
Mary Jones Expands to Cannabis Market in Michigan, Debuts 100mg Shooters in California

Mary Jones Expands to Cannabis Market in Michigan, Debuts 100mg Shooters in California

PR Newswire ·  08/13 07:15

Jones Soda's Rapidly Growing Crossover Brand Continues to Ramp Up Market Presence

Jones Soda日益增长的跨界品牌正在继续扩大市场份额。

SEATTLE, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jones Soda Co. (CSE: JSDA, OTCQB: JSDA) today announced two key expansions of its crossover Mary Jones cannabis brand with the launch of its first products in Michigan – the largest U.S. legal cannabis market by sales volume – and the introduction of a new line of cannabis-infused shooters in California. Both initiatives build on the strong performance of Mary Jones' THC- and HD9-infused products, including sodas, syrups, tabs and gummies that feature popular Jones craft soda flavors adapted for the exploding cannabis edibles market.

2024年8月13日,西雅图/美通社—— Jones苏打有限公司(CSE:JSDA,OTCQB:JSDA)今日宣布,其跨界品牌Mary Jones大麻品牌将再次扩张,首次在美国最大的大麻销售市场密歇根州推出首批产品,并在加州推出新的大麻酒精射手系列。这两个举措都是基于Mary Jones的THC和HD9药效产品的强劲表现,其中包括苏打水、糖浆、药片和软糖,这些产品都采用了流行的Jones工艺苏打水口味,适应了迅速增长的大麻食品市场。

Credit: Mary Jones

In Michigan, where legal cannabis sales hit nearly $3 billion in 2023, Mary Jones is entering the market through a manufacturing and distribution partnership with Emerald Canning Partners (ECP), a driving force in state's legal recreational cannabis industry. Mary Jones THC-infused mixing syrups will be available in Michigan dispensaries in September, with the full product portfolio to follow.

在密歇根州,其中合法大麻销售额在2023年接近30亿美元的市场上,Mary Jones通过与Emerald Canning Partners(ECP)的制造和分销合作进入市场,ECP是该州法定娱乐大麻行业的主要力量。Mary JonesTHC催化混合糖浆将在9月份在密歇根州的药店上市,随后将推出完整的产品系列。

In California, where Jones' reputation for flavor innovation and distinctive brand persona helped make Mary Jones the fastest new cannabis brand launch in the state in 2022, dispensaries are now adding new portable, shareable Mary Jones 100mg Cannabis-Infused Shooters to the brand's existing lineup of beverages, syrups and tablets. Other cannabis-legal states will carry the line in the future.

在加利福尼亚州,Jones因其口味创新和独特品牌个性而帮助Mary Jones在2022年成为该州最快的新大麻品牌推出,在Mary Jones现有饮料、糖浆和药片系列中添加了新的便携式、可共享的Mary Jones 100mg大麻酒精射手系列。其他大麻合法化的州将在未来推出该系列产品。

"Mary Jones ranks as one of our top growth drivers, so continuing to increase our footprint and penetration in the cannabis space is as important to maintaining and accelerating our current strong growth rate as the new products, channels and partnerships we're implementing in our mainline soda business," said David Knight, CEO of Jones Soda. "In a category where most brands are startups without our nearly three decades of flavor science expertise, we are setting the standard in cannabis beverage taste, and that's combining with rising consumer interest in alcohol alternatives and new cannabis consumption formats to invigorate and grow the business."

“Mary Jones是我们增长的主要驱动因素之一,因此继续扩大我们在大麻领域的足迹和渗透率对于维持和加速我们目前强劲的增长率和新产品、渠道和合作伙伴计划的实施同样重要。”Jones Soda的首席执行官David Knight说:“在大多数品牌都是没有我们近30年口味科学专业知识的初创企业的情况下,我们正在为大麻饮料的口味设立标准,这与消费者越来越喜欢的酒精替代品和新的大麻消费形式结合起来,刺激和促进了我们的业务增长。”

Michigan Market Launch


Jones' partnership with Emerald Canning Partners in Michigan aligns the company with one of the premier cannabis product manufacturers in the state. ECP's joint venture production facility in Mt. Clemens' historic Gibraltar Trade Center pairs premium craft beverage knowledge with high-quality cannabis to produce premium cannabis-infused beverages. ECP is led by beverage industry veteran Matt McAlpine, former COO at Blake's Hard Cider, one of the top brands in the hard cider category.

Jones与Emerald Canning Partners在密歇根的合作将企业与该州顶尖的大麻产品制造商之一对齐。ECP在Mt.Clemens历史悠久的直布罗陀贸易中心开设的合资生产设施将优质工艺饮料的知识与高品质的大麻相匹配,生产优质大麻饮料。ECP由饮料行业资深人士Matt McAlpine领导,他曾担任Blake's Hard Cider公司的首席运营官,是硬苹果酒类别中最顶级的品牌之一。

The Mary Jones THC-infused mixing syrups that are launching the partnership feature the same pure cane sugar formulation and cult-favorite Berry Lemonade, MF Grape, Green Apple and Orange & Cream flavors as mainline Jones Soda. Each 4 fl oz glass bottle contains 200mg of THC for multiple servings that can be sipped, added to cocktails and desserts, poured over waffles for 420-adult brunches and more.

在推出的合作中,Mary JonesTHC催化混合糖浆将推出相同的纯蔗糖配方和深受喜爱的Berry Lemonade、MF Grape、Green Apple和Orange & Cream口味,与Jones Soda的主要产品线相同。每个4盎司的玻璃瓶含有200mg的THC,适合多人享用,可以品尝、用于鸡尾酒和甜点,或加到华夫饼干上用于420岁以上的早午餐等。

ECP also will manufacture and distribute Mary Jones cannabis sodas, including 20mg THC bottled sodas designed for single servings and 100mg THC canned sodas intended for sharing or consumers who prefer a higher dose. Available in eight flavors, the Mary Jones soda line has received multiple accolades in California's L.A. High Spirits Awards for cannabis- and hemp-derived beverage products, including Best Cannabis Soda honors for its THC-infused 10mg Berry Lemonade in both 2023 and 2024.

ECP还将制造和发布Mary Jones大麻苏打水,包括20mg THC瓶装苏打水,设计用于单次使用和100mg THC罐装苏打水,适合共享或消费者偏好更高剂量的人群。Mary Jones苏打水系列有8种口味,在加利福尼亚的L.A. High Spirits Awards评选中获得了多个奖项,包括THC催化10mg Berry Lemonade的最佳大麻苏打水荣誉奖2023和2024年。

"We share a pioneering spirit with Mary Jones as trailblazers in new and emerging markets. Jones was the first non-alcoholic mainline beverage company to crossover into cannabis with Mary Jones, while Emerald Canning Partners was one of the first cannabis beverage companies in Michigan," said McAlpine, President of Emerald Canning Partners. "Mary Jones brings national brand expertise, product innovation and flavor science to cannabis, combined with our depth and knowledge of production and Michigan's legal cannabis market."

“我们与Mary Jones分享开拓新兴市场的先锋精神。Jones是第一个跨界进入大麻行业的非酒精主线饮料公司,而Emerald Canning Partners则是密歇根州最早的大麻饮料公司之一,”Emerald Canning Partners总裁Matt McAlpine说道,“Mary Jones为大麻带来了国家品牌专业知识、产品创新和口味科学,结合了我们在生产和密歇根州法定大麻市场方面的经验和深度。”

Cannabis Shooter Launch


The new Mary Jones 100mg Cannabis-Infused Shooters launching in California this month add a new easy-carry/easy-share option for cannabis consumers. Each 2 oz Mary Jones Shooter bottle contains 10 servings infused with 10mg of THC for sipping, splitting with friends, or mixing into other drinks like seltzer water or mocktails.

这个月在加利福尼亚州推出的新Mary Jones 100mg大麻酒精射手系列为大麻消费者提供了一种新的易于携带和共享的选择。每个2盎司的Mary Jones射手瓶都含有10mg的THC,适合品尝、与朋友分享或加入其他饮料中,比如苏打水或模仿鸡尾酒。

Each shooter is non-carbonated and contains an average of 15.75 calories per shot, significantly reducing the sugar intake associated with same dose of cannabis in a 100mg cannabis soda product. Like Mary Jones syrups, the new shooter line is available in Berry Lemonade, MF Grape, Green Apple and Orange & Cream flavors.

每个射手都无起泡,并且含有平均每射的15.75卡路里,与100mg大麻苏打水产品相比,显著减少了糖分的摄入量。与Mary Jones糖浆一样,新的射手系列产品也有Berry Lemonade,MF Grape,Green Apple和Orange & Cream等口味可供选择。

The shooter format offers the advantages of portability, shareability, discreet consumption and dosage control aided by demarked lines on the label. These benefits make shooters one of the fastest-growing categories in regulated cannabis products. The pocket-sized form factor also reflects the rising interest in smaller packaging formats in the mainstream CPG beverage market.


Mary Jones cannabis products are sold in more than 1,200 dispensaries in California, Washington, Canada and now Michigan, with ongoing expansion into other cannabis-legal markets. Mary Jones also sells hemp delta 9 (HD9) craft sodas, gummies and shooters through liquor stores and other brick-and-mortar retailers across the country as well as online at

Mary Jones大麻产品在加利福尼亚、华盛顿、加拿大和密歇根州的超过1,200家药店销售,并不断扩展到其他大麻法律市场。Mary Jones还通过酒类店和其他实体零售商以及GoMaryJones.com在全国范围内销售大麻三/四氢化大麻酚(HD9)工艺苏打水、软糖和酒精射手。

About Jones Soda Co.


Jones Soda Co. (CSE: JSDA, OTCQB: JSDA) is a leading developer of sodas and cannabis-infused beverages known for their premium taste, unique flavors and unconventional brand personality. Launched in 1997 as the original craft soda brand, the company today markets a diverse portfolio of sodas, mixers and wellness beverages under the Jones Soda brand as well as a line of award-winning cannabis beverages and edibles leveraging Jones' trademark flavors under the Mary Jones brand. For more information, visit , , or

Jones Soda Co.(CSE:JSDA,OTCQB:JSDA是一个知名的苏打水和大麻饮品开发商,以其优质的口味、独特的口感和非传统的品牌形象闻名。公司在1997年作为最初的工艺苏打品牌而推出,如今在Jones Soda品牌下市场营销多样化的苏打水、混合饮料和健康饮料,以及利用Jones汽水品牌的口味和Mary Jones品牌商标推出的屡获殊荣的大麻饮料和食品系列。更多信息,请访问,,下降了

SOURCE Mary Jones

SOURCE: Mary Jones

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