
Sunway REIT Q2 NPI Up 11% To RM129 Million As Retail And Hotel Delivers

Sunway REIT Q2 NPI Up 11% To RM129 Million As Retail And Hotel Delivers

Sunway REIt第二季度净营收增长11%至1.29亿令吉,受零售和酒店表现推动。
Business Today ·  08/15 20:16

Sunway REIT Management released its financial results reporting a surge in NPI by 11% to RM129.3 million in Q2 2024, from RM116.2 million in Q2. The group also recorded a revenue increase by 5% from RM166.5 million to RM175.6 million. $SUNWAY (5211.MY)$

Sunway REIT管理发布了其财务业绩报告,显示Q2 2024年NPI激增11%,由Q2的11620万林吉特增至12930万林吉特。该集团的营业收入也增长了5%,从16650万林吉特增至17560万林吉特。 $SUNWAY (5211.MY)$

For the first half of 2024, Sunway REIT recorded steady revenue of RM354.2 million and NPI of RM259.8 million, driven by robust performance from retail and hotel segments.

在2024年上半年,Sunway REIt的营业收入稳定为RM35420万,NPI为RM25980万,得益于零售和酒店业务的强劲表现。

In Q2 2024, the Retail segment registered strong growth momentum with revenue climbing 12% to RM123.7 million, from RM110.9 million in Q2 2023. Correspondingly, the Retail segment's NPI soared by 24% to RM86.2 million, from RM69.5 million in Q2 2023. This was primarily attributed to the new rental contributions from six newly acquired hypermarkets, which commenced on 30 April 2024. The Retail segment's positive trajectory is expected to continue in the coming quarters, supported by the anticipated completion of asset enhancement initiatives (AEI) for the Oasissection of Sunway Pyramid Mall in Q4 2024 and the sustained rental income from the six hypermarkets, which are under triple-net master lease arrangements.

2024年第二季度,零售业务录得强劲增长,营业收入从2023年第二季度的RM11090万增长了12%至RM12370万。相应地,零售业务的NPI从2023年第二季度的RM6950万飙升24%至RM8620万。这主要归因于新收购的六家大型超市的租金贡献,这些超市于2024年4月30日开始运营。预计零售业务的正向发展势头将在未来几个季度持续,得益于Sunway Pyramid Mall Oasis部分在2024年第四季度完成资产增值计划(AEI)以及六家超市的持续租金收入,这些超市均为三重网主租赁协议。

The Hotel segment's revenue improved by 10% to RM19.2 million in Q2 2024, from RM17.5 million in Q2 2023, supported by an improved average occupancy rate of 62% in 1H 2024 compared to 60% in 1H 2023. Correspondingly, NPI grew 12% to RM18.5 million in Q2 2024, from RM16.5 million in Q2 2023. This performance was fueled by the increase of foreign tourist arrivals across all hotels it said.

酒店业务的营业收入在2024年第二季度提高了10%,从2023年第二季度的RM1750万增加至RM1920万,支持其1H 2024年平均入住率达到62%,高于1H 2023年60%的表现。相应地,NPI增长了12%,从2023年第二季度的RM1650万增至RM1850万。该公司表示,这一表现得益于外国游客的到访增加。

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