
Happy Belly's Joey Turks Island Grill QSR Announces the Opening of Its Newest Location in Scarborough, Ontario

Happy Belly's Joey Turks Island Grill QSR Announces the Opening of Its Newest Location in Scarborough, Ontario

Happy Belly的Joey Turks Island Grill快餐店宣佈在安大略省斯卡伯勒開設其最新門店。
newsfile ·  08/15 06:55

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 15, 2024) - Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: HBFGF) ("Happy Belly" or the "Company"), a leading consolidator of emerging food brands is pleased to announce the opening of its newest Joey Turks Island Grill ("Joey Turks") location at 1900 Eglington Avenue East, a fast casual restaurant serving delicious original Caribbean Island recipes, in the City of Scarborough, Ontario.
"Today is a proud moment for Happy Belly Food Group. Within four short months of securing a real estate location for our franchisee, we are thrilled to celebrate the opening of our first franchised Joey Turks Island Grill. This second location for the brand demonstrates our ability to swiftly execute and deliver on our accelerated growth plan for our brands. In just over 13 months, we have launched the Joey Turks brand from scratch, opened our first corporate location, signed a 30-unit Area Development agreement, and now signed and opened our first franchised location. These are tremendous accomplishments in a short period, and this brand is just getting started," said Sean Black, Chief Investment Officer of Happy Belly.

Happy Belly Food Group Inc.(CSE:HBFG)(OTCQB:HBFGF)是新興食品品牌的領先整合者,位於安大略省Scarborough市的1900 Eglington Avenue East開設最新的Joey Turks Island Grill(「Joey Turks」)地點,是一家快餐店,提供美味的原創加勒比海島菜品。
「今天是Happy Belly Food Group的驕傲時刻。我們爲我們的第一個特許經營的Joey Turks Island Grill的開業感到興奮,並在四個短月內確保了特許經營者的房地產位置。該品牌的第二個地點證明了我們快速執行並實現品牌加速增長計劃的能力。在僅僅13個月內,我們從零開始推出Joey Turks品牌,開設了第一個公司營運地點,簽訂了30個單位的區域發展協議,現在簽訂並開設了我們的第一個特許經營地點。這些都是短時間內的巨大成就,也只是這個品牌的開端,」 said Sean Black, Happy Belly的首席投資官。

"This new location in the city of Scarborough is situated in the eastern part of Toronto. It is a vibrant and diverse city with a rich cultural tapestry. It is one of the largest and most populous areas in the Greater Toronto Area and boasts a mosaic of neighborhoods. Its cultural diversity is evident in its culinary scene, where you can find delicious flavors from foods around the globe in its numerous restaurants and eateries. Scarborough also celebrates its multicultural heritage through festivals and events, showcasing its deep roots in Caribbean and island culture. A perfect location to expand on the Island flavours of Joey Turks Island Grill.

「在多倫多的東部區域Scarborough市的這個新地點位於一個充滿活力和多樣化的城市,擁有豐富的文化多樣性。它是大多倫多地區最大、人口最多的地區之一,擁有許多社區融爲一體。其文化多樣性表現在其烹飪場景中,在其中您可以在衆多餐廳和小吃店中找到來自世界各地的美味風味。Scarborough通過慶祝節日和活動來展示其在加勒比和島嶼文化方面根深蒂固的根源。這是擴展Joey Turks Island Grill島嶼風味的完美地點。」

"We anticipate that this location, anchored with neighbouring tenants such as Starbucks and Wal-Mart, will extend the Joey Turk's customer base in a densely populated area that aligns well with the brand's demographics. This presents us with substantial opportunities both in-store and through delivery services.

“我們預計,這個以Starbucks和Wal-Mart爲鄰的地點將擴展Joey Turk’s的客戶群在一個與品牌人口統計數據相符的高密度人口地區。這爲我們提供了實現商店和外送服務的巨大機會。”

"With a total of 376 contractually committed retail locations in the pipeline across all emerging brands in the Happy Belly Portfolio, our team is heads down sourcing and continually reviewing real estate locations, combing through franchisee applications, and working hand in hand with our area developers to accelerate the growth of our asset light franchising model.

「在Happy Belly資產組合中所有新興品牌的管道中,總共有376個合同承諾的零售地點,我們的團隊一直在積極尋找和不斷審查房地產位置,審核特許經營者申請,並與我們的區域開發人員密切合作,加速我們的資產輕負債特許經營模式的增長。」

"Our overarching strategy has always been to focus on the development and growth of emerging brands within the food sector. Anticipating the continued rollout of our franchising initiative, we expect these new franchised locations to contribute to the company's overall revenue and profitability."


About Joey Turks Island Grill

關於Joey Turks Island Grill

Joey Turks is your flavorful journey through the islands of the Caribbean, where the warmth and soul of every irresistible bite awaits. Our mission is to unlock the potential for widespread appreciation of authentic Island cuisine through a growing chain of island inspired restaurants. Joey Turks offers a tantalizing island-inspired menu, featuring a diverse array of dishes bursting with irresistible flavors. From savory jerk chicken and succulent island beef stew our menu captures the essence of the islands in every bite. Come Taste Paradise!

Joey Turks是您在加勒比島嶼旅程中的美味之旅,每一口不可抵擋的美食都沐浴着溫馨的靈魂。我們的使命是通過一系列不斷增長的島嶼靈感餐廳,解鎖對真正島嶼美食的廣泛欣賞。 Joey Turks提供令人垂涎的島嶼菜單,提供各種令人難以抗拒的美食。從美味的辣雞肉到多汁的島嶼牛肉燉菜,我們的菜單在每一口中捕捉了島嶼的精髓。來品嚐天堂吧!

About Happy Belly Food Group

關於Happy Belly Food Group

Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: HBFGF) is a leading consolidator of emerging food brands.

Happy Belly Food Group Inc.(CSE:HBFG)(OTCQB:HBFGF)是新興食品品牌的領先整合者。

For franchising inquiries please see or contact us at

如有特許經營諮詢,請瀏覽 或通過hello@happybellyfg.com與我們聯繫。

Happy Belly Food Group
Shawn Moniz
Founder, Chief Executive Officer

Happy Belly Food Group
Shawn Moniz



www: or email
If you wish to contact us please call: (604) 737-2303

網址: 或者發送郵件至
如果您希望與我們聯繫,請撥打電話:(604) 737-2303

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur and include the future performance of Happy Belly and her subsidiaries. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the business plans for Happy Belly described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis and other disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulators, which are posted on .

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