
Maybank Launches Inaugural Social Impact Report 2023; Awards 7 ASEAN-Maybank Scholarships to Deserving Youths at 57th ASEAN Day Celebrations

Maybank Launches Inaugural Social Impact Report 2023; Awards 7 ASEAN-Maybank Scholarships to Deserving Youths at 57th ASEAN Day Celebrations

馬來亞銀行推出首份社會影響報告2023; 在第57屆東盟日慶典上頒發了7個東盟馬來亞銀行獎學金給優秀青年。
馬來亞銀行 ·  08/09 00:00

In a significant ceremony held as part of the 57th ASEAN Day celebrations in Jakarta, Indonesia, ASEAN Secretariat and Maybank unveiled the inaugural Maybank Social Impact Report (SIR) 2023 and presented the ASEAN-Maybank Scholarships (AMS) to seven deserving students from across the region.


Themed on "Purpose Driven Social Impact Across ASEAN", the SIR showcases banking and beyond banking social initiatives by Maybank and Maybank Foundation that have positively impacted its stakeholders and communities it serves across ASEAN. The SIR is also the first of its kind published by a financial institution in this region, aligned with global and Maybank Group's sustainability agenda, and its impact objectives designed to address United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

以「在全球目標的指引下,通過各種銀行和超越銀行的社會計劃,爲東盟帶來積極影響」爲主題的SIR展示了馬來亞銀行和馬來亞銀行基金會的社會計劃,這些計劃對其利益相關者和服務社區產生了積極影響。SIR也是該地區金融機構首次發佈的一種報告,與全球和馬來亞銀行集團的可持續發展議程相一致,其影響目標旨在實現聯合國可持續發展目標(UN SDGs)。

AMS is the first scholarship programme between the ASEAN Secretariat with Maybank Foundation, the first financial institution to be accorded an ASEAN accredited entity, and marks its sixth year of involvement with the secretariat. Launched in 2021, the AMS were awarded to seven students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam this year; making a total number of 15 AMS scholars to date.


The unveiling of the SIR and the AMS scholarship presentation was graced by H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General, ASEAN, and Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Chairman, Maybank & Maybank Foundation, alongside Shahril Azuar Jimin, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, Maybank, and Izlyn Ramli, Chief Executive Officer, Maybank Foundation. The event was also attended by the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR).

SIR的揭幕和AMS獎學金頒發儀式受到了東盟秘書長高金源博士和馬來亞銀行及馬來亞銀行基金會主席Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa的賞識,他們與Maybank Group的首席可持續發展官Shahril Azuar Jimin和馬來亞銀行基金會首席執行官Izlyn Ramli一同出席了這個活動。該事件還受到了永久代表委員會(CPR)的參加。


L-R : Izlyn Ramli, CEO of Maybank Foundation; H.E Ambassador Bovonethat Douang Chak, Permanent Representative of Lao PDR to ASEAN and Chairman of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN; Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Chairman of Maybank Group and Maybank Foundation; H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General, ASEAN, H.E Ambassador Sarah Al Bakri Devadason, Permanent Representative of Malaysia to ASEAN and Shahril Azuar Jimin, Group Chief Sustainability Officer Maybank at the unveiling of the inaugural Maybank Social Impact Report (SIR) 2023 at the ASEAN-Maybank Scholarships (AMS) presentation in Jakarta Indonesia.

左到右:Maybank Foundation首席執行官Izlyn Ramli,老撾駐東盟永久代表大使兼東盟常駐代表委員會主席H. E. Bovonethat Douang Chak,Maybank Group和Maybank Foundation主席Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa,東盟秘書長高金源博士,馬來西亞駐東盟永久代表大使Sarah Al Bakri Devadason和Maybank集團首席可持續發展官Shahril Azuar Jimin在雅加達東盟-Maybank獎學金(AMS)頒發典禮上爲首份馬來亞銀行社會影響報告(SIR)2023揭幕。

Addressing the attendees, H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn remarked, "I would like to congratulate the Maybank Group for this successful initiative in investing into the education and development of ASEAN youth. As the Secretary-General of ASEAN, I see the merits of this scholarship and the important role it plays in advancing and realising the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2021 – 2025, notably to sustain and strengthen ASEAN capacity in higher education harmonisation through strategies, mechanisms, and scholarship provision."


"I would also like to see more ASEAN Entities, like Maybank Foundation, to continue to work with the ASEAN Secretariat in bringing ASEAN closer to the people with their impactful involvement and participations. Everyone has a role to play in the ASEAN Community building process, with their ideas, thoughts, views and contributions," added H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn.


Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani said that it was an honour to introduce Maybank's first Social Impact Report at the ASEAN Day this year, and expressed gratitude to continue the collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat to finalise this year's scholarship intake.

Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani表示,今年在東盟日介紹馬來亞銀行首份社會影響報告是一份榮耀,並表達了繼續與東盟秘書處合作完成今年獎學金招生的感激之情。

"The SIR covers financial inclusion and empowerment initiatives with intended and realised outcomes for the communities we serve. With an in-depth focus on our purpose driven banking and beyond banking social programmes, the SIR also showcases the journey of our beneficiaries growing from strength to strength while providing an overview of Maybank's strategies and commitments in creating value and meaningful social impact for all our stakeholders, anchored on the three pillars of Empowering Education, Community Empowerment and Environmental Diversity. Through our banking initiatives, we have disbursed RM33.76 billion in financing to close to 700,000 individuals and over 108,000 Small Medium Enterprises (SME), and uplifted 1.56 million lives across ASEAN via our ongoing 89 beyond banking initiatives with the communities, run across the Maybank Group with Maybank Foundation as the primary social impact arm."


"AMS is one such key programme under Maybank Foundation, and we remain committed to investing in the potential of our youth and equipping them with the tools they need to thrive. Through the scholarship programme, we continue to nurture new talents and build a network of future leaders that are capable to contribute positively to advance ASEAN's development," added Tan Sri Zamzamzairani.

Tan Sri Zamzamzairani補充說:「AMS是馬來亞銀行基金會下的一個重要計劃,我們致力於投資於我們青年的潛力,併爲他們提供他們需要的工具來發展。通過這個獎學金計劃,我們繼續培育新的人才,並建立一個未來領袖網絡,能夠積極爲推動東盟的發展做出貢獻。」

The AMS provides an opportunity for talented ASEAN youth to pursue higher education at prestigious ASEAN universities listed under the ASEAN University Network (AUN). This initiative, developed in partnership with the ASEAN Secretariat and Maybank Foundation, is designed to nurture future leaders and promote regional integration in line with the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025.


This year's recipients, selected from a competitive pool of 2,001 applicants, were recognised for their outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities, resilience, and dedication to community service and ASEAN development. The 2024 AMS recipients are:


Name Nationality University Course
Anas Abdurahman Mohammad Philippines University of Malaya Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
Cheap Chealinda Cambodia Singapore Management University Bachelor of Business Management
Han Win Aung Myanmar King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Bachelor of Computer Science
Jessica Tahir Indonesia Northern University of Malaysia Bachelor of International Affairs Management (Honours)
Michele Adriani Wirawan Indonesia University of Malaya Bachelor of Media Studies
Lin Htet Oo Myanmar Mahildol University, Thailand Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Global Affairs
Tran Thi Thuy Duong Vietnam University of Malaya Bachelor of Arts International and Strategic Studies
姓名 國籍 大學 課程
Anas Abdurahman Mohammad 菲律賓 馬來亞大學 計算機科學學士(人工智能)
Cheap Chealinda 柬埔寨 新加坡管理大學 工商管理學士學位
Han Win Aung 緬甸 曼谷工藝大學 計算機科學學士學位
Jessica Tahir 印度尼西亞 馬來西亞北方大學 國際事務管理學士(榮譽)學位
Michele Adriani Wirawan 印度尼西亞 馬來亞大學 傳媒學士學位
Lin Htet Oo 緬甸 泰國馬希隆大學 國際關係與全球事務文學學士學位
Tran Thi Thuy Duong 越南 馬來亞大學 國際戰略研究文學學士學位

Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani, Chairman of Maybank Group & Maybank Foundation (center in green) and H.E Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General, ASEAN (center in blazer) flanked by Permanent Representatives of the respective countries to ASEAN, senior Maybank officials and the recipients of the Asean-Maybank Scholarships (AMS) (front row).

馬來銀行集團和萬寶集團主席Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Zamzamzairani(中間穿綠色衣服)和東盟秘書長Kao Kim Hourn博士(中間穿藍色西裝外套),兩人旁邊是各國駐東盟代表、馬來銀行高層和新一屆東盟-馬來銀行獎學金(AMS)的獲獎者(前排)。

Tan Sri Zamzamzairani also emphasised, "Maybank is in a unique position to enable sustainable economic and socio-economic growth across ASEAN. We are privileged to play our part in driving meaningful developments, witnessing first-hand the positive multiplier impact that financial inclusion has in addressing the diverse needs of the underserved and unserved, aligned to our mission of Humanising Financial Services."

Tan Sri Zamzamzairani也強調道:「馬來銀行在推動東盟可持續經濟和社會經濟增長方面處於獨特的地位。我們很榮幸扮演自己的角色,親身見證了金融包容對於滿足未得到服務和服務不足人群的各種需求所帶來的積極多元效應,這符合我們人性化金融服務的使命。」

"Maybank also continues to value its strategic collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat and the importance of shaping a generation of youth that is well-equipped with strong fundamentals via education and AMS. This is a necessity as we grow stronger as a region, ensuring a brighter future for all."


Maybank's Social Impact Report can be viewed at .


About ASEAN Secretariat


The ASEAN Secretariat is the central coordinating body of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Its primary role is to facilitate cooperation and integration among ASEAN member states. The ASEAN Secretariat works closely with partner organizations, governments, and stakeholders to advance regional cooperation and foster economic, political, and social progress in the region.


About Maybank


Maybank is among Asia's leading financial groups and Southeast Asia's fourth largest bank by asset with close to 44,000 employees worldwide. The Group has an international network of some 2,600 offices in 18 countries including all 10 ASEAN countries and also present in international financial centres such as London, New York, Hong Kong and Dubai. With a purpose to Humanise Financial Services and guided by its M25+ strategy, Maybank provides any array of value-based solutions established on sustainable and ethical principles to meet its customers evolving needs. These extensive range of products and services, include consumer and corporate banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, stock broking, insurance and takaful and asset management. ()

馬來亞銀行是亞洲領先的金融集團之一,在全球擁有近44,000名員工。該集團在18個國家擁有約2,600個分支機構,包括東盟十個成員國,同時也在倫敦、紐約、香港和迪拜等國際金融中心設立分支機構。馬來亞銀行以人性化金融服務爲宗旨,以M25+戰略爲指導,基於可持續和道德原則提供一系列基於價值觀的解決方案,以滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。這些廣泛的產品和服務包括消費者和企業銀行、投資銀行、伊斯蘭銀行、股票經紀、保險和Takaful以及資產管理。 ()

About Maybank Foundation


Maybank Foundation is the social impact arm of the Maybank Group, which seeks to positively impact communities in markets that Maybank operates. The Foundation's programmes are focused on 3 key pillars which are Empowering Education, Community Empowerment and Environmental Diversity. Over the past six years, Maybank Foundation has evolved into a prominent regional social impact organisation, furthering Maybank's mission to Humanise Financial Services. Since 2014, the Foundation has positively impacted over 460,000 lives, earning ASEAN accreditation and reaffirming Maybank's commitment to sustainable, positive and measurable impact across the region.


Maybank launches inaugural Social Impact Report 2023; awards 7 ASEAN-Maybank Scholarships to deserving youths at 57th ASEAN Day Celebrations
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