
Earnings Call Summary | Dirtt Environmental Solutions(DRTTF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Dirtt Environmental Solutions(DRTTF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Dirtt Environmental Solutions(DRTTF.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  08/11 16:03  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. (DRTTF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是DIRTt環保解決方案有限公司(DRTTF)2024 Q2業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • DIRTT reported a decrease in revenues to $41.2 million in Q2 2024, down 8% year-over-year.

  • Gross profit margin increased from 32.5% in Q2 2023 to 37.3% in Q2 2024, and adjusted gross profit margin from 36.2% to 39.4%, due to improved material optimization and cost reductions.

  • Operating expenses decreased by 15% year-over-year to $14.4 million.

  • Adjusted EBITDA was $3.2 million, a $1.3 million improvement from Q2 2023.

  • Net income after tax for Q2 2024 was $0.6 million, compared to a $2.2 million profit in Q2 2023.

  • DIRTt報告稱2024 Q2營業收入爲4120萬美元,同比下降8%。

  • 毛利潤率從2023 Q2的32.5%提高到2024 Q2的37.3%,調整後毛利率從36.2%提高到39.4%,因爲材料優化和成本降低有所改善。

  • 營業費用同比下降15%至1440萬美元。

  • 經調整後的EBITDA爲320萬美元,比2023 Q2提高了130萬美元。

  • 2024 Q2稅後淨利潤爲60萬美元,而2023 Q2爲220萬美元利潤。

Business Progress:


  • Signed agreements to purchase for cancellation approximately CAD 32.6 million of DIRTT debentures, significantly reducing long-term debt.

  • Introduced new innovative products including the COVE, a dynamic emergency room solution.

  • Continual growth in the construction partner base with new large partners added.

  • Strengthened operational efficiencies leading to a positive adjusted EBITDA in five consecutive quarters.

  • Announced several new client acquisitions and strengthened pipeline with notable deals including a 3-year MoU with a major U.S. healthcare organization.

  • 簽署協議以購買大約CAD 3260萬的DIRTt債券進行註銷,從而大大降低長期債務。

  • 推出新穎的產品,包括COVE,一種動態急救室解決方案。

  • 持續擴大施工合作伙伴,增加新的大型合作伙伴。

  • 加強運營效率,實現連續五個季度的調整EBITDA爲正。

  • 宣佈了幾個新的客戶收購,並與美國主要醫療保健組織簽訂了爲期3年的諒解備忘錄,加強了管道。



  • Expanded sales channels for casework offerings through the ICE software platform.

  • Engaged in strategic diversification within the interior construction industry through new partnerships and market expansions.

  • 通過ICE軟件平台擴大案件工作提供的銷售渠道。

  • 通過新夥伴關係和市場拓展,在室內裝修行業進行戰略多元化。



  • Dependence on large individual health care and education projects which face variable sales cycles and may impact revenue timing.

  • 依賴於面臨不穩定銷售週期的大型醫療保健和教育項目,可能會影響收入時機。

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