
Breckenridge Distillery Partners With Denver Broncos Legends to Release Fourth Edition Broncos Country Bourbon Blends

Breckenridge Distillery Partners With Denver Broncos Legends to Release Fourth Edition Broncos Country Bourbon Blends

Breckenridge蒸餾廠與丹佛野馬傳奇球員合作發佈第四版Broncos Country波旁威士忌混合酒
GlobeNewswire ·  08/08 08:00

As The Official Bourbon and Vodka of The Denver Broncos, Breckenridge Distillery Teamed Up with Broncos Legends Ed McCaffrey and Hall of Famer Randy Gradishar for a Battle of The Blends

作爲丹佛野馬隊的官方波旦酒和伏特加品牌,Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠與野馬隊傳奇人物Ed McCaffrey和名人堂成員Randy Gradishar合作,舉辦了一次混合酒的比拼。

BRECKENRIDGE, Colo., Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Breckenridge Distillery, one of the most-awarded craft distilleries in the U.S., a subsidiary of Tilray Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ: TLRY and TSX: TLRY), and the official Bourbon and Vodka of the Denver Broncos, announces its newest Broncos Bourbon Blends, the Broncos Country Blends, along with the new Breckenridge Broncos Vodka. The bourbons pay homage to the Broncos' new 2024 Mile High Collection which is a tribute to the unique aspects of Colorado's landscape and the heart of the Broncos fandom. Fans aged 21 or older can purchase the limited-edition bourbons in Colorado retailers starting next week.

科羅拉多佈列克琴裏奇,2024年8月8日(環球新聞線)--Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠是美國最獲殊榮的手工釀酒廠之一,屬於Tilray Brands,Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:TLRY和tsx:TLRY)的子公司。 官方波旦酒 和伏特加品牌的丹佛野馬隊宣佈推出最新的野馬隊波旦融合酒,名爲Broncos Country Blends,以及新的Breckenridge Broncos伏特加。這些波旦融合酒是爲了向野馬隊2024年的里程碑系列致敬,這是對科羅拉多州獨特景觀和野馬隊粉絲熱情的致意。21歲或以上的球迷可以在明天開始在科羅拉多的零售商處購買這款限量版波旦融合酒。

To make the Mile High blends, Broncos alumnus and 2024 Hall of Famer, Randy Gradishar, and Breckenridge Distillery's Head Distiller, Hans Stafsholt (Team Blue), faced off with Broncos alumnus and 2023 Broncos Blend People's Choice winner, Ed McCaffrey, and Breckenridge Distillery founder and CEO, Bryan Nolt (Team Orange), to produce two remarkable blends that capture the essence of Broncos Country.

爲了製作里程碑系列的混合酒,野馬隊的畢業生和2024名人堂成員Randy Gradishar和Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠的總蒸餾師Hans Stafsholt(藍隊)與野馬隊的畢業生和2023年野馬隊融合人氣選擇獎獲勝者Ed McCaffrey和Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠的創始人兼CEO Bryan Nolt(橙隊)進行了一場比賽,他們生產了兩個非凡的混合物,捕捉到了Broncos Country的精髓。

The Broncos Blue Blend has a light caramel and matured oak that fill the nose with a hint of orange zest and vanilla, leading to a palate of caramel and oak with a soft finish of white pepper; the Broncos Orange Blend has toasted almond and orange biscotti on the nose, leading to a palate of light toasted nuts and dry oak with a creamy finish. Each bottle will be 87 proof, 43.5% ABV, to represent Ed McCaffrey's jersey number.

Broncos Blue Blend帶有輕微的焦糖和成熟的橡木香氣,帶有香橙和香草的暗示,口感是焦糖和橡木,柔和的白胡椒口感;野馬隊橙色混合物在鼻子上有烤杏仁和橙味餅乾,帶有輕微的烤堅果和幹橡木的口感,帶有奶油般的餘味。每瓶酒的酒精含量爲87 proof,即43.5% ABV,以代表Ed McCaffrey的球衣號碼。

Photo Courtesy: Breckenridge Distillery

照片:Breckenridge Distillery

"Over the past three years, we have had the opportunity to work with an outstanding franchise. As we move into our fourth year of the partnership, we continue to express the significant value of our collaboration with the Denver Broncos," said Bryan Nolt, Founder and CEO of Breckenridge Distillery. "It is a privilege to share our passion for high-quality whiskey with both the passionate Broncos fan base and the broader Colorado community. When the Broncos take the field this season, we hope you can celebrate with these commemorative Broncos Bourbon Blends."

「在過去的三年裏,我們有機會與一支傑出的球隊合作。隨着我們步入合作的第四年,我們繼續表達我們與丹佛野馬隊合作的重要價值,」Breckenridge蒸餾廠的創始人兼首席執行官Bryan Nolt說道。「與熱情的Broncos球迷群體和更廣泛的科羅拉多社區分享我們對高質量威士忌的熱情是一種榮幸。當野馬隊參加本賽季比賽時,我們希望你能用這些紀念性的Broncos Bourbon Blends來慶祝。」

Breckenridge Distillery's Broncos Bourbon Blends limited-release whiskies have garnered multiple awards over the years, including Best American Blended, Limited Edition and Icons of Whisky Campaign Innovator of the Year, Highly Commended, at the 2022 World Whiskies Awards.

Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠的野馬隊波旦融合酒限量版威士忌多次獲得獎項,包括最佳美國混合酒、限量版飲料和年度創新大獎,以及高度讚譽的2022年世界威士忌大獎的Whiskey Icons Campaign最佳創新獎。

Fans can vote for which Broncos Country Blend is their favorite by scanning the QR code on the bottle. By voting, fans will be entered to win Broncos and Breckenridge Distillery swag. Fans can also enter to win two tickets to the Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey Suite at Empower Field at Mile High for the Denver Broncos versus the Indianapolis Colts game on December 15, 2024, by posting photos on Instagram and Facebook showing how they celebrate the Denver Broncos, using hashtag #BroncosBourbon.

球迷可以通過掃描瓶子上的QR碼投票選擇最喜歡的野馬隊融合酒。通過投票,球迷將有機會贏得野馬隊和Breckenridge蒸餾酒廠的周邊紀念品。追隨者也可以通過在Instagram和Facebook上發佈照片,展示他們如何慶祝丹佛野馬隊,並使用#BroncosBourbon標籤,贏得兩張門票,參加2024年12月15日丹佛野馬隊對陣印第安納波利斯小馬隊比賽的Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey套房。

For more information about Breckenridge Distillery, visit . Follow Breckenridge on Instagram @breckdistillery and become a fan at Age 21+. Always enjoy responsibly.

有關Breckenridge Distillery的更多信息,請訪問。 在Instagram上關注Breckenridge @brekdistillery,併成爲的粉絲。 年齡21歲以上。 請合理享用。

About Breckenridge Distillery

關於Breckenridge Distillery

Founded in Colorado in 2008, Breckenridge Distillery is the "World's Highest Distillery," and is best known for its award-winning blended bourbon whiskey, a high-rye mash American-style whiskey.

成立於2008年的科羅拉多州,Breckenridge Distillery是「世界上海拔最高的酒廠」,以其屢獲殊榮的混合波旁威士忌和高麥芽美式威士忌而聞名。

One of the most highly awarded distilleries in the U.S., the Breckenridge Distillery is proudly a 3x Icons of Whisky and 10x winner of Best American Blended winner at the World Whiskies Awards by Whisky Magazine and a 4x winner of Colorado Distillery of the Year by the New York International Spirits Competition. Most recently, Breckenridge Port Cask Finish was named World's Best Finished Bourbon at the 2024 World Whiskies Awards, joining Breckenridge High Proof, named World's Best Blended Whiskey and Breckenridge Gin, named World's Best Compound Gin at the World Gin Awards by Gin Magazine. Breckenridge spirits have been awarded 6 Double Golds at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

Breckenridge酒廠是美國獲得最多獎項的酒廠之一,是Whisky Magazine評選的3次Whisky Icons和10次World Whiskies Awards最佳美式混合酒廠,並且在紐約國際烈酒競賽中連續4次獲得科羅拉多州烈酒廠大獎。最近,Breckenridge Port Cask Finish被評爲2024年世界最佳成品波旁威士忌,在世界雜誌協會年度威士忌獎(世界雜誌)中獲得了最佳混合威士忌的世界冠軍,並被評爲世界雜誌「世界杜松子酒大獎」上的最佳複合杜松子酒。Breckenridge烈酒先後獲得了舊金山世界烈酒競賽的6個雙金獎

The Breckenridge Distillery is more than award-winning spirits, offering an immersive guest experience. Named as one of the country's Top Visitor Attractions by Whisky Magazine, guests can dine at their award-winning restaurant, enjoy show-stopping cocktails, learn about their highly awarded spirits with an in-depth tasting, and get an inside look at their active production facility. New to the distillery, guests have the opportunity to blend their own whiskey as they learn the inner workings of whiskey production.

Breckenridge Distillery不僅是屢獲殊榮的烈酒,還提供沉浸式的客戶體驗。作爲Whisky Magazine評選的全美頂級旅遊景點之一,客人們可以在他們屢獲殊榮的餐廳用餐,享受令人驚歎的雞尾酒,通過深入的品酒了解他們高獲殊榮的烈酒,並深入了解他們的活躍生產設施。作爲酒廠的新手,客人們有機會在學習威士忌生產的內部工作方式時混合自己的威士忌。

Breckenridge Distillery is a subsidiary of Tilray Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ: TLRY and TSX: TLRY), a leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company inspiring and empowering the worldwide community to live their very best life.

Breckenridge蒸餾廠是Tilray Brands,Inc.(納斯達克:TLRY和TSX:TLRY)的子公司,致力於成爲領先的全球大麻及包裝消費品公司,激勵和幫助全球社區過上最好的生活。

To learn more about Breckenridge Distillery, visit . Keep up with Breckenridge Distillery on Instagram by following @breckdistillery and become a fan at

要了解有關Breckenridge Distillery的更多信息,請訪問。在Instagram上跟蹤Breckenridge @brekdistillery,併成爲的粉絲。

For more information about Tilray Brands, visit and follow @tilray on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

有關Tilray Brands的更多信息,請訪問,並在Instagram,Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn上關注@tilray。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this communication that are not historical facts constitute forward-looking information or forward-looking statements (together, "forward-looking statements") under Canadian and U.S. securities laws and within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are intended to be subject to the "safe harbor" created by those sections and other applicable laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "forecast," "future," "should," "could," "enable," "potential," "contemplate," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "plan," "expect," "intend," "may," "project," "will," "would" and the negative of these terms or similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Certain material factors, estimates, goals, projections, or assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions contained in the forward-looking statements throughout this communication. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, projections, outlook, analyses, or current expectations. Many factors could cause actual results, performance, or achievement to be materially different from any forward-looking statements, and other risks and uncertainties not presently known to the Company or that the Company deems immaterial could also cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements contained herein. For a more detailed discussion of these risks and other factors, see the most recently filed annual information form of Tilray and the Annual Report on Form 10-K (and other periodic reports filed with the SEC) of Tilray made with the SEC and available on EDGAR. The forward-looking statements included in this communication are made as of the date of this communication and the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect new information, subsequent events, or otherwise unless required by applicable securities laws.


Media Contacts:


Kelsey Bardach,, 970-924-0704 ext. 2105
Tilray Brands Media:

Kelsey Bardach,,970-924-0704 ext。 2105
Tilray Brands Media:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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