
Alm. Brand A/S - Launch of New Share Buyback Program According to the Safe Harbour Method

Alm. Brand A/S - Launch of New Share Buyback Program According to the Safe Harbour Method

Alm. Brand A/S - 股票回購計劃新推出,按照安全港規則實施
GlobeNewswire ·  08/15 01:12

Launch of new share buyback program according to the Safe Harbour method


Based on the expected result for 2024 and a very strong solvency coverage, the Board of Directors of Alm. Brand A/S has decided to exercise the authority to buy back shares granted by the annual general Meeting on 18 April 2024. The authority is valid until the next annual general Meeting and covers up to 10% of the share capital. Alm. Brand A/S may purchase shares up to a maximum aggregate purchase price of DKK 150 million.

基於2024年的預期業績和非常強的償付能力覆蓋率,Alm. Brand A / S的董事會決定行使於2024年4月18日年度股東大會授予的回購股票的授權。該授權有效期至下一屆股東大會,最多涵蓋10%的股本。 Alm. Brand A / S可以按照最高合計購買價格爲DKK 15000萬的價格購買股票。

The purpose of the share buyback is to reduce the share capital. At a general meeting of Alm. Brand A/S, a resolution will be proposed that any shares bought in the programme will be cancelled.

回購股票的目的是減少股本。在Alm. Brand A/S的股東大會上,將提出一個決議,取消計劃中任何購買的股票。

Time frame
The share buyback programme will commence on 15 August 2024 and will be completed by 31 December 2024, at the latest, both days inclusive. During this period, Alm. Brand A/S will buy own shares up to a maximum of DKK 150 million in accordance with article 5 of Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, also referred to as the Safe Harbour rules.

股票回購計劃將於2024年8月15日開始,並在最遲的12月31日完成,兩個日期均包括在內。在此期間,Alm. Brand A / S將按照《2014年4月16日歐洲議會和理事會條例》第5條和委員會委託(歐盟)2016/1052號執行規定,該規定也被稱爲「安全港規定」,最高可以購買自有股票DKK 15000萬。

Buyback terms


  • Alm. Brand A/S is required to retain a lead manager who is to make its own trading decisions independently of and without influence from Alm. Brand A/S and execute the buyback within the announced limits. Alm. Brand A/S has designated Nordea Danmark, branch of Nordea Bank Abp, Finland, as its lead manager for the share buyback.
  • Under the share buy-back programme, Alm. Brand A/S may purchase shares up to a maximum aggregate purchase price of DKK 150 million, and no more than 151 million shares, corresponding to 9.99% of the current share capital of Alm. Brand A/S.
  • The shares may in no event be bought at a price deviating by more than 10% from the most recently quoted market price of the shares at the time of purchase.
  • The shares will not be purchased at a price higher than the price of the last independent trade or higher than the current highest independent bid on the trading venue on which the purchase is carried out.
  • The maximum number of shares that may be purchased on each trading day may not exceed 25% of the average daily trading volume of Alm. Brand A/S shares on the trading venue on which the purchase is made. The average daily trading volume is calculated over the 20 trading days preceding the respective purchase date.
  • Alm. Brand A/S必須保留一位首席經理,該經理應獨立於Alm. Brand A/S並獨立於其影響下做出自己的交易決策,並在公告的限制範圍內執行回購。Alm. Brand A/S已指定芬蘭 Nordea Bank Abp 的丹麥分支機構 Nordea Danmark 爲其股票回購的首席經理。
  • 根據股票回購計劃,Alm. Brand A/S可購買總額最高爲DKK 15000萬的股票,不超過15100萬股,相當於Alm. Brand A/S當前股本的9.99%。
  • 無論何時購買,股票的價格都不能偏離股票購買時最近的報價市場價格的10%。
  • 股票的購買價格不得高於上一次獨立交易的價格或高於進行購買的交易場所上的當前最高獨立買盤價格。
  • 每個交易日購買的股票數量不得超過交易場所上Alm. Brand A / S股票的平均每日成交量的25%。平均每日交易量是指在各自購買日期之前的20個交易日內計算。

A company announcement of any transactions under the programme will be published every week after commencement and at the end of the programme.




Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:


Investors and equity analysts:


Head of IR, Rating and ESG reporting
Mads Thinggaard
Mobile no. +45 2025 5469

手機號碼+45 2025 5469



Head of Media Relations
Mikkel Luplau Schmidt
Mobile no. 2052 3883

Mikkel Luplau Schmidt
電話號碼:2052 3883



  • AS 40 2024 - Share buy back
  • AS 40 2024-股票回購

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