
Permian Resources Corporation (NYSE:PR) Looks Like A Good Stock, And It's Going Ex-Dividend Soon

Permian Resources Corporation (NYSE:PR) Looks Like A Good Stock, And It's Going Ex-Dividend Soon

Simply Wall St ·  08/14 08:45

Regular readers will know that we love our dividends at Simply Wall St, which is why it's exciting to see Permian Resources Corporation (NYSE:PR) is about to trade ex-dividend in the next four days. The ex-dividend date is one business day before the record date, which is the cut-off date for shareholders to be present on the company's books to be eligible for a dividend payment. The ex-dividend date is important as the process of settlement involves two full business days. So if you miss that date, you would not show up on the company's books on the record date. Thus, you can purchase Permian Resources' shares before the 19th of August in order to receive the dividend, which the company will pay on the 27th of August.

定期讀者會知道我們在Simply Wall St非常喜歡分紅派息,因此很高興看到Permian Resources Corporation (紐交所:PR) 在接下來的四天即將交易除權。除權買賣日是記錄日前的一個工作日,這是股東在公司賬簿上出現以有資格獲得分紅的截止日期。除權買賣日很重要,因爲結算的過程需要兩個完整的工作日。因此,如果你錯過了這個日期,你就不會在記錄日出現在公司名冊上。因此,在8月19日之前購買Permian Resources的股票,以便在8月27日公司支付的股息。

The company's next dividend payment will be US$0.21 per share, and in the last 12 months, the company paid a total of US$0.70 per share. Based on the last year's worth of payments, Permian Resources has a trailing yield of 4.8% on the current stock price of US$14.69. Dividends are an important source of income to many shareholders, but the health of the business is crucial to maintaining those dividends. So we need to check whether the dividend payments are covered, and if earnings are growing.

公司的下一個股息支付將是每股0.21美元,在過去的12個月中,公司總共支付了每股0.70美元。基於過去一年的支付情況,Permian Resources當前股價上的回報率爲4.8%。分紅是許多股東的重要收入來源,但業務的健康狀況對於維持這些分紅至關重要。因此,我們需要檢查分紅支付是否得到覆蓋,以及收益是否在增長。

If a company pays out more in dividends than it earned, then the dividend might become unsustainable - hardly an ideal situation. Fortunately Permian Resources's payout ratio is modest, at just 41% of profit. That said, even highly profitable companies sometimes might not generate enough cash to pay the dividend, which is why we should always check if the dividend is covered by cash flow. It distributed 48% of its free cash flow as dividends, a comfortable payout level for most companies.

如果一家公司支付的股息超過了其賺取的利潤,那麼股息可能變得不可持續,這幾乎是一個不理想的情況。幸運的是,Permian Resources的派息比率很適度,僅佔利潤的41%。儘管如此,即使是收益豐厚的公司有時候也可能無法產生足夠的現金支付股息,這就是爲什麼我們應該始終檢查股息是否被自由現金流所覆蓋。它將48%的自由現金流分配爲股息,對於大多數公司來說,這是一個舒適的支付水平。

It's encouraging to see that the dividend is covered by both profit and cash flow. This generally suggests the dividend is sustainable, as long as earnings don't drop precipitously.


Click here to see the company's payout ratio, plus analyst estimates of its future dividends.


NYSE:PR Historic Dividend August 14th 2024
紐交所:PR 歷史股息 2024年8月14日

Have Earnings And Dividends Been Growing?


Companies with consistently growing earnings per share generally make the best dividend stocks, as they usually find it easier to grow dividends per share. If business enters a downturn and the dividend is cut, the company could see its value fall precipitously. With that in mind, we're encouraged by the steady growth at Permian Resources, with earnings per share up 5.1% on average over the last five years. Management have been reinvested more than half of the company's earnings within the business, and the company has been able to grow earnings with this retained capital. Organisations that reinvest heavily in themselves typically get stronger over time, which can bring attractive benefits such as stronger earnings and dividends.

每股收益持續增長的公司通常成爲最好的股息股票,因爲他們通常更容易增加每股股息。如果企業進入低迷期並削減了股息,公司的價值可能會急劇下降。考慮到這一點,我們對Permian Resources的持續增長感到鼓舞,過去五年平均每股盈利增長了5.1%。管理層在企業內部重新投資了超過一半的公司收益,並且公司已經能夠通過這些留存資本增長收益。在自我大量投資的組織通常隨着時間的推移變得更加強大,這可以帶來諸如更強的收益和股息等有吸引力的好處。

Another key way to measure a company's dividend prospects is by measuring its historical rate of dividend growth. Permian Resources has delivered an average of 87% per year annual increase in its dividend, based on the past two years of dividend payments. It's encouraging to see the company lifting dividends while earnings are growing, suggesting at least some corporate interest in rewarding shareholders.

衡量公司股息前景的另一個重要方式是衡量其歷史股息增長率。基於過去兩年的股息支付,Permian Resources的年均股息增長率爲87%。看到公司在盈利增長的同時增加股息是令人鼓舞的,至少表明公司有一定的獎勵股東的利益。

To Sum It Up


From a dividend perspective, should investors buy or avoid Permian Resources? Earnings per share growth has been growing somewhat, and Permian Resources is paying out less than half its earnings and cash flow as dividends. This is interesting for a few reasons, as it suggests management may be reinvesting heavily in the business, but it also provides room to increase the dividend in time. It might be nice to see earnings growing faster, but Permian Resources is being conservative with its dividend payouts and could still perform reasonably over the long run. There's a lot to like about Permian Resources, and we would prioritise taking a closer look at it.

從股息的角度來看,投資者是否應該買進或避開Permian Resources?每股收益增長有所增長,Permian Resources支付的股息不到其盈利和現金流的一半。這有幾個有趣之處,因爲它表明管理層可能在大量投資企業,但也爲增加未來股息提供了空間。雖然希望看到收益增長更快,但Permian Resources在股息支付方面較爲謹慎,並且在長期內仍有很好的表現。因此,Permian Resources具有很多值得喜歡的東西,我們將優先在它上面進行更深入的研究。

With that in mind, a critical part of thorough stock research is being aware of any risks that stock currently faces. Case in point: We've spotted 3 warning signs for Permian Resources you should be aware of.

因此,全面的股票研究的關鍵部分是意識到目前的股票面臨的任何風險。例如:我們已經發現Permian Resources存在3個警告信號,你應該注意。

Generally, we wouldn't recommend just buying the first dividend stock you see. Here's a curated list of interesting stocks that are strong dividend payers.


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