
Deveron Announces Settlement Agreement and Private Placement

Deveron Announces Settlement Agreement and Private Placement

newsfile ·  08/15 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 15, 2024) - Deveron Corp. (TSXV: FARM) ("Deveron" or the "Company"), a leading agriculture services and data company in North America, is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement (the "Settlement Agreement") with the principal of 2736130 Ontario Inc. ("2736"), Greg Patterson, which had sent a shareholder meeting requisition (the "Requisition") to the Company as previously announced on June 24, 2024, and certain directors and shareholders of the Company (together, the "Settlement Parties").

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年8月15日)-Deveron Corp. (TSXV:FARM)("Deveron"或"公司"),北美領先的農業服務和數據公司,很高興宣佈,公司已經與2736130 Ontario Inc. ("2736")的負責人Greg Patterson達成了一項協議("和解協議"),Greg Patterson曾於2024年6月24日宣佈向公司遞交了股東會召集申請書("申請書"),並與公司的某些董事和股東(統稱"和解方")達成了協議。

Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the Company intends to complete a non-brokered private placement offering ("Private Placement") for units of the Company ("Units") at an offering price of at least $0.07 per Unit for net proceeds of up to CAD$3,000,000 (with the ability to upsize an additional $400,000 upon the conversion of certain promissory notes of the Company). Each Unit shall be comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company ("Common Shares") and one half of one common share purchase warrant exercisable for 18 months at an exercise price of at least $0.10. The net proceeds of the Private Placement, which is subject to approval from the TSX Venture Exchange, will be used for general working capital purposes and for the partial repayment of certain promissory notes (the "Promissory Notes").

根據和解協議,公司打算完成一項爲期不超過30個月的非經紀人定向增發募資("定向增發"),發行公司的單元(「Units」),每個單元至少按照$0.07定價,累計得到高達$3,000,000的淨收益(在公司某些應收票據轉換後,最多可拓展至額外$400,000)。每個單元由公司的一筆普通股(「普通股」)和一個行權期爲18個月,行權價格至少爲$0.10的普通股購買權組成。定向增發的淨收益將用於一般性的運營資金和部分償還某些應收票據(「應收票據」),需交易所TSX Venture Exchange批准才可實施。

As part of the Settlement Agreement, so long as at least CAD$2,600,000 of net proceeds are raised under the Private Placement (the "Condition Precedent"):


  • Greg Patterson agrees to withdraw the Requisition and, along with the Settlement Parties, agrees to customary standstill covenants related to, among other things, the solicitation of proxies and the voting of securities of the Company, until the later of the day after the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders of the Company or the repayment of the Promissory Notes.
  • Greg Patterson同意撤回申請書,並與和解方一道同意遵守習慣性的靜止協議,包括但不限於就公司的代理徵集和證券投票等事宜,直到公司2025年股東年會後的第二天或還款應收票據爲止。
  • The repayment of the Promissory Notes will be extended 30 months and the relevant Settlement Parties agree to work towards development of a reasonable repayment plan.
  • 應收票據的還款期限將延長30個月,相關和解方同意在制定合理的還款計劃方面合作。
  • Greg Patterson will have the right to have one nominee (the "Initial Nominee") serve on the board of directors of the Company (the "Board") until the later of the 2025 annual meeting of shareholders of the Company or the repayment of the amounts outstanding under the Promissory Notes (the "Outside Date").
  • Greg Patterson將有權指定一名提名人(「初始提名人」)擔任公司的董事會(「董事會」)成員,直到2025年公司股東年會後的第二天或償還應收票據的金額爲止(「截止日期」)。
  • The Board will be fixed at five persons and Ron Patterson, as the initial nominee of Greg Patterson, will be appointed to the Board along with Albert Contardi. Upon the occurrence of certain specified events, Greg Patterson shall be entitled to replace Albert Contardi with an additional nominee to the Board.
  • 董事會將固定爲五人,並且Greg Patterson的初始提名人Ron Patterson將被任命爲董事會成員,Albert Contardi隨之被任命。在某些特定事件發生後,Greg Patterson將有權替換Albert Contardi並增加一位提名人到董事會。
  • To facilitate the transition to the new Board, Bill Linton, Chris Irwin, Joelle Faulkner and Tim Close agree to resign as directors of the Company such that the new Board will be comprised of Greg Patterson, Ron Patterson (who shall serve as Chair of the Board), Roger Dent, David MacMillan and Albert Contardi.
  • 爲方便過渡到新董事會,Bill Linton, Chris Irwin, Joelle Faulkner和Tim Close同意辭去公司董事的職務,使得新董事會將由Greg Patterson、Ron Patterson(擔任董事會主席), Roger Dent, David MacMillan和Albert Contardi組成。
  • The Settlement Parties agree to ensure that the Company does not take certain actions relating to, among other things, certain financings and acquisitions and dispositions, changes to the management of the Company or its subsidiaries or material changes in the business of the Company or its subsidiaries, without the approval of at least four directors.
  • 和解方同意確保公司不採取與融資、收購和出售、公司或其子公司管理的變更、公司或其子公司業務的實質性變更等相關的某些行動,除非至少四名董事批准。

"I am pleased to announce an agreement that supports the various issues our stakeholders have risen which will now allow the company to move forward and refocus its effort on the business," stated David MacMillan, Deveron's President and CEO. "In the short-term, I'm looking forward to working with our new Board as we head into the Company's busiest season servicing the testing needs of our customers. Additionally, the agreement to extend the promissory notes for a further 30 months continues to add flexibility with respect to our balance sheet. Deveron is one of North America's leading testing services providers in the agriculture and food space and we will continue to focus on being a trusted partner for our customers."

"我很高興宣佈達成一項協議,該協議支持股東們提出的各種問題,現在公司可以朝着業務發展的方向前進。" Deveron的總裁兼首席執行官David MacMillan表示:"短期內,我期待與我們的新董事會合作,以達到公司最忙碌的季節,爲客戶提供測試需求服務。此外,將應收票據延期30個月的協議,繼續爲我們的資產負債表增加了靈活性。Deveron是北美領先的農業和食品領域的測試服務提供商之一,我們將繼續專注於成爲客戶值得信賴的合作伙伴。"

In addition, upon the occurrence of the Condition Precedent, the Company has also agreed to reimburse fees and expenses incurred by Greg Patterson in the preparation and submission of the Requisition and execution of the Settlement Agreement. The full Settlement Agreement will be available under the Issuer's profile on SEDAR+.

此外,在前提條件發生後,公司還同意償付Greg Patterson因準備和提交申請書以及執行和解協議而發生的費用和支出。完整的和解協議將在SEDAR+上的發行方檔案下可用。

Notwithstanding the Settlement Agreement, the AGM is expected to be held as planned on October 4, 2024, to, among other things, elect the directors of the Company.


Additional Details on the Private Placement


Insiders may participate in the private placement and finders' fees may be paid in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policies. Any insider participation in the private placement will constitute a related party transaction within the meaning of TSX-V Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - "Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions" ("MI 61-101"). In that regard, the Company will rely on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements provided under sections 5.5(a), 5.5(b) and 5.7(a) of MI 61-101 on the basis that the fair market value (as determined under MI 61-101) of related party participation in the private placement will not exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization.

內部人士可以參與定向增發,並按照TSX Venture Exchange政策支付信息費用。任何內部人士參與定向增發將構成關聯方交易,依據TSX-V政策5.9和《多項法令61-101——特殊交易中的少數股東保護》(《MI 61-101》)進行處理。在這方面,公司將依據MI 61-101第5.5(a)、5.5(b)和5.7(a)條款的豁免規定,免除正式評估和少數股東批准要求,此規定是基於關聯方參與定向增發的公平市場價值(根據MI 61-101確定)不會超過公司市值的25%。



Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP is acting as legal counsel to Deveron in connection with the Requisition. Miller Thomson LLP is acting as legal counsel to Greg Patterson and the Settlement Shareholders in connection with the Requisition.

Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP擔任Deveron在申請書方面的法律顧問。Miller Thomson LLP擔任Greg Patterson和和解股東在申請書方面的法律顧問。

About Deveron: Deveron is an agriculture technology company that uses data and insights to help farmers and large agriculture enterprises increase yields, reduce costs and improve farm outcomes. The company employs a digital process that leverages data collected on farms across North America to drive unbiased interpretation of production decisions, ultimately recommending how to optimize input use. Our team of agronomists and data scientists build products that recommend ways to better manage fertilizer, seed, fungicide, and other farm inputs. Additionally, we have a national network of data technicians that are deployed to collect various types of farm data, from soil to drones, that build a basis of our best-in-class data layers. Our focus is the US and Canada where 1 billion acres of farmland are actively farmed annually.

關於Deveron: Deveron是一家農業技術公司,利用數據和洞見幫助農民和大型農業企業提高產量、降低成本和改善農場產出。公司採用數字流程,利用在北美各地收集的數據驅動生產決策的公正解釋,最終推薦優化投入使用的方法。我們的團隊由農業專家和數據科學家構成,構建產品,推薦更好地管理化肥、種子、殺菌劑和其他農業投入的方法。此外,我們還有一支部署在全國各地的數據技術人員網絡,收集各種類型的農場數據,從土壤到無人機,建立了我們最佳數據層的基礎。我們的重點是美國和加拿大,位於 1億英畝耕地每年都在積極開墾。

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David MacMillan
President & CEO

David MacMillan

This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including but not limited to statements about the timing of the Shareholder Meeting, the nomination of directors at the Shareholder Meeting, and the repayment of the promissory notes. Forward‐looking statements are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "in the event", "if", "believes", "asserts", "position", "intends", "envisages", "assumes", "recommends", "estimates", "approximate", "projects", "potential", "indicate" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements reflect management's current views with respect to possible future events and conditions and, by their nature, are based on management's beliefs and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management of the Company, are inherently subject to significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes to differ materially from current expectations. Such risks and uncertainties include, among others, litigation, regulatory, business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and other contingencies. Many factors could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These factors include, among others, uncertainties relating to the Shareholder Meeting, the repayment of the promissory notes, and other risk factors described in greater detail in the "Risk Factors" section of our annual and interim Management's Discussion and Analysis of our financial results and other continuous disclosure documents and financial statements we file with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities which are available at . There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the forward-looking information except as required by applicable law.


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