
Boralex Announces the Appointment of Ricky Fontaine to Its Board of Directors

Boralex Announces the Appointment of Ricky Fontaine to Its Board of Directors

Boralex宣佈任命Ricky Fontaine爲其董事會成員
GlobeNewswire ·  08/08 09:00

MONTREAL, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boralex inc. ("Boralex" or the "Company") (TSX: BLX) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Ricky Fontaine to its Board of Directors.

Boralex公司很高興宣佈任命Ricky Fontaine先生加入其董事會。

"All members of the Board of Directors and I are delighted to welcome Ricky Fontaine. He has all the qualities required to make a significant contribution to Boralex, both through his extensive experience in governance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous companies and through his background in economic development projects in a variety of industries, in addition to his history of strategic collaboration with Boralex in the development of the Apuiat wind power project," said Alain Rhéaume, Chairman of the Board of Boralex.

董事會的所有成員和我都非常高興歡迎Ricky Fontaine的加入。他具備爲Boralex做出重要貢獻的各種條件,既有在原住民和非原住民公司治理方面的豐富經驗,又有在各行各業經濟發展項目中的背景,除此之外還有他在Apuiat風力發電項目的戰略合作歷史。"

Ricky Fontaine has held numerous executive positions with national, regional and local organizations, including General Manager of the local government of Uashat mak Mani-uteman and General Manager of the Corporation de développement économique montagnaise. During these mandates, he worked on the strategic planning associated with government activities and the commercial operations of the community of Uashat (ITUM), and was a key player in the implementation of the Impact Benefit Agreements (IBAs) signed by Uashat in the mining and energy sectors.

Ricky Fontaine曾在國家、地區和本地組織擔任多個高管職位,包括Uashat mak Mani-uteman地方政府的總經理和Corporation de développement économique montagnaise的總經理。在這些職務期間,他參與了與政府活動相關的戰略規劃以及烏沙特社區(ITUM)的商業運營,並在礦業和能源領域簽署的利益共享協議(IBA)的實施中起到了重要作用。"

Mr. Fontaine is also an active member of several boards of directors, including the First Peoples Innovation Centre (where he is also a member of the Finance committee) and Canada Post (where he is also a member of the Audit and ESG committees). He has participated in committees monitoring the implementation of IBAs between ITUM and ArcelorMittal, Iron Ore Quebec, Tata Steel Minerals Canada and Rio Tinto – IOC.

Fontaine先生還是多個董事會的積極成員,包括第一民族創新中心(他還是財務委員會成員)和加拿大郵政(他還是審計和ESG委員會成員)。他參與了監督ITUm與ArcelorMittal、Iron Ore Quebec、Tata Steel Minerals Canada和Rio Tinto - IOC之間IBA的執行的委員會。"

Mr. Fontaine also chaired the Board of Directors of the Laurentian Pilotage Authority, a Crown corporation, and was an ex-officio member of all its committees, in addition to sitting on the Board of Directors of the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec, including the Audit Committee, which he chaired on an interim basis.

Fontaine先生還主持了Laurentian Pilotage Authority董事會,這是一個皇家企業,他是所有委員會的名義成員,此外他還是Régie du Bâtiment du Québec董事會成員,包括審計委員會,他曾代理主席之職。

Mr. Fontaine's experience will complement the varied skills of Boralex's current directors. With over 30 years of involvement in energy issues, he will bring a valuable perspective to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Fontaine currently runs his own consulting firm specializing in the management and analysis of government policies relating to Indigenous affairs and economic development.


Ricky Fontaine's complete biography is available on the Boralex website.

Ricky Fontaine的完整傳記可在Boralex網站上獲得。

About Boralex


At Boralex, we have been providing affordable renewable energy accessible to everyone for over 30 years. As a leader in the Canadian market and France's largest independent producer of onshore wind power, we also have facilities in the United States and development projects in the United Kingdom. Over the past five years, our installed capacity has more than doubled to over 3 GW. We are developing a portfolio of close to 6.7 GW in wind, solar projects and storage projects, guided by our values and our corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach. Through profitable and sustainable growth, Boralex is actively participating in the fight against global warming. Thanks to our fearlessness, our discipline, our expertise and our diversity, we continue to be an industry leader. Boralex's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BLX.

在Boralex,我們已經爲所有人提供了超過30年的可負擔的可再生能源。作爲加拿大市場的領導者,也是法國最大的陸上風電獨立生產商,我們在美國擁有設施,並在英國開發項目。在過去的五年中,我們的裝機容量增加了一倍以上,達到3 GW以上。我們正在開發一個接近6.7 GW的風能、太陽能和儲能項目組合,我們的價值觀和公司社會責任(CSR)理念指導着我們。通過盈利和可持續增長,Boralex積極參與全球變暖的鬥爭。由於我們的無畏、紀律、專業知識和多樣性,我們繼續保持行業領先地位。Boralex的股票在多倫多證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲BLX。

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欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或。關注我們的Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn。

For more information


Camille Laventure
Advisor, Public Affairs and External Communications
Boralex Inc.
438 883-8580
Stéphane Milot
Vice President, Investor Relations
Boralex Inc.
514 213-1045
媒體 投資者關係
Camille Laventure
Advisor, Public Affairs and External Communications
Boralex Inc。
438 883-8580
Stéphane Milot
Boralex Inc。
514 213-1045

Source: Boralex inc.


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