
Earnings Call Summary | Nutex Health(NUTX.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Nutex Health(NUTX.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Nutex Health(NUTX.US) 2024年2季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  08/10 17:52  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Nutex Health (NUTX) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Nutex Health(NUTX)Q2 2024業績會議呼叫記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 total revenue grew 29%, from $58.9 million to $76.1 million year-over-year.

  • Mature hospital revenue increased by 13.2% compared to Q2 2023.

  • Hospital division visits increased by 28% compared to the same quarter last year.

  • Gross profit for Q2 2024 was $22.6 million, a 134% increase over Q2 2023, representing a margin of 29.7%.

  • Adjusted EBITDA for Q2 2024 was $12 million, an increase of 200% compared to $4 million in Q2 2023.

  • Net loss improved significantly from $3.5 million in Q2 2023 to only $364,000 in Q2 2024.

  • Q2 2024總營業收入同比增長29%,從5,890萬美元增至7,610萬美元。

  • 與Q2 2023相比,成熟醫院的收入增長了13.2%。

  • 醫院部門的就診人數同比增長28%。

  • Q2 2024的毛利潤爲2260萬美元,較Q2 2023增長134%,佔比29.7%。

  • Q2 2024調整後的EBITDA爲1200萬美元,較Q2 2023增長200%,爲400萬美元。

  • 淨虧損從Q2 2023的350萬美元顯着好轉,僅爲Q2 2024的364,000美元。

Business Progress:


  • Nutex Health is expanding with four new hospitals under construction, expected to open in the next 6-12 months in various locations including Idaho, Florida, Wisconsin, and Texas.

  • Planning to open one to three new hospitals per year beyond 2025.

  • Sold off less profitable assets to reinvest in more strategic areas.

  • Implemented a new HR software, Workday, to streamline operations and planning to introduce new labor management software.

  • Nutex Health正在擴張,並正在建設四家新醫院,預計在接下來的6-12個月內在不同的地點,包括愛達荷州、佛羅里達州、威斯康星州和德克薩斯州開業。

  • 計劃在2025年後每年開設一至三家新醫院。

  • 出售利潤較低的資產以重新投資更具戰略性的領域。

  • 實施了新的人力資源軟件Workday,以簡化運營,並計劃引入新的勞動力管理軟件。



  • Positioned to meet the growing demand for healthcare, especially with an aging population ('silver tsunami').

  • Expanding the service mix at hospitals to increase inpatient and observation volumes, aiming for more comprehensive care within their facilities.

  • 準備滿足不斷增長的醫療需求,特別是隨着人口老齡化而來的「白銀海嘯」。

  • 擴大醫院的服務組合,增加住院和觀察量,並旨在在其設施內提供更全面的護理。



  • Arbitration process under the No Surprises Act could affect revenue if unsuccessful, despite previous favorable outcomes.

  • 如果不成功,未來費用不得超過限額法仲裁程序可能會影響收入,儘管以前有過有利的結果。

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