
Riverside Completes Acquisition and Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Drone Survey at the Cecilia Project in Sonora, Mexico

Riverside Completes Acquisition and Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Drone Survey at the Cecilia Project in Sonora, Mexico

newsfile ·  08/07 07:00

Upcoming exploration to focus on new magnetic anomaly.


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 7, 2024) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to update progress on the Cecilia project where Riverside is working with Fortuna Mining Corp (TSX: FVI) (see March 13, 2024 press release). The Company has completed detailed magnetic susceptibility data acquisition for the entire project area and identified a new magnetic anomaly area of 6 x 2 km2 in the southwest part of the project. The company believes this area displays many classic structural controls similar to the mineralization found at the main Cerro Magallanes target area of the project and can become an additional focus of the upcoming exploration activities as well as the already permitted and planned upcoming drill program that is fully funded and scheduled to start in early Q4, 2024.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省--(資訊社公司。-2024年8月7日)-Riverside Resources Inc.(TSXV:RRI)(OTCQB:RVSDF)(FSE: 5YY)("Riverside"或"公司")高興地更新了其與Fortuna Mining Corp(TSX:FVI)(見2024年3月13日新聞發佈會)合作的塞西莉婭項目進展。該公司已完成了整個項目區域的詳細磁化率數據採集,並在項目的西南部確定了一個新的6x2平方公里的磁性異常區域。該公司認爲,這個區域顯示出許多與該項目的主要錫羅·馬加利亞內斯目標區域找到的礦化相似的典型構造控制,並可以成爲即將展開勘探活動的另一個重點,以及已經獲准和計劃於2024年第四季度初全面資助和計劃開始的鑽進項目。

The current technical work program is completing now as the project moves next to drill testing. The work that has been completed for evaluating and improving drill targets includes geophysics, geochemistry and geology being integrated. The Cecilia Project has good road access with the project located 40 km southwest of Agua Prieta (Mexico-USA border) and 250 km northeast of the capital city of Hermosillo. The project is a titled and 100% Riverside-owned, with drill permits and the ability to progress the drilling in the coming months. The property is a district-scale gold and silver, low-sulfidation epithermal system and is currently optioned with Fortuna Mining earning an initial ownership position through a series of payments and work commitments where Riverside remains as the operator of the exploration program as disclosed in March. The project covers over 60 km2 and has over 10 different exploration targets, with at least two nested dome complexes similar to those in Peru at the Yanacocha Mining District and in Bolivia at the Korri Kollo Mine, which have produced well over 25M and 5M oz of gold respectively. The use of aeromagnetics helps further distinguish these targets.

當前的技術工作計劃正在完成中,項目將轉入鑽探測試階段。評估和改善鑽探目標的工作已完成,其中包括地球物理、地球化學和地質學的整合。塞西莉婭項目有良好的道路通行能力,距離墨西哥阿瓜普焦特西南40公里,距離首府埃莫西約250公里。該項目是一個擁有土地產權的區域性黃金和銀礦,由Riverside擁有100%的權益,獲得了鑽井許可和推進鑽探的能力,這在接下來的幾個月裏將成爲可能。該物業是一個區域性的涉礦概念,目前已授權給Fortuna Mining,通過一系列支付和工作承諾,Fortuna Mining獲得了初始的所有權,而Riverside仍然是探礦項目的運營商,這在3月份已公開披露。該項目覆蓋面積超過60平方公里,有超過10個不同的勘探目標,其中至少有兩個嵌套的圓頂複合體,類似於秘魯Yanacocha礦區和玻利維亞Korri Kollo礦區,分別產出了2500萬和500萬盎司的黃金。利用航空磁測技術可以進一步區分這些目標。

John-Mark Staude, CEO of Riverside, states, "We are delighted to receive this excellent and detailed aeromagnetic survey for the entire 60 km2 area from our work with Fortuna Mining on the Cecilia district exploration. We had full access to the surface for conducting field follow-up allowing the project to progress significantly over the past 6 months. Further, the discovery of a new anomaly is an exciting development and we look forward to undertaking additional exploration work on this discovery over the coming months as well as the fully funded drilling. Having the drill permit, mineral title and funding with a partner aligned in our exploration creates the platform for potential success with drilling activities proceeding in the near term. We look forward to the drill turning and having results from this project as well as updates on other activities that are underway into the fourth quarter of 2024."

Riverside的首席執行官John-Mark Staude表示:"我們很高興能從我們與Fortuna Mining在塞西莉婭區勘探工作中得到這個優秀而詳細的磁力調查。我們可以完全訪問地面進行現場後續的開展,這使得該項目在過去的6個月裏取得了顯著的進展。此外,發現了一個新的異常區非常令人興奮,我們期待在未來幾個月內對這個發現進行其他的勘探工作,同時也期待資金已到位的鑽探計劃的全面執行。具有鑽孔許可、礦權和資金的合作伙伴將爲我們的探礦活動創造成功的平台,我們期待很快進行鑽探並獲取該項目的成果以及其他正在進行的活動的更新。"

Riverside has completed the acquisition of aeromagnetic data expanding on an earlier and more focused survey where Riverside drilled and intersected gold mineralization. The new UAV magnetic data now covers the entire Cecilia project area of 60 km2 with Riverside having full access to the entire property featuring a total flying of 658 line kilometers. Using this new, higher resolution magnetic data aids in interpreting and refining previous targets identified by Riverside. The results identified strong NW-trending magnetic lineaments in the southwestern corner of the project area (Figure 1). This data was not available in earlier results whereby the Company now has access to this region for the first time. This new magnetic anomalous area reflects a strong NW-trend which is similar to the main previously mined and drilled Au-mineralization structural trends like the San Jose Structural trend and Mesa Target (Figure 1A). Additionally, these lineaments bound the Magallancito dome and may be related to sharp contacts or fault-related contacts of intrusions around this target. Such strong structural features are typical of other major mining dome districts including Yanacocha, Peru and Mulatos, Sonora.

Riverside已完成了對先前重點調查區的航空磁力數據的收購,現已擴大至整個60平方公里的Cecilia項目區域,Riverside完全擁有整個物業的資格,該項目區域總共飛行了658線公里。使用這種新的、高分辨率的磁性數據有助於解釋和精化Riverside之前確定的目標。結果發現,在項目區域的西南角存在明顯的北西向的磁性線性構造(Figure 1)。這些數據在之前的結果中是不可用的,現在公司第一次獲得了對該地區的訪問權。這個新的磁性異常區域反映了一個強烈的北西走向,與主要的已被開採和鑽探的黃金礦化構造趨勢相似,如San Jose Structural trend和Mesa Target(Figure 1A)。此外,這些線性構造圍繞着Magallancito圓頂,可能與這個目標周圍的侵入物的尖銳接觸或斷層相關。這些強烈的結構特徵是其他主要礦區圓頂區域的典型特徵,包括秘魯的Yanacocha和Sonora的Mulatos。

Some perpendicular magnetic lineaments in the project appear to define NE-trending zones along strike that generally serve as the main mineralization controls in the district and at surface have associated occurrences of Au-Ag mineralization (e.g. Agua Prieta Trend, Figure 1B). The new areas provide additional future focuses further expanding the planned program and continuing to grow the targeting of the project. Structural intersections in the mineralized dome districts of Mexico and other countries such as in Peru, Bolivia and USA often define focused locations of geologic faults which can provide fluid pathways for higher grade hydrothermal breccias and mineralization.

項目中的一些垂直磁性線性構造似乎沿着打擊方向定義了NE向的區域,這些區域通常作爲該區域的主要礦化控制,在地表上具有金銀礦化的相關出現(e.g. Agua Prieta Trend,Figure 1B)。這些新的區域提供了未來的另一個重點,進一步擴大了計劃中的項目,並繼續增加了該項目的目標定位。墨西哥和其他國家,比如秘魯、玻利維亞和美國的礦化圓頂區結構交匯點經常定義出具有流體通路的地質斷層的重點位置,這些斷層提供了更高品位熱液角礫岩和礦化的流體通道。

The acquisition and processing of the magnetic data were completed by Zonge International, Inc. This resulted in the merging and leveling of the historic UAV databases acquired recently by Riverside in the Magallanes Target, producing various merged data interpretations including; total magnetic intensity, reduction to the pole, 1st vertical derivative, and tilt derivative of the reduction to the pole processing's. The updated 3D inversion model helps delineate the targets at depth and is being used for modeling drill collars and plans for upcoming drilling. This drilling is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2024, with Fortuna Mining as the funding partner.

磁性數據的收購和處理由Zonge International, Inc.完成。這導致整合和平衡了最近由Riverside採購的駕駛機磁力數據的歷史數據庫,產生了各種各樣的融合數據解釋,包括:總磁強度、極性約簡、第一垂直導數和約簡到極性處理的傾斜導數。更新的3D反演模型有助於描繪深度處的目標,並被用於爲即將到來的鑽探設計井口和計劃。這項鑽探預計在2024年第四季度開始,以Fortuna Mining作爲資金合作伙伴。

Figure 1.
A. Updated 1:10.000 geological map of the Cecilia project.
B. New target area at Magallancito over Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) Reduced to North Pole map. The target areas dashed with scales of multiple kilometers.

A. 精細地質圖(1:10,000) Cecilia 項目。
b. Magallancito新靶區在總磁性強度(TMI)約簡到北極圖上。帶有數公里刻度的目標區域虛線。

About the Cecilia Project:


Riverside Resources owns the project and has undertaken comprehensive exploration efforts at the property, including drilling activities that have yielded significant gold intercepts. Notably, drill results have intersected near surface promising intercepts such as 24.2 meters at 1.51 grams per ton of gold (April 15, 2021 press release) within the rhyodacite dome, showcasing the property's gold at shallow depths which also has been mined in over a dozen locations including some substantial small scale underground prospect mining. The project has potential to follow these intercepts and go for larger targets at depth is the next planned drilling activity.

Riverside Resources擁有該項目,並在該物業上進行了全面的勘探工作,包括鑽探活動,已經獲得了顯著的黃金截獲結果。值得注意的是,一些鑽孔結果已經打破了正常生長帶,例如在流紋岩圓頂內鑽探到的高品位選址,如2021年4月15日的新聞發佈會(24.2米,每噸1.51克黃金),展示了該物業在淺層具有黃金, 這也已在十多個地點進行了開採,包括一些實質性的小規模地下勘探礦山。該項目有望跟隨這些截獲和尋找更深的目標,是接下來的計劃鑽探活動。

One distinguishing aspect of this project is the potential to preserve a fertile dome system. The Magallanes Target, situated at the central part of the project, exhibits interaction within extensive NE and NW structures, presenting a compelling opportunity for the discovery of epithermal gold-silver style mineralization. This geological scheme of the Cecilia Project resembles the Tertiary-age rhyolite systems, like the La Pitarrilla Ag-Pb-Zn project (~800M oz AgEq*) and Fresnillo's San Julian Ag-Au Mine (~350M oz AgEq**), both situated in Durango, Mexico in the similar Sierra Madre Volcanic Province to Cecilia.

該項目的一個獨特之處在於它有可能保存豐富的圓頂系統。Magallanes目標位於該項目的中心部分,展示了在廣闊的NE和NW結構交互作用下的良好機會,以發現熱液型金銀礦化。塞西莉婭項目的地質體系類似於第三紀流紋岩體系,如Pitarrilla Ag-Pb-Zn項目(~80000萬盎司AgEq*)和Fresnillo的San Julian Ag-Au Mine(約35000萬盎司AgEq**),這兩個項目位於西拉拉插入的墨西哥Durango,與Cecilia位於相似的Sierra Madre火山省。

*Mineral Resource estimate for the Pitarrilla Ag Pb Zn Project, Durango, Mexico, SSR Mining, March, 2023.

*爲Pitarrilla Ag Pb Zn項目的礦產資源估算,位於墨西哥杜蘭戈,SSR Mining,2023年3月。

**Obtained from Fresnillo public presentation, Hermosillo, October, 2016


Qualified Person & QA/QC:


The scientific and technical data contained in this news release pertaining to the Cecilia Project was reviewed and approved by Julian Manco, P.Geo, a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources focusing on the work in Sonora, Mexico, who is responsible for ensuring that the information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

Riverside Resources針對Sonora,墨西哥的工作,與Cecilia項目有關的科學和技術數據,由Julian Manco,P.Geo進行了審核和批准,他是Riverside Resources的非獨立資格人,負責確保本新聞發佈中提供的信息準確,並在國家43-101礦產項目披露標準下作爲"合格人員"。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:

關於Riverside Resources Inc.:

Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $5M in cash, no debt and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .



代表Riverside Resources Inc.

"John-Mark Staude"
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

"John-Mark Staude"
John-Mark Staude,博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675

John-Mark Staude
Riverside Resources Inc.
電話: (778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675

Eric Negraeff
Investor Relations
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Eric Negraeff
Riverside Resources Inc.
電話: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

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