
LivePerson and Sycurio Partner to Bring Frictionless, Secure Payments to Digital Customer Conversations

LivePerson and Sycurio Partner to Bring Frictionless, Secure Payments to Digital Customer Conversations

PR Newswire ·  08/07 08:30

New partnership combines LivePerson's enterprise conversation platform with Sycurio's payment solutions to deliver convenient and secure customer experiences


NEW YORK and GUILDFORD, England, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN), the enterprise leader in digital customer conversations, and Sycurio, the leading provider of seamless and secure digital payment experiences for contact centers, today announced a new partnership empowering enterprises to offer seamless, secure payments directly within the digital channels their customers prefer.


When it comes to engaging with brands, customers across demographics and geographies increasingly favor more personalized, digital-first engagements, including experiences delivered via web and in-app messaging, SMS, WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, and more. Together, LivePerson and Sycurio's capabilities will empower enterprises to meet this demand at scale, orchestrating personalized digital conversations across channels that meet the highest standards for safe and secure payments.

在與品牌互動方面,跨各類人口和地理區域的客戶越來越青睞個性化、數字優先的互動,包括通過網站和應用程序消息、SMS、WhatsApp、Apple Business Messages等方式提供的體驗。LivePerson和Sycurio的能力將共同賦予企業以大規模滿足這種需求,協調各種渠道中的個性化數字對話,並滿足最高安全支付標準。

The integration of LivePerson's Conversational Cloud platform with Sycurio.Digital aims to unlock a variety of benefits for the enterprise, including:


  • Improved compliance adherence by removing contact center and remote agents from the scope of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance
  • Streamlined payment processing with automatic validation of payment card data before transactions are processed
  • Greater transaction record accuracy, ensuring up-to-date customer payment transaction records
  • Tracking live updates at every stage in the transaction and monitoring the complete journey of each payment link
  • Improved security, with sensitive payment data & PII not stored in and not touching the contact center environment
  • Reduced cost and time commitment of maintaining PCI DSS compliance
  • Measurable improvements in customer experiences, including increased customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, reduced average handle time (AHT), and faster first time to resolution (FTTR)
  • 通過從支付卡行業數據安全標準(PCI DSS)合規範圍中移除聯繫中心和遠程代理商,提高合規性符合標準。
  • 自動驗證交易之前的付款卡數據,使付款處理流程更加順暢。
  • 提高交易記錄的準確性,確保最新的客戶付款交易記錄。
  • 在交易的每個階段跟蹤更新,監控每個付款鏈接的完整過程。
  • 通過不存儲和不觸及聯繫中心環境中的敏感支付數據和PII(個人身份信息)提高安全性。
  • 減少保持PCI DSS合規的成本和時間投入。
  • 通過智能協調和自動化實現可衡量的客戶體驗改進,包括提高客戶滿意度(CSAT)得分、減少平均處理時間(AHT)和更快的首次解決方案(FTTR)。

Sycurio.Digital provides fast, convenient, and flexible digital payment links that enable organizations to take payments anywhere and everywhere. Offering consumers more choice at checkout, delivering better payment experiences, higher transaction success rates, and increased customer loyalty – all resulting in a better bottom line for businesses.


"Our partnership with LivePerson advances our commitment to deliver cutting-edge digital payment solutions by anticipating customer trends, preferences, and needs," said Salimah Karimbhoy, Vice President of Partner Program and Ecosystems at Sycurio. "We're meeting customers where they are, in the digital channels they prefer, eliminating the need for channel switching, which often leads to poor customer experiences and reduced transaction success rates. By empowering LivePerson's enterprise customers to process trusted and improved digital payments with Sycurio.Digital, we provide secure, seamless transactions that enhance payment CX."

Sycurio合作伙伴計劃和生態系統副總裁Salimah Karimbhoy表示:「我們與LivePerson的合作推動了我們的承諾,通過預測客戶趨勢、偏好和需求,提供尖端數字支付解決方案。我們在客戶喜歡的數字渠道上與客戶會面,消除了通道轉換的需要,這往往會導致客戶體驗差和交易成功率降低。通過讓LivePerson的企業客戶利用Sycurio.Digital處理值得信任和改進的數字支付,我們提供了安全、無縫的交易,增強支付體驗。」

LivePerson's award-winning Conversational Cloud is trusted by the world's top brands to connect with millions of consumers. LivePerson customers have seen benefits including up to 25% boosts in customer satisfaction, 50% decreases in agent attrition, and 30% reductions in operating costs.


"Partnering with Sycurio and harnessing the versatility of the Sycurio.Digital platform means any enterprise can easily facilitate seamless, secure payments in any channel through LivePerson's Conversational Cloud," said Dan Sincavage, Senior Vice President of Global Partnerships at LivePerson. "Together, we aim to empower secure, compliant conversational commerce at scale — and deliver measurable ROI through the power of intelligent orchestration and automation."

LivePerson全球合作伙伴高級副總裁Dan Sincavage說:「與Sycurio合作並利用Sycurio.Digital平台的多功能性意味着任何企業都可以通過LivePerson的對話雲在任何渠道輕鬆實現無縫、安全的支付。我們的目標是在大規模範圍內實現安全、合規的對話式商務,通過智能協調和自動化實現可衡量的投資回報。」

To learn more about the LivePerson-Sycurio partnership, click here.


About LivePerson
LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the enterprise leader in digital customer conversations. The world's leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and AI-powered solutions to accelerate contact center transformation, supercharge agent productivity, and deliver more personalized customer experiences. Fast Company named us the #1 Most Innovative AI Company in the world. To talk with us or our AI, please visit

Mike Tague, [email protected]
LivePerson(納斯達克:LPSN)是數字客戶對話領域的企業領導者。全球領先品牌,包括匯豐銀行、Chipotle和維珍媒體,都使用我們屢獲殊榮的Conversational Cloud平台與數百萬消費者聯繫。我們每月提供近十億的對話交互,提供獨特豐富的數據集和由人工智能支持的解決方案,以加速聯繫中心轉型、加強代理商生產力並提供更個性化的客戶體驗。Fast Company稱我們爲全球最具創新性的人工智能公司。請訪問liveperson.com與我們或我們的AI進行交流。

About Sycurio
Sycurio is a leading provider of flexible cloud-based solutions and services that help organizations transform CX and simplify how they manage regulatory compliance and payment security. Its innovative solutions enable organizations to safeguard every customer interaction, in every channel, while delivering a standout customer experience that builds consumer trust and loyalty. Sycurio's patented data capture methods ensure that sensitive information, including payment card, bank details, and personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers, can be processed in a manner that protects against the risk of fraud and ensures compliance with industry regulations such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Sycurio是提供靈活雲解決方案和服務的領先提供商,幫助組織轉型客戶體驗,並簡化它們管理合規性和支付安全的方式。其創新解決方案使組織能夠在每個渠道中保護每個客戶交互,同時提供卓越的客戶體驗,建立消費者信任和忠誠度。Sycurio的專利數據捕獲方法確保金融卡、銀行詳細信息和個人身份信息(PII),如社會保障號碼,在處理時能夠防範欺詐風險,並遵守行業法規,例如支付卡行業數據安全標準(PCI DSS)。公司於2009年成立,作爲Semafone,現已在五大洲的50多個國家支持客戶。Sycurio是垂直無所不包的,擁有廣泛的客戶群,包括許多大型跨國公司。

Founded in 2009, as Semafone, the company now supports customers in 50+ countries on five continents. Sycurio is vertically agnostic and has an extensive customer base including many large multinational companies.


Livingbridge is a major investor in Sycurio.


To learn more, visit .

了解更多信息,請訪問 。

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release regarding LivePerson that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are being made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual events or results may differ materially from our expectations. Some of the factors that could cause events or results to differ from our expectations include, without limitation, our ability to execute on and deliver our current business and product plans and goals, and the other factors described in the "Risk Factors" sections of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 4, 2024 and our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on May 10, 2024. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates.


Media Contact:
Mike Tague
[email protected]

Mike Tague
[email protected]

SOURCE LivePerson

SOURCE LivePerson

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