
MARC Assigns Premilinary Rating To Tropicana's Proposed RM1.5 Billion Sukuk

MARC Assigns Premilinary Rating To Tropicana's Proposed RM1.5 Billion Sukuk

Business Today ·  08/09 01:47

MARC Ratings has assigned a preliminary rating of AIS to Tropicana Corporation Berhad's proposed RM1.5 billion Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTN) (Sukuk Wakalah) and concurrently affirmed its ratings of AIS on the RM1.5 billion IMTN (Sukuk Wakalah) and A-IS on the RM2.0 billion Perpetual Sukuk. The outlook on all ratings it said is stable.

MARC評級已對Tropicana Corporation Berhad提出的15令吉伊斯蘭中期票據(IMTN)(Sukuk Wakalah)進行了AIS的初步評級,並同時確認了其對AIS在15令吉IMTN(Sukuk Wakalah)上的評級,以及對20令吉永久伊斯蘭債券的AIS評級。它所說的所有評級的前景都穩定。

Proceeds from the initial drawdown of RM350 million under the new programme will be largely utilised to redeem the first tranche of its Perpetual Sukuk of RM248 million on the first call date on September 25, 2024. Further issuances under the new programme over the next three years would be to redeem the remaining two Perpetual Sukuk tranches and refinance the outstanding notes under the existing Sukuk Wakalah, which currently has an outstanding of RM745.5 million (end-2023: RM855.5 million).

新計劃下初始提款35000萬令吉的收益將主要用於在2024年9月25日的首次贖回日贖回其第一筆24800萬令吉的永久伊斯蘭債券。未來三年新計劃下的進一步發行將是贖回剩餘的兩批永久伊斯蘭債券,併爲現有Sukuk Wakalah下的未償還票據再融資,該債券目前的未償還額爲74550萬令吉(2023年底:85550萬令吉)。

The ratings on the Sukuk Wakalah primarily reflect Tropicana's lengthy track record in property development, ability to generate sizeable sales revenue from developments and improving balance sheet structure. The one-notch differential between the Perpetual Sukuk and Sukuk Wakalah is in line with the Ratings agency methodology on subordinated instruments; no equity credit was given to the Perpetual Sukuk issuance as it ranks pari passu with other senior obligations.

Sukuk Wakalah的評級主要反映了Tropicana在房地產開發方面的長期往績、從開發項目中創造可觀銷售收入的能力以及資產負債表結構的改善。永續債券和Sukuk Wakalah之間的一級差異符合評級機構對次級債券的評級方法;永續債券的發行沒有獲得任何股票信貸,因爲它與其他優先債券的排名相當。

Tropicana's ongoing developments had a total gross development value of RM5.5 billion with an average take-up rate of 71% as at end-May 2024. Unbilled sales of RM2.4 billion underline strong earnings visibility over the medium term. For 1Q2024, revenue and operating profit rose by 13.5% y-o-y to RM291.3 million and 38.7% y-o-y to RM56.4 million.

截至2024年5月底,Tropicana正在進行的開發項目總開發價值爲55令吉,平均使用率爲71%。24令吉的未開票銷售額突顯了中期強勁的盈利可見度。1Q2024 的收入和營業利潤同比增長13.5%,至29130萬令吉,同比增長38.7%,至5640萬令吉。

MARC Ratings notes that in line with the deleveraging plans, Tropicana generated proceeds of RM673.9 million primarily from the disposal of two hotels and land parcels year to date. Consolidated debt-to-equity (DE) ratio improved to around 0.65x as of end-July 2024 (end-2023: 0.74x). Proceeds from other disposals including Tropicana Gardens Mall and land parcels in Johor for a total of RM1.2 billion would further reduce borrowings (including Perpetual Sukuk) to RM2.3 billion by end-2024 from around RM3.3 billion as at end-July 2024, with the DE ratio expected to ease further to around 0.50x. With lower borrowings, there has been significant reduction in financing cost with OPBITDA interest cover forecast to improve to 2x by end-2024 (end-2023: 0.9x).

MARC評級指出,根據去槓桿化計劃,Tropicana產生了67390萬令吉的收益,主要來自於今年迄今爲止出售兩家酒店和地塊。截至2024年7月底,合併債務與權益(DE)比率提高至約0.65倍(2023年底:0.74倍)。其他出售的收益,包括Tropicana Gardens購物中心和柔佛州總額爲12令吉的地塊,將進一步減少借款(包括永久債券),從2024年7月底的33令吉左右降至2024年底的23令吉,預計DE比率將進一步下降至0.50倍左右。隨着借款的減少,融資成本顯著降低,預計到2024年底,OPBITDA利息覆蓋率將提高到2倍(2023年底:0.9倍)。

Over the near term, Tropicana would focus on its ongoing projects primarily in the Klang Valley, Genting Highlands and Langkawi; it is expected to undertake more developments in Johor Bahru which would require increased working capital. While the group has headroom to undertake borrowings, the rating agency expects the group to demonstrate prudence in its funding approach. Among factors that the rating agency would consider for any rating upside would be a sustained improvement in OPBITDA interest cover.


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