
Brightline Adds to Comprehensive Suite of Family Early Intervention Behavioral Support With the Launch of Innovative Offering for Families With Children, Ages 0-2

Brightline Adds to Comprehensive Suite of Family Early Intervention Behavioral Support With the Launch of Innovative Offering for Families With Children, Ages 0-2

PR Newswire ·  08/08 09:15

The evidence-based coaching program supports parents of infants and young children, a critical time for early intervention and support


SAN MATEO, Calif., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Brightline, the leading family behavioral health solution supporting children, teens, their parents, and caregivers, today announced two new programs for parents of young children, continuing its innovation in mental health and well-being services for children and families.

加州聖馬特奧,2024年8月8日/美通社/ - Brightline作爲領先的家庭行爲健康解決方案支持兒童、青少年、其父母和照護者,今天宣佈了兩個面向幼兒父母的新計劃,延續了在兒童和家庭心理健康和福祉服務方面的創新。

Built upon more than five years of clinically demonstrated impact in supporting family mental health, Brightline has added the Under 2 Coaching Program to its Family Early Intervention Behavioral Support Suite. The Under 2 Coaching Program is Brightline's newest evidence-based offering that also includes early intervention for autism care, a clinically effective parent management training program, and programs helping in problematic areas for families with young kids, including tantrums and sleep.

基於五年多臨床證明的家庭精神健康支持的經驗,Brightline已將「 Under 2 Coaching Program」添加到其早期家庭干預行爲支持套件中。『Under 2 Coaching Program』是Brightline最新的基於證據的服務,還包括早期干預的自閉症護理,一項臨床有效的家長管理培訓計劃,以及幫助有幼小孩家庭在問題領域實現困境,其中包括髮脾氣和睡眠的計劃。

Research shows that infancy to early childhood is a critical time for early interventions that can help prevent mental health problems in the future, with the first signs of difficulties often exhibited in infancy. Parents, particularly those navigating their return to the workforce, are also at a higher risk of developing mental health problems during these early weeks and months of a child's life. All of these services have established Brightline as the market leader for family mental health, as well as keeping parents and caregivers productive in the workforce.

研究表明,嬰兒期到幼兒期是一個關鍵時期,需要早期干預以幫助預防未來的心理健康問題,因爲困難的最初表現通常在嬰兒期出現。特別是那些在重返工作場所時進行導航的父母,也在這些孩子早期的幾個星期和幾個月面臨着更高的心理健康問題的風險。所有這些服務都已經確立了Brightline作爲家庭心理健康領域的市場領導者,同時保持父母和照護者在工作中的生產力。 Brightline的『 Under 2 Coaching Program』專注於從安全睡眠提示到常見行爲問題,溝通,培養安全的依戀,里程碑,照護者的心理健康和家庭福祉的一切。Brightline的教練計劃可以幫助父母的心理健康,提供管理照護者壓力和預防過勞的策略。針對那些患產後抑鬱和焦慮症的新媽媽——這影響到七名婦女中的一名婦女,教練鼓勵父母和照護者保持他們的行爲健康和福祉,並提供個人心理健康支持和家長和照護者教練。

The Brightline Under 2 Coaching Program focuses on everything from safe sleep tips to common behavioral concerns, communication, fostering secure attachments, milestones, and caregiver mental health and family wellness. Brightline's coaching programs can help with parental mental health, offering strategies for managing caregiver stress and preventing burnout. For new mothers who are at higher risk for postpartum depression and anxiety – which affects one in seven women – coaches encourage parents and caregivers to maintain their behavioral health and well-being by helping them connect to individual mental health support in addition to parent and caregiver coaching.

Brightline的推薦計劃和一對一聊天功能讓父母輕鬆應對常見的育兒問題。通過快速訪問護理和教練,『 Under 2 Coaching Program』可以幫助減少不必要的兒科診所預約,在那些早期的日子和年歲裏提供許多父母需要的指導和保證。 根據Brightine使用新Under 2 Coaching Program的家長,"Brightline是家庭的 incredible resource。我們感到欣慰,因爲我們得到了專業的支持,幫助我們認識並應對典型的幼兒行爲。我們的教練推薦的策略幫助我們更有效地與我們的幼兒溝通,這是有差異的。現在我們作爲父母更有信心,因爲我們知道我們的孩子理解什麼,不理解什麼,並計劃在每個發展階段都繼續使用Brightline." 有效的父母計劃可以減少兒童的攻擊性、焦慮和抑鬱,並提高兒童和父母的整體心理健康和福祉。特別是對於工作的父母來說,這使他們能夠有效地工作,同時更成功地管理他們的雙重角色-在工作中和作爲一個家長。

Brightline's referral program and one-on-one chat feature let parents easily navigate common parenting questions. With rapid access to care and coaches, the Under 2 Coaching Program can help reduce unnecessary pediatric appointments, providing the guidance and reassurance many parents need in those early days and years.

“大約有20%的兒童存在心理健康問題,研究表明這些挑戰早期的跡象可能早在嬰兒期出現,凸顯早期干預和支持父母的關鍵需求,"Brightline的教練副總裁NBC-HWC伊琳娜·比斯坎特(Irene Biscante)說,"兒童早期的育兒支持包括處理家長/照護者與孩子的關係以及父母和照護者如何幫助他們與世界互動。這有助於嬰兒發展安全的依戀和適應性互動,同時還提供技能培訓,增強父母的功能。

According to a Brightine parent using the new Under 2 Coaching Program, "Brightline is an incredible resource for families. We were relieved to receive professional support to help us recognize and respond to typical toddler behaviors. The strategies our coach recommended helped us communicate more effectively with our toddler, and it's made all the difference. We are more confident as parents now that we understand what our child does and doesn't understand, and plan to continue using Brightline as we go through each developmental phase."


Effective parenting programs can reduce aggression, anxiety, and depression in children while enhancing the overall mental health and well-being of the children and the parents. For working parents, specifically, this enables parents to work effectively while managing their dual roles – at work and as a parent – more successfully.

自2019年推出以來,Brightline已成爲兒科心理健康和家庭支持服務的領先解決方案。該組織推出了面向自閉症光譜障礙的計劃,專門爲BIPOC和LGBTQIA+社區提供教練服務,創新的家長教練計劃,以及由加利福尼亞州衛生保健服務部資助的免費州級教練和支持平台'BrightLife Kids'。 有效的育兒計劃可以減少兒童的攻擊性、焦慮和抑鬱,並提高兒童和父母的整體心理健康和福祉。特別是對於工作的父母來說,這使他們能夠有效地工作,同時更成功地管理他們的雙重角色-在工作中和作爲一個家長。

"Approximately 20% of children have a mental health issue, and research indicates that the early indicators of these challenges can develop as early as infancy, underscoring the critical need for early intervention and support for parents," said Irene Biscante, NBC-HWC, VP of Coaching at Brightline. "Parenting support during a child's early years includes working on parent/caregiver-child relationships and how parents and caregivers help their child interact with the world. This helps infants develop a secure attachment and adaptive interactions, while also offering skills training to enhance parental functioning."

"大約有20%的兒童存在心理健康問題,研究表明這些挑戰早期的跡象可能早在嬰兒期出現,凸顯了早期干預和支持父母的重要需求。'Brightline的教練部門副總裁NBC-HWC伊琳娜·比斯坎特(Irene Biscante)表示:"兒童早期的育兒支持包括處理家長/照護者與孩子的關係以及父母和照護者如何幫助他們與世界互動。這有助於嬰兒發展安全的依戀和適應性互動,同時還提供技能培訓,以增強父母的功能。

Similar to the expansions in coaching, Brightline has expanded its therapy offerings for children as young as 2 to support children, and their parents and caregivers. Depending on age (e.g., younger children) and certain presenting concerns (e.g., disruptive behaviors), and in line with research about effective interventions, therapy may focus more on working with caregivers than youth. In these situations, caregivers are important agents of change for youth who may experience more difficulty engaging in one-on-one care.


Since its launch in 2019, Brightline has become the leading solution for pediatric mental health and family support services. The organization has introduced programs for autism spectrum disorder, specialized coaching for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities, innovative parent coaching initiatives, and BrightLife Kids, a free statewide coaching and support platform, funded by the California Department of Health Care Services.

自 Brightline於2019年推出以來,已成爲兒科心理健康和家庭支持服務的領先解決方案。該組織推出了面向自閉症光譜障礙的計劃,專門爲BIPOC和LGBTQIA+社區提供教練服務,創新的家長教練計劃,以及由加利福尼亞州衛生保健服務部資助的免費州級教練和支持平台'BrightLife Kids'。 關於Brightline家庭行爲健康解決方案

About Brightline

Brightline是一種向兒童、青少年、他們的父母和照護者提供行爲健康支持的解決方案, 致力於創新照護方式,以迎合人們的生活方式、需求和興趣愛好。

Brightline is the world's first virtual behavioral health solution built to care for kids, teens, and their families and caregivers with a wide range of common challenges. A pioneer in pediatric mental health support, Brightline offers a family-focused approach that combines evidence-based treatments and innovative care delivery models, secure technology, and personalized referrals for escalated care needs. Trusted coaches, therapists, and prescribers support parents, caregivers, and kids – through every age and stage of life – so families can thrive. Available nationwide, Brightline is backed by leading investors KKR, GV (formerly Google Ventures), Oak HC/FT, and Threshold. Visit: .

Brightline是全球第一個爲照顧孩子、青少年及其家庭和護理人員提供廣泛常見問題解決方案的虛擬行爲健康解決方案。作爲兒童精神健康支持的先鋒,Brightline提供一種以家庭爲中心的方法,結合以證據爲基礎的治療和創新的護理交付模式、安全技術和個性化轉介,以滿足升級的護理需求。受信任的教練、治療師和處方者支持家長、護理人員和孩子們——通過生命的每個階段——讓家庭茁壯成長。Brightline在全國範圍內提供服務,由領先的投資者KKR、GV(前身爲Google Ventures)、Oak HC/Ft和Threshold支持。訪問: .

SOURCE Brightline Inc

來源:Brightline Inc

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