
Grid Metals Corp Provides Activities Update on Donner Lithium and MM Copper Nickel Projects

Grid Metals Corp Provides Activities Update on Donner Lithium and MM Copper Nickel Projects

Grid Metals Corp對Donner鋰礦和Mm銅鎳項目進行了活動更新
Accesswire ·  08/13 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF) ("Grid" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update at both its Donner Lithium and MM Copper/Nickel Projects which are located in southeastern Manitoba. The Company has made significant progress with its permitting initiatives at Donner and is preparing to resume drilling at its MM Copper Nickel Project this fall. The new drill campaign will focus on a largely untested ~4 km long outcropping trend of Cu-rich magmatic sulfide mineralization that includes the historical New Manitoba deposit that was acquired by Grid in 2023. MM and Donner are both located on the northern part of the Bird River Greenstone Belt 150 km northeast of Winnipeg Manitoba.

2024年8月13日,Grid Metals Corp(TSXV:GRDM)(OTCQB:MSMGF)(以下簡稱「Grid」或「公司」)很高興地向位於曼尼托巴省東南部的Donner Lithium和Mm Copper / Nickel項目提供更新。公司在Donner的許可倡議上取得了重要進展,並準備在今年秋季恢復在Mm Copper Nickel項目上的鑽探。新的鑽探活動將專注於大部分未受測試的~4公里長的Cu-rich岩漿硫化物礦化露頭趨勢,其中包括歷史性的New Manitoba礦牀,該礦牀於2023年被Grid收購。Mm和Donner都位於Bird River Greenstone Belt的北部,距曼尼托巴省溫尼伯東北約150公里。

Donner Lithium Property Highlights

Donner Lithium項目亮點

  • Grid has received notice from the Mines Branch of Manitoba regarding its Advanced Exploration Permit ("AEP") for the Donner Lithium Project that the permit has been approved subject to the posting of a reclamation bond by Grid. The permit application was coordinated with and supported by the Sagkeeng First Nation in whose ancestral territory the Donner Project is located. Grid agreed to coordinate with SFN on environmental mitigation measures and economic benefits relating to the permit activities.

  • As lithium prices have further declined in 2024 the Company does not plan to immediately proceed with the bulk sample outlined in the AEP. Grid will keep the market informed on the timing of the bulk sample and finalization of the AEP for Donner which is expected to be re-initiated with the occurrence of higher lithium prices.

  • Grid has reduced its near-term financial payments for the lease of the True North Mill in Bissett for the processing of lithium spodumene material from Donner. The Company most recently made a C$100,000 payment with the next payment (C$200,000) scheduled for the end of 2024.

  • The continued focus of Grid is to explore and develop critical mineral resources located in southeastern Manitoba and specifically in the Bird River greenstone belt where the Company holds mineral title over the most advanced lithium project in the region (Donner) and controls over 50 km of Cu- and Ni-rich exploration targets including four separate 43-101 compliant Cu-Ni-PGE-Co resources: the Makwa, Mayville, Ore Fault and Page deposits.

  • Grid收到了來自曼尼託巴州礦業分部的有關其Donner Lithium項目的Advanced Exploration Permit(「AEP」)的通知,該許可證已獲批,但需要Grid發佈一份按金債券。該許可證申請經過與Sagkeeng First Nation(SFN)的協調和支持,後者在Donner項目所在的祖傳領土上。Grid同意在與SFN協調的環境緩解措施和與許可證活動有關的經濟利益方面進行協調。

  • 隨着鋰價格在2024年進一步下跌,公司不打算立即按照AEP中概述的批量樣品進行。Grid將及時向市場通報Donner的批量樣品時間和AEP的最終確定,預計隨着鋰價格的上漲而重新啓動。

  • Grid已經減少了在比賽特市True North Mill的租金支付,用於處理來自Donner的鋰輝石材料的租賃。公司最近做出了100,000加元的支付,下一筆支付(200,000加元)定於2024年底。

  • Grid的持續專注於勘探和開發位於曼尼託巴東南部,特別是Bird River greenstone belt中的關鍵礦產資源,該公司在該地區擁有最先進的鋰項目(Donner)和超過50公里的Cu-和Ni-rich探礦靶區,包括四個單獨的43-101符合Cu-Ni-PGE-Co資源:Makwa、Mayville、Ore Fault和Page存款。

Above: Grid Metals Corp Properties and location of metal deposits in the Bird River Greenstone Belt Manitoba.

上圖:Grid Metals Corp屬性及Bird River Greenstone Belt曼尼托巴省金屬礦牀的位置。

MM Copper/Nickel Project

Mm Copper / Nickel項目

On May 6, 2024, Grid announced the results of an updated mineral resource estimate that was prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 on the Mayville and Makwa Deposits. In order to expand the known resources and test new targets in the belt the Company plans to complete an approximately 5,000-meter drill program focused on the Mayville arm of the Bird River Belt in the area of the historic New Manitoba Deposit and covering areas featuring untested, outcropping mineralization over a cumulative strike length of ~4 km. Details of the new drill program will be provided in the near future.

2024年5月6日,Grid公佈了符合國家43-101法規的Mayville和Makwa Deposit的更新礦產資源估計結果。爲了擴大已知資源並測試腰帶中的新目標,該公司計劃完成約5000米的鑽探計劃,重點針對Bird River Belt的Mayville臂,該地區具有歷史性的New Manitoba Deposit和覆蓋未經測試的露頭礦化物化區域,累計長度約4公里。新鑽探計劃的詳細信息將在不久的將來提供。

Qualified Persons Statements


Dr. Dave Peck, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for purposes of National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this release.

Dave Peck博士,P.Geo.,是National Instrument 43-101的合格人員,已審查並批准了本次發佈的技術內容。

About Grid Metals Corp.

關於Grid Metals Corp。

Grid Metals is focused on both lithium and copper/nickel projects in the Bird River area, approximately 150 km northeast of Winnipeg Manitoba. The Donner lithium project is a 75% owned property subject to a joint venture agreement The MM copper/nickel project is a resource-stage project that is undergoing exploration and development work.

Grid Metals專注於位於曼尼托巴省溫尼伯東北約150公里的Bird River區域的鋰和銅/鎳項目。Donner鋰項目是一份75%的所有權,受合資協議約束。Mm銅/鎳項目是一項正在進行勘探和開發工作的資源級項目。

All of the Company's southeastern Manitoba projects are located on the Traditional Lands of the Sagkeeng First Nation with whom the Company maintains an Exploration Agreement.

公司在所有位於曼尼託巴東南部的項目上均位於Sagkeeng First Nation的傳統土地上,與該國簽署了勘探協議。

On Behalf of the Board of Grid Metals Corp.

代表Grid Metals Corp的董事會

For more information about the Company, please see the Company website at or contact:

欲了解更多公司信息,請參閱公司網站 或聯繫:

Robin Dunbar - President, CEO & Director Telephone: 416-955-4773 Email:
Brandon Smith - Chief Development Officer -
David Black - Investor Relations Email:

Robin Dunbar - 總裁,CEO和董事電話:416-955-4773 郵箱
Brandon Smith - 首席發展官 -
David Black - 投資者關係 郵箱

We seek safe harbour. This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements include the Company's closing of the proposed financial transactions, sale of royalty and property interests. the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, metallurgical risk, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel, cobalt, copper and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the most recent financial period and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at .

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SOURCE: Grid Metals Corp.

來源:Grid Metals Corp。

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