
Earnings Call Summary | MasterBrand(MBC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | MasterBrand(MBC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

业绩会总结 | MasterBrand(MBC.US) 2024财年第二季度业绩会
moomoo AI ·  08/07 06:28  · 电话会议

The following is a summary of the MasterBrand, Inc. (MBC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是MasterBrand, Inc. (MBC) Q2 2024业绩会简报:

Financial Performance:


  • MasterBrand reported a revenue of $677 million in Q2 2024, a 3% decline compared to the previous year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA was $105 million, reflecting an improved margin of 15.5%, up 20 basis points from last year.

  • Net income decreased by 11.5% year-over-year to $45.3 million, primarily due to lower net sales and increased costs related to acquisition and debt restructuring.

  • Free cash flow for the quarter was strong at $66 million.

  • MasterBrand在2024年第二季度报告的营业收入为67700万美元,同比减少3%。

  • 调整后的EBITDA为10500万美元,反映了改善的毛利率15.5%,比去年提高了20个基点。

  • 净利润同比下降11.5%,至4530万美元,主要是由于净销售减少和收购及债务重组成本增加。

  • 本季度的自由现金流强劲,达到6600万美元。

Business Progress:


  • MasterBrand acquired Supreme Cabinetry Brands, enhancing their portfolio with premium kitchen and bath products and expanding their dealer network.

  • Implemented strategic initiatives like 'Align to Grow', focusing on optimal market segments and service levels, and 'Tech Enabled', enhancing quality processes through digital tools.

  • Undertook a strategic debt restructuring to improve capital structure, increasing credit facilities and extending debt maturities.

  • MasterBrand收购了Supreme Cabinetry Brands, 通过高端厨房和浴室产品增强了其产品组合和扩展了其经销商网络。

  • 实施了“Align to Grow”等战略举措,专注于最佳市场细分和服务水平,以及“Tech Enabled”等数字工具增强质量流程。

  • 进行了战略性债务重组,以改善资本结构,增加授信额度并延长债务到期日。



  • Capitalized on a new acquisition, Supreme Cabinetry Brands, to enhance product offerings and expand market reach.

  • Implemented price increases across brands in the dealer and builder direct channels in response to rising costs, expected to benefit net sales in the second half of 2024.

  • 利用最新收购的Supreme Cabinetry Brands,增强产品供应并扩大市场覆盖范围。

  • 对直销和建筑商直接渠道的品牌进行价格调整以应对成本上涨,预计将有益于2024年下半年的净销售额。



  • Softening demand in the repair and remodel market poses risks for future revenue, with expected year-over-year declines.

  • Economic uncertainties continue affecting consumer spending, impacting large ticket purchases and potentially slowing down repair and remodel market activities.

  • 维修和翻新市场需求的疲软对未来收入构成风险,预计同比下降。

  • 经济不确定性继续影响消费者支出,影响大额购买并可能减缓维修和翻新市场活动。

More details: MasterBrand IR

更多详细信息:MasterBrand IR

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