
Rackspace Technology Helps TrueData Achieve Cloud Cost Reduction on AWS

Rackspace Technology Helps TrueData Achieve Cloud Cost Reduction on AWS

rackspace technology帮助TrueData在AWS上实现了云成本的降低。
Rackspace Technology ·  08/14 00:00

Rackspace achieves strategic cost-savings for TrueData, resulting in improved business outcomes

Rackspace technology通过为TrueData实现战略节约成本,从而提高业务成果

SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company, today announced it is working with TrueData, the leader in providing first-party data for advertisers, publishers, and AdTech firms, to achieve cloud and data storage cost savings that can be invested in innovative new services for its clients.

2024年8月14日,圣安东尼奥(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--(纳斯达克:RXT) Rackspace Technology (Rackspace Technology)是一家领先的端到端混合云、多云和人工智能技术服务公司。我们为客户在所有主要技术平台上设计、构建和操作其云环境,无论技术堆栈或部署模型如何。我们与客户在其云旅程的每个阶段合作,使他们能够现代化应用程序,构建新产品并采用创新技术。 领先的端到端、混合式、多云和人工智能解决方案公司Rackspace technology今天宣布,它正在与TrueData合作,实现云和数据存储成本节约,以投资于创新的新服务用于为其客户提供服务的需求。TrueData是提供广告主、发行商和AdTech公司第一方数据的领导者,成立于2013年,是独立的全渠道身份解决方案的领先者

Founded in 2013, TrueData is a leader in independent omnichannel identity resolution. The company connects individuals and households to digital devices and empowers businesses to enhance and leverage first-party data for improved business outcomes.

该公司将个人和家庭与数字设备连接起来,帮助企业提高并利用第一方数据来改善业务成果。TrueData专注于盈利和创新的同时,快速确定了在成长带来的不断增加的基础设施成本时需要更好的云支出清晰度和成本优化的需求。第三方数据仓库的大量成本为成本节约增加了障碍,因此TrueData与Rackspace technology合作,以确定优化云成本节约的机会。

Focused on profitability while maintaining innovation, TrueData quickly identified the need for better visibility into cloud spending and cost optimization as growth brought increasing infrastructure costs. Substantial costs from a third-party data warehouse added an obstacle to cost savings, so TrueData partnered with Rackspace Technology to identify opportunities to optimize cloud cost savings.

Rackspace technology为TrueData实施了Optimizer +,为公司提供了增强的云支出可见性,通过直观的界面、月度支出优化审查和团队的前瞻性建议,Rackspace technology团队与TrueData密切合作,通过分析公司的Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)实例使用情况,推荐转向更具成本效益的选项,如整理AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)。Rackspace technology团队审核并优化了跨Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)存储桶的数据存储策略,并协助迁移从第三方数据仓库到完全基于AWS的解决方案。

Rackspace Technology implemented Optimizer+ for TrueData, providing the company with enhanced visibility into its cloud spending through an intuitive interface, monthly cost optimization reviews, and proactive recommendations from the team. In addition, the Rackspace Technology team worked closely with TrueData to implement various cost-saving strategies by analyzing the company's Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance usage and recommended a shift toward more cost-effective options like cleaning up their AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS). The Rackspace Technology team reviewed and optimized data storage policies across Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets and assisted in migrating from the third-party data warehouse to a fully AWS-based solution.

"我们已经超出了最初的启动阶段,现在专注于快速、准确和可持续的部署,以长期产品成功为目标的优化。我们的时间和资源需要集中在核心产品线上,而不是在金融用户界面设计(UI)开发的低效工作上。TrueData的工程副总裁Nader Salehi说。"与我们Rackspace technology的伙伴关系让我们把云成本管理的复杂性留给专家。Rackspace团队的持续支持有助于确保TrueData不断地优化其云使用和成本。有一个伙伴随时提供建议是无价的。

"We've evolved beyond the initial startup phase and are now focused on fast, accurate, and sustainable deployments optimized for long-term product success. Our time and resources need to be focused on what matters, on the core product line offering, instead of inefficient side work on financial User Interface Design (UI) development," said Nader Salehi, VP and Head of Engineering at TrueData. "Our Rackspace partnership lets us leave the intricacies of cloud cost management to the experts. The ongoing support of the Rackspace team helped ensure that TrueData is continually optimizing its cloud usage and costs. Having a partner that comes up with recommendations without me asking is invaluable."

Rackspace technology和TrueData共同取得了显著的业务成果。TrueData大幅减少了其每月云开销,优化了云资源使用,将更多的工作负载转移到Spot Instances。公司还通过高效的Amazon S3存储桶管理削减存储成本。Rackspace Technology团队继续通过存储承诺追求额外的节约,解决公司高存储使用率的问题。Rackspace Technology副总裁、战略运营负责人Donny Cross说:“展望未来,TrueData计划利用其优化的云基础设施和与Rackspace Technology的持续伙伴关系来推动进一步的创新。Rackspace是将客户及其需求放在第一位的公司,为TrueData创造了85%的节约,这是一个重大的业务成果。"

Rackspace and TrueData Achieved Dramatic Results Together
TrueData dramatically reduced its monthly cloud expenses by approximately 85% while simultaneously expanding its capabilities. The significant cost savings were achieved through decreased spending on AWS services as well as the elimination of expenses related to its previous third-party data warehouse solution. Beyond raw numbers, the optimization effort allowed TrueData to improve resource use by shifting more workloads to Spot Instances. The company also trimmed storage costs through efficient Amazon S3 bucket management. The Rackspace team continues to pursue additional savings through storage commitments, addressing the company's high storage usage.

Rackspace technology和TrueData共同取得了显著的业务成果
TrueData在同时扩展其功能的同时,将每月云支出大约减少85%。通过减少对AWS服务的支出以及消除与先前的第三方数据仓库解决方案相关的开支,实现了显著的成本节约。除了这些数字之外,优化工作还允许TrueData通过将更多的工作负载转移到Spot Instances来改善资源使用。该公司还通过高效的Amazon S3存储桶管理削减了存储成本。

"Looking to the future, TrueData plans to leverage its optimized cloud infrastructure and ongoing partnership with Rackspace to fuel further innovation," says Donny Cross, Rackspace Technology Vice President, Strategic Operations. "Rackspace is about putting our customers and their needs first and driving 85% savings for TrueData, which is a significant business outcome."

Rackspace technology副总裁、战略运营负责人Donny Cross说:"展望未来,TrueData计划利用其优化的云基础设施和与Rackspace Technology的持续伙伴关系来推动进一步的创新。Rackspace是将客户及其需求放在第一位的公司,为TrueData创造了85%的节约,这是一个重大的业务成果。"

To read more about the Rackspace Technology TrueData solution, click here.

点击此处了解有关Rackspace Technology TrueData解决方案的更多信息。

About Rackspace Technology
Rackspace Technology is a leading end-to-end hybrid, multicloud, and AI technology services company. We design, build, and operate our customers' cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies.

关于 Rackspace Technology
Rackspace Technology (Rackspace Technology)是一家领先的端到端混合云、多云和人工智能技术服务公司。我们为客户在所有主要技术平台上设计、构建和操作其云环境,无论技术堆栈或部署模型如何。我们与客户在其云旅程的每个阶段合作,使他们能够现代化应用程序,构建新产品并采用创新技术。 Rackspace technology是一家领先的端到端混合式,多云和人工智能技术服务公司。我们设计、构建和操作客户在所有主要技术平台上的云环境,无论技术堆栈或部署模型如何,都与客户在其云之旅的每个阶段合作,使其能够现代化应用程序、构建新产品并采用创新技术。

About TrueData
TrueData is a leader in independent omnichannel identity resolution, offering data enrichment and identity resolution solutions to clients focused on interoperable addressability at scale. TrueData's identity solutions connect people & households to their digital devices. As a trusted partner of the largest enterprise data companies, AdTech platforms, and publishers worldwide, Truedata continues to build privacy-centric solutions that help clients own their data strategy and build sustainable products using the most advanced datasets.

TrueData是独立的全渠道身份解决方案的领先者,为专注于大规模互通性寻址的客户提供数据丰富和身份解决方案 TrueData的身份解决方案将人和家庭连接到数字设备。作为最大的企业数据公司、广告技术平台和全球发行商的值得信赖的合作伙伴,TrueData不断构建能帮助客户拥有数据策略和使用最先进的数据集构建可持续性产品的隐私中心解决方案。
TrueData是独立的全渠道身份解决方案的领先者,为专注于大规模互通性寻址的客户提供数据丰富和身份解决方案 TrueData的身份解决方案将人和家庭连接到数字设备。作为最大的企业数据公司、广告技术平台和全球发行商的值得信赖的合作伙伴,TrueData不断构建能帮助客户拥有数据策略和使用最先进的数据集构建可持续性产品的隐私中心解决方案。

Media Contact: Natalie Silva,

媒体联系人:Natalie Silva,

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