
Earnings Call Summary | Laird Superfood(LSF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Laird Superfood(LSF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | laird superfood(LSF.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  08/08 01:35  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Laird Superfood, Inc. (LSF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Laird Superfood,Inc.(LSF)2024年第二季度業績會的簡要摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Laird Superfood reported a 30% increase in Q2 net sales year-over-year, reaching $10.0 million.

  • E-commerce led the company's growth, with sales increasing by 47% year-over-year; Amazon sales alone grew by 80%.

  • Gross margin improved significantly to 42%, reflecting a continuous upward trend in profitability.

  • Net loss reduced to $0.2 million, showing a significant improvement from the previous year.

  • Achieved positive cash flow of $0.5 million, indicating effective management of working capital.

  • Laird Superfood報告,年增長30%的Q2淨銷售額達到1000萬美元。

  • 電子商務引導了公司的增長,銷售額同比增長47%;亞馬遜的銷售額增長了80%。

  • 毛利率顯著提高至42%,反映出盈利能力不斷上升的趨勢。

  • 淨虧損減少至20萬美元,與前一年相比顯示出顯著的改善。

  • 實現了50萬美元的正現金流,表明有效地管理營運資本。

Business Progress:


  • Direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales grew by 32%, driven by an increase in subscribers and repeat orders.

  • Wholesale net sales increased by 9% year-over-year.

  • Implemented a Total Margin Management (TMM) program, focusing on cost savings and efficiency to drive further growth and profitability.

  • 由訂閱用戶數的增加和重複訂單的增長推動,直接面向消費者(DTC)銷售增長了32%。

  • 批發淨銷售額同比增長9%。

  • 實行了總體利潤管理(TMM)計劃,專注於成本節約和效率提高,以推動進一步的增長和盈利能力。



  • Optimistic about future growth, with raised guidance for net sales reaching $40 million to $44 million for the full year, indicating a growth of 17% to 29% from the previous year.

  • Gross margin expectations to expand to approximately 40% to 41%.

  • Plans to leverage seasonal trends and marketing strategies to boost sales in the latter half of the year.

  • 對未來的增長持樂觀態度,將全年淨銷售額的指導上調至4000萬美元至4400萬美元,顯示與前一年相比增長了17%至29%。

  • 預計毛利率將擴大到約40%至41%。

  • 計劃利用季節性趨勢和營銷策略,在今年下半年提高銷售。



  • Possible fluctuations in commodity prices could affect gross margin achievements.

  • Timing shifts in the club channel orders, which moved to the third quarter, may impact financial performance.

  • 商品價格可能出現波動,可能會影響毛利率的實現。

  • 俱樂部渠道訂單的時機移動到第三季度,可能會影響財務業績。

More details: Laird Superfood IR

更多詳情:Laird Superfood IR

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