
Vertiqal Studios Reports Strong Q2 2024 Financial Performance With Higher Gross Profit Margins, Reduced Expenses and Improved EBITDA

Vertiqal Studios Reports Strong Q2 2024 Financial Performance With Higher Gross Profit Margins, Reduced Expenses and Improved EBITDA

Vertiqal Studios報告2024年第二季度財務表現強勁,毛利潤率提高,費用減少,EBITDA改善。
newsfile ·  08/14 17:15

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 14, 2024) - Vertiqal Studios Corp. (TSX: VRTS) (OTCQB: VERTF) (FSE: 9PY0) ("the Company") - Vertiqal Studios, a leading digital-channel network and video-production studio, is pleased to announce Q2 financial results, highlighting significantly higher gross profit margins, a reduction in expenses which contributed to a more favorable EBITDA loss.

安大略省多倫多——(Newsfile Corp.,2024年8月14日)——Vertiqal Studios Corp.(TSX: VRTS)(OTCQB: VERTF)(FSE: 9PY0)("該公司")—— Vertiqal Studios,一家領先的數字頻道網絡和視頻製作公司,很高興宣佈Q2財務業績,突出的毛利潤率大幅提高,支出減少,從而有利於EBITDA損失。

Below is a summary of the financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the three and six months ended June 30, 2023.


ended June
30, 2024
ended June
30, 2023
Six months
ended June
30, 2024
Six months
ended June
30, 2023
Variance (%)
Revenues $1,104,170 $1,420,830 -22% $1,947,079 $2,143,039 -9%
Gross Profit
$868,146 $982,613 -11% $1,522,991 $1,160,568 31%
Total Expenses $1,749,090 $5,752,330 -70% $2,999,180 $8,751,967 -65%
Net Loss ($913,677) ($4,668,616) -80% ($1,426,724) ($7,259,541) -80%
EBITDA ($485,801) ($2,098,859) -80% ($679,943) ($3,372,920) -80%
收入 $1,104,170 $1,420,830 -22% $1,947,079 $2,143,039 -9%
$868,146 $982,613 -11% $1,522,991 $1,160,568 31%
總費用 $1,749,090 $5,752,330 指數具有最低的基礎資產回報率,並因此在最後估值日上表現最差。因爲最後估值日上最差基礎資產的最終基礎資產價值低於其初始基礎資產價值,並下降了70%,所以您會收到的每個證券的支付金額將顯著低於規定本金金額。 $2,999,180 $8,751,967 -65%
淨虧損 ($913,677) ($4,668,616) -80% ($1,426,724) ($7,259,541) -80%
EBITDA ($485,801) ($2,098,859) -80% ($679,943) ($3,372,920) -80%

Financial Highlights of Q2 2024:

Q2 2024 財務亮點:

  • Revenue Composition and Growth: Vertiqal Studios reported a 22% decline in revenue compared to Q2 2023, exclusively due to a change in the platform revenue share structure of its programmatic offering, which shifted from a 50/50 split to a 70/30 split. Despite this, revenues from direct media have increased by 18% in comparison to Q2 2023. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, revenues decreased slightly by 9% in comparison to the six months ended June 30, 2023, again highlighting the shift in revenue share.
  • Cost Reductions: For the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company saw a decrease in its gross profit in comparison to the three months ended June 30, 2023 by 11% due to the programmatic offering structure mentioned above,, however the gross profit margin for Q2 2024 was an incredible 79% compared to 69% in Q2 2023. This represents the unwavering commitment by the Company to ensure there is profitable revenue growth, through strategic reductions in personnel and more controls on campaign spend. For the six months ending June 30, 2024, the Company saw an incredible increase in gross profit by 31% in comparison to the six months ended June 30, 2023, despite a lower revenue number. This results in a gross profit margin of 78% vs 54% compared to last year. This is a remarkable improvement highlighting the Company's ability to become more efficient in managing its costs relative to its revenue and significantly enhances its profitability. It reflects strategic decisions in pricing, cost management and overall business operations.
  • EBITDA Improvement: Vertiqal Studios has dramatically improved its EBITDA, reporting a loss of $485k for the quarter, a significant improvement from a loss of $2M in Q2 2023. Furthermore, for the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company had an EBITDA loss of $679k compared to $3.3M loss in 2023. This astounding 80% improvement in EBITDA loss reflects the combined efforts of more profitable revenues as well as a rigor cost management policy. This is a direct metric that showcases the company's operational performance and its ability to generate cash flow.
  • 收入構成和增長情況:Vertiqal Studios 報告 Q2 2024 營業收入降幅達到 22%,主要是出於程序化營銷收益分成結構的變化,其從 50/50 的分成結構變爲 70/30 的分成結構。儘管如此,直接媒體的收入與 Q2 2023 相比增長了 18%。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的六個月中,收入與截至 2023 年 6 月 30 日的六個月相比略微下降 9%,再次突顯了收入分成的變化。
  • 成本降低:截至 Q2 2024,公司的毛利潤較 Q2 2023 減少了 11%,因爲上述程序化營銷收益分成結構,但 Q2 2024 的毛利率達到了驚人的 79%,相比 Q2 2023 的 69%,這表明公司致力於確保盈利收入增長,通過策略性的人員減少和更多的活動支出控制。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的六個月中,公司的毛利潤驚人增長了 31%,儘管收入較低。這導致毛利潤率達到 78%,而上年同期爲 54%。這是一個顯着提高,突顯了公司在管理成本相對於其收入方面變得更加高效的能力,從而極大地增強了其盈利能力。這反映了定價、成本管理和整體業務運營方面的戰略決策。
  • EBITDA 的改善:Vertiqal Studios 大幅改善了其 EBITDA,在本季度報告的虧損爲 48.5 萬美元,相比 2023 年 Q2 的 200 萬美元虧損有了顯著的改善。此外,截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的六個月中,公司的 EBITDA 虧損爲 67.9 萬美元,而 2023 年爲 330 萬美元的虧損。EBITDA 的虧損大幅減少了 80%,反映了更具盈利性的收入和嚴格的成本管理政策的共同努力,這直接反映了公司的運營績效和其產生現金流的能力。

Operational and Strategic Developments:


  • Reductions in Operating Expenses: For the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company saw a reduction in Professional fees, General & Administrative and Advertising expenses for a total of $605k in comparison to the three months ended June 30, 2023. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company saw a reduction of $1.2M in the categories mentioned above for the same time period in 2023. This continuous effort of tightening control over spending and increasing efficiencies to reduce costs will be an ongoing exercise in the upcoming quarters as the Company aims to reduce the EBITDA loss even further.
  • 營業費用的減少:截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的三個月中,公司的專業費用、一般及行政費用和廣告費用減少了總計 60.5 萬美元,相比於 2023 年 6 月 30 日結束的三個月。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的六個月中,公司在上述類別上看到了 120 萬美元的減少,與 2023 年同期相比。控制開支和提高效率以減少成本的持續努力將在未來幾個季度繼續進行,公司的目標是進一步減少 EBITDA 的虧損。

Overall, these achievements reflect the Company's successful efforts in streamlining operations, optimizing costs and enhancing overall financial performance, setting a positive trajectory for the upcoming quarters.


Jon Dwyer, Chairman & CEO of Vertiqal Studios, commented, "Having personally purchased over 1,000,000 shares in Q2/Q3, I believe now more than ever in our strong future. Our second-quarter results showcase the strength of our core offerings and our ability to adapt to changes in revenue structures. The growth in direct media revenues reinforces our focus on high-margin opportunities and operational efficiency. As we continue executing our strategy, Vertiqal Studios remains well-positioned for sustained growth and long-term profitability."

Vertiqal Studios 的主席兼 CEO Jon Dwyer 評論道:「在 Q2/Q3 個人購買了超過 1,000,000 股之後,我比以往更相信我們強大的未來。我們的季度業績展示了我們核心業務及我們適應收入結構變化的能力。直接媒體收入的增長強化了我們對高利潤機會和運營效率的關注。隨着我們繼續執行我們的策略,Vertiqal Studios 保持着良好的持續增長和長期盈利能力。」

About Vertiqal Studios

關於Vertiqal Studios

Vertiqal Studios is a leading digital-channel network and video-production studio specializing in the creation and distribution of viral videos. With a daily output of 100+ videos across 138 owned-and-operated channels, Vertiqal leverages TV economics to monetize content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram and revenue-share on platforms such as Snapchat. The company's focus on producing and broadcasting performative organic content to an audience of over 52 million followers and subscribers, generating over 2 billion monthly video views, positions Vertiqal as a key player in scalable marketing concepts with brands, agencies, and creators for full production and distribution brand campaigns on major social platforms.

Vertiqal Studios是一家領先的數字通道網絡和視頻製作工作室,專門從事病毒視頻的創建和分發。 憑藉138個所有權和運營頻道每天的100多個視頻輸出,Vertiqal利用電視經濟學在TikTok和Instagram等平台上賺取內容,並在諸如Snapchat等平台上分紅。 該公司專注於向超過5200萬關注者和訂閱者的受衆製作和廣播性能有機內容,每月產生超過20億次視頻觀看,使Vertiqal成爲可擴展營銷概念與品牌、機構和創作者的主要參與者,以製作和分發大型社交平台上的品牌廣告活動。

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Jon Dwyer
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Jon Dwyer

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Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward‐looking statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or information. The forward‐looking statements and information are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by management of the Company. Although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward‐looking statements and information since no assurance can be given that they will prove to be correct.

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Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forward‐looking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward‐looking statements and information contained in this news release.

前瞻性陳述和信息是爲提供有關公司管理層關於未來的期望和計劃的信息而提供的。讀者應注意,依賴這種陳述和信息可能不適合於其他目的,例如進行投資決策。 由於前瞻性陳述和信息涉及未來事件和條件,因其自身特點,它們涉及固有的風險和不確定性。 由於多種因素和風險,實際結果可能與目前預期的結果有所不同。 因此,讀者不應過度依賴本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明和信息。

The forward‐looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given to update publicly or revise any forward‐looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


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