


SIMPLY BETTER BRANDS公司宣布2024年第二季度财务报告(暂定)
PR Newswire ·  08/12 07:30
  • SBBC generated net revenue of $21.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, a 3% increase over the prior year, and Adjusted EBITDA of $1.0 million from its continuing operations.
  • During Q2-2024, SBBC announced TRUBAR's increased presence in 16 U.S. states by adding over 7 new retail chains including Hy-Vee and Erewhon, in addition to onboarding over 1,000 GNC locations, and initiating a national rollout in Costco.
  • SBBC在截至2024年6月30日的六个月内产生了2100万美元的净收入,比去年同期增长3%,并从其持续运营中获得了100万美元的调整后的EBITDA。
  • 在2024年Q2期间,SBBC宣布TRUBAR在16个美国州的存在增加,除了向超过1000个GNC位置介绍外,在Hy-Vee和Erewhon等超过7个新零售连锁店中进行了上市,并在Costco进行了国家范围的推广。

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 12, 2024 /CNW/ - Simply Better Brands Corp. ("SBBC" or the "Company") (TSXV: SBBC) (OTCQB: SBBCF), an international omni-channel platform with a portfolio of diversified assets in the rapidly growing plant-based, natural, and clean ingredient space, is pleased to announce its interim financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. All amounts are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise noted. Certain metrics, including those expressed on an adjusted basis, are non-International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") measures, see "Non-IFRS Measures" below.

VANCOUVER,BC,2024年8月12日/CNW/ - Simply Better Brands Corp.(“SBBC”或“公司”)(TSXV:SBBC)(OTCQB:SBBCF)是一家国际性的全渠道平台,拥有在快速增长的植物为基础、天然和清洁成分领域中的多样化资产组合,并高兴地宣布其截至2024年6月30日的第二季度的中期财务业绩。除非另有说明,否则所有金额均以美元表示。特定指标,包括以调整基础表达的指标,均为不符合国际财务报告准则(“IFRS”)的衡量标准,请参见下文的“非IFRS措施”。

Kingsley Ward, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of SBBC commented on the second quarter results, "I am very pleased with the Company's progress over this past quarter, during which we achieved significant milestones in expanding our distribution footprint, enhancing our financial position, and strengthening our leadership team and board. We have completed our restructuring efforts after divesting non-core assets, ensuring that we are laser focused on our key growth areas. We are proud of our accomplishments this quarter and remain committed to delivering value to our shareholders."

SBBC的首席执行官兼董事长Kingsley Ward在二季度业绩中评论称:“我对公司在过去的季度取得的进展非常满意,在过去的季度中,我们在扩大分销范围,增强财务状况和加强领导团队和董事会方面实现了重要的里程碑。在剥离非核心资产后,我们已完成了重组工作,确保我们专注于重点增长领域。我们为本季度的成果感到自豪,并致力于为我们的股东提供价值。”

Erica Groussman, Co-Founder and CEO of Tru Brands, Inc. added "I'm extremely proud of our team's ability to ramp up TRUBAR's distribution footprint by adding several new retail chains, including Loop Neighborhood Markets to extend our geographic reach across 16 states. Additionally, our collaboration with GNC has brought TRUBAR into more than 1,000 GNC retail locations across the U.S., further solidifying our market position."

Tru Brands公司联合创始人兼CEO Erica Groussman补充道:“我非常自豪我们的团队能够通过添加几个新的零售商,包括Loop Neighborhood Markets,将TRUBAR的分销范围扩大到16个州。此外,我们与GNC的合作已将TRUBAR带入了美国1,000多个GNC零售店,进一步巩固了市场地位。”

Brian Meadows, Chief Financial Officer of SBBC commented, "The Company remains committed to enhancing its financial strength through a series of strategic initiatives that includes equity placements, convertible debt conversions, and securing lines of credit. This quarter, we have made significant strides in this regard. Notably, we have secured an aggregate of USD $10 million in credit facilities with a tier one Canadian bank. These new credit lines will considerably reduce our cost of capital and provide the necessary financial support for expanding TRUBAR sales across the U.S., Canada, and international markets. Our focus on improving working capital has also involved establishing several lines of credit for our subsidiaries, enabling us to effectively finance large retail purchase orders and support our key customers. These initiatives are crucial as we continue to scale our operations and seize growth opportunities in the market. Our financial and strategic measures are designed to support the continued success and expansion of our brand portfolio."

SBBC的首席财务官Brian Meadows评论道:“公司始终致力于通过一系列战略举措增强其财务实力,包括股本配售、可转换债券换股和获得授信额度。本季度,我们在这方面取得了显着进展。值得注意的是,我们已在加拿大一家一流银行获得了总额为1,000万美元的信贷额度。这些新的信贷额度将大大降低我们的资金成本,并为扩大TRUBAR销售的美国、加拿大和国际市场提供必要的财务支持。我们的重点是改善营运资本,包括为子公司建立几条信贷额度,使我们能够有效地为大型零售采购订单提供融资,并支持我们的重要客户。随着我们继续扩大业务并抓住市场增长机会,这些举措至关重要。我们的财务和战略措施旨在支持我们品牌组合的持续成功和扩张。”

Selected financial and operating information are outlined below and should be read with the Company's interim consolidated financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 ("MD&A"), which are available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

以下是所选的财务和运营信息,应与该公司截至2024年6月30日的三个和六个月的中期财务报表及相关管理讨论和分析(“MD&A”)一起阅读,这些报表和分析可以在SEDAR +的公司资料中查看。



Financial highlights for the Company's continuing operations during the three months ended June 30, 2024 include:


  • The Company generated revenue of $7.0 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to revenue of $8.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023, representing a decline of 17% primarily due to a decrease in revenue in the CBD segment.
  • R Revenues derived from TRUBAR sales for the three months ended June 30, 2024, was $6.4 million compared to $6.1 million for the comparable period in 2023 (increase of $0.3 million or 5%).
  • Gross profit for the three months ended June 30, 2024 was $3.3 million (or 47% gross margin percentage) compared to gross profit of $1.8 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 (or 21% gross margin percentage). The increase in gross margin percentage was driven by lower production costs of TRUBAR and from the impact of netting of coupon marketing costs against the 2023 TRUBAR sales.
  • Gross profits derived from TRUBAR sales for the three months ended June 30, 2024, was $2.9 million (45% of revenue) compared to $0.1 million (2% of revenue) for the comparable period in 2023 (increase of $2.8 million).
  • Operating costs for the three months ended June 30, 2024 were $4.1 million, an increase of $0.8 million (or 24%), compared to $3.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023 due to marketing allowances on TRUBAR retailer sales.
  • The Company had Adjusted EBITDA of $0.3 million from continuing operations for the three months ended June 30, 2024, a $0.7 million improvement over the Adjusted EBITDA achieved in the comparable period in 2023. The improvement in Adjusted EBITDA was due to the higher gross profit in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year.
  • During the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded a net loss from continuing operations of $7.1 million compared to a net loss of $2.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The majority of the loss from continuing operations was driven by the fair value changes to warrants and derivative liabilities measured during the second quarter ($6.3 million total impact).
  • 该公司于2024年6月30日的三个月内收入为700万美元,而2023年6月30日的三个月内收入为840万美元,相比较下降了17%,主要是由于CBD部门收入下降。
  • 2024年6月30日结束的三个月中,TRUBAR销售收入为640万美元,而2023年同期为610万美元(增长30万美元或5%)。
  • 截至2024年6月30日的三个月中,毛利润为330万美元(毛利率为47%),而2023年6月30日的三个月中,毛利润为180万美元(毛利率为21%)。 毛利率的增加是由于TRUBAR生产成本低和2013年TRUBAR销售的优惠券营销成本的影响。
  • 2024年6月30日结束的三个月中,TRUBAR销售的毛利润为290万美元(收入的45%),而2023年同期为10万美元(收入的2%)(增加280万美元)。
  • 2024年6月30日结束的三个月中,运营成本为410万美元,比2023年6月30日的三个月的330万美元增加了80万美元,主要是由于TRUBAR零售商销售的市场津贴。
  • 公司持续经营的调整后EBITDA为300000美元,比2023相同期间实现的调整后EBITDA提高了70万美元。 调整后EBITDA的改善是由于2024年第二季度较去年同期毛利润的增加。
  • 在截至2024年6月30日的三个月中,公司持续经营的净亏损为710万美元,而2023年6月30日的三个月的净亏损为270万美元。连续经营中的大部分亏损是由于二季度测量的认股权和衍生负债的公允价值变动(总影响630万美元)。

Financial highlights for the Company's continuing operations during the six months ended June 30, 2024 included:


  • For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company generated revenue of $21.0 million compared to $20.3 million during the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • Revenues derived from TRUBAR sales for the six months ended June 30, 2024, was $19.4 million compared to $16.3 million for the comparable period in 2023 (increase of $3.1 million or 19%).
  • Gross profit for the six months ended June 30, 2024 was $7.4 million (or 35% gross margin percentage) compared gross profit of $6.3 million (or 31% gross margin percentage) for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • Gross profits derived from TRUBAR sales for the six months ended June 30, 2024, was $6.2 million (32% of revenue) compared to $3.2 million (20% of revenue) for the comparable period in 2023 (increase of $3.0 million).
  • Operating costs for the six months ended June 30, 2024, were $7.6 million, a decrease of $1.2 million (or 14%), compared to $8.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • The Company had Adjusted EBITDA of $1.0 million from continuing operations for the six months period ending June 30, 2024, a $0.9 million improvement over the Adjusted EBITDA achieved in the comparable period in 2023. The improvement in Adjusted EBITDA was due to higher gross profit which was partially offset by higher cash operating expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the prior year.
  • During the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded a net loss from continuing operations of $7.3 million compared to a net loss of $5.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023.
  • 截至2024年6月30日的六个月,公司的收入为2100万美元,而截至2023年6月30日的六个月为2030万美元。
  • 2024年6月30日结束的六个月中,TRUBAR销售的收入是1940万美元,而2023年同期为1630万美元(增加310万美元或19%)。
  • 截至2024年6月30日的六个月中,公司的毛利润为740万美元(毛利率为35%),而截至2023年6月30日的六个月中的毛利润为630万美元(毛利率为31%)。
  • 2024年6月30日前六个月TRUBAR销售毛利润为620万美元(收入的32%),而2023年同期为320万美元(收入的20%),增加了300万美元。
  • 2024年6月30日前六个月的营业费用为760万美元,与2023年6月30日前六个月的880万美元相比下降了120万美元(或14%)。
  • 该公司截至2024年6月30日的持续业务调整后的EBITDA为100万美元,较2023年同期获得的调整后的EBITDA提高了90万美元。调整后的EBITDA改善是由于销售毛利润增加,部分抵消了2024年6月30日前六个月的现金营业费用相对于去年同期的增加。
  • 在2024年6月30日前六个月中,该公司的持续经营出现净损失730万美元,而2023年6月30日前六个月为净损失520万美元。

Segmented financial highlights for the Company's TRUBAR business included:


  • TRUBAR's second quarter revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2024, was $6.4 million compared to $6.1 million for the comparable period in 2023 (increase of $0.3 million or 5%).
  • The No B.S. brand recorded revenue of $0.4 million in the three months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of 33% compared to revenue of $0.3 million in the three months ended June 30, 2023. The increase was driven by the national launch of the No B.S. brand in Walgreen's in Q4 2023 across the retail chain's 3,400 locations.
  • TRUBAR在2024年6月30日前三个月的收入为640万美元,而2023年同期为610万美元(增加了30万美元或5%)。
  • No b.S.品牌在2024年6月30日前三个月的营业收入为40万美元,而2023年6月30日前三个月为30万美元,增长了33%。增长是由于No b.S.在Walgreen的全国推出,覆盖零售连锁店的3400个位置。



Significant business and operational highlights for the Company during the three months ended June 30, 2024 included:


  • Board Nominations: During the second quarter, the Company announced the additions of Erica Groussman, Brock Bundy and St. John Walshe to the Company's Board of Directors. Ms. Groussman is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Tru Brands, Inc. Mr. Bundy has more than 30 years' experience in the financial sector. Mr. Walshe joins the SBBC Board of Directors with over a three-decade career with Omnicom Group Inc., one of the world's largest marketing services firms, and previously having served as Chief Executive Officer of BBDO in the Americas.
  • National Rollout of TRUBAR in Costco: On June 21, 2024, the Company announced a new national rollout of TRUBAR. The first stage of the rollout is taking place in four Costco regions – Los Angeles, Northeast, Texas, and Northwest – with additional Costco regions to follow.
  • 董事会提名在第二季度,公司宣布将Erica Groussman,Brock Bundy和St. John Walshe加入公司的董事会。Groussman女士是Tru Brands,Inc.联合创始人兼首席执行官。Bundy先生在金融领域拥有30年以上的经验。Walshe先生是Omnicom Group Inc.的一个营销服务公司,在美洲曾担任BBDO首席执行官。
  • TRUBAR的全国推出在2024年6月21日,该公司宣布TRUBAR的全国推出。推出的第一阶段正在四个Costco地区进行——洛杉矶、东北、德克萨斯和西北,其他Costco地区将跟进。 在好市多的TRUBAR2024年7月4日,该公司宣布,它继续扩大TRUBAR在北美的分销渠道,在全球的健康和健康领域占据领先地位的GNC加入了其中。 TRUBAR的推出正在美国的1000多个GNC零售店进行,并可在线上购买。



Significant business and operational highlights for the Company subsequent to June 30, 2024 included:


  • CEO Appointment: On July 11, 2024, the Company announced J.R. Kingsley Ward has become SBBC's permanent CEO in addition to his role as Chairman of the SBBC Board of Directors after successfully leading the Company through a period of transition and growth since February 2024 as Interim CEO.
  • Partnership with GNC: On July 4, 2024, the Company announced that it continues to build momentum expanding its North American distribution footprint for TRUBAR with the addition of GNC, the global leader in health and wellness. The launch of TRUBAR was underway in more than 1,000 GNC retail locations across the U.S. and is available online at
  • Rollout of TRUBAR in Whole Foods: On July 18, 2024, the Company announced a significant step in building out its North American distribution footprint for TRUBAR with the addition of Whole Foods Market to its expanding lineup of key retailers across the U.S. Beginning in July, TRUBAR will be available in select Whole Foods Market locations around the U.S., building on a successful initial rollout of the brand in the Denver Metro area where it has delivered strong sales velocities in the competitive nutrition bar category. The introduction of TRUBAR in Whole Foods Market is among the 9,500 new store locations across the U.S. where the brand is rolling out by the end of the third quarter.
  • Closing of an additional $5M USD credit facility with a Tier One Canadian bank: On August 8, 2024, the Company announced it had closed the previously announced USD $5 million credit facility for its 100% owned subsidiary TRU Brands, Inc. The new credit facility is incremental to the USD $5 million credit facility previously announced on June 19, 2024. The credit facility will substantially lower the current cost of capital to 8.85-9.0% per annum compared to its current receivable factoring arrangement that averages a cost of 15%+ per annum.
  • Additionally, the Company received an investment of $3 million to facilitate the repayment of an existing lender who held a first priority charge against certain assets of the Company at an interest rate of 15% per annum. This investment allowed the Company to repay an existing lender and to remove the prior security granted in order to facilitate the credit facility all of which resulted in the availability of more favourable terms under the credit facility with the Tier One Canadian bank and an overall reduction in the Company's cost of capital. The loan was made pursuant to three secured promissory notes of the Company each representing a principal amount of CAD $1 million (the "Promissory Notes"). The Promissory Notes will mature on July 31, 2025, and will bear interest at a rate of 15% per annum payable monthly in arrears.
  • 首席执行官任命2024年7月11日,该公司宣布J.R. Kingsley Ward已成为SBBC的永久首席执行官,除了担任SBBC董事会主席的角色外,自2024年2月以来,成功地领导了公司的过渡和增长。
  • 与GNC的合作伙伴关系2024年7月4日,该公司宣布,它继续扩大TRUBAR在北美的分销渠道,在全球的健康和健康领域占据领先地位的GNC加入了其中。 TRUBAR的推出正在美国的1000多个GNC零售店进行,并可在线上购买。
  • TRUBAR的推出在2024年6月21日,该公司宣布TRUBAR的全国推出。推出的第一阶段正在四个Costco地区进行——洛杉矶、东北、德克萨斯和西北,其他Costco地区将跟进。 在全食2024年7月18日,公司宣布在TRUBAR北美拓展分销业务方面迈出了重要一步,将全食市场加入到其在美国逐渐扩大的主要零售商名单中。从7月开始,TRUBAR将在全美选择的全食超市销售,此前其品牌已在丹佛大都市区成功推出,销售极佳。TRUBAR在全食市场的推出,是该品牌将在整个美国九千五百个新店铺中于2024年第三季度末之前推出的一部分。
  • 与一家加拿大一级银行签署了500万美元的信贷额度协议: 2024年8月8日,公司宣布已为其100%全资子公司TRU Brands,Inc.关闭了先前宣布的500万美元信贷额度。新的信贷额度是在2024年6月19日先前宣布的500万美元信贷额度之外的一项新增额度。该信贷额度将大幅降低目前的资本成本,从目前平均成本为15%以上的应收账款保理安排下降到8.85-9.0%年利率。
  • 此外,公司获得了300万美元的投资,用于偿还现有债权人的欠款,该债权人持有公司某些资产的第一优先担保,并以每年15%的利率计息。这项投资使公司能够偿还现有债权人,并撤回之前授予的担保,以促成与一级加拿大银行的信贷业务,从而获得更有利的条款和降低成本。贷款是根据公司的三张担保票据提供的,每张票据代表CAD100万的本金,票据将于2025年7月31日到期,并按月支付15%的年利率。



The Company's primary liquidity and capital requirements are for inventory and general corporate working capital purposes. The Company had a cash balance of $2.9 million as of June 30, 2024, which will provide capital to support the planned growth of the business and for general corporate working capital purposes. The Company's working capital deficiency decreased from $12.4 million as of December 31, 2023, to a working capital deficiency of $5.1 million as of June 30, 2024 ($7.3 million decrease). Additionally, if the warrant liabilities are excluded, there would be a working capital surplus of $2 million. Warrant liabilities do not require cash to settle, only the issuance of common shares. Significant liquidity and capital related updates included:


  • The PureKana subsidiary and the Mainstreet loan: PureKana filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on April 3, 2024. The PureKana Mainstreet loan and its accounts payable liabilities contributed materially to the working capital deficiency of the Company as of December 31, 2023. With PureKana's Chapter 7 filing on April 3, 2024, the loan and liabilities are no longer be reflected on the Company's consolidated working capital position as of April 3, 2024.
  • Private Placements: The Company completed a non-brokered private placement for CA$4 million in equity to be used for working capital and for growth initiatives in 2024 on May 9, 2024. Additionally, the Company generated CA$1,497,771 from warrant exercise to date.
  • Line of Credit Facilities: The Company secured several lines of credit facilities for three of its subsidiaries to support the financing of purchase orders from key customers. During the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company raised over $5.7 million in funds from these lines of credit to finance purchase orders from its large retail customers. Over the same period, the Company repaid over $9.9 million of these credit facilities to the lender. The nature of these loans is to turnover between 3-5 months from the time the money is advanced to repayment.
  • New USD$10 million credit facilities: The Company announced it had secured USD$10 million in new credit facilities with a Tier One Canadian Bank. The first USD facility was available to its TRU Brands, Inc. subsidiary in June of 2024 (Interest rates average 3.5-4% per annum) and the second asset-based lending USD$5 million facility (interest rates average 8.85 - 9% per annum) is available as of the date of the MD&A. These new facilities materially reduce the cost of borrowing to approximately 8.85-9.0% which is expected to support TRUBAR's growth from the 15% it averaged over the first six months of 2024.
  • Convertible Notes, Promissory Notes and Loans Payable: During the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company reduced the balance of promissory notes and loans payable outstanding by approximately $1.0 million (see notes 9, 11 and 12 in the interim financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2024). Also subsequent to June 30, 2024, the balance of the convertible debentures was all converted into equity (CAD $655,000 or USD $481,618) thereby reducing the amount of convertible debentures to $nil at the time of filing of the MD&A.
  • Promissory Notes: Subsequent to June 30, 2024, the Company secured CAD $3 million in Promissory Notes. The notes were taken out with two of the Company's directors and one of its shareholders. The funds will be used to finance the operations of the Company, specifically TRUBAR's growth. The Promissory Notes are secured with a general security agreement over the assets of the Company.
  • PureKana子公司和Mainstreet贷款:PureKana于2024年4月3日申请了第7章破产。PureKana Mainstreet贷款和应付账款负债显著导致了公司在2023年12月31日的运营资本缺口。随着PureKana于2024年4月3日的第7章破产申请,贷款和负债不再反映在公司截至2024年4月3日的综合运营资本地位上。
  • 私募:公司于2024年5月9日完成了不受经纪人监管的股权私募,金额为400万加元,用于支持2024年的运营资本和增长计划。此外,公司通过行权取得了149万7771加元的认股权证收益。
  • 授信额度:公司为其三家子公司获得了若干授信额度,以支持其从关键客户处的采购订单融资。. 在截至2024年6月30日的六个月中,公司从这些授信额度中筹集了超过570万美元的资金,用于为大型零售客户采购订单融资。在同一时期内,公司还偿还了超过990万美元的这些信贷配额给借款人。这些贷款的性质是从资金投放到偿还之间的3-5个月内实现周转。
  • 新的1000万美元信贷额度:公司宣布已与一家加拿大一级银行获得1000万美元的新信贷额度。第一个美元信贷额度于2024年6月对其全资子公司TRU Brands,Inc.可用(利率平均为每年3.5-4%),第二个基于资产的500万美元信贷额度(利率平均为每年8.85-9%)自MD&A公布之日起即可用。这些新信贷额度大幅降低了借贷成本,预计从2024年上半年的15%降至8.85-9.0%,有望支持TRUBAR从初始2024年前六个月的15%的增长。
  • 可转换票据、本票及应付贷款:在截至2024年6月30日的六个月中,公司通过公司的有价证券(见截至2024年6月30日的中期财务报表的注释9、11和12)将本票和贷款应付余额减少了约100万美元。此外,在2024年6月30日之后,可转换债券余额全部转换为股权(加元655,000或美元481,618)从而将可转换债券数量降至零。
  • 本票据:在2024年6月30日之后,公司通过两位董事和一位股东签订了总额为300万加元的本票。这些资金将用于财务,特别是TRUBAR的增长。本票以公司资产的一般担保协议为担保。

For more information of the line of credit facilities please refer to note 8 in the interim financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2024.


The Company's ability to fund operating expenses will depend on its future operating performance which will be affected by general economic, financial, regulatory, and other factors including factors beyond the Company's control (See "Risk and Uncertainties" in the MD&A of the Company for the period ended June 30, 2024, which will be made available on the Company's SEDAR+ issuer profile at ).


Management continually assesses liquidity in terms of the ability to generate sufficient cash flow to fund the business. Net cash flow is affected by the following items: (i) operating activities, including the level of accounts receivable, other receivable, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and unearned revenue and deposits; (ii) investing activities (iii) financing activities.


Non-IFRS Measures (EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA)


EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS measures used by management that are not defined by IFRS. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Management believes that EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provide meaningful and useful financial information as these measures demonstrate the operating performance of the business excluding non-cash charges.


"EBITDA" is calculated as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion, and amortization. "Adjusted EBITDA" is calculated as EBITDA adjusted for non-cash, extraordinary, non-recurring, and other items unrelated to the Company's core operating activities.

“EBITDA”指在计算利息、税收、折旧、 depletion 和摊销之前的收益。“调整后的EBITDA”指调整了非现金、非常规、非经常性及与公司核心业务活动无关的项目后的EBITDA。

The most directly comparable measure to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA calculated in accordance with IFRS is net loss. The following table presents the EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and 2023, and a reconciliation of same to net income (loss):


For the three months ended

June 30, 2024

June 30, 2023

Change in





Income (loss) for the year from continuing operations




62 %





(100 %)

Finance costs




33 %





(5 %)

Fair value adjustment of derivative liability




83 %

Loss on remeasurement of warrant liabilities




88 %

Share-based payments




(67 %)

Non-recurring expenses




100 %

Adjusted EBITDA




199 %























33 %





(5 %)










88 %





(67 %)










199 %

For the six months ended

June 30, 2024

June 30, 2023

Change in





Income (loss) for the year from continuing operations




29 %





(100 %)

Finance costs




(17 %)





(88 %)

Fair value adjustment of derivative liability




71 %

Loss on remeasurement of warrant liabilities




73 %

Share-based payments




1,300 %

Non-recurring expenses




100 %

Adjusted EBITDA




1,456 %




























(88 %)





71 %










1,300 %










1,456 %

Readers are cautioned that EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to net income as determined under IFRS; nor as an indicator of financial performance as determined by IFRS; nor a calculation of cash flow from operating activities as determined under IFRS; nor as a measure of liquidity and cash flow under IFRS. The Company's method of calculating EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA may differ from methods used by other companies and, accordingly, the Company's EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similar measures used by any other company. Except as otherwise indicated, EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are calculated and disclosed by SBBC on a consistent basis from period to period. Specific adjusting items may only be relevant in certain periods.


See also Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization ("EBITDA") and Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP Measures) in the Company's management discussion and analysis for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, available on SEDAR+ at .


Webcast and Conference Call Details:


SBBC will be holding a conference call and simultaneous webcast to discuss its financial results on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST (2:00 pm PST). The call will be hosted by Kingsley Ward, Chief Executive Officer, Brian Meadows, Chief Financial Officer and Erica Groussman, Co-Founder and CEO of Tru Brands, Inc. Please dial-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the call.

SBBC将于2024年8月12日下午5:00 EST(下午2:00 PST)召开电话会议和同时举行网络直播,讨论其财务业绩。电话会议将由首席执行官金斯利·沃德,首席财务官布莱恩·梅多斯和Tru Brands,Inc.的联合创始人和CEO Erica Groussman 主持。请在电话会议开始前10分钟拨打电话。

Date: Monday, August 12, 2024


Time: 5:00 pm EST / 2:00 pm PST

时间:下午5:00 EST / 下午2:00 PST

For attendees who wish to join by webcast, the event can be accessed at:


Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 231 181 212 200
Passcode: PdZGAr

会议ID:231 181 212 200

Dial in by phone
+1 437-747-0798,,440004201# Canada, Toronto
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 440 004 201#

加拿大多伦多:+1 437-747-0798,,440004201#

About Simply Better Brands Corp.

关于Simply Better Brands Corp. :

Simply Better Brands Corp. is an international omni-channel platform with a portfolio of diversified assets in the rapidly growing plant-based, natural, and clean ingredient space. The Company targets informed, health-conscious Millennial and Generation Z consumers with a focus on opportunities for expansion into high-growth consumer product categories. For more information on Simply Better Brands Corp., please visit: For more information on Simply Better Brands Corp., please visit: .

Simply Better Brands Corp.是一家国际综合渠道平台,拥有快速增长的植物基、天然和清洁成分领域的多元化资产组合。公司以瞄准知情、健康意识高的千禧一代和Z一代消费者为目标,专注于拓展高增长消费品类的机会。有关Simply Better Brands Corp.更多信息,请访问:。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定义的那样)对此发布的充分性或准确性不承担任何责任。

Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward looking statements" as such terms are used in applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information are based on plans, expectations and estimates of management at the date the information is provided and are subject to certain factors and assumptions, including, among others, that the Company's financial condition and development plans do not change as a result of unforeseen events, the regulatory climate in which the Company operates, and the Company's ability to execute on its business plans. Specifically, this news release contains forward-looking statements relating to, but not limited to statements with respect to: the anticipated use of proceeds from the Company's borrowing arrangements, expansion plans for TRU Brands, Inc.'s products, and the success of the Company's marketing efforts.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述构成"前瞻信息"和"前瞻性陈述",是适用的加拿大证券法中所使用的这些术语,前瞻性陈述和信息基于管理层提供信息的日期的计划、预期和估计,并受到某些因素和假设的约束,包括但不限于公司的财务状况和发展计划不会因意外事件而改变、公司运营的监管环境以及公司执行其业务计划的能力。具体来说,本新闻稿包含与以下有关的前瞻性陈述:从公司借款安排中获得收益的预期使用、TRU Brands,Inc.产品的扩展计划以及公司营销努力的成功。

Forward-looking statements and information are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements and information. Factors that could cause the forward-looking statements and information in this news release to change or to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to, the risk that any of the assumptions referred to prove not to be valid or reliable, that occurrences such as those referred to above are realized and result in delays, or cessation in planned work, that the Company's financial condition and development plans change, ability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals for proposed transactions, as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to the plant-based food, clean ingredient skincare and plant-based wellness or broader wellness industries and to the Company, and as set forth in the Company's management's discussion and analysis available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at .


The above summary of assumptions and risks related to forward-looking statements in this news release has been provided in order to provide shareholders and potential investors with a more complete perspective on the Company's current and future operations and such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. There is no representation by the Company that actual results achieved will be the same in whole or in part as those referenced in the forward-looking statements and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities law.


SOURCE Simply Better Brands Corp.

来源Simply Better Brands Corp。

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