
CommScope Announces First Major Sale of Newly Acquired Casa VCCAP Solution

CommScope Announces First Major Sale of Newly Acquired Casa VCCAP Solution

CommScope ·  08/14 00:00

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in network connectivity, announced the first major sale of the company's recently acquired Casa Systems virtual CMTS and QAM video solution to Kábelszatnet, one of Hungary's leading providers of cable, Internet, and voice services. The sale also includes CommScope's Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) Remote PHY (R-PHY) shelves and DC2180 DAA Cabinet Nodes. The announcement comes only seven weeks after CommScope announced the company's acquisition of Casa Systems' cable assets in May.

全球網絡連接領導者CommScope(納斯達克:COMM)宣佈,公司最近收購的Casa Systems虛擬CMTS和QAm視頻解決方案首次大規模銷售給匈牙利主要有線、互聯網和語音服務提供商Kábelnet,銷售還包括CommScope的分佈接入架構(DAA)遠程PHY(R-PHY)架子和DC2180 DAA機櫃節點。該消息發佈僅七週之後,即CommScope宣佈在5月份收購了Casa Systems的有線資產。

CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution will be the key operating component of Kábelszatnet's DAA deployment, which will enable Kábelszatnet to move DOCSIS signal generation from specialized CCAP or CMTS hardware to the R-PHY shelves and DC2180 nodes. CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution is an agile, flexible solution that will support the introduction of new network services in Kábelszatnet's cable access network more quickly and efficiently than hardware-based CMTS platforms. This agility includes centralized, automated provisioning, configuration, and monitoring of the R-PHY shelves, the DC2180 nodes, and other devices throughout the network. CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution runs on commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) servers, enabling Kábelszatnet to realize significant energy and cost savings in the headend.

CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案將成爲Kábelnet DAA部署的關鍵操作組件,可將DOCSIS信號生成從專用CCAP或CMTS硬件轉移到R-PHY架和DC2180節點。CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案是一種敏捷、靈活的解決方案,將比基於硬件的CMTS平台更快、更高效地支持Kábelnet有線接入網絡中新的網絡服務引入。這種靈活性包括R-PHY架、DC2180節點以及整個網絡中其他設備的集中式、自動配置、配置和監控。CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案運行在商用、現成的服務器上,使Kábelnet可以在總部實現顯着的能源和成本節約。

"The introduction of the CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution in tandem with a DAA deployment will significantly optimize the performance of Kábelszatnet's network," said Csaba Tarczi, CTO of Kábelszatnet Group. "By extending the edge of the network into CommScope's DAA devices, we can offer our subscribers new, cutting-edge services and, at the same time, get those services to market more quickly, more efficiently, and more cost-effectively than ever before. We're also pleased that CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution will use less power and take up less headend space to support these improved services."

「CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案的推出與DAA部署一起將大大優化Kábelnet的網絡性能,」Kábelnet Group的CTO Csaba Tarczi說道。「通過將網絡邊緣擴展到CommScope的DAA設備中,我們可以爲訂閱用戶提供新的尖端服務,並同時更快地、更高效地和更具成本效益地推出這些服務。我們也很高興,CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案將使用更少的功率,並佔據更少的總部空間來支持這些改進的服務。」

Kábelszatnet will deploy CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution to a nationally accessible hub and the DAA nodes and R-PHY shelves in select areas of the company's network. The vCMTS and QAM video solution will operate in the cloud to complement Kábelszatnet existing population of chassis-based E6000 Converged Edge Routers (CER). CommScope channel partner HFC Technics will work in tandem with Kábelszatnet to install and integrate the vCMTS and QAM video solution and DAA devices into the network.

Kábelnet將把CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案部署到全國可訪問的中心和公司網絡中的選擇性區域的DAA節點和R-PHY架。虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案將在雲端運行,以補充Kábelnet現有的基於機箱的E6000聚合邊緣路由器(CER)種群。CommScope的渠道合作伙伴HFC Technics將與Kábelnet協作,將虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案和DAA設備安裝和集成到網絡中。

"We're thrilled to be placing CommScope's vCMTS and QAM video solution with valued customers so soon after the acquisition of Casa's cable network assets," said Guy Sucharczuk, SVP & President Access Network Solutions. "Along with our modular DAA nodes and R-PHY shelf solutions, the vCMTS and QAM video solution offers service providers an elegant and cost-effective way to revolutionize network operations seamlessly and efficiently. Our rapid integration of Casa products into our portfolio is also a testament to outstanding teamwork shown by Casa and CommScope employees in integrating the two companies and getting our sales teams prepared to present solutions like the vCMTS and QAM video solution to customers sooner rather than later."

「我們很高興在收購Casa的有線網絡資產後不久就向重要客戶提供CommScope的虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案,」Access Network Solutions的高級副總裁兼總裁Guy Sucharczuk表示。「與我們的模塊化DAA節點和R-PHY架解決方案一起,虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案爲服務提供商提供了一種優雅而具有成本效益的方式,可以無縫高效地改變網絡運營。我們快速將Casa產品整合到我們的產品組合中,也證明了Casa和CommScope員工在整合兩家公司和準備我們的銷售團隊更早地向客戶提供虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案等解決方案所展示的出色團隊合作。」

CommScope's acquisition of Casa's System's cable assets further expands the company's comprehensive portfolio of end-to-end HFC, DAA, and PON products to include virtualized CMTS operation. Other Casa cable assets acquired by CommScope include a virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) and two CMTS systems, the hardware-based C100G CMTS, and the hardware-based C40G Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP).

CommScope收購Casa System的有線資產進一步擴展了該公司成熟的端到端HFC、DAA和PON產品組合,包括虛擬CMTS操作。CommScope收購的Casa資產還包括虛擬寬帶網絡網關(vBNG)和兩個CMTS系統:基於硬件的C100G CMTS和基於硬件的C40G Converged Cable Access Platform(CCAP)。



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Luke Hamer

Luke Hamer

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Massimo Disabato, CommScope

Massimo Disabato, CommScope

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Source: CommScope

來源: commscope

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