于他们的社交媒体体验,不包含不恰当内容、网络欺凌和目标营销。如今,Caroline作为该公司内的品牌大使,她的创造者和首席内容官是应用的创始人——Zach。该公司全称为Grom Social Enterprises,Inc.,通过服务组合成为家庭友好型娱乐、媒体和技术解决方案的主要提供者的投资组合,拥有几个子公司,其中包括Grom Social,通过移动端和桌面环境(Web门户和应用程序)传递其内容,让儿童与朋友互动、获取相关资讯并玩自有游戏,同时教育他们成为良好的数字公民。该公司拥有并运营顶尖的动画制作公司Top Draw Animation,并为一些全球最大的媒体公司制作屡获殊荣的动画内容。该公司拥有Grom Educational Services,为Kindergarten至12年级的学校、政府和私营企业提供网络过滤服务。

"From her early days of surfing the web to last night, where she rode a wave of support, Caroline never gave up her dream of being the best, no matter how many waves knocked her down," said Zach Marks. "Time and again, she got back on her board and winning the gold medal at the 2024 Olympics makes all of us at Grom Social feel incredibly proud. Congratulations to my kid sister, and our gold medalist!"

"从她上网冲浪的早期时期到昨晚,她在获得支持的每个时刻都在追求自己的梦想,无论有多少浪打倒了她," 扎克马克斯说:"她一次又一次地回到她的板子上,在2024年奥运会上赢得了金牌,让我们在Grom Social感到非常自豪。祝贺我可爱的小妹妹,也是我们的金牌得主!"

Darren Marks added, "As a father, I couldn't feel prouder than to see my daughter achieve her goal of winning a gold medal one day and seeing my son's vision of a new groundbreaking version of the Grom Social app happen within 24 hours of each other! My wife, Sarah, and I join parents everywhere as we encourage our kids, help keep them safe and shape a new generation of inspirational adults."

Darren Marks补充说:“作为一名父亲,我感到自豪的不只是看到我的女儿在某天实现了获得金牌的目标,还有看到我儿子预先构造的 Grom Social 应用程序的新版本实现后的24小时!我的妻子 Sarah 和我与全球的父母一起,鼓励孩子们,帮助他们保持安全,培养新一代的鼓舞人心的成年人。”

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